Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice/Characters
For characters that appear in multiple games in the series, see the main character sheet.
Voiced by: Hiromi Hirata (JP), Vic Mignogna (EN)
A demon "Honor Student" out to kill his father and take his place as Overlord. Reading far too much manga for his own good, he concludes that the best way to do this is to become the Hero because heroes always kick Overlord ass.
Tropes associated with Mao:
- Accidental Innuendo: An unintentional master of this, whether it's panting heavily and literally drooling over the developments in Almaz's body, demanding for Almaz to teach him about love, or telling Beryl's Girl Posse: "I'm not interested in praise. Reward me with something physical." See also Memetic Molester below.
- An Ice Person: His primary element.
- Anti-Hero: Type V.
- Badass Bookworm: He's an honor student who's also a powerful demon.
- Big Bad: Of Disgaea Infinite (arguably).
- Blush Sticker: Mao gets these, then he is turned on.
- Can't Act Perverted Toward A Rival:
What are you doing here, Beryl? Are you trying to interrupt my research again? I'm about to conduct a physics experiment on skirt lifting. Get out of here.
- On the other hand, this could be because Beryl wears proper tights, which kind of defeats the point of skirt-lifting.
- Closet Geek: He is the closet about liking heroes, truth is he might be as big a fan of them as Almaz and Flonne, if not more.
- Coat Cape: It is held around his neck by a chain.
- Combat Pragmatist: In the second fight against Raspberyl, it was implied he used Almaz as a shield.
- Cruel Mercy: The way he punishes Aurum in the normal ending.
- Depraved Bisexual
- Ditzy Genius
- Enemy Within: Dark Mao.
- Even Bad Men Love Their Papas: No, really!
- Even Heroes Have Heroes: Despite the regular insistence that he doesn't really like heroes and just collects video games and comic books for research, the fact that he is a fan of Super Hero Aurum is a significant plot point. Namely, when the hero dropped by 200 years ago asking for directions to the strongest Overlord in the area, Mao was happy to point him in the direction of his father and let slip his weak points for an autograph, not realizing that Aurum was actually going to kill his father (because heroes don't kill their opponents in cold blood, right?).
- Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: Despite all his research, he doesn't get concepts like 'courage' and 'love'.
- Evil Laugh: According to one of the flashbacks, Geoffrey went so far to more or less handcraft Mao's evil laugh for him.
- Expy: He's essentially Harry Potter if he were an evil Otaku.
- Face Heel Turn: In the worse ending.
- For Science!!
- Humans Are the Real Monsters: Due to Aurum.
- Ice King: His heart is literary as cold as ice.
- Insufferable Genius
- I Read It for the Articles: Mao insists that his massive superhero comic book collection is purely for research purposes. Really.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Lampshaded by Sapphire in the Super Hero Mao ending.
- Kick the Morality Pet: In the worse ending, he mocks Almaz after he dies which is seen as an in universe Moral Event Horizon instead of him grieving making everyone turn his back on him. He then attacks them, but once Beryl is gone, he loses it.
- Large Ham
- Literal Split Personality: The various Maos inside his own heart in Chapters 2 and 4.
- Mad Scientist
- Magic Knight: His highest aptitudes are ATK and INT, he can use both a sword and staff, and learns ice magic.
- Memetic Molester: In an in-universe episode preview, Etna portrays him as a sexual-molesting pervert. He objects.
- Nerdgasm: To the point that it unsettles just about everyone that's not him.
Almaz: You need help in more ways than one.
- No Sense of Personal Space: Mao has no compunctions against groping for the sake of science, as Almaz learned the hard way.
Almaz: I think I've just been violated.
- Odd Couple: With Almaz at the beginning.
- Oedipus Complex: Due to Aurum's brainwashing.
- Ominous Pipe Organ: "Fugue of Hell", Mao's Leitmotif.
- One-Winged Angel: Depending on how you interpret his final skill Vasa Aergun, he's either summoning a giant demon or transforming into it.
- Otaku: 4 million hours on a Slay Station Portable is pretty hardcore.
- Poke the Poodle: "...What? I only replaced all Stop signs with Yields, hid peoples' shoes, and prank called a few places at most."
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: 1578 years old.
- Scars Are Forever: Has a crescent-shaped scar on his forehead, which is obscured by his bangs, but can be seen in his Super Move Portrait Attack and his character design notes.
- Scary Shiny Glasses
- Smart People Wear Glasses
- Suicidal Cosmic Temper Tantrum: His reaction to Raspberyl's death in the bad ending.
- Super-Powered Evil Side: Manifests briefly in Chapter 5, fully manifests in the game's worst ending.
- Teen Genius: Even though he's Really Seven Hundred Years Old, he's still a teenager by netherworld standards.
- Those Wacky Nazis: Saucy Mao.
- Tights Under Shorts
- Too Kinky to Torture: Mao's biggest disappointment upon learning that his butler Geoffery has been experimenting on him while he's unconscious is that he wasn't awake to remember any of it... Well, the total breach of trust too, but mostly the former. When he confronts him about it, he demands video.
- Torture Technician: Comes natural with his love for experimenting and reconstructing his victims.
- Tsundere: Much like Laharl, if he does something good, he'll try to deny it.
- What Is This Thing You Call Love?: His research has left him convinced that roughly 70% of a hero's power comes from 'Love', but he doesn't comprehend it at all.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
- Why Don't You Marry It?: The rest of the group is pretty convinced that Mao likes mad science in that sort of way. He doesn't exactly help his case against it.
- Wrong Genre Savvy: In one bad ending.
Almaz von Almandine Adamant
Voiced by: Hiro Shimono (JP), Johnny Yong Bosch (EN)
A guardsman in the human world who goes to the Netherworld to fight the overlord to protect the princess. Gets his title stolen and all sorts of bad stuff comes his way.
Tropes associated with Almaz:
- Adorkable
- Alliterative Name: Almaz von Almandine Adamant.
- Anti-Hero: Type 1. Graduates to full hero by the end of the game.
- Awesome McCoolname: Lampshaded.
- Back from the Dead: To get his hero title back was all it took.
- Bad Liar
- The Chew Toy: My god... this guy is unlucky. Taken to Woobie levels especially in the Almaz ending.
- Classical Anti-Hero
- Cowardly Lion
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Gains considerable courage from Sapphire's presence.
- Curtains Match the Window: Not so unusual in real life, but in the Disgaea universe, the color of his hair and eyes is as unusual as any other wacky color.
- The Cutie: A rare male version.
- Deadpan Snarker: In part because he's a chew toy.
- Even Heroes Have Heroes: Almaz is a tremendous Super Hero Aurum fanboy, and admits to owning a tremendous amount of merchandise based on him. Naturally, he has the most trouble out of the main characters in accepting that Aurum is really evil.
- Fingerless Gloves
- Gameplay and Story Integration: In Dark Hero Days, Hanako apparently summons him from the future after he and Sapphire are married, and as a result, the two have a 99% chance of pulling off a combo attack at all times.
- The Heart: Functions as the member that keeps everyone together. It shows in the worse ending where his death triggers everyone to turn on Mao because he refused to grieve for him.
- Heroic Wannabe
- I Can't Believe A Girl Like You Would Notice Me: His reaction to Sapphire's interest in him.
- Idiot Hair
- Improbably Cool Name
- Karmic Transformation: Almaz eventually realizes that his transformation into a demon was one of these.
- Kill the Cutie: Near the end of the game, he gets killed shortly after protecting Sapphire. Naturally, it doesn't last long. Only in the worse ending does he stay dead, and it triggers a string of unfortunate events.
- The Lancer
- Laser-Guided Karma: The cause of his example of Throw the Dog a Bone and Rags to Royalty.
- Made a Slave: Mao's slave at that.
- Man in White: White uniform and very much genuinely good.
- The Messiah: Minus that one moment in Chapter 4, Almaz fits the qualities of one. Kind and caring, always willing to help someone out even if he doesn't know them and is willing to see the good in people no matter how cruel they are. He was even willing to stay with Mao and convince him to stop his plan in attacking the human world and depending on the ending depends on whether or not he is successful.
- Mismatched Eyes: Some official art suggests that he's developed this midway into his transformation into a demon.
- Morality Pet: Not to the extent of Beryl, but also serves as one to Mao as shown in the worse ending where his death contributes part of Mao's Face Heel Turn and turns everyone against Mao.
- My God, What Have I Done?: His reaction to what he does to Mao in Chapter 4. Thinking he did a good thing by pulling the plug and shutting down his father inside of his heart, Almaz didn't realize that he mentally destroyed Mao in the process.
- Nice Guy: Oh so much.
- No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: The Almaz ending.
- Odd Couple: With Mao in the beginning, when it is just the two of them on the team.
- Only Sane Man: To his chagrin, given what he's surrounded by.
- Rags to Royalty: He marries Sapphire in the normal ending.
- Scarf of Asskicking: He kicks ass when he needs to.
- Tender Tears: Sheds them for Mao after everyone recognizes him as the freshman leader given Mao won't cheer on the outside. Naturally, Mao is disturbed by this act.
- They Do: With Sapphire in the normal ending.
- Throw the Dog a Bone: Epilogue to normal end, see below.
- The Von Trope Family: Almaz von Almandine Adamant.
- What the Hell, Hero?: While Almaz didn't know that pulling the plug would make Mao's mind revert back to a baby, announcing his attentions after he promised Mao he would stay by his side and then later using the Princess as an excuse for wanting to leave the Netherworld while Mao was in that infant state gets him chewed out by Geoffrey, Champloo and Sapphire with Sapphire being the one that sends him into a minor Heroic BSOD, but quickly recovering thanks to Champloo's lecture that makes him go back into Mao's heart to set things right.
- Yank the Dog's Chain: In the cruelest way possible during the Almaz ending. Ouch.
Princess Sapphire Rhodonite
Voiced by: Akiko Hasegawa (JP), Stephanie Sheh (EN)
Princess of her kingdom. Very aggressive despite her appearance. Probably best described as a Cloudcuckoolander raised by Machiavelli. Has decided that the best way not to be a Damsel in Distress is to kill via preemptive strike anyone who might kidnap her.
Tropes associated with Sapphire:
- Action Girl
- Ax Crazy: Was she raised by the World Eaters, dood?
- Badass Normal: Along with most humans in your party.
- Battle Couple: See Hot Amazon's spoilers below; also leads to Gameplay and Story Integration with a 99% combo rate in Dark Hero Days.
- Chainsaw Good
- The Chick: That being said, the only way she'll ever try to "open your heart" is with a chainsaw.
- Combat Medic
- Cuteness Proximity: Sends Beryl to Marshmallow Hell upon meeting her, and later sets off a trap that uses a stuffed animal for bait.
- Dark-Skinned Blond: More like dirty white than full on blonde.
- Everything's Better with Princesses: Inversion: princesses are better because Sapphire is one of them.
- Girl with Psycho Weapon: Her chainsaw, played for laughs in one of the games more well known (funniest) scenes. Also proficient with axes.
- Hades Shaded
- Hellish Pupils: While common in Disgaea, hers deserve special mention because a) she's not a demon, and b) they're star shaped.
- Hello, Nurse!: Game play, not story as her evility is like Rozalin's in Disgaea 2.
- Heroic Comedic Sociopath
- Hot Amazon: Complete with weaker boyfriend and later husband.
- I Am a Monster: "Demons are cold and heartless, huh? Then maybe... I truly am a demon."
- Kicking Ass in All Her Finery: Her clothes are still very fancy and opulent, yet still allow her to brawl.
- Lady of War
- Murder Is the Best Solution: Her natural conclusion to nearly every problem that arises.
- My Eyes Are Leaking: Sapphire doesn't realize that she's crying for the very first time until Almaz points it out to her.
- Ojou
- One Woman Army
- Pretty in Mink: Her royal ensemble includes a jacket trimmed with fur.
- Save the Princess: Inverted. She watched a countless stream of servants and heroes get themselves killed in her name. Now she's going to kill anything and everything that might threaten a hero. And she can. Also the reason she's Ax Crazy.
- Secret Test of Character: When chewing Almaz out in Chapter 4, it was a test to see if he was really the kind of person she thought he was, thus worthy of her affection.
- Shipper on Deck: If the drama CDs are anything to go by, seems like she ships Beryl and Mao.
- Single Woman Seeks Good Man
- Suddenly Fluent in Gibberish: Subverted. She doesn't really understand what regressed Mao is saying... she's just kinda hoping that he's allowing them to murder the residents of his heart.
- Technicolor Eyes: Neon green with white star-shaped pupils.
- They Do: With Almaz in the normal ending.
- Unable to Cry
- Unicorn: Sapphire summons a healing unicorn in her last Special Attack.
- Violently Protective Girlfriend: Many of her blood thirsty thoughts are due to this.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
- Yandere: And how! Almaz tends to be safe from her murderous impulses, though he does get hit by her on occasion...
- Zettai Ryouiki
Voiced by: Chiwa Saitou (JP), Laura Bailey (EN)
Mao's childhood friend and the school's resident delinquent (a position which she maintains by being an almost Messianic Do-Gooder) who tries to talk Mao out of the whole "Hero" thing because she thinks he might end up stealing her thunder. Calls herself Beryl and comes with her own posse of Technical Pacifists.
Tropes associated with Raspberyl:
- Alpha Bitch: Beryl is the demonic version of this, which is an inversion.
- Anti-Anti-Christ: Okay, not nearly as dramatic as most examples, but she's a demon who's rebelling against the perceived notion of "demonness".
- Arranged Rivalry: With Mao, as arranged by their parent. May be a Perfectly Arranged Rivalry at that.
- Badass Adorable
- Badass Bookworm
- Badass in Distress: During Chapter 3.
- Blush Sticker: Gets them when she is very happy.
- Cooldown Hug: Uses this to prevent Mao's really evil side, a borderline Cosmic Horror from taking over. TWICE!!
- Curtains Match the Window: Pink hair, pink eyes.
- Cute Monster Girl: According to Sapphire, at least.
- Cutesy Dwarf
- Delinquents: An inversion as she is considered a delinquent because she's an unashamed Goody-Two Shoes, yet glories in opposing her society's standard for its own sake.
- The Fettered: By her dedication to being a delinquent, to the point that she's forced to bow out of fighting Mao several times because she has to hurry off to class or make it home before her self-imposed curfew.
- Girl Posse: Kyoko and Asuka.
- Horned Humanoid
- In-Series Nickname: As mentioned above, she prefers to go by Beryl.
- Lovable Alpha Bitch
- Meganekko: In Raspberyl Mode.
- Morality Pet; To Mao.
- Morality Chain: When she dies in the bad ending.
- Never Trust a Trailer: The opening shows demons raising their arms and singing as Beryl runs down the halls into class, as if they're praising her. Two big problems with this: a) All of Evil Academy seem to despise her for being a Noble Demon, and b) She would never even consider running down the halls. She even tells Kyoko and Asuka not to ever dare do it practically at the very beginning of the game, before we even know who she is.
- Trailers Always Spoil: While she would never run in the halls, it turns out her demonic peers actually respect her and are grateful for her help, even if they're mostly too obsessed with appearing properly evil. When she's kidnapped, several express concern, and Mao actually doing something about it earns him high regard.
- Older Than They Look: 1578 years old, but if you take into account the 100 years = 1 year Demon/Human age exchange rate, she should not look like she's ten, other than the fact that the character designer is a shameless Lolicon.
- Onee-Sama: How Kyoko and Asuka address her in Japanese; translated as 'my lady'.
- Playing with Fire: Her primary element.
- Proper Tights with a Skirt
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: 1578.
- Sailor Fuku
- Shipper on Deck: She just loves pairing Adell and Rozalin up; in both the DLC in Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice and the extra content in Dark Hero Days. She also enjoyed watching Almaz and Sapphire develop into a couple throughout the main game. Being a Shipper on Deck is a requirement for being a delinquent it seems.
- Ship Tease: With Mao.
- Especially in Raspberyl Mode. Honestly, she couldn't be more obvious really.
- The Smart Guy
- Squee: How she reacts to things like meeting a rare spawn like a hero, or seeing elusive skills like love and affection in action.
- Tsundere: Type-B with Mao.
Mr. Champloo
Voiced by: Keiichi Kuwabara (JP), Christopher Corey Smith (EN)
Evil Academy's legendary, strict Home Economics teacher, an incredibly enthusiastic practitioner of the deadly Fire Chaos Style Kitchen Fist. He has a tendency to make wise observations wrapped in cooking metaphors, but he's also surprisingly competent and notably altruistic. Tags along with Mao for his own reasons, but seems to know an awful lot about a variety of things despite not being on the school's payroll or its insurance.
Tropes associated with Mr. Champloo:
- Batman Gambit: Not the orchestrator, but the prime agent of it. The orchestrator is Mao's dad.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: Who knew that various cooking styles could translate so well into deadly martial arts techniques?
- Chekhov's Gunman: Has elements of this that are revealed in the final episode.
- Hot-Blooded: Quite, quite so.
- Hotblooded Sideburns: You could swear the man stepped straight out of Getter Robo, Hot-Blooded-ness and all.
- Ice Cream Koan: Any life-lesson can be explained with cooking metaphors. He and Almaz get into quite a lengthy conversation using nothing but these in Chapter 4.
- Large Ham: With a delicious seasoning and glaze.
- Noble Demon: Doesn't even bother pretending to be evil and appears to actually care about Mao and others' well-being.
- Power Fist: Fire Chaos Style Kitchen Fist is deadly indeed!
- Real Men Cook
- Team Chef: He's a Home Ec teacher. You gotta figure he knows how to cook.
- Verbal Tic: BOOM!
Master Big Star
Voiced by: Chihiro Suzuki (JP), Liam O'Brien (EN)
The Sophomore Class Leader. A good-looking gentleman who does a fantastic job at being a leader, and looks down upon Mao for lacking good leadership traits.
Tropes associated with Master Big Star:
- Awesome McCoolname: Subverted after part of his name gets stolen.
Almaz: In case you were all wondering, "Master" is actually his first name.
- Big Man on Campus
- Bishie Sparkle
- Bishounen
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: He asked the developers himself after his unfortunate letter event to fix his name, but he said that they told him that they refused the five times he reported it because it was supposed to look like that in the scene. Not that you should feel surprised.
- Cape Wings: Inverted: his wings serves as his two pieced cape.
- The Dandy: Supplies the page image.
- Estrogen Brigade Bait: One of his abilities even increases the stats of adjacent female allied units.
- A Father to His Men
- Full-Name Basis: Starts regretting it after someone steals the space and letter "a" in his name, and could only afford a new "e", changing his name to Master Bigster. He asks the cast to stop after this, but they refuse.
- Never Trust a Trailer: The opening shows him fighting Mao alongside Salvatore. However, not only is he never fought until the post-game, but he and Salvatore were in an all-out war against each other.
- Peek-a-Bangs
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: 2,764.
- Something About a Rose: He holds one in his official art and his idle animation.
- Whip It Good: His new attack in Raspberyl mode, a "Rose Whip" like that of Kurama from Yu Yu Hakusho.
Salvatore the Magnificent
Voiced by: Miho Yamada (JP), Michelle Ruff (EN)
A member of the Diez Gentlemen. She is an military woman who gives (impossible) orders to her enemies as well as her own men. Quits the Diez Gentlemen soon after she discovers she was working for Super Hero Aurum the whole time.
Tropes associated with Salvatore:
- The Baroness: Mostly the Sexpot variant, although she has elements of the Rosa Klebb (Almaz's reaction to her statement that Baal stole her "womanliness" is basically, "what womanliness?").
- BFG: Great Gun King, a skill where she summons a Big Freaking GOLDEN Gun out of nowhere, shoots a Big Freaking BULLET out of it, and rides the bullet as it speeds toward the targets.
- Commissar Cap
- Heel Face Turn: Starts out as an enemy, but switches sides later.
- Hell-Bent for Leather
- Its Pronounced Tropay: Her name is pronounced "SAL-vuh-TOR-ay" by everyone except Mao, who calls her "SAL-vuh-tor", which is how the name is usually pronounced.
- Lady of War
- The Magnificent: Duh.
- Never Trust a Trailer: See Master Big Star's entry above.
- Rapunzel Hair
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: 2,666.
- Who Wears Short Shorts?
- Zettai Ryouiki
Super Hero Aurum
Voiced by: Gorou Kubota (JP), Dave Wittenberg (EN)
A legendary super hero from the past. The truth about him is not pleasant. Was originally a hero that fought evil demons, and hearing that Mao's father was supposed to be the strongest overlord, came to Evil Academy to kill him. He came across him after he had crushed Mao's games, and in exchange for giving Mao his autograph, Mao told him his father's weakpoints, not aware Aurum was planning on killing him. Finding Mao's father to be too easy a fight, Aurum actually found his victory boring and was frightened by the thought that everyone would forget about him, but noticing Mao's Super-Powered Evil Side, he planned to train Mao to become a new villain to fight. Is revealed late in the game to have been masquerading as Mao's butler Geoffrey behind the senior students trying to turn all of evil academy into delinquents.
Tropes associated with Aurum.
- And I Must Scream: His fate in the normal ending.
- Becoming the Mask: In one ending, Mao refuses to kill him. Realizing that he's stuck, Aurum resumes his role as Geoffrey.
- Big Bad: Geoffrey's been grooming Mao to be a powerful overlord that he, as Super Hero Aurum, can take down.
- Big No: In the end.
- Blood Knight
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: Upon revealing himself, the gang get ready to battle him as the final boss; he decides to let you save before finally facing him.
- Chekhov's Gunman: As Geoffrey.
- Chewing the Scenery: Any time he uses his "Hero voice".
- Death Seeker: He's not just looking to die... he's looking to die in a blaze of glory to something unimaginably powerful, the only way a proper hero should die. He actually has died several times in the past, it simply wasn't allowed to stick. This may have been one of the things that sent him over the edge.
- Heel Face Brainwashing: In Raspberyl Mode, due to Mao.
- Hypercompetent Sidekick: As Geoffrey, he has a knack for anticipating most everything Mao needs. In Raspberyl Mode, where he's brainwashed to stay as Geoffrey, but is also Mao's mind controlled slave, it's practically a Running Gag where something comes up, and he planned for it in advance.
- Karma Houdini: In the Super Hero Mao ending.
- Laughably Evil: Switches between this and full-blown villain.
- One-Winged Angel: Invoked and lampshaded by both him and Mao, respectively.
- Strapped to An Operating Table: Strapped to Mao's operating table in the normal ending.
- Unusual Eyebrows: Curly ones that swoop upward, a trait that he retains when disguised as Geoffry.
Asuka Cranekick and Kyoko Needleworker
Asuka and Kyoko are two female demons, a Lady Samurai and Ninja respectively, who work alongside Raspberyl as "demon delinquents". They join the team along with Beryl after their graduation.
Tropes associated with Asuka and Kyoko:
- Bare Your Midriff
- Color-Coded for Your Convenience: Both wear copious amounts of the same shade of pink as Beryl's hair.
- The Dividual
- Fainting: Asuka nearly does an Emotional Faint when Mao kills the first Beryl doppelganger without warning.
- The Fettered: Same as their lady.
- Girl Posse
- Highly-Visible Ninja: Justified with Kyoko as being stealthy is not the delinquent way, preferring to fight in broad daylight instead. It's also probably so that her outfit matches with Raspberyl and Asuka.
- Meaningful Name: Asuka enjoys folding paper cranes, while Kyoko is an avid seamstress.
- Palette Swap: Of the Lady Samurai and the Kunoichi, respectively. Oddly enough, they still have a single unique move each.[1]
- Paper Master: Asuka.
- Rapunzel Hair: Like all Shrine Maidens/Lady Samurai, Asuka wears hers in a ponytail.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Subtle, but still present. Kyoko is generally the first of the pair to speak up and shows her emotions more strongly, particularly when it comes to her Onee-Sama Beryl. Asuka, meanwhile, is more soft-spoken and calmer, though she shows Raspberyl just as much respect.
- Tomboyish Ponytail: Kyoko's sweeps upwards, while Asuka's sweeps back and downward. Both styles keep it out of the way.
- Yamato Nadeshiko: Asuka is one according to her Evility.
The Vato Bros.
Tropes associated with the Vato Bros.:
- Goldfish Poop Gang
- Ineffectual Sympathetic Villains
- Irony: Mao, with his 1.8 Million evil IQ, can't wrap his mind around basic concepts like friendship and love. The Vato Brothers despite being weaker and not as quick on the uptake practically run on friendship.
- Palette Swap: They're ordinary orcs who just happen to be purple.
- The Power of Friendship: Firm believers in this.
- Took a Level in Badass: With the help of their 200,000 family members.
- Verbal Tic: Each one has a different copula (Ese for Chewie, homes for Cholo, and weddo for Churro).
- Lampshaded later when they temporarily drop it, and Mao can't tell the difference between them.
- Their Japanese verbal tics are the same as their names: Yansu, Zansu and Gozansu.
- When All You Have Is a Hammer: They have one strategy: calling upon their friends for help. They just apply this in different ways.
A bizarre girl with the ability to shape shift. She, like Salvatore, is a member of the Diez Gentlemen.
Tropes associated with BeyondX:
- Cosplay Otaku Girl: Due to her shapeshifting ability others view her as such, although she denies it.
- Though when you run into her in the Item World's Innocent towns, she sometimes does ask about Mao's opinion on cosplaying girls.
- Horny Devils: One of her "disguises" is that of Ms. Machiko, a succubus.
- Palette Swap: Of the generic mage class.
- Strong as They Need to Be: While not the first Disgaea boss to change levels from different times, it's probably worth noting that when you talk to her in the hub area when she's Ms. Machiko, she's listed as level 500, which puts her as being more powerful than the final boss. Both times you fight her, she's nowhere nearly that powerful.
- Voluntary Shapeshifting: Which she uses for (cosplay) covert operations.
Voiced by: Sayuri Yahagi (JP)
A 15-year old halfling Nekomata raised on Earth. She's unfamiliar with the ways of the Netherworld, so she transfers to Evil Academy to learn more. Though gentle and trusting, she packs a lot of power into her small frame. She's one of two new characters exclusive to the PS Vita re-release.
Tropes associated with Rutile:
- Catgirl: She's got a tail and cat-ears.
- Combat Medic
- Cute Little Fangs
- Delinquents: Inverted example, much like Raspberyl. She's basically touted as being more of a Delinquent than Raspberyl, even though all she did was pay her school fees.
- Does Not Know Her Own Strength: Another reason for her transfer to the Netherworld is to get a better hold on her strength, as she's accidentally destroyed stuff in the Human World schools, causing her to be ostracized.
- Eyes of Gold
- Half-Human Hybrid: Her father is human. Her mother is a Nekomata demon.
- Human Mom, Nonhuman Dad: Inverted, as her mother is a Nekomata demon.
- The Mole: Forced into this by Stella, who was using her for her own plans.
- Nice Girl: Very trusting of others, though a bit naive.
- Pint-Sized Powerhouse
- Power Fist: Her most proficient weaponry set is fists, thanks to training from her mother.
- Sailor Fuku: But only the top.
- Who Wears Short Shorts?
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Her hair is dark blue.
Stella Grossular
Voiced by: Saori Hayami (JP)
The sole daughter of the Chief Director of Death Institute, Majin Academy, a rival school to Evil Academy, and also its acting Student Body President. She raises monsters, with slimes and zombies being her favorites. She has a spoiled, uppity attitude, which is strangely countered by an immature, prank-loving side. The second of the two new characters.
Tropes associated with Stella:
- Detached Sleeves
- Heroine Prefers Swords
- Horned Humanoid
- Not So Different: Largely parallels Mao, including the loss of her father to Aurum and having to come to terms with it.
- Ojou: Believes everything she does is "elegant".
- One-Winged Angel: Her "Flame Hazard" special transforms her into a gigantic lava lizard.
- Playing with Fire: She even has an evility that drops the fire resistances of everyone else on the map aside from herself.
- Princess Curls
- Really 700 Years Old: 1657 years old.
- Tsundere: Type A.
- ↑ Two in Raspberyl Mode.