< Digimon Adventure 02

Digimon Adventure 02/Characters

Main Cast

Daisuke Motomiya (Davis Motomiya)

"We can't stop now, we'll never get a chance like this again!"

Daisuke is the designated leader of the new Digidestined/Chosen Children; brash, cheerful, and energetic. He's also Taichi's Expy, to the point of wearing the former's trademark goggles. Although he's very much an underdog at first, he's about the only cast member who doesn't have mild-to-serious psychological issues. This emotional stability ends up being his greatest asset. He has a hopeless crush on Hikari, but gradually idolizes her less as time goes on.

In the conclusion of 02, he becomes a noodle cart owner.

Voiced by: Reiko Kiuchi (JP), Brian Donovan (EN)

Miyako Inoue (Yolei Inoue)


Miyako is a curious and hyper girl who seems to thoroughly enjoy exploring the Digital World, and has a knack for being technologically savvy. Has two big sisters and a big brother that she feels hog the spotlight (wait, that sounds familiar). Notably, she is the only known Chosen Children to have a Digimon of the opposite gender.

In the conclusion of 02, she marries Ken and becomes a house wife.

Voiced by: Rio Natsuki (JP), Tifanie Christun (EN)

Iori Hida (Cody Hida)

Iori is the youngest and most reserved of the new team, rather quiet and standoffish compared to the others. He seems to practice a zen-like religion, keeping him fairly stoic throughout. He is also a kendoist, and relies on his wise, yet quirky, grandfather for advice.

In the conclusion of 02, he becomes a defense attorney.

Voiced by: Megumi Urawa (JP), Philece Sampler (EN)


Takeru Takaishi (Takeru"T.K."Takaishi)

Having grown up a little, Takeru serves as the warm, friendly Lancer of the new Chosen team. Nonetheless, he is a bit more cynical and a bit shellshocked from his previous adventures. Together, he and Hikari often explain how the Digital World works to the new kids.

In the conclusion of 02, he becomes an author. He was also Narrator All Along for the 02 series.

Voiced by: Taisuke Yamamoto (JP), Doug Erholtz (EN)

Hikari Yagami (Hikari"Kari"Kamiya)

Even though she has grown up, Hikari remains sweet and gentle, having tempered her innocence with wisdom. However, she still has issues that come back to haunt her, usually when she least expects it.

In the conclusion of 02, she becomes a kindergarten teacher.

Voiced by: Kae Araki (JP), Lara Jill Miller (EN)

Ken Ichijouji, Part 1 (Digimon Emperor/Digimon Kaiser)

"Of course, I am the only perfect human being."

A mysterious, human villain (a first for the series) who's taken over the Digital World and is causing random destruction and terror, using Dark Spires to prevent evolution and Dark Rings to mind-control Digimon.

Voiced by: Romi Park (JP), Derek Stephen Prince (EN)

Ken Ichijouji, part 2 (post-Digimon Emperor/Kaiser)

"I know I can never be forgiven for what I've done...I'll atone for my own sins."

Ken after realizing the Digital World isn't a video game, and having to face up to all the evil stuff he's done. Ridden with guilt and sorrow, he works hard to try and clean up his act, but perhaps will never completely get over it. Thankfully, Davis and Wormmon seem pretty determined to help him reform.

In the conclusion of 02, he marries Miyako and becomes a detective (a police officer in the original Japanese version).

Supporting Cast

For more info about the original generation characters, check the Digimon Adventure characters page.

Taichi Yagami (Taichi "Tai" Kamiya)

Voiced by: Toshiko Fujita (JP), Joshua Seth (EN)

Yamato Ishida (Yamato "Matt" Ishida)

Voiced by: Yuuto Kazama (JP), Michael Reisz (EN)

Sora Takenouchi

  • Chickification: Played with. In Digimon Adventure, she was feisty and strong, and took pride in doing things by herself and not needing to be rescued. In Adventure 02, she love to get hit with the Distress Ball (see below). It's not complete, though, as she still has her moments when she's shown to be a capable fighter, as when she's fighting alongside the Russian DigiDestined, though even there she and Miyako needed to be rescued..
  • Distress Ball: The former poster girl for this trope.
  • Girliness Upgrade: Used to love soccer and despised her mom's plan for her to study flower-arranging. By Adventure 02, has traded soccer for tennis and has gladly taken up flower-arranging. She also has longer hair and dresses more girly. By the epilogue, this is complete with Sora becoming a fashion designer.
  • Relationship Upgrade: With Yamato.

Koushirou Izumi (Koushirou "Izzy" Izumi)

Voiced by: Umi Tenjin (JP), Mona Marshall (EN)

  • Sempai-Kohai: He's Miyako's sempai in the Computer Club.
  • Mission Control: On occasion. In all seriousness though, he probably remains the most involved of the old team helping from the real world with his computer.
  • Teen Genius

Mimi Tachikawa

Voiced by: Ai Maeda (JP), Philece Sampler (EN)

  • Cool Big Sis
  • Dye Hard
  • The Messiah: Continuing on from Adventure. Here, she even lets a brainwashed Digimon beat her up because she refused to let him hurt others.
  • Rose-Haired Girl
  • Unlimited Wardrobe: Has the most costume and hair-style changes out of all the other characters in this season.
  • What Could Have Been: Early character design sketches showed a lot more alternate outfits Mimi would have. Thankfully, some of them didn't make it into the final draft, and the most unfortunate we got was the one with the Funny Afro.

Joe/Jou Kido

Voiced by: Masami Kikuchi (JP), Michael Lindsay (EN)

June Motomiya (Jun Motomiya)

Jun is Daisuke's older sister. She doesn't figure much into the plot, but has a large crush on Yamato.

Voiced by: Kazusa Morai (JP), Peggy O Neal (EN)

Willis (Wallace)

Voiced by: Nami Miyahara (JP), Bob Glouberman (EN)

  • The All-American Boy: His physical design has shades of this, especially when he wears his overalls as a child.
  • Blue Eyes
  • Body Horror: Oh, God, yes. Wendigomon unleashes laser cannons from its torso flesh, but its Cherubimon that takes the cake with his rotting ears, rotting frill, and flesh that tears like paper (not mentioning, of course, that he bleeds black snow). The sheer wrongness of how Cherubimon works is as much of a threat as Cherubimon itself.
  • Character Development
  • Cross-Dressing Voices: True in Japan, averted in the dub.
  • Dub Name Change: From Wallace to Willis. Mystifyingly, as Wallace is already an English name and he's from America.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: Is one of the major opponent tamers in D-1 Tamers, which occurs before the series proper. Chew on that, Continuity.
    • When Hurricane Touchdown was absorbed into Digimon The Movie, Willis ended up absorbing the Info Dump roles of two of Koushirou's foreign friends. He also managed to create the Digimon that became Diaboromon when its egg was infected by a virus.
  • Eldritch Abomination: Cherubimon Vice.
  • Everythings Better With Bunnies: Both of Willis' digimon have some decidedly rabbit-like traits (Terriermon and his Evolution Line have contributed to the fandom-term "rabbit-dog" for both variants); Subverted quite powerfully in that one of them grows up to be Wendigomon, and then Cherubimon Vice.
  • Free-Range Children: The boy hitch-hikes from New York to Colorado, which is how he meets Davis, Yolei, and Cody.
  • Friendless Background: Out of fear that Kokomon would attack anyone too close to him.
  • I Work Alone: In the beginning.
  • Momma's Boy: He's shown going out of his way to call his mother frequently in the Japanese version.
  • Phenotype Stereotype
  • Ship Tease: With Hikari and Miyako. Possibly Daisuke.
  • Surprisingly Good English: Book Ends the movie with it, though he self-identifies as "Warus".
  • This Is Your Brain on Evil/The Corruption: In the prologue, Kokomon is spirited away by some ill-defined force; when he returns, he's bigger, nastier, more violent, and consumed with a fixation on playing with Willis. Since he's vaguely aware Willis has grown up, he decides to get a hold of every kid he can find with the same model of digivice.
    • With every evolution, he loses more and more hold on his actual self and becomes more and more of a perversion of childish innocence; its Mega form (identified in external materials as Cherubimon - Vice) is a Giant Monster Clown Rabbit with a really freaky laugh.
      • Cherubimon is at that point basically an avatar of whatever force kidnapped Kokomon. When Hikari first sees Wendigomon, she describes it as a "crying digimon". When she first sees Cherubimon Vice, she realizes that the crying digimon is completely absent.
  • What Could Have Been: On the first version of Fox Kids' movie website, Willis' name was left as "Wallace." Updated versions replaced his name with "Willis", seemingly indicating that the movie was initially going to keep his original name.

Main Digimon

Veemon (V-mon)

Daisuke's partner, a blue dragon-ish wisecracker who quickly becomes best buds with his partner.

His digivolutions are as follows:

    • Fresh: Chibomon (Chicomon), a blue blob.
    • In-Training: DemiVeemon (Chibimon), a miniature (and cuter) version of Veemon. Blows bubbles.
    • Rookie: Veemon, his default form.
    • Armors:
      • Courage: Flamedramon (Fladramon), a larger Veemon with red fire armor.
      • Friendship: Raidramon (Lighdramon), a larger Veemon on all fours with black electric armor.
      • Miracles: Magnamon, a larger Veemon with golden armor.
    • Champion: ExVeemon (XV-mon). A giant bulked-up Veemon with wings.
    • Ultimate (DNA): Paildramon, essentially ExVeemon with Stingmon's armor with hip-mounted machine guns.
    • Mega (DNA): Imperialdramon, a big black dragon with red wings.
      • Imperialdramon Fighter Mode, a humanoid version of Imperialdramon.
      • Imperialdramon Paladin Mode, basically an all-white Fighter Mode with a BFS.

Voiced by: Junko Noda (JP), Derek Stephen Prince (EN)


Miyako's partner, a gentlemanly hawk-like Digimon who is about the only known case of a Digimon partner the opposite gender of their Digidestined. A little more down-to-earth than Yolei, but that doesn't stop him showing off.

His digivolutions are as follows:

    • Fresh: Pururumon, a pink blob with a beak.
    • In-Training: Poromon, a tiny pink ball with wings and a feather. Blows bubbles.
    • Rookie: Hawkmon, his default form.
    • Armors:
    • Champion: Aquilamon, a big red eagle with horns.
    • Ultimate (DNA): Silphymon, a white & red warrior with Hawkmon's feathers, Gatomon's ears, and a metal visor.

Voiced by: Koichi Tochika (JP), Neil Kaplan (EN)

Armadillomon (Armadimon)

Iori's partner, a burrowing Digimon with a gennern accent in the dub. He has a very grounded, folksy personality to contrast Iori's calmness.

    • Fresh: Tsubumon, a yellow ball with a feather.
    • In-Training: Upamon, a tiny yellow ball with "gills" on the sides of his head. Blows bubbles.
    • Rookie: Armadillomon, his default form.
    • Armors:
    • Champion: Ankylomon, an ankylosaurus.
    • Ultimate (DNA): Shakkoumon, a white and gold angel/clay doll combination.

Voiced by: Megumi Urawa (JP), Robert Axelrod (EN)


First seen as the Digimon Emperor's minion, a caterpillar-like Digimon who eventually rebels to help the Digidestined defeat him. Doesn't do too much after Ken's Heel Face Turn, but evolves into Stingmon and is awesome.

    • Fresh: Leafmon, a green blob with a leaf.
    • In-Training: Minomon, Wormmon's head attached to a pinecone. Blows bubbles.
    • Rookie: Wormmon, his default form.
    • Champion: Stingmon. A green bug themed warrior.
    • Ultimate (DNA): Paildramon, essentially ExVeemon with Stingmon's armor with hip-mounted machine guns.
    • Mega (DNA): Imperialdramon, a big black dragon with red wings.
      • Imperialdramon Fighter Mode, a humanoid version of Imperialdramon.
      • Imperialdramon Paladin Mode, basically an all-white Fighter Mode with a BFS.

Voiced by: Naozumi Takahashi (JP), Paul St Peter (EN)


He's back with Takeru and has probably changed less than his partner has, which causes a bit of angst. Rarely if ever becomes Angemon.

His new Digivolutions this season are:

    • Armor:
      • Hope: Pegasusmon (Pegasmon), a golden-armored winged horse.
    • Ultimate (DNA): Shakkoumon, a white and gold angel/clay doll combination.
    • Mega: Seraphimon (movie only), a blue armored angel with ten wings.

Voiced by: Miwa Matsumoto (JP), Laura Summer (EN)

Gatomon (Tailmon)

Back and a little more friendly now, although she's had a power downgrade after losing her tail-ring. Without it, she's only as powerful as a rookie.

Her new Digivolutions this season are:

    • Armor:
      • Light: Nefertimon, a flying cat with Egyptian-themed armor.
    • Ultimate (DNA): Silphymon, a white & red warrior with Hawkmon's feathers, Gatomon's ears, and a metal visor.
    • Mega: Magnadramon (Holydramon), a giant pink cat/angel/dragon.

Voiced by: Yuka Tokumitsu (JP), Edie Mirman (EN)

  • Bag of Spilling: Loses her tail/holy ring in the first episode, which leads to her being a Champion digimon with the power of a Rookie.
  • Cat Fight: Angewomon vs. Lady Devimon, round 2!
  • Cute Kitten
  • Fan Service: Once again, Angewomon, and to a lesser extent, Silphymon.
  • The Smurfette Principle: Of the Digimon half of the team.

Major Villains

Yukio Oikawa

Who'd have thunk there's not one but two human villains in this season? As a child, he and his best friend, Iori's father, made contact with the Digital World through their video games. After Iori's father died, Oikawa became obsessed with visiting the Digital World of their dreams--making it only as his dying wish.

Voiced by: Toshiyuki Morikawa (JP), Jamieson Price (EN)

Arukenimon (Archnemon) & Mummymon

After the Digimon Emperor's defeat, these two mysterious villains start appearing in the Digital World and causing trouble. Both are humanoid, although Arukenimon resembles a spider and Mummymon, well, a mummy. Arukenimon has the power to turn the remaining Dark Spires into evil Digimon, but otherwise they're not really that powerful, and tend to hide from the Chosen Children.

Arukenimon is voiced by: Wakana Yamazaki (JP), Mari Devon (EN)
Mummymon is voiced by: Toshiyuki Morikawa (JP), Kirk Thornton (EN)

  • Affably Evil: Mummymon, who always aims to act like a gentleman.
  • BFG: Mummymon carries a huge gun.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Mummymon. One second, a bumbling fool. The next second, a total asskicker who can tear three Ultimate-level Digimon apart.
  • Disc One Final Boss: Arukenimon.
  • Dub-Induced Plot Hole: The kids know Arukenimon's name before she reveals herself to be a Digimon.
  • Family-Unfriendly Death
    • Though on an official Japanese poll, Word of God made a note that they, like all Digimon, got ressurected at Primary Village and lived in peace together afterwards. It doesn't make their deaths any less gruesome but yay, happy ending!
  • Giant Spider: Arukenimon's real form.
  • Hartman Hips: Arukenimon's humanoid form.
  • Joker Immunity: Given that the Digidestined gained the propensity to kill these two not long after their debuts, they lasted very long especially given the significant threat they posed. The two made sure they wouldn't confront the kids directly. Hey, they gotta get Genre Savvy sooner or later.
  • Mike Nelson, Destroyer of Worlds: Try to destroy the universe despise being counter intuitive to there plans.
  • Minion Shipping
  • Mook Maker: Arukenimon can use her hair to turn the Control Spires that Ken made into fake Digimon. They're pretty powerful as well, but essentially mindless monsters completely devoted to whatever she orders them to do (though BlackWarGreymon somehow got a mind of his own). However, because of this, the kids have no moral qualms about destroying them because they're not sentient or even alive.
  • Mummy: Mummymon, of course...
  • Musical Assassin: Arukenimon once used a flute to control insect Digimon.
  • Not-So-Harmless Villain: They're actually dangerous if they put more hearts into their missions, especially Mummymon.
  • One-Winged Angel: Both spend most time in forms that can pass for human at a glance.
  • Those Two Bad Guys: Elements of this.


Created from a hundred Dark Spires as the ultimate evil Digimon, he is a dark clone of the final evolution of Agumon. He is hell-bent on destroying the Cosmic Keystones of the Digital World. But is he really as bad as he appears?

Voiced by: Nobuyuki Hiyama (JP), Steve Blum (EN)

Myotismon (Vamdemon)

His spirit survived destruction at the hands of WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon last season, and he spent three years possessing Oikawa and working on his eventual return. He's even more malicious and determined than he was last time - the first thing he did upon resurrecting was torture and murder his minions to test his new power.

His new Digivolutions this season are:

Voiced by: Toshiyuki Morikawa (JP), Richard Epcar (EN)


A villain who led a small group of demonic Digimon that terrorized the town while attempt to retrieve Dark Spores from Oikawa and then is removed from the plot and into the Dark Ocean soon after, he is most notably a Knight of Cerebus who is high above in the Digimon Sorting Algorithm of Evil, that he is had to be sealed away. Which is shame that because he was one of the few who knows the purpose of the spores and the Dark Ocean in general.


An exceedingly powerful digimon with that is more or less responsible for the majority of the events in the series. Never seen in the actual show (save for a brief cameo), but he created the Dark Spores and corrupted Ken with them, triggering Ken's Start of Darkness.

  • All There in the Manual: His own origin story and how it ties into the Adventure universe; specifically, he was the one that released Apocalymon back in Adventure and kicked off that story, and started this one when he self-destructed after Ken and Ryo Akiyama (yes, THAT one) defeated him in the Wonderswan games, scattering the Dark Spores everywhere and implanting Ken with one.
  • Bigger Bad: Responsible for everything that goes wrong in the Adventure universe. Only shows up for a 3 second cameo.
  • Biological Mashup: Created from a Kimeramon and Machinedramon (The Dark Master from the previous season)
  • Complete Monster
  • Foe Yay: With Ryo. Averted with Ken
  • Eldritch Abomination
  • Magnificent Bastard
  • The Cameo
  • Ultimate Evil
  • Time Master: As his name implies, Mille was able to freely travel through time and his attacks deal with manipulating space/time. This is how he was able to release Apocalymon to begin with.
  1. Where the beast is more a fusion between an eagle and a lion than Mix-and-Match Critters.
  2. Compare Sethmon, another Love Digimental evolution, but with V-mon as the base rather than Hawkmon.
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