< Digimon Adventure 02

Digimon Adventure 02/Headscratchers

Episodes 1-12 The Digimon Kaiser Arc

  • Where did this "a first generation Digivice can only enter a Digiport that's been opened by a D-3" thing come from? Tai entered the Digiworld all by himself in the first episode, and nobody acted like these were unusual circumstances. I'd have preferred "the new kids have access to a method of Digivolution that we don't, so let them save the world 'cause we'd only be overbearing baggage" as an explanation, rather than this kind of plot hole.
    • Tai could enter in the first episode because that Digi-Port/Digital Gate was already open. That's why Tai tells Davis, "Never stay too long." The Digi-Ports open and close randomly all over the world (Mimi and Michael also use a naturally-open gate), and if you miss your chance, you're stranded. Izzy also points out that "the gate has never been open two days in a row." (I don't remember how well this was explained. You kind of have to piece it together, but it's All There in the Manual, anyway. The audio dramas spell it out.) As to the why: it's because the writers wanted to focus on the new characters. As soon as the "we can't evolve because of the control spires! ;__;" excuse dried up, they added the "we can't evolve because we don't have our crest powers! ;__;" excuse.
    • The D-3's are not always able to open the digiports as seen in episode 13. But as that episode is a Non Sequitur Scene, it is hard to tell if that happens more often.
      • Not really episode 13 was before they really set that idea in stone, as beforehand they didn't even list opening and closing gates as one of their functions, Contrary to popular belief except for the important parts of the Digimon Kaiser arc, most of 02 wasn't written or thought up ahead of time.
      • Which is probably why this page is so long :P. Arcs that last over 20 episodes when you only worked out the details for 10 episodes? Oops. Though its not like the original digimon was free from it (digivices suddenly gaining a radar between etemon and myotismon arc)
      • Poor planing is not the main reason that there are so many headscratchers, rather the lack of communication between the Digimon Adventure writers and the Digimon Adventure 02 writers. I have a feeling that the Giant Space Flea From Nowhere Apocalymon was just as much a surprise to the Digimon Adventure 02 writers as it was to the chosen children.
      • Well that reasoning doesn't link up considering that the writers for 02 were apart of the writing staff for Adventure, and they did work on the last couple of episodes. But even if they did want to call up the head writer of Adventure he probably wouldn't help them since he left the Digimon project in protest of 02's creation. The writers of 02 were going through not only could they not get along, but they were also severly limited in what they could and could not do, and had to face a lot of executive meddling.
    • Checking back with Digimon Adventure I noted that Taichi opened a portal to the digital world in episode 21.
  • Speaking of the control spires, what actually happened to them? I thought they were supposed to prevent Digimon from digivolving in any way other than Armor-digivolving (in one episode, we even saw that Patamon could not stay in his Champion form once he entered an area with a spire), yet not long after the series started, we see Champion level Digimon, both season one and two, taking out control spires left and right.
    • The control spires were powered by Ken's black digivice. When Ken made a Heel Face Turn, they ceased to work, and Arukenimon could only reactivate one at a time.
      • Yeah, but even before Ken switched sides, we still see Champion Digimon attacking control spires. For example, I remember Tai left Greymon by himself in Digiworld to take out as many spires as possible, at which point he was captured by Ken and enslaved by a Dark Ring.
    • Also, in several episodes, a control spire is visibly damaged in some way (it gets punched really hard, somebody crashes into it, etc), at which point a Digimon promptly digivolves to Champion and finishes the job of destroying it, and only after the spire is completely demolished do all of the Dark Rings in the area cease to function. This never made sense to me.
      • That's simple. It takes more work to halt digivolution than it does to control minds. A little damage is sufficient to make the anti-evolution field weak enough to be bypassed, but the rings need so little dark energy to function that the entire spire must be destroyed before they switch off.
    • They could easily Digivolve outside the range of the spires, and stay in Champion form for a while to wreck them. Digimon seem to be able to stay in whatever stage as long as they want once they're able to reach it (And let's face it, Agumon has had plenty of evolution practice).
    • Besides, the Control Spires only stop temporary Digivice-initiated digivolution. Permanent, experience-based digivolution is still okay. There are many Champion and higher-level Digimon around (remember Leomon and Ogremon) that wouldn't be affected by a Control Spire. Our heroes are the major threat because they have the combat experience and can share energy with their Digimon.
      • Champion Level digimon would be the first targets of control rings.
      • Yes, but I distinctly recall an episode where Patamon digivolves to Angemon in an area with no spires around. He then enters an area with a spire and is immediately de-leveled. So how come in other episodes, we see season one and two Champion level Digimon taking out spires? Even if they digivolved from a distance, they wouldn't be able to get close enough to attack because once they get into a spire's range, they'll change back involuntarily.
      • The dark energy of the control spires may have a greater effect on Angemon due to his being an Angel type Digimon.
      • I think it's because they're not "natural" evolutions. The Champion Digimon attacking them were probably natural Champion Digimon that had slowly progressed to that level without aid. The Chosen Children's Digimon seem to evolve in a slightly different way—they haven't developed to that stage naturally, they are simply given a boost by the Digivices allowing them to evolve temporarily. Tail/Gatomon is champion level and doesn't de-evolve in the presence of a spire. By this point, Greymon was probably physically capable of evolving on his own without Tai's input, hence why he didn't de-evolve.
      • But if Agumon could evolve without help then he would not have need to call for Taichi in episode one for help.
    • It's hard to remember, but the control spires alone did not stop evolution. The dark Digivice is what stopped the Digimon from evolving and the control spires extended the dark Digivice's range.
      • Which still doesn't explain why, before the fall of the emperor, some champion-level digimon could approach the spires while others could not. Greymon being able to evolve on his own doesn't work, and we're never told just why Angemon was the one to devolve.
      • Angemon devolved because the writers had not thought up the "only strong against evil Digimon" Hand Wave and didn't want Andromon getting easily beat up.
  • Stock footage aside, why did the first trip to the Digiworld lock in the clothes of the new kids, but not the older Digidestined?
    • I would guess consistency with the first season (the original kids didn't get new clothes), because Hikari, Takeru and ken are all stuck with their normal clothing.
    • If I recall correctly, Daisuke, Miyako and Iori's clothes changed because they wished for it - wanted to look "cooler" or whatever. Takeru and Hikari were already familiar with the Digital World, so they didn't feel the need to change their clothes. Ken's clothes were also changed when he was evil, he specifically mentioned wishing for the Kaiser's outfit. After his Heel Face Turn he was so guilt ridden and depressed that he probably didn't even think about his clothes.
      • That does not make sense, as it did not happen to the original children. It would have made more sense to affect everyone and say that it is a new feature of the digital world.
  • Anyone find the original Digidestined's reactions to the Digimon Emperor lacking? You see Tai tell them that the digital world is being taken over and their response seems pretty lackluster, even taking into account that they are older you would still think that they would be more involved then they are. Apart from their cameo appearances in taking down the villain of the day in their designated episodes they pretty much leave these new kids to deal with these problems all on their own, even if they are arguably more experienced and could help more then they actually do. Matt talks about how he can't worry about the digital world anymore because he has to practice with his band and Sora just tells Izzy and Tai to "keep them updated" but they all appear rather hands off. All the while their partners in the digital world are being kicked, beaten and enslaved by a madman. What gives? You'd imagine they would be more proactive then they are considering the digital world is under attack.
  • In episode 5, The Digimon Emperor is ordering a rather large group of Gizamon, whipping them when he gets annoyed. Gomamon steps in to help, and Ken, being the douche he is, orders the Gizamon to attack him in exchange for a "reward" (which is obviously going to be instant enslavement). Thing that annoys the hell out of me? There are, like, 20 of them and one of him. They're digimon that can practically turn into buzzsaws, and he's just a boy with a whip. Why don't they just gang up on him and beat the shit out of him? They could kill him so quickly it's not even funny. It gets worse when Gomamon says "They won't attack me," presuming that they'd do the smart thing.. right before they curbstomp him. They didn't have the dark rings on them by that point either (those were the "rewards"), so that's not an excuse either.
    • Because there wouldn't be much of a series then now would there?
      • Yeah, but it's like, must they all rely on the Digidestined for everything? It's like Animal Crossing; there are loads of other people in the village, but they expect you to pull all the weeds, cut the trees, tend the flowers, etc. If you don't do it, then the town goes to shit and everyone hates you, even though they could have done the job themselves if only they got up of their asses and thought for themselves. Is the Digital World really THAT vunerable to attack that the Digidestined have to be called in to sort out a kid with a whip that has a superiority complex? The Gizamon could have easily sorted him out. I know there wouldn't be much of a plot otherwise, but it just annoys me that most (not all, obviously) of the Digimon practically LET Ken take over and stick towers and rings everywhere. His takeover could have seriously been prevented if they'd have gotten their acts together and taken him out early.
    • The same reason why oppressive governments can suppress a large population: fear.
      • The Digimon Emperor also has retinue of Champion Digimon who were already under his control and could be called on a single whim. The Control Spires were also protected by Champion Digimon, trying to taking it down personally is tantamount to suicide. Remember the Tyrannomon the Emperor brought in at Episode 3? The Emperor has plenty of troops in waiting and 20 Gizamon will struggle just to defeat one Champion Digmon when the kaiser calls him in.
      • That's just it, though. At the time, Ken's level of control only extended to Champion level and below. As demonstrated with SkullGreymon, the Dark Rings don't work on Ultimate and Mega level digamon, which is why Ken developed the Dark Spirals to counteract this problem. I can understand Digimon up to the Champion level being afraid of being captured and destroyed by other enslaved Digimon, but there was nothing stopping any Ultimate or Mega Digimon from going against the Kaiser. The Dark Rings wouldn't have worked on them and an Ultimate army could've easily thrashed any Champion the Kaiser could've thrown at them. In fact, it bugs me that we dont see any Digimon of Ultimate level until after the dark spirals were made.
      • Dark Rings can work on Ultimates (Perfect Level); just not as well as on Champions and Rookies. Case-in-point; Andromon.
      • Ultimate Digimon are a rare sight even in the Digital World and even they will be taken down if they led a rebellion personally with enough numbers tossed at them and Control Spires could devolve them to Champions if they get too close (In other words, their engagement range is as far as they can't see the towers). Mega Digimon are figurative myths and are more focused on keeping the world together and any Sealed Evil in a Can from opening so they can't perform proverbial act of intervention to liberate their own people.
    • Gizamon were the henchmen of Digimon Adventure. It does not explain why all the Digimon in that scene did not have black rings on them.
      • Because they were supposed to still be free at that point. Even if the emperor has champion level digimon at his command, it's obvious he himself isn't that powerful. Yet no digimon ever tries to take a lucky shot, even when the emperor has no guards nearby.
  • In episode 8 the Digimon Kaiser has a clear upper hand over the chosen children when Fladramon destroys the Dark Ring on Deltamon, and that somehow disrupts the Dark Rings on the Bakemon. How exactly did that work? The Dark Rings are controlled by the Dark Digivice. Having one Dark ring destroyed would not affect any of the other rings.
  • In episode 8 the Digimon Kaiser orders Deltamon to kill Daisuke, so why would he hesitate to kill the chosen children in episode 20?
  • In episode 8 everyone except Daisuke sinks into the sand, but later, they're shown just fine. How did they escape the trap?
    • The Emperor later scolds Wormon for not detaining them longer. My guess is, they sunk into an underground cave (I remember seeing a similar scene in a later season), where they a) battled Wormon and some henchmon and defeated them, or b) battled the henchmon and Wormon, who was deliberately holding back and let them escape,because he found that Ken had gone to far this time.
      • If this is true, then it only shows how incompetent Ken is. I can't help but wonder if the writers are ashamed of there work, hiding all the time as they do.
  • Why are the Holy stones not being searched for and destroyed while Ken was still the emperor?
    • BlackWargreymon destroyed them because he thought Azulongmon would appear after he destroyed them all.
      • Blackwargreymon only started destroying them after Arukenimon and Mummymon start trying to destroy them. Ken never looked for the stones despite carrying out Oikawa orders.
        • Ken was not following Oikawa's orders, he was doing what he felt like doing due to his misunderstanding of the nature of the digital world, the influence of the dark spore and a nudge from Oikawa at the start in the form of a letter. Arukenimon and Mummymon's goal was to destablize the digital world to allow thier master to cross over, destroying the Stones only happened because their other plans weren't working.
  • Malomyotismon states that he made the control rings by inverting Tailmon's holy ring data, but Tailmon still had her holy ring when the control rings where first used.
    • Maybe he studied it before he was killed, back when Tailmon was still one of his servants?
  • So I'm rewatching the series, and I noticed something; In at least 3 instances, probably more, the digimon kaiser is completely defeated and surrounded on all sides by destined and freed digimon, with only wormmon by his side... And then, next we see him, he is sitting comfortably in his fortress. How the hell did he escape? I'm specifically referring to:
    • Episode 2, where gatomon punches wormmon into the defenseless emperor. Before the rest of the battle is even over, we already see the Kaiser sitting comfortably in his chair. Did he teleport?
    • Episode 3, where the kaiser is last seen in the middle of a group of recently freed tyrannomon.
    • Episode 5, where we at least know the kaiser calmly walked away. Why did no one stop him?
      • They didn't know what to do about him. He was human and they weren't willing to kill him. They were basically hoping to wreck enough of his plans that he'd just give up and stay home and then they'd clean up the mess and life would continue on.
      • And they didn't just grab his dark digivice because...?
  • Where did the whole tv-screen interdimensional travel network suddenly come from?
    • random crap forms in Adventure's digital world as it collects data from Earth. The TVs just so happened to work with the D3s
      • But the TV's are a world-wide network of perfectly functional technology, with one tv per zones, rather than the random scraps that occasionally show up in other episodes.
  • Why are the tv's capable of sending SOS-signals to digivices linked to the digimon using them?
  • Why didn't the Digimon Kaiser destroy the tvs when he moved into the digital world permanently?
    • He was probably using them himself.
      • Maybe before he moved into the digital world, but not after. And even if he need one, he could have rid himself of the others.
      • I meant for traveling between his own territories. He's supposed to rule a rather large portion of the planet by then, so quick transport would be handy. And he couldn't really have destroyed the ones outside his territory, since there are so damn many of them.
      • The Kaiser is always traveling in his Flying Island and when he is not he is on the back of a digimon. The tvs are never shown to have inter digital world travel capability.
    • It would not have delayed them long, stuff like refrigerators and telephone booths are always materializing in Adventure's digital world. Still, he could have tried, it could have at least delayed them for a little while.
      • That's true, but the Kaiser has a army of slaves that could work on that problem day and night. I know that this is hitting on Anthropic Principle, but the Kaiser is noted for his intelligence. Not being able to destroy all of them is not the problem, not destroy any of them at all is the problem.
  • The digimentals show up on all of the D-3 digivices. So why hasn't the kaiser (standing in the same position of the children in several eps) found them yet?
    • The Kaisers Digimon are around, or near by all the digimentals. However that might be more of a coincidence then anything.
  • Why does Taichi not recognize Ken, Wormmon or Veemon? He met them in the Wonder Swan games, which are canon to Digimon Zero Two.
    • Because they never met, Taichi had only met Ryo.
    • For that matter, why is Ken so surprised there are other chosen children?
      • The series show that he had forgotten all of his adventures with Ryo before, so that can be easily explained by the dark spore's power, while in the other hand it's possible that Taichi simply didn't recognize Ken due to the uniform he was wearing.
      • But when they discovered that the kaizer was a chosen child, shouldn't they have simply checked all the chosen children they knew? It's not like the list would be massive, since only Ryo and Ken were known (And mimi knew Michael, but, for some reason didn't think it would be important to mention to the other children)
  • If Hikari's & Takeru's digivices were able to be updated into the D3s then why were the older chosen children's digivices not updated as well?
    • Because out of the orginal eight Digimon partners, Patamon and Tailmon were capable of armordigivolving while the rest couldn't.
      • Tentomon can use the digimental of courage but even if he couldn't the D3s have other uses. There is no reason to bar half of the chosen children(or 98% including every chosen child) from entering the digital world.
    • Because they weren't chosen as digidestined for the new threat. Their initial purpose had been solved, Apocalymon was gone, their job was over. TK and Kari just happened to get drafted for a second run.
      • They never stopped being digidestined. Besides, after the lasts battle some people got D3s with there digimon.
  • How did the Kaiser make his corrupted digivice evolve agumon into anything other then skullgreymon?
    • Because agumon has more than 1 corrupted/evil evolved form, one of which is a virus version of metalgreymon.
      • Metal Greymon (Virus) is neither evil or corrupted. Nor are any virus types inherently evil.(At least that is what Gennai said at the end of Digimon Adventure.)
      • While virus types are not inherently evil, evil beings are, rare exceptions aside, virus types. While virus doesnt mean evil, a digimon evolving into a virus type rather than its usual next step pretty much means it will be evil. Also relevant is that the emperor was trying to get agumon to become metalgreymon. He looks completely surprised when skullgreymon appears. He did have enough power to get it to evolve, but not enough control to get to choose the target form.
  • Why do the older children willingly coerce younger children into life treatening scenarios, and encourage them to lie to there parents?
    • The new kids actually seemed (unnaturally) fine with all the mortal danger, and, with the exception of Yolei, were never really coerced into doing anything. And it can be excused, to a degree, that they coerced her because of the whole "world is being taken over and sentient races are being enslaved" thing.
      • They were never given a true choice in the matter, so they were coerced. And "world is being taken over and sentient races are being enslaved" does not justify putting someone in unreasonable danger. Unlike Digimon Adventure, the real world is never put into real danger.
      • How werent they given a choice? At any point, any of them could have said "nope, I'm not doing this anymore". Yolei actually does this at one point and no one forces her to do anything.
      • The point is not on the younger children but the older children. They never gave the new children a way to back out. Nor did Takeru or Hikari.
      • Again, the kids could have stopped at any time if they didn't want to go. They never gave the children a specific moment to back out, because every moment was one where they could have backed out.
      • How so? When Taichi and Yamato forced Daisuke to try to pick up the digimental of friendship? Or when Iori was forced into the sub? Or when Taichi made a plan to get the younger chosen children time in the digital world to hunt for the Kaiser with no back up? Once again, this is not about why did the younger chosen children not back out, but why the older chosen children coerced them.
      • In the first case it was definitely not forcing him into danger, but trying to get him over his Out of Character moment. They were trying to save Iory's life by forcing him in the sub in the second example. I don't call forcefully saving someone's life coercion. And in the final case, they were given a choice.
  • If Daisuke was there when Vamdemon was around the first time, shouldn't he know myotismon and be frightened by him?
    • Was he ever mentioned to have actually seen Vamdemon? In episode 14 he and his family are shown as among the people held captive by the Bakemon at the convention center, so it's possible he may not actually have seen Vamdemon - or that, as we're supposed to believe happened with so many other people, his memories simply faded.
    • Vamdemon separated the children from there parents so that he could force Tailmon to tell which one was the eighth chosen child. Daisuke would have saw him, and for that matter, so would Jun.
      • Daisuke was never mentioned in dialogue to have been separated from his parents, only held captive at the convention center, and the flashback shows him and his family among those held captive with Bakemon around. That it was never acknowledged in dialogue leaves whether or not Daisuke ever saw Vamdemon unclear.
      • The tie ins to Digimon Adventure were nothing if not forced for Daisuke and Iori, but this expansion is a bit much.
  • Why doesn't Koushiro examine the control spires or control rings to try to find out how they work?
    • Maybe he did and found out nothing. Koushiro is smart, but the control spires are from a completely different dimension, one that is likely not composed of data (and thus outside his field of specialty). Since he wouldn't understand the towers, he probably wouldn't understand the rings either.
      • Like in most things, if it was not shown or referenced to, it did not happen. And how are the control spires not made out of data? Malomyotismon said himself that he made the control rings by inverting Tailmon's holy ring data, so why would the towers not be data?
      • Because the towers are not from the digital world. Stuff from the digital world is made out of data. The dark towers are probably, like the rest of the dark ocean, made of bad feelings. Also, the Rule of Perception has it's limits. Wasting part of an episode on "No, I have not figured out anything about the control towers" would probably have just been annoying.
      • As opposed to having a picnic, or any of the other unnecessary activities? Its Out of Character to have someone who loves to figure things out not even try. Also what episode says that the control towers are made from the dark ocean?
      • The picnic and the other unnecessary activities were all used as the set-up to a story. We had to see those parts in order to see the rest of the story(though I do agree the picnic episode was utterly pointless). I don't say it's impossible to tell a story around this (hell, have yolei work along and it could have replaced any of her awful focus episodes) though, just that this is one of those things that don't necessarily need to be shown, like the characters going to the toilet. And I'm not sure what episode it was said that the dark towers came from the dark ocean, but I do know it was said.
      • I do not see how a throwaway line like "My analyses of the towers fail to produce results, please try to bring me one of the control rings." can be considered as equal to the sound of a toilet flushing. (Besides, in episode 15 has Daisuke taking a bath, and episode 22 plot has Daisuke watching a Tortomon taking a piss.) And with all the padding, it's not like there wasn't time to spare.
      • They would still have needed to work it into the plot. Considering even the writers didn't know what the control rings were supposed to be at that point (seriously, a 21 episode arc when you only plan about 10 episodes ahead?), there would be some difficulty with that. On the other hand, it would still be better than inverting a holy ring.
  • In Episode 11, Tentomon ducks behind a Dark Tower upon seeing several Pagumon wearing Evil Rings. Why does he not try to free them?
  • Why isn't Andromon recruited in the effort to stop the Digimon Kaiser? He is strong and no more a liability then any other digimon.
  • In episode 6 Yolei follows a stray piece of sushi just offscreen. Mimi goes to follow her but falls as a fissure opens beneath her feet, dropping her from a sunlit day to a moonlit night where she is woken up by Yolei. Not only is the change in scenery rather jarring and never explained, it also implies that they are a significant distance from where they started. This raises some serious questions, such as: If Mimi fell so far why isn't she more injured? If so many hours have passed that it is night-time wouldn't the children's parents be suspicious? And if the Digimon Kaiser was serious about defeating the chosen children, wouldn't he choose stronger. non-garbage digimon(by and large the weakest of the digimon groups)?
  • How exactly are the digimentals ancient technology? Wouldn't that make it older then the dinosaurs digimon? Why is brand new technology(D3s) needed to use ancient technology(digimentals), and why aren't the regular digivices capable of it?
    • No real clear explanation is ever given, but it appears that the regular digivices were made to be used in conjunction with the crests. Since the crests allow you to evolve to ultimate, there is no real need for armor evolution. Plus, qinglongmon implies that the four sovereigns were holding on to the digimentals.
  • The older children are supposed to be mentor's for the younger children, right? So why do they never mentor them?
  • Why did Taichi run away from that Monochromon in episode 1? Taichi has faced champion level digimon with Agumon before, even weakened.
  • Why did Tailmon loss her tailring? Its not an accessory, its apart of her digital code. The ring should have regenerated when Tailmon evolved next the same way that War Greymon's Dramon Destroyer do.
  • Who made the D3s?
  • Who chose the new chosen children?
  • Why are the digimentals scattered the way that they are? They can only be unlocked by the right people so they might as well all be in the same place.

Episode 13 the Dark Ocean

  • So does anyone know what was planned with the Dark Ocean? As a kid, I hated that part, but honestly, now that I'm older, I find it one of the most fascinating parts of the season.
    • You mean the Dagon thing? That was a reference/homage to HP Lovecraft. Even the obscure ending that was never elborated on afterwards. My brother has a book that lists HP Lovecraft refrences in TV and Movies and, to my shock, it listed this episode. I mean I knew it was an HP Lovecraft reference but it was a little obscure and it's plot was apparently different in the Japanese version (if the book is correct). They wanted Hikari because her power would make her a good mate for their master or something along those lines. Creepy, but fitting for the story and makes a lot more sense, since the idea that she could kill a creature based on a lovecraftian elder god is rather silly.
    • Especially concidering Dagomon is the ultimate form of a demon lord. No way she, even with the help of TK, could have handled that.
      • Are you referring to Leviamon? The anime seems to have a rule of one Demon Lord per continuity, and Daemon was the Demon Lord of that continuity.
      • No they're referring to Dagomon, hence the discussion about Dagomon
      • No, someone mentioned Dagomon being the pre-evolution of a Demon Lord. That Demon Lord is Leviamon. And now that Xros Wars has shown three demon lords in the same continuity (four if you count the Leviamon digimemory), it seems the rule is out of the window.
    • It should also be noted that Chiaka J. Konaka a guest writer for this episode.
      • Actually that doesn't really have anything to do with it, the episode and the dark ocean arc were all planned by all of the writers, without the inclusion of the head producer who was meddling a lot with the series and once she came back she decided that she didn't like it hence why that plot line was dropped.
      • Also Konaka wasn't a guest writer, at the time he wrote the episode.
  • Why did the control ring not fall off the Airdramon when the control spire was destroyed in episode 13?
    • It's been theorized by some fans that the Airdramon was fake, which could explain the evil ring not losing effect upon the dark tower's destruction. Some of said fans use the fact that Angewomon chose to outright kill the Airdramon, rather than at least attempt to free it from the Evil Ring's influence, as evidence pointing toward such a conclusion - and also theorize that the apparent death of several Hangyomon [1] was part of the act, to make their plight appear convincing to Hikari. For what it's worth, the episode was written by Chiaki Konaka, who was not a series regular at the time.
  • In Japanese episode 13, the creatures disguised as Hangyomon seek to mate with Hikari, and Toei's subs state it was in order to fight "the new god" - clearly in reference to the Digimon Kaiser. However, considering the evil spirals worn while posing as Hangyomon appear to be fake (the creatures remain capable of thinking independently, which those under the control of evil spirals are not supposed to be), why do they concern themselves with the Kaiser, who is a mere mortal?
    • Because they were probably lying about that on the theory that since she was fighting the Kaiser, she might be more likely to do what they desire for their own unknowable ends if they claim that's the goal.
    • Its not a given that the not-Hangyomon were referring to the Digimon Kaiser. As we find out latter on, the Digimon Kaiser is not the master of his own destiny. The not-Hangyomon could have just as easily been referring to Millenniummon or Daemon or any unknown adversary.
      • It's worth noting that Demon is a potential evolution for Dagomon, and also bears notable Lovecraftian references in his character, such as the Elder Sign on the hood of his robed form.
      • But the dark spirals were made by the digimon emperor, so to imitate them, they would have at least needed to see them. It could be that the dark spirals simply didn't work well on the non-digimon. Though that does raise a question. If Ken thought the digital world was a game, what did he think the dark ocean was?
      • Some theorized this could have somehow been seen by Dagomon, who in turn relayed the information to the Hangyomon-impersonating creatures.
      • The Digimon Kaiser did not create the dark spirals so much as evolve the dark rings. Considering that, and that Kens digivice evolved into the dark d3 in the waters of the dark ocean, and its the dark d3 that controls the control rings and spirals its not a hard conclusion to say that Dagomon was behind everything.
      • Actually, the dark rings were said to be based off of Gatomon's holy ring, and were not related to the dark ocean.
      • It's been claimed on some Digimon forums that Chiaki Konaka, who wrote the episode, was under contract to write the third series, at the time planned as a continuation of Zero Two, and that this episode was a foreshadowing for events to unfold in that season. So it's possible that, at least at the time of the episode's writing, involvement from Dagomon on a larger scale was in the cards.

Episodes 14-21 The Digimon Kaiser Arc

  • This one applies only to the original japanese, but why did Yolei's confession rant summon the digimental of purity rather than sincerity? It makes sense in the english version, since purity is called sincerity there (and sincerity became reliability), but for the original version it makes no sense at all.
    • All the traits undergo Flanderization to make up for the fact that they are first evolution items. Remembering that the digimentals are not the same as the crests will make things easier to accepted.
    • The problem remains: why doesn't the digimental of sincerity show up instead?
      • The digimentals were chosen based on the evolution for the digimon not the character's personalty's. Besides nether Joe or Mimi made there crests glow by ranting; Rather, they made there crests glow by being unconditionally responsible and overwhelmingly caring respectively.
      • Actually, Mimi made it glow for the first time when she stopped being evil(though the first evolution was caused by being overwhelmingly caring). And all of the partners digimon have evolutions for every egg. If the digimental of sincerity would have shown up, hawkmon would have become the (admittedly stupid-looking) orcamon.
      • Actually, Mimi made it glow when she realized what she did was wrong(being evil) And planed to set things right. As for the other evolutions; Digimon is not just an anime, but a line of toys. Toy makers do not like making toys that don't sell. That is why there are only 8 armor evolutions instead of 54.
      • But orcamon was specifically made for the purpose of being a digimental result. If it had become a focus digimon, they could have just used a different design(or hell, shurimon made out of sea-weed and shells).
      • Following the Online Japanese-English Dictionary, Junshin(Mimi's crest) means "purity, sincerity"
  • I may be remembering this wrong because it's been a long time since I saw it but I've always wondered about the logic of one certain episode. The episode where they were trapped in that underwater base and Cody gets his new Digiegg. In that episode, Cody was feeling depressed because he basically lied to get Joe to help them in the situation and then when the time comes for him to get the Digiegg, he initially refuses because he doesn't feel worthy because of the lie. Well that's all fine and dandy except there were lives at stake.
    • He was having a Heroic BSOD, and therefore not exactly in his right mind; he's a young child who has a very naive obsession with placing Honour Before Reason. Plus, maybe he felt that since he wasn't worthy of the digiegg, it wouldn't work for him.
    • The only thing that bugs me is that the is that they forced Cody to do it. The writers are clearly shoehorning Character Development at the cost of story pacing.
    • Cody is immature and sees the world soley in terms of Black and White. Lieing is bad so any lie is bad. Outgrowing this mindset and learned to see shades of Grey is pretty much his character arc.
  • Did the Digimon Kaiser ever kill a digimon? In episode 23 some fresh digimon recognize Ken as the Digimon Kaiser and attack him. How would they recognize the Digimon Kaiser, unless they saw him before?
    • Seeing how he acted as the kaiser, he probably killed at least a few and ordered the deaths of many more. Is there any reason to assume he didn't kill anyone?
  • If the control spires can spit out Control Rings, how would any Champion or lower be uncontrolled?
    • If the spire wasn't carrying enough rings to control them. Or the digimon destroyed them before they could latch on and enslave them.
  • How could Wormmon rookie level energy be enough to help Magnamon bring down Kimeramon?
    • When a Digimon expends a certain amount of energy, a safety mechanism triggers and it reverts to an earlier state to preserve itself without further harm. Wormmon didn't just expend his "Rookie energy level", he spent his whole digi-core; also, given that strong emotions factor into a Digimon's relative "power" and this particular manifestation of the Digi-Egg of Miracles is intimately linked with the Crest of Kindness, the nature of Wormmon's sacrifice resonated significantly with Magnamon, who was given a PP Max/Full Restore of sorts.
      • Wait, whole digi-core? If Wormmon did that then he would not have revived at all.
  • Why do Davis, Yolei and Cody receive D-3's, when all the other new digidestined (as seen in ep 14, world tour and the finale) receive normal digivices?
    • Because they're the ones called to deal with the current big threat, the others just just people who got paired with digimon, they have no real purpose.
      • No, they are all digidestined.
  • Why does the Digimon Kaiser never use his ability to evolve Digimon to Perfect Level more strategically?
    • Maybe he could only do it to destined digimon? Other digimon in adventure dont really seem to have the ability to evolve.
      • All digimon can evolve; If they could not, then all the digimon would be fresh level.
      • I meant it more like digimon having a natural state which they cannot evolve past. It explains why the koromon village doesnt have a single agumon.
      • Evolution is not a simple feat. The digivices make it easier, but there is nothing different from the chosen children's digimon from non chosen children digimon.
      • Okay, secceding that point, but still. What if the emperor can only use it on chosen digimon? In season 1, we see a picture of the chosen childrens eggs, all hooked up to digivices. Maybe digivices in general can only affect mons like that?
      • Leomon Warp Shinka! If anything the digivices should only effect non chosen children digimon. See episode 10, where Mimi could not make Tentomon evolve.
      • Well then, I, as the devils advocate, will officially have to seccede this point :p. It only really got any mention during the dark metalgreymon arc, so it could be that that arc was added to the script at the last minute.
  • Why does Iori get the Digimental of Knowledge, while Miyako gets the Digimental of Sincerity? Wouldn't it make far more sense if it was the other way around? This troper always thought Miyako seemed more like the smart one out of the group, and Iori's sincerity was pretty much his one defining trait…
    • Iory is shown to be wise beyond his years, while Miyako is shown to be quite ditzy outside of computers. Also the original japanese name for the crest of sincerity was purity and I've heard Joe's crest in the japanese version has been translated as either faith or sincerity.
    • Pretty much all of Miyako's character development comes from the idea that she is completely true to herself, and whenever her attitude wavers, the lesson she has to learn is to continue being herself, faults and all, through and through. this could be used as argument for OR against her getting the DM of sincerity, but she is definetly more true to herself than Iori, who never lies out of a sense of duty.
      • Then shouldn't Iori have gotten the Digimental of Purity? To be sincere is to speak your mind, which Miyako had no problems with, but she wasn't shown to be "purehearted" but rather selfish and shallow. Iori seemed to actually have a pure heart, while Miyako didn't. Mimi would always speak her mind, yes, but that was not what ultimately made her crest glow.
      • There must've been a change in crest names when the series was dubbed in English. You're saying that she was sincere, but not pure and that the crest and egg were for purity. The people above you are saying that the crest and egg was for sincerity. You just pointed out that being sincere and what people would consider "pure hearted" aren't the same. In the case that the crest is for sincerity, then it fits her perfectly. In the case that it's for purity, then it's doesn't, unless "pure" doesn't refer to being "pure hearted", but rather "truthful"; As in, not clouding the truth with lies (such as trying to be someone she's not), which'd make it synonymous with sincerity.
    • In the original Japanese version, Mimi's Crest of Sincerity was actually the crest of Purity, while Joe's Crest of Reliability was the crest of Honesty. Since Yolei always wanted to be a Yamato Nakeshiko and Cody was using a Never Tell A Lie policy, then it fits.
      • No it doesn't; being Yamato Nadeshiko doesn't mean that you are pure just that you're the perfect woman according to japanese ideals (aka: a really good house-wife), it doesn't mean that one is pure in any sense of the word. Besides that, Yolei never exhibited the characteristics of a Yamato Nadeshiko at all during the course of the series, so it's still a bad fit. Also, being sincere doesn't necessarily mean that you can't tell a lie it just means that you're true to yourself. Which just brings up another problem of 02 dumbing down the meaning of the crests to suit the new kids.
      • The Dub Name Change works a lot better here, since Joe's crest was originally the "Crest of Sincerity/honesty" and not "Reliability", thereby giving Cody the "Crest of Sincerity" not Yolei.
    • It's written somewhere that the digimentals were about what digimon you were partnered to, not the qualities of the tamer. Which would have been a nice explanation if the show had actually used it.
    • The Digimentals are not the same as the Crests. You do not need to have the qualities they represent to use them. YMMV if any of the new Chosen Children(or any of the original chosen children even) had any of the qualities represented by the Crests.
    • Actually, it appears you actually need to have the quality to lift one of the eggs (the whole egg of friendship thing), though unlike the crests, you don't need to lose and regain it. It feels to me like purity and knowledge were the ones that should have been reversed. Yolei is a big friggin' geek, while Cody always tries to be true to himself. Hell, Yolei even has an in-universe connection to Izzy and was one of the mailing kids during "our war game".
      • Having the qualities is not what is needed to lift the digimentals; Otherwise the older chosen children would have been able to pick up there respective digimentals. The reasoning behind who got what digimental and why is blatant Railroading on the part of the writes.
      • Though the railroading is blatantly obvious, Izzy deduced from Cody lifting the egg that he possessed a great thirst for knowledge, a quality that occasionally gets mentioned (though never convincingly). That would suggest they still needed the quality.
      • Izzy made an assumption(The quality of the crest on the Digimental is what one must have to lift said Digimental) to answer what the cause was to the effect of lifting the digimentals. However for this assumption to become a fact, the assumption would have to be verified true in All Cases. Not only is this not true, the older chosen children could not lift their respective digimentals.
      • Except that it was shown in episode 11 that Davis was unable to lift the digimental of friendship at first. So, there is apparently still some personal aspect to it. So it's probably a combination of being assigned a digimental and being worthy of it.
      • How can they be assigned when any of the new chosen children could use them?
      • That's... A very good point. Still, we've seen that in at least one case, showing the trait was neccesary to lift the egg. The audio dramas really try their very best to destroy any last remains of continuity.
      • In episode 11 he doesn't try to pick it up. He doesn't strain he just touches it to satisfy everyone who told him to try.
      • Nope, he's definitely straining to pick it up in the episode (though not in the cartoonish manner we see with the other characters, but a more realistic animation)
      • I don't know what you are saying. Is only Daisuke really trying to pick it up and everyone else was faking?
      • No, they're all really trying to pick it up. I thought you could have been confused by Daisuke not trying to pick it it up in an over-the-top cartoonish style, so I mentioned that as well.
      • That is just Rule of Perception. Of course is going to be cartoonish. Reality Is Unrealistic; If you are not doing it over the top(lifting in this case), you are not doing it at all.
      • Watch it again. He's clearly exerting force.
      • You are not seeing the big picture here. Of course it looks he is trying to lift the digimental, after all he is trying to deceive his audience. However his actions are not candid, and the difference between Daisuke's and Taichi's efforts are easily discernible.
      • He's straining his arms trying to lift it. He's clearly exerting some force. And we've seen earlier that it doesn't take that much strength to life a digiegg. Anything that would strain your arms should be enough.
      • I just checked, and its entirely possible to strain your arms and still not pickup an object if you don't want to.
      • I still say that it can't be concluded that he faked it from the episode, since he actually looked surprised at being unable to lift it and strained more than once, despite the fact that once should have been enough to fool the other kids. Though yet another point to prove their at least somewhat assigned: TK, Yolei, Davis and Kari are unable to lift the egg.
      • Having the digimentals assigned is starting to sound right, as it implies that the children needn't have the trait to use them.
  • Where is Leomon in all of this? We've seen in adventure that he was capable of reaching mega level for short amounts of time solely on the power of the digivice, without the need for any crests. So, shouldn't finding him be a priority, considering they are in dire need of high-level digimon?
  • In episode 14 Yolei forms a grudge against digitamamon for a crime that she barely knows about. Later in the same episode, digitamamon does turn evil, but Yolei thinks its just her suspicion that he was still evil being confirmed. Mimi tries to talk to him, but it he head butts (A rather trivial attack, considering he isn't supposed to be holding back and is an ultimate-level digimon). All this leads up to a "The Reason You Suck" Speech caped off with a confession about liking the boy from America. And then somehow the digimental of purity appears. Not only is this not how the digimentals work in the other episodes, it was specifically stated that they couldn't find a digimental near the restaurant. And even if showing the trait of the digimental would reveal the digimental, she didn't actually portray any purity.
  • In episode 15 Yolei, who is supposed to not be fond of fighting, chooses to have her digimon fight Ninjamon in a duel, actually abandoning her comrades in the middle of a fight to do so. Why is she suddenly so eager for that particular battle?
  • In episode 19 Yolei takes it upon herself to clime to the top of a control spire. Never mind why she does this, how is she able to clime so well? Yolei does it again in episode 29, was she hit by a dark spore in-between episodes?

Episodes 22-37 Arukenimon's Plot

  • After the defeat of the digimon Kaiser, why do none of the digimon take down the control spires themselves?
    • If you're talking about Digimon in general, not just partner ones, perhaps they were unaware that the Kaiser's defeat meant the Dark Towers lost their power? But then even that doesn't make sense, since they could go by the Dark Tower to see if any Evil Rings would be sent, and they wouldn't. They could just be too scared to go near though, remembering the Kaiser's power.
      • The control rings should have fallen off, which would have told everyone that the control towers are off-line. But most of the kaiser's former digimon are never seen again.
    • The digimon probably don't care about the spires being there as long as they're not directly influencing them. Weird things pop up ine digital world all the time, a spire or two in the area isn't a big deal if it's not working, especially since they'd care more about rebuilding what they'd lost.
  • The entirety of episode twenty-two "Davis Cries Wolfmon" bothers me endlessly. Davis is trying to force Veemon into digivolving into his Champion form. He ends up attracting a hostile Digimon that attacks them. When Tai tries this in season one, the results were disastrous, but for some reason it works for Davis. Aside from the fact that they totally skipped over the consequences of trying to force a Digimon into digivolving, Davis and Veemon run by every single other Digidestined, and none of them do anything to help. Did they all just forget how to Armor Digivolve? And if for some reason, they just couldn't Armor Digivolve in that particular episode, T.K. still has a Digimon that can digivolve normally. That whole episode just seems like a Non Sequitur Scene.
    • The thing that bugs me about this episode is why Takeru/TK does nothing to stop Daisuke/Davis in what could have been a very bad situation.
    • Well, the digivolution Davis was forcing was from Rookie to Champion, which usually needs the Digidestined to be in danger. What Tai tried to force back at the first season was to get the digivolution from champion to ultimate, which has a different proper method.
    • Tai's problem was the way he did it, how far he went. He corrupted the intent behind it and that corrupted the digivolution. Merely trying to get a digimon to evolve is fine, as long as you don't go too far. This is repeated in Tamers where Reika wants Renemon to evlve and pushes her into fights but there's no negative consequnces until Takato completely freaks out and corrupts Wargrowlmon.
  • If it was Millenniumon's Dark Spores that made Ken evil, then how did he Heel Face Turn so easily with the Dark Spore still imbedded in his body?
    • It wasn't so easy, he suffered an extreme shock and got as a result severe memory loss (which led to him forgetting about his own parents). And it's clear the dark spore doesn't make someone evil, but just amplifies certain thoughts and feelings, while not repressing "distractions" like caring for friends, or being considerate to others.
      • But the Dark spore was still in his body, amplifying certain thoughts. If one was to say Ken beat the dark spore through will power, the viewer would say "show me the battle". Simply put, the dark spore does not fight back and is not defeated. Ken just stops being evil.
    • The Dark Spore was made dormant by Ken's true self reasserting itself over Wormon's sacrifice, possibly aided by gaining his crest. So we did see the battle.
  • Why does Arukenimon send a dark tower construct to attack the chosen children who are not destroying control spires in episode 24?
    • I would assume it's to demonstrate (what she considers) her sinister powers early on, before actually confronting the Chosen Children.
      • With Arukenimon's power to control spire constructs, she never had need to confront the chosen children.
      • In that case, what better time to send an attacker than when they're relatively undistracted? Arguably she could wait until they're weak from several opponents, but I never viewed her as that prepared.
      • Arukenimon supposedly was taking orders from Oikawa, but that is an aside. Ken was the one destroying control spires not the other chosen children. Attacking Ken should have been the priority.
  • In episode 23, Ken gets his crest to glow. He doesn't lose it until episode 26. Shouldnt this mean that Wormon should have been able to evolve further to jewelbeemon, if only for a few episodes?
    • Ken get the crest back somehow, so there is even less reason that he should not. Unless the crest is fake, considering that Ken was never scanned.
    • Did the crest ever glow while Stingmon was around? A crest will only influence digivolution if the digimon is in the correct stage, suually. Even back in the first season they had crests glow without digivolving, even from kids who hadn't gone to Ultimate yet (I'm pretty sure both Mimi and TK got their crests to glow and they were two of the last to get to Ultimate).
    • Yeah, they did. Plus, Ken never got a tag, so that might explain why stingmon never evolved. However, it does raise more questions about just where the hell that crest comes from.
  • Why weren't there any digimon helping the chosen children rebuild parts of the digital world?
    • In episode 22, there are. In episode 24, the town they rebuilt had been abandoned(though for some reason, the children come back first). In episode 25, they were in the middle of nowhere.
      • They could travel anywhere in the digital world and take any digimon with them. There was nothing to stop them from getting help.
      • Maybe all the other digimon were busy rebuilding their own stuff?
      • The path of Chimairamon destruction is relatively small when compared to the size of the world. There would be enough unaffected digimon to help.
      • Maybe the areas that were taken over by the emperor before the Chimeramon incident had taken heavy damage in the process, and the local digimon were focusing on that? Also, digimon aren't always the most amiable bunch, and may not want to travel halfway accross the world to help rebuild some place they've never been to before.
      • Not asking is not the same as being refused.
      • True, but some mons, like bakemon, seadramon, shellmon and many other are shown to be nearly always aggresive. If you ask someone, you don't just run the risk of getting no as an answer. You might just get an ice arrow or two thrown at your vital organs.
  • I thought the entire climax of the original Digimon Adventure's finale was explaining that the kids didn't need the physical crests, but come season 2, they have to be re-powered by Azulongmon? Why? Did I miss something?
    • You aren't missing anything. Even weirder, this was explained as being part of restoring the world, which would mean it happened before our war game. But in that movie, they are still able to evolve (further than normal even).
    • There's a flashback right after the Paildramon episodes that explains that the kids gave up their crest powers to create a barrier that would protect the Digital World. This flashback is never elaborated on beyond a few token mentions in the Original Story: 2-and-a-half Year Break audio drama.
    • Latter they would re-Retcon this into having the crests freeing the Digigods. Not that it matters as the control spires reseal them, so they might as well not have bothered.
    • The kid's crest powers, their inner powers, were redirected into a defensive barrier for the digital world. The power is there but beign used ina different way so to get to Ultimate they need a power boost from a different source.
  • The entire 'giving up your crests' shtick. The original group got their power from their own emotional strengths, and the crests simply worked as amplifiers. How could they have given up that power. Or are you telling me they literally gave up their Courage, Love, Friendship, Knowledge etc. And if that's the case, how did Mimi give up Purity? Did she have an orgy?
    • Adding on to this, season 1 also hammered it into the viewer's heads in the last episodes that the power they used did not come from the Digital World and could not taken away, because it was a part of their being. It existed inside of them long before they came to Digital World, and they were brought to save the digital because they possessed that power.
    • It seems that the writers were trying to turn the crests into the same thing as digimentals. No longer it acted as an amplifier, but it was supposed to hold actual power. To use a digimental, you don't even need to show the trait the egg was made for.
    • I never really thought it contradicted anything established in the previous season about the crests, their origin, or what was stated about them in the ending. Instead, I always understood the original children giving up their crest powers to unseal the sovereigns as giving up that trait's ability to trigger digivolution.
    • Yes but even that explanation is a contradicting, because Ken is in the Adventure 02 Ken came from the Adventure 02 tie-in games, which are canon. In the first game, which happens after the end of the Adventure series, Digimon are able to evolve just fine. The game that actually explains why Ken is the way he is, actually has the Adventure show up in it and have their Digimon evolve to Ultimate just fine. And again, the power of the Crest stems from their personality traits, which was specifically stated as something that came from the Adventure kids. Them giving up their crests was the equivalent of saying that they gave up their traits.
      • The games are easy enough to explain—Ryo's the main character and the game explains his and Ken's story in the Dark Ocean. And no, they didn't give up the actual traits, just the powers that they were granted via them. I mean, it's not like Tai was the only courageous person in the world, or Izzy the only genius or so on.
    • The problem here is if it was established impossible to take away then it should have not been given away. This inconsistency made heads itch and the only answer to it is bad writing given that there were other sources right there to take power from: the Digivices and the Digimon themselves.
  • In episode 25, Davis tries, to no avail, to convince the others to trust Ken and ask him for help. T.K. silently in the background, watches a scene unfold between Davis and Ken, and tells Patamon (in regards to Ken) that he believes that everyone deserves second chances. But when the episode comes along, it's Mimi that says they should ask Ken for help, not a single word from TK. The girl who only knows ken as the evil emperor speaks up before the person who said he should get a second chance? In the next episode it gets even worse. Yolei has learned to finally trust Ken, but when everyone starts doubting Ken in the next episode, she doesn't speak up either. Kari, the person whose digimon used to serve Myotismon, suddenly doesn't trust Ken either. And then TK suddenly doesn't trust Ken anymore either, for no apparent reason. Why does everyone suddenly distrust Ken again?
    • I've been going through the subs of those episodes, and I can't really see anything that severe. Takeru seemed, if anything, cautiously optimistic about Ken's Heel Face Turn. Heck, aside from Iory, everyone was willing to give Ken a second chance after episode 25. I'm going to have to write this up to yet another bit of strangeness from the dub.
    • Going through the episode in English, yeah, they really altered the dialogue there, not to mention adding as many jokes and insults to Davis as possible. So, yeah.
  • Episode 25 again. An evil digimon is going to break the dam and flood the town below (they don't yet know it's an artificial creation). I understand Yolei and Cody not wanting to kill the digimon. But it was blatantly obvious they were unable to stop him, and there were hundreds, or even thousands of lives at risk. Does the life of one maniac really outweigh the lives of an entire city? And TK and Kari, who have killed quite a few evil digimon in season one, don't even attempt to kill it themselves, or even convince their friends that the death is neccesary. Even when Davis is trying to convince the rest, they remain quiet.
    • What makes this worse is that earlier they had already destroyed a Chimeramon. They didn't even try to reason with him.
      • Except they knew Chimeramon wasn't a living and breathing creature. He was an artifical being created from the data of multiple Digimon. A mindless creature. He was no more alive than the control-spire created Digimon the kids had no qualms with killing. They only had a problem with killing Golemmon at first because, at the time, they thought he was a real Digimon.
      • Chimeramon, while crazy, is still a legitimate Digimon. Mismashing parts of different Digimon is just how a Chimeramon is created. Its not being controlled by anything; it's just berserk by nature. He was actually more alive than the control spire Digimon. Its not an artificial Digimon, as the way that Ken made him is the way how they are created naturally.
      • In the Japanese version, I think they discovered Devimon was possessing him, who was a purely evil Digimon.
      • Which still doesn't answer why the children had trouble killing other obviously evil digimon.
      • Keep in mind who the two chilren you're complaining about are. They're the two most naive members of the team. They've never had to bloody their hands before. While Chimeramon might have been a real Digimon, they didn't know that, disconnecting them from the event. So they naively believed they could do their job without ever having to kill. Even in the first series, the kids didn't didn't start killing their foes regularily until the Myotismon arc and the impact from killing their first two Big Bads was dulled by more personal concerns, like the death and rebirth of Angemon and the loss of Tai and Agumon. While the original team didn't really react once they did start killing, they'd also had a lot more time to prepare for it and quite a bit of experience with deliberately evil Digimon. The second gen team was babied for almost their entire run. They were never stranded in the Digital World, their first Big Bad was a human and turned out to be acting under the delusion that it was all a game, Arukenimon and Mummymon were evil but not that great a threat once they attained Ultimate/Perfect level themselves, BlackWarGreymon was merely searching for a purpose and almost all their opponents had been brainwashed or weren't real Digimon. If you watch the episodes, you'll see that not only are they horrified by killing, but they're struggling with the very concept of evil Digimon. This is when they're knocked out of their naive illusions and lose their innocence. Also, one of them was already traumatised by the death of a parent, it's only natural for him to see killing as horrible, especially since he's still viewing the world as Black and White Morality.
      • Bringing up that they are children also brings up Unfortunate Implications that they are Child Soldiers. The facts are they they were coerced into accepting the title of Chosen Child. For most of the series angst just has a way of disappearing by the end of the episode. If it really bothered them then they should have said so. Killing Chimeramon did not bother them, why should killing Demon bother them? As for the control spire constructs; if BlackWarGreymon can achieve free will, who is to say that the other control spire constructs could not have done the same?
  • Why does TK only now become angsty over the death of angemon, rather than during season 1.
    • Its just another contrived plot which does not flow with the lack of angst.
    • Because what he'd experienced hadn't really registered at the time. As he grows up and matures what happened starts to really sink in and he understands that Angemon didn't just revert to baby form, he died and got reborn. And as he learned during the Myotismon arc, and is made clear that very season, digimon can be killed for real and sometimes will not come back.
  • What exactly is BlackWarGreymon's connection to the Holy Stones anyway? Why would damaging a Holy Stone cause a Control Spire construct pain?
  • If Arukenimon can reactivate the control spires, and knows that the control spires can prevent Digimon from evolving, why doesn't Arukenimon have a control spire active nearby when she attacks the Chosen Children? One well-concealed control spire and Arukenimon would not have to deal with perfect or even champion level digimon.
    • Arukenimon is not on the strong side of the Ultimate level. The kids could still go Armor and that would probably be enough to take her on, or get around her. Half the time they fight, the kids they aren't using their top levels anyway.
      • Paildramon is low on the power scale too. Arukenimon could create an army of perfect/ultimate level digimon if she felt that she needed to.
  • Tailmon losing her holy ring is a major plot point. Yet Plotmon, Tailmons Rookie form still has her holy ring…What.
    • Different form, different ring. She's a full strength Rookie but a weakened Champion.
      • Holy rings don't give power, only mark a holy beast.
  • Where did Arukenimon and Mummymon get that buggy from anyway?
  • How does sound effect bug based digimon?
    • Things work strangely in the digital world.
      • No, it works very logically. Such as, there is no magic in the digital world, only complex computer code.
      • Wasn't piximon specifically said to use magic? Anyway, on topic, stingmon can clearly hear as good as any of the other mons, therefore his hearing must function in (roughly) the same way.
      • Its not Stingmons hearing thats in question. Digimon are not are not real animals and the things taken for granted about animals do not apply to digimon, such as, needing ears to hear. Insect digimon do not have have swarm behavior. Each digimom is its own digimon. There is no innate property of insects or insect digimon that makes them susceptible to sound anyway.
  • Why does Arukenimon use 20 Mammothmons to attack Blackwargraymon, who is weakening the digital worlds barrier merely by existing (and thus helping her in her goal), instead of using them to attack the chosen children?
  • If BlackWarGreymon can achieve free will, who is to say that the other control spire constructs could not have done the same?
    • Black War Greymon was 'born' with free will. If any others possessed it it would have been apparent and they would have treated it the same.
      • Not really. Having free will does not mean that one is not capable of acting like a monster.
  • If the power of the crests was needed to restore the digital world, why wasn't the crest of kindness necessary?
    • On one hand you can say that it was already apart of the digital world, so it did not need to be returned. On the other, one could say that the crest is fake, and would have no effect.
    • The crest probably isn't fake, since it does the glowy thing and is connected to wormmon. And, during the sacrifice, Ken wasn't in the digital world, so his crest probably wasn't either. I don't think we're ever told when and how he found either the egg of miracles or the crest of kindness.
      • Myotismon handed out fake crests that glowed. Azulongmon said on ep. 37 that the digimental of miracles was made to help Ken but it hard to tell what retcon is true.
      • Yes, but myotismon only created those to find Kari, so only made crests of light. Who would have made a fake crest for Ken? And where would they get the original then?
  • The children, after learning that a mysterious woman is turning dark towers into highly aggresive digimon, still prioritize rebuilding bridges in the middle of nowhere over destroying dark towers.
    • The children tend to be oblivious of the dangers that they put themselves into.
      • Which still isn't really an explanation. They knew the dark towers were bad news.
  • In episode 37 Azulongmon states that they made a temporary Digimental of Miracles. Why would the digimental of miracles be temporary, while all others are permanent?
    • I guess it was because they didn't want to permanently change the crest. Of course, considering the plot holeyness of the existence of that crest, that just raises more questions.
  • If the Dark Spires were indeed supressing the Digigods, How would a Digigod be able to emerge with BlackWarGreymon right there?
    • He's made out of control spires but he's not control spires any longer.
      • No, Azulongmon stated clearly that BlackWarGreymon existence had the same affect as the control spires.
  • Why did Azulongmon let Arukenimon and Mummymon run free in episode 37?
  • What are the Holy Stones supposed to do normally?
  • From what I am lead to believe that destroying the Holy Stones was part of Oikawa's plans, but checking episode 32 shows that the idea is Mummymon's idea. Am I wrong?
  • What is the big deal about BlackWarGreymon having free will? Isn't the entire premiss of digimon that of digital information having free will and the ability to adapt to there environment in the first place?
  • Azulongmon said that the digigods gave the Digimental of Miracles to Ken, which in turn let Ken seal the digigods(somehow). So was all the strife in Digimon zero Two the digigods fault?
  • Its never stated how far Ken got in his conquest of the digital world, but I don't think he got past the eastern hemisphere. So how are all the digigods sealed?
    • The only way it would make any sense is if only a few dark towers were needed to seal each sovereign, and Ken struck all over the world at once.
  • In episode 25, hawkmon learns to evolve. Not because Yolei was actually in danger, but because she was being introspective. When has digivolution ever worked that way?
    • I believe that rookie to champion evolution takes willingness to fight and does not necessarily involve being in danger. Consider the times that Takeru was in danger and Patamon did not evolve(ep.5), or Yamato and Gabumon(ep.43), and even Taichi and Agumon(ep.18).
      • What I gathered was that it's a combination of the two. Gabumon was unable to evolve because the crest wasn't working anymore.
      • There was nothing wrong with the crest. There was something wrong with Yamato.
  • In episode 31 the dark ocean work completely different than before, as Ken, Kari and Yolei somehow walk into it even without the negative emotions. They are invisible when they meet Davis, but suddenly Arukenimon is able to see them and can freely open portals. Yolei becomes a paranoid lunatic, even before walking into the dark ocean. Being slapped in the face is now a way to defend against elder gods wanting to get in your pants.
    • Dagomon never made an appearance past episode 13. From episode 23 on its the dark ocean that is evil, rather then just anther tourist trap it was originally.
      • Though Kari is apparently being pulled further into the ocean by... something. Until she is slapped. It would make sense if it was her emotions that made her fall further into the ocean, and the slap calmed her, but she is panicking BECAUSE something is pulling her in, not the other way around.
      • But that's the thing. Dagomon plays no part in the show other then a 'remember him' part. What happens in episodes 31 is that the dark ocean is now evil and pulling her in and just seeing it causes Hikari and Ken to lose composure despite not freaking out when they saw it before.
      • Okay, even if it's not dagomon. How does slapping Kari in the face free her from the grasp of the dark ocean?
      • I can't say how, but it probably from the same mindset that says hitting someone proves you are friends.
  • Related to the above: Why does Kari say at the end of the episode that she'll never go into the dark ocean again? What does she think protects her? Having jogressed? Ken stumbled into the dark ocean in the very same episode. Being happy? That isn't something permanent and it wasn't bad emotions that dragged her in during episode 13. Having been slapped in the face? Both Ken and Yolei have been slapped in the face, but still travelled to the dark ocean.
  • In episode 23 Oikawa emails Ken. So, how does Oikawa know; A. Kens email address; B. Where the digivice is in the room; C. That Ken is a chosen child?

Episodes 38-47 The Fights on Earth

  • Most of the battles in the later half of the season would've come to big screeching halt if MagnaAngemon had shown up. Unlike angemon, he was not demoted in this season power-wise. He stood up to BlackWarGreymon and would've had him if BlackWarGreymon reacted a little slower. While, for a while, his absence is HandWaved by the original kids getting rid of their crests to free Azulongmon and the other Sovereigns. However by the time the Daemon Corps arrives, Azulongmon had already given the original kids power to digivolve back to Ultimate. When Cody refused to kill anyone, why didn't Angemon just evolve and do it instead, considering the lives that were at stake. Instead they gave more power to Imperialdramon, and wasted time repetitively attacking Daemon, until finally locking him away in the dark ocean. Wouldn't using a magna gate by easier on anyone involved.
    • In the same vein: why didn't Gatomon just digivolve to Angewomon and defeat Lady Devimon the same way as she did to the one from season one?
    • Even HolyAngemon would not have been strong enough to take on Daemon, who is one of the seven demon lords. Rather then giving the power to Imperialdramon, who has yet defeat a Digimon at its own level, the power should have been given to Agumon and Gabumon to enable them to evolve into Omnimon.
      • If their power was restored, shouldn't they already be capable of that? It's not like their mega evolutions were dependant on the power of the digigods. Agumon is even able to go mega in a later episode.
  • So, was BlackWarGreymon's sacrifice completely in vain? The shows tells us that he stopped Owikawa's plans, but we can clearly see that he's using the wrong cards to open the gate, so it would have gone wrong anyhow.
    • Yes.
    • It's possible that Black War Greymon sealing the gate is the reason Oikawa used the wrong card. He seemed to be using a program to hack the gate, maybe BWG's seal deleted the necessary data?
      • Ummm... Oikawa didn't even see Black War Greymon sacrifice himself, so he wouldn't know to use a different card.
  • In Digimon Adventure 02: Tag Tamers only Ken, Ryo, and Millenniumon where present when Ken was hit by the Dark Spore. Given that, how do Oikawa or Daemon know about Ken being infected by a Dark Spore?
    • They were watching from elsewhere. Most Big Bads have some way to keep tabs on the kids. Oikawa was shown, in flashback, to watch Arukenimon and Mummymon's activities from the real world, they were probably spying on Ken at the time.
      • Oikawa was unable to enter the digital world, so there was no way he could have seen it. And if daemon saw it, the show really should have shown us.
  • If Oikawa can make Control Spires why can't Arukenimon?
  • Since when has the digital world been available only to children? Gennai was supposedly an adult when he first arrived.
  • How can Oikawa create control spires in the real world?
  • What happened to Daemon in the end of Digimon Zero Two?
    • It is never said, since the writers though they should put the Dark Ocean and Daemon in a corner, but if I had to guess I would say more powerful than ever since he effectively found the biggest source of dark energy he could find (no really, why did the D-3 holders think that was a good idea?). Unless you believe he and the one in V-Tamer is one and the same.
      • They didn't have a lot of options. They weren't strong enough to destroy him and he'd wreck the Real world and could pop right back from the Digital world.
      • Dark Ocean may as well have a revolving door. Sending Daemon to the Dark Ocean would be as binding as sending him to the digital world.
      • That plot point worked have worked a lot better if they had used a magna gate rather than the dark ocean.
  • What makes the crest of light and hope different from the rest of the crests?
    • Apparently, its the traits themselves that are special, which really doesn't solve the problem...
  • Why are Sora and Yamato shown getting together on episode 38? No, not as oppose to any other pairing; Rather, why are they focused on at all? It has no impact on the story, nor does have an impacted on the Distant Finale.
    • Well, the only impact it has on the Distant Finale is that it starts to set up one of the Official Couples.
      • Not during the Distant Finale they didn't. This is nit picking, but everything else was bold faced told to us, and one of the things never said on the anime was that Sora and Yamato got married.
      • I do kinda have to agree with the OP. The scene comes completely out of nowhere and his absolutely zero influence on the plot, mentioned only once. We don't even see Sora and Matt together afterwards. If you're going to break up the only Official Couple from the original adventure, fine. But at least let it have some point to it.
      • Actually, subsequently released Japanese material confirmed Sora and Yamato's marriage. But yes, their becoming an item was out of nowhere.
      • But that's the thing. It was not part of the ending, it was added on later in supplemental materials. Even if I thought that counted(and I don't), I still did not know about it till over a decade after the information mattered.
  • Where is Gennai for the greater part of Digimon Zero Two? Koushiro was able to contact Gennai after the events of Our War Game, so there was no reason that they could not have called him.
    • They actually explicitly say at the start of the world tour arc that they are still in contact with him.
  • If Arukenimon and Mummymon were working to get Oikawa into the digital world, why were they trying to destroy it?
    • They weren't trying to destroy it, just to get it to merge with the real world.
      • That was their plan afterwords, however they were very close to destroying the seventh destiny stones.
      • Wasn't it the destruction of the destiny stones that would have merged the worlds?
      • As it is explained, if the dimensions were to merge, everything would be destroyed.
    • Oikawa is being influenced by Myotismon, who is Axe Crazy, and the other two do what he says, them not being the best thinkers anyway. He may simply not have put all the information together, he doesn't seem aware of the other worlds except maybe the Dark Ocean.
  • How did Agumon evolve into wargraymon after giving the power given to him to Imperialdramon?
    • The writers realized WarGreymon and BlackWarGreymon hadn't fought yet, and retconned him giving his powers back to Imperialdramon
      • That makes as much sense as anything, but why did they throw Imperialdramon in as well? making the plothole even bigger?
      • Apparently, they didn't need the power of agumon to make imperialdramon evolve.
      • The only thing that makes sense is that The power that let the 8 digimon evolve to there Perfect/ultimate form can be used to ether evolve Imperialdramon into Imperialdramon FM or Agumon into Wargraymon. But that is just a guess.
    • He took anouther hit off Azulongmon's core, I believe it's mentioned in the episode itself, at least the dub.
      • On rewatching the episode, that can be inferred from the sub as well. Agumon just says he has a bit of qinglongmon's power, but only enough for himself. Since gabumon is also there, people would assume that agumon kept his power, rather than qinglongmon deciding to just empower only agumon (which, considering there are 47 data cores left, would be a really weird decision).
  • Is Imperialdramon FM really an evolution? It look more like a transformation then normal.
    • Well, the nature of mode change isn't really all that clear. Usually, it's an evolution(with the mon becoming more powerful), but sometimes it's closer to a slide evolution(with the mon changing specialties)
      • Even Slide evolution is evolution, what Imperialdramon does is reminisint of what the robots do in Beast Wars.
  • In episode 37 Arukenimon and Mummymon are stopped from joining Blackwargraymon in attacking the chosen children by Tapirmon and Digitamamon. Tapirmon, being a rookie level, is understandable weak. But why is Digitamamon who is on the same level as Arukenimon and Mummymon(Perfect/Ultimate), treated as a rookie?
  • How exactly are Arukenimon and Mummymon part human? Did Oikawa download his DNA?
    • Something like that. He says he turned his DNA into data and that created them.
    • Remember that Digimon aren't just composed of Data. As we've seen with chrome digizoid, digimon are made from a variety of materials. Seeing how digimon can eat, drink and poop, their anatomy is probably pretty close to real people, which could in turn mean they actually have genetic materials themselves.
      • Not necessarily. Eating and pooping are a type of input/output, and does not confirm the existence of reproduction glans/subsystems.
      • But the digimon were able to eat non-digital food as well.
      • Still does not confirm the existence of reproduction glans/subsystems.
      • It wouldn't have anything to do with reproduction. It's just that the data in digimon does apparently form realistic internal systems. And if the greater part is lifelike, why shouldn't the parts that make it up be lifelike? It's just a silly WMG though.
  • On episode 45, what leads Takeru and Hikari to believe that the dark ocean will hold the Demon when every known person to enter the dark ocean escapes?
  • How does Blackwargraymon think (and then accomplish) he can seal the gateway with his body when his body weakens the barrier?
    • The same way Gatomon's tail ring can be used to enslave digmon, he altered his basic data into the opposite effect.
      • That does not make any sense.
  • How does a digivice, which was created by the dark ocean, control dark rings, which were made by Malomyotismon?
    • The digivice was granted power and new fuctions, the dark rings were deliberately tied into that new power.
      • Granted? By who, Dagomon? If so, that raises the same questions. Myotismon doesn't seem to be working with the powers of the dark ocean, and the dark rings didn't exist yet at that point.
  • During episode 43 the chosen children's digimon weaken from being in the real world too long. This raises sever question, first being why didn't they send there digimon to the digital world overnight. Second being why didn't any of the international digimon trainers digimon become weakened; And finally, why didn't vamdemon weaken from being apart from the digital world for so long?
    • They didn't send them overnight because they didn't expect any trouble (which is dumb, considering arukenimon is around, but by no means unfathomable). What bugs me more is that wormmon and veemon have been in the real world just as long, but were still able to go to mega. And the digimon of the new digidestined don't actually return to the digital world in that episode either, yet, in the next episode (which follows directly, so there was no chance for them to go to the digital world) they are able to evolve just fine.
    • Makes less and less sense once you look at the original Myotismon arc in Adventure where the kids digimon were on Earth for an even longer period of time then they were this time around and never lost there power, some of them actually gained it while they were in the real world. No less then 5 major digivolutions occurred in the real world arc and all were those digimon's zenith of power (Lilymon, Zudomon, Angewoman, War Greymon and Metal Garurumon). This makes the following explanation given even harder to swallow, it seems Adventure 02 just needed to find ways to make the New Digidestined relevant by making the Older Digidestined powerless.
  • If Demon could open portals to and for the digital world, why did he not seek the dark seeds sooner?
  • A ton of questions regarding episode 39. First of all, since when do the dark towers interfere with modern technology? The kids were able to use their D-terminals just fine in the first arc.
  • Second; While the military technology was screwed up, it only affected computers. So why didn't they use something without computers to blow up the dark towers?
  • Third, the episode reveals that Izzy and Tai have been in contact with the international chosen children and Gennai for a while. Why didn't they ever ask them to assist?
  • Fourth, Gennai is now 50 years younger. Isn't any of the children going to question how that happened?
    • Supposedly the children were already know from around the time of the conversation between Koushiro and Gennai in the CD drama. But even if giving explanation for plot points in the form of supplemental material is legitimate, they never say how it happened and leave the listener wanting for explanation.
  • Fifth, restoring the power of the crests AND granting paildramon the ability to evolve to mega only took one of Azulongmon's twelve data spheres. There are three other digimon sovereigns, for a grand total of 48 of these data spheres. Considering one data sphere is fairly trivial in this equation, why didn't they grant the kids the power when blackwargreymon first started wreaking havoc on the holy stones? Wargreymon and metalgarurumon could have stopped him a lot earlier.
  • Sixth, why does only Paildramon get the ability to evolve to mega? All the digimon were affected by the light, and there is no mention of Paildramon getting special treatment when Gennai was asked about it.
    • Actually, on closer analysis, this makes a bit of sense. Since angemon and tailmon can now go ultimate, they never jogress until after the encounter with skullsatomon, where they give up their power. However, this raises another question. They give up eight evolution from champion to ultimate (all original digimon) and four evolutions from ultimate to mega (metalgarurumon, wargreymon, silphymon's evolution and shakkoumon's evolution) and all they get in return is a mode change, which doesn't really seem to improve combat capabilities that much and severely lowers imperialdramons speed? Why doesn't imperialdramon just return the power after that, considering the power of the datacore can apparently be transferred willy-nilly?
  • Seventh, Gennai has been erasing all the information about digimon because he is afraid the military will enslave and abuse digimon. First of all, the military has no way of accessing the digital world. Second of all, you gave hundreds of children their own digimon, without any way of keeping them in check. How is that a better idea?
  • Number eight: We see that the digimon have fallen into the real world all over the planet. But, at the end of the storyline, they have all been gathered in five cities. Less than 24 hours have passed. How did they get digimon all the way from africa or south america to paris or mexico city? Even aside from the fact that there is no way to transport them that quickly, why would you bring them to large cities?
  • Nine; How did those dark towers come into existence within such a short time period, considering it would take time for the creator to travel from location to location?
  • Ten; How did wild digimon come into the real world anyway? We never see the dark towers in the digital world summoning humans, and the only thing that even came close to this was with blackwargreymon and the destruction of a holy point, but even that, something of a far greater magnitude than a dark tower, didn't summon that many digimon.
  • In the world tour arc, what's the deal with language? In america, the japanese and american kids both understand each other perfectly, with the exception of Michael's father. In china, the kids at first can't talk, but later in the episode, they suddenly can't (yet they still can't talk to the military). In australia, Dingo (seriously, what's with that name?) at first speaks in english, but the rest of the episode they speak japanese. But in france, russia and mexico, it's very clear that we're not completely ignoring the language issue.
  • Why travel on the back of a digimon when you can enter the digital world from one gate and exit through another?
  • What the hell happened to blackwargreymon between episode 37 and episode 46? In episode 37, he had accepted his fate and jumped off into a different universe. When he comes back, he suddenly has weird new knowledge (like knowing where oikawa is located, knowing that archnemon and mummymon were created from oikawa and knowing that there is a digimon inside Oikawa). Also, his motivations have changed. He apparently wrecked much of the digital world, and is now looking to destroy mummymon and arukenimon, even though he at first mostly ignored them. He also seems to have gained all-new powers. In episode 37, he got one-shotted by qinglongmon. In episode 46, he apparently couldn't be stopped by qinglongmong. He can also accurately leap across dimensions now (which makes me wonder why he even went to the digital world before going to the real world) and is capable of manipulating his own body to strengthen the barrier between worlds.
  • Why didn't blackwargreymon's seal stop Oikawa? Blackwargreymon's sacrifice sealed the gate from the earth side. Even if Oikawa is not going to the digital world, he is still using the same gate.

Episodes 48-50 The Finale

  • The last battle with MaloMyotismon is not at all logical. How the hell would Takeru and Hikari be scared of maloyitismon? Both of them saw things a lot worse than the deaths of arukenimon and mummimon, like Angemon's death, Gotsumon&Pumpkinmon's deaths, Wizardmon's death (stayed dead permanently), Piccolomon's death, Whamon's death (he got a hole on his head), Chuumon's death, Machinedramon's slaughter of the numemon and many more. And now we're supposed to believe that they're afraid because Vamdemon killed 2 of their enemies! Tailmon and Patamon both killed enemies in rather gruesome ways during their first evolutions (Devimon had a gaping hole in his chest, while Vamdemon had been killed by an arrow to the stomach) and the kids clearly saw those deaths clear as day. Yet now they're scared?
    • Not to mention the time they fell off Piedmon's balcony, angemon was badly wounded, every single other ally had been turned in a keychain, and still Takeru didn't give up. Yet now, with all digimon in fresh condidtion, he gives up hope just because Mummymon and arukenimon died? So weird D:
    • And all the while Daisuke get's to play the hero, almost like the producers were afraid they hadn't given him enough main villains to kill already.
    • It wasn't so much the killing of mummymon and arukenimon, but rather the return of myotismon, a villain they had already killed twice, both times needing an All Your Powers Combined. If Myotismon could overcome death two times even after facing the combined power of all digidestined, then what would stop him from being resurrected again, assuming that they could take him down in his new, even more powerful state? I can't fault Hikari & Takeru from freaking out over a villain that wont stay dead but returns time and time again to torment them.
      • Actually, the official explanation was that they really were scared by the deaths, something which is highly questionable, concidering all they (especially TK and Ken) have been through. Not to mention the fact that Davis didn't show courage as much as he showed stubborness. Because in order to be courageous you actually have be afraid (courage is the act of acting despite one's fear of the outcome). It also doesn't help that Davis has been through a lot less than either TK, Kari or Ken, so by all means, it should be him who'd be afraid.
    • It may also have simply been the utter ruthlessness with which MaloMyotismon killed the two, taking it slow and forcing them to experience their worst fears before finishing them off. It was the method of killing, rather than the killing himself. The digidestined had been fighting the two on relatively even ground the entire series, and now suddenly, the new big bad kills them in seconds.
      • The way Malomyotismon killed Arukenimon and Mummymon wasn't all that slow, in fact it was rather quick and painless for a Torture Technician such as Malomyotismon. Arukenimon has a tendency to freak out the moment things start going south, like she did with paildramon earlier. Does this make Paildramon as scary as Malomyotismon?
    • It's also because this is Myotismon we're talking about. The Dark Masters were stronger than he was (as Venom Myotismon, and that might have been only because Venom Myotismon became a mindless brute when he Digivolved) as a GROUP, but compared to Myotismon in terms of sheer sadism they were nothing. Half the things you mentioned that were more horrifying than this were things HE did. They're afraid of him because he's a ruthless sadist who in his Ultimate Form beat the stuffing out of most of their Ultimates, nearly completely destroyed Tokyo, killed off other Digimon in a vast number of sadistic and horrifying ways and in his Mega Form, ate his most loyal henchman and intended to eat nearly everyone in Tokyo. It wasn't just the fact that Myotismon seems impossible to kill off for real (though that's part of it), a lot of it was he was the most evil, sadistic, and brutal enemy and they knew if he got the chance, he wouldn't just kill them, he'd sadistically and ruthlessly murder them in the most horrific manner he could think of (something he just did to their enemies).
      • Its important to remember that Myotismon did not evolve, rather he pulled a One-Winged Angel. While Myotismon is scary, his new form, Malomyotismon is nothing but a Clipped-Wing Angel. Malomyotismon's only achievement is killing two perfect/ultimate digimon. Malomyotismon is unable to kill the children's digimon, or even get them to unevolve. Compare to the Dark masters that have defeated the Digigods. The destruction of a few city blocks of Tokyo does not compare to the whole sale destruction Machinedramon Death From Above attacks of the digicities. Myotismon is no where near as sadistic as Puppetmon, playing hide and seek with a real gun; as well as killing his minions at the slightest provocation. Or as sadistic as Piedmon, who could have killed the chosen children in the real world, but chose to draw it out, among other reasons. Malomyotismon is just a chump compared to the Dark Masters.
    • The reason that Hikari and Takeru were scared, is the same reason they didn't press their advantage when Kimeramon stopped moving in episode 21. Nothing important is ever completed without Daisuke being involved. In a bit of Fridge Logic one may remember the World of Cardboard Speech in episode 53 of Digimon Adventure where each of the kids recalled a Crowning Moment of Awesome before kicking Apocalymon ass. In 02 however, Daisuke had to be the be all, end all hero, leaving no room for anyone else to make a personal achievement. So it's no small wonder that everyone else feels unable to face Malomyotismon.
    • It's especially silly concidering TK has the crest of hope (which means that hope is his greatest quality). To get him to give up before anyone else just stretches belief.
  • So, Davis' dream was to own a noodle cart. What happened to that whole "lusting after Kari" thing?
    • One can dream for a particular career ambition and lust after someone at the same time, you know. Its not like one replaces the other. This headscratcher doesn't even make sense.
    • How are those mutually incompatible dreams? Besides, I like to think that Davis will slowly realize that Kari doesn't have those kind of feelings for him eventually.
    • Dude, seriously? What you want to do with your life and who you fancy are pretty much COMPLETELY UNRELATED. Unless your goal is to just get married and be a housewife or something (which, coincidentally, is what happens with Yolei), your career ambitions and your love life are not going to overlap. And even if your dream IS to become a housewife, you don't normally have a specific person in mind. If everyone's career choices revolved around marrying the person they fancy, then the finale would have been filled with people going "I WANT TO MARRY _____!" I don't know if I'm articulating my point correctly, but I still think that that's a huge logic fail.
      • I object to this statement. Your love life and work don't overlap? No woman ever dreams of a career and family? No boy ever thinks it would be cool to be the awesome dad who hangs out with his kid? No only child ever thinks about having a bunch of kids or vice versa? Who you fancy comes into play because at that age you typically envision your future self with someone you know rather than try to imagine a nonexistent person, and it's kind of weird that , nobody was even present in the minds of one another (I guess your friends don't overlap with your happiness?) and Davis, whose crush on Kari is canon, didn't have a mind illusion wherein he was an only child soccer star with a girlfriend or something along those lines.
    • The whole "lusting after Kari" thing is a Running Gag to portray Daisuke as a Cool Loser.
    • He'd probably given up on Kari by that point. He's not the kind to dwell once it's made clear she's not into him and won't be.
  • Why was Daisuke not affected by Malomyotismon Mind Illusion?
    • The illusionary world trapped the Chosen Children with their obsessions, not with positive dreams and goals. Daisuke didn't have those obsessions, unlike everyone else (although Miyako's is a Cop Out, if you ask me), and so he wasn't affected by BelialVamdemon's illusions.
    • Not "obsessions"; desires. Desires likes owning a noodle cart. Daisuke did have obsessions though, like soccer.
    • I thought I heard something about Davis being immune to the effect of the illusions, because his desires weren't as big as his teammates.
      • Yeah, the actual implication was supposed to be that he's perfectly happy with his life, which is a big part of Daisuke's appeal. He's not paralyzed by angst (like Takeru, Ken or Iori) or self-doubt (like the girls), he just barrels on through to be cool, right?
      • I read somewhere that his dream, at that moment, was to defeat BelialVamdemon, and so he was able, by default, to break out of the illusion, either because he didn't get an illsion or (BelialVamdemon didn't want to show him how to win).
      • Daisuke's desire at that moment was to defeat Malomyotismon. By not showing Daisuke escaping an illusion makes it feel that all the events after a certain point are all an illusion.
    • I think the writers just weren't trying anymore and didn't care if it made any sense, was entertaining or even vaguely satisfying. That's why they killed a demon lord with happy thoughts and picked the stupidest pairings they could manage.
      • Yeah, I distinctly remember him saying something like "aside from the fact that some nutcase keeps trying to kill me, I don't have any problems". I thought it was pretty cool actually. Although I last watched this show years and years ago.
    • I actually think that that was Davis' Crowning Moment of Awesome for more than one reason. He says he has no problems aside from a beak-faced nutter trying to destroy the world (which is a big enough problem by itself), but if you think about it, he actually DID have problems that, had he been less of a Determinator, he would have had a Lotus Eater Machine thing about. He doesn't get on with his older sister since she gets the attention, he's Kari's Hopeless Suitor, most of the team ignore him/put him down, and overall, there's always someone better (TK, Ken, hell, even TAI). For an eleven year old boy, these things would be enough to give him major self-esteem issues, but the CMoA comes in that he realizes that, compared to a psycho nutter trying to destroy the world, his "problems" aren't actually that bad…and if they aren't that bad, then they're not problems, are they? AWESOME STUFF.
      • It would have been nice to see Character Development come to fruition, but not enough effort is put into Daisuke's character to do anything with. Daisuke does not realize anything, and in the end, episode 49 is just a remix of episode 20.
    • Hmm, well Davis/Daisuke is pretty well… dumb. He doesn't overthink things (he barely thinks at all) and combining that with the fact that his life is pretty much spotless compared to the other characters, and he only really has one big problem to deal with: beating the bad guys. He's literally NOT DEEP ENOUGH to be truly affected emotionally by inferiority or any of the above mentioned problems really. The only time in the entire season (as far as I can remember) where Davis ever doubted himself is when he had to use the Digimental of Friendship, and calling that moment out of character is an understatement.
    • Well in the Drama Cds we find out that Davis does in fact have worries, there are two separate CDs just dedicated towards the subject. In one of them he realizes through the other characters behavior that they don't respect him, and that ends up worrying him for a while, then you have another one where he's disheartened over the fact that Hikari doesn't like him back. Then again I like to think that the entire final battle was Davis's fantasy.
    • He also has worries in the V-Tamer 01 manga that he appears in, so now we can safely conclude that the final battle managed to undo Davis's, Tk's and Kari's characterization.
    • In Malomyotismon's Mental Illusion, Daisuke telling us that he was unaffected it gives the impression that this is his dream with himself as the Big Damn Hero.
      • We see from Yolei and Kari that your desire doesn't need to be big to become a mind illusion. Hell, Kari got an illusion out of generally wanting people to be happy and Yolei got an illusion of not having to share her dessert with her siblins. From what we've seen, Davis has at least those desires, as well as owning a noodle cart, having Kari like him, finally being respected as a leader and being a star soccer player. If we assume he was immune to the illusion because his biggest desire was beating Malomyotismon, wouldn't the other kids be immune as well? Does Yolei really value her desserts over all life on earth?
  • Where the hell was Magnamon in that last fight?
    • The Digimental of Miracles does not belong to Daisuke, so he can't use it unless he finds it.
      • Actually that's a really good question, considering that Digimentals themselves aren't as picky as the crests when it comes to their users. Maybe the writers forgot?
      • The Digimental of Miracles reverted back into the crest of kindness, ergo Veemon lost the power to become Magnamon.
      • Shame, since he was by far the best and coolest of the Armor forms.
      • Given that it was the egg of Miracles, you'd think they could've pulled something out of thin air, especially since it was a world where dreams could become reality.
  • Unlike most people, the finale didn't really bother me much. (Well, except for some of the careers the Digidestined ended up having. Matt as an astronaut?) But then I realized something: the kids were fighting in a world that could grant any wish. Why didn't they wish that all of their Digimon could digivolve to Mega? If Kari could wish that Angewomon and Silphymon could both fight, then why couldn't they have had SIX FRIGGIN' MEGAS fighting against MaloMyotismon? Talk about a waste of a perfectly good plot.
    • Seems to me the Digidestined could only tap into the power their Digimon already had. Perhaps because they didn't know what their Digimons' Mega-forms looked like, they couldn't make them reach that level. Keep in mind that Davis couldn't have veemon evolve into magnamon either.
      • But that ignores the fact that Davis saw Veemon become Mangamon with his own two eyes, so he obviously knew what he looked like.
    • Speaking of which, why did they have MagnaAngemon and Angemon appear? They seemed to be content with giving Gatomon only two forms.
      • The writers seem to love Angemon more than any other family of the hero Digimon. Notice how he always digivolves last, and it's a total Game Breaker power that constitutes of "pulls instant victory out of his ass." Except for that one time with BlackWarGreymon, but that's due to him having even stronger plot powers.
      • Also, given that Magnamon was a result of Veemon utilizing the Digimental of MIRACLES, there's no reason why they couldn't have asspulled something to make it show up again. Perhaps the writers were afraid he'd show up the two Angemon forms somehow.

  • Why is Yolei's biggest desire to wish away her siblings so that she doesn't have to share sweets with them? She's been shown to be annoyed with her siblings once or twice, wanting to erase them from existence for that seems rather shallow.
    • That is not shallow, that is out and out evil.
    • I'd say that's only because Miyako never really had any family or drama issues in the series. The rest of the characters all had certain desires, to which BelialVamdemon's illusions corresponded (Takeru wanting to see his family together again, Iori wanting to show his father the Digital World, Ken wanting to see himself punished for his crimes as the Kaiser, Hikari wanting peace - and as the plot ever so conveniently ignored, Daisuke's crush on Hikari, soccer plans and such) but Miyako was never shown to have anything of the sort that wasn't simply gone by that point in the series. So it was basically the first idea the writers could come up with for her.
    • On episode 37 we learn that Miyako is touchy about food when she argues with Daisuke about meat buns. However Miyako has never shown this attitude towards food before and never acts that way again.
  • There is also the fact that Millenniumon is a Complete Monster. Yet the Chosen Children are unconcerned about the children who were infected with Millenniumon's Dark Spores, citing that they will be fine as long as they never get depressed again. Is that really the best resolution that they could come up with? The fact is that the Dark Spores makes you smarter, stronger, a better dresser and apparently no side effects if you feel good about doing it. Why would the infected children never want to feel depressed?
    • The dark spores were removed from the children, even though the chosen's decisions make no sense.
      • They had no way of removing the black spores and just say the children will be fine as long as they hold on to their dreams. This is from episode 50.
  • Malomyotismon, Complete Monster that he is kills Arukenimon and Mummymon in short order. So why did he not kill the chosen children in any of the half a dozen chances that he is given?
    • He's a sadistic bastard who feeds on fear and believes himself unbeatable by them. He was playing with them first.
      • He did not even play with them that much. In fact, Malomyotismon didn't do much of anything. He just stood there.
    • Fear makes him stronger. They were freaking out until Davis got them to stop and at that point they formed an army and were beating on him. Besides, Myotismon has never been one to just kill the kids, he could have done so many times in the first series but rarely even attemted it.
      • Not when he knew that his chances were running low. He attacked the kids several times and did everything he could to kill Kari.
  • Something rather insane about the epilogue (APART from the characterizations and official couples), is how Joe's career turned out. Yes, he became a doctor... for DIGIMON. Digimon do not get sick as humans do, and do not need medicine, etc. So how's he getting on working as a doctor for digital creatures? Especially seeing as he put all that work into learning how to be a doctor for HUMANS.
    • In the CD Drama 2 and a half years Joe talking about studying veterinary medicine, but that does not make sense ether as Digimon (digital monsters) are fundamentally different then organic beings.
    • YMMV on the 'not get sick' part. Gabumon did end up getting ill during the Devimon arc in the original season and was cured by some herbs from Frigimon, and Joe was able to jury-rig a sling for Ogremon during the Dark Masters arc, so saying they don't get sick or injured isn't exactly correct, just not as common.
    • The real point is, who in the world is paying Joe to be a doctor for digital creatures?!
      • In episode 23 of Digimon Adventure, digimon payed for there food, so they can get money somehow. It was never meant to be brought up again I imagine.
  • Malomyotismon was powered up by Millenniummon data, random dark energy, and little kids depression. How would losing depression energy wreck Malomyotismon, who consisted on several powers?
    • For that matter, exactly where all the darkness in the Digital World which Belial Vamdemon uses to power himself actually came from is never explained.
    • In the Tokyopop manga version of 02, the element of Belial Vamdemon losing power based on kids starting to believe in their dreams is cut - instead, all the Digimon energize Imperialdramon simultaneously, giving him the power to use Giga Death.
    • The loss of the dark energy robbed him of his physical form since that's what he'd made it out of. That left the rest of him which was then destroyed by Imperialdramon.
  • Where are the Digigods at the final battle on episode 50 anyway?
    • The final battle that only took a few minutes in the digital world? By the time they learned of it and decided to interfere it would have already been over.
    • They are god digimon that's how.
  • Myotismon's return. The whole "if you die in the digital world, you become a ghost" thing was used to explain how myotismon survived his death on earth. The problem is that, canon-wise, myotismon actually appeared afterwards again. Twice. First, he was part of apocalymon and apocalymon went boom. On the other hand, the whole apocalymon finale seems to be ignored by 02 and it could be handwaved that apocalymon was between worlds. His other appearance was in the first wonderswan games, anode and cathode, where he was resurrected by milleniummon and faced by Ryo. This death definately took place in the digital world, on the continent of server. So... How exactly did he survive his second death?
  • Where did all those digimon and digivices from episode 50 come from?
  • After the end, everyone received their own digimon right? So why is Gabumon the only digimon to go to space? Did Yamato go on a solo mission, or did they make everyone else leave there digimon behind?
  • So if everyone received their own digimon, how would the earth as a whole feed twice its population overnight? Or even gradually?1999: 6 billion -> 12 billion?
    • By cultivating Digital World farmland, of course.
  • There is some Fridge Horror when you realize that such a claim could mean even troublemakers could have ended up with Digimon, and what results could come from that.
    • Epic fights between the troublemakers' digimon and the law enforcements' digimon. Criminal elements and law enforcement elements will be advanced by precisely the same amount, so there will be no net change.
      • Except the collateral damage would be monumental.
      • Chrome Digizoid (and, assumably, related superstrong digital stone material) construction means that in a world where digimon and the digital world are readily accessible, buildings and objects can be made waaay more stable and damage-resistant than in real life. Also, remember that far less than one percent of the populations' digimon will be able to go above Champion level, preventing the really powerful attacks from being terribly common.
      • First of all Chrome Digizoid is noted for its rarity, and I am sure if easy ways to make better homes was available then so many Infrastructure would not have been destroyed. Secondly rookie types have attacks strong enough to kill a human, and dying painfully is more of a concern then losing ones home.
      • A human's attacks are enough to kill another human (strangulation, for instance, or striking with a large stick in the right way);. Everybody having the potential to kill everybody else is nothing new, and has been around for far longer the digital age. The deterrent in the new Digified world will be the same as IRL: step too far out of line, and you'll have a number of people with combat ability equal to or greater than yours trying to kill you, and a legal system to punish you. Why would somebody be tempted to kill by partner's fireballs, when they weren't already tempted by a baseball bat and a decent shot at the target's head? Digital killings are even likely to be highly traceable; identify the attack that caused it, and you have the identity of the partner 'mon; assuming they keep a database of partners, they can simply use that to limit the suspect pool greatly, then use geography and conventional criminal science to narrow the suspects further. Again, the tools change, but the overall process remains exactly the same. Same with property destruction: you can make a bomb/IED pretty damn easily with easily bought conventional materials, but most people, even crazies, don't, due to fear of punishment, which will still be in effect.
      • "Assuming they keep a database of partners". Right after they create a database on the entire human race. "Limit the suspect pool greatly." You know that there are far less then 6 billion digimon right? Add on that apparently they can only evolve up to champion limits the number even more. Then add on that nearly every digimon can evolve into almost any other digimon; Saying that it would limit the suspects is sadly misinformed. "You can make a bomb/IED pretty damn easily with easily bought conventional materials, but most people, even crazies, don't, due to fear of punishment" Oh yes, I remember hearing about the prisons being converted into low income housing as no one commits crimes out of fear of punishment. Besides, it does not matter how fast some one was caught or punished how they were punished, someone will still be dead. A lot of people will be dead in fact. The person the killer was aiming for, the people and buildings that get hit by the collateral, and the buildings that get hit by everyone else getting involved. And this is not even touching on the collateral from accidents or heaven forbid War.
      • Most civilized countries do keep a record of the names and some basic demographic information of their citizens, yes (third world and lawless countries will, as always, be shafted for a few decades). Also, even if there are thousands of any given partner species in any given city, how many of them will be partnered to a person familiar with the victim (as with most murders)? It isn't enough on its own, no, but there are other forensic methods, and the addition of this one will help narrow things down greatly- at least as much as identifying caliber of gun or type of blunt force impact does in real murder investigations. Sure, there will always be people who try. But, and this is the important part, the people who don't need to go to prison far and away outnumber those who do, enough for people in most areas of developed countries to not fear for their lives 24/7. Again, making fertilizer bombs or the like is pretty darn simple. How many IEDs went off in your neighborhood in the past week, assuming you don't live in the middle east? Also, there will likely be a very violent transitionary period as society gets used to it, I admit, but it won't be a permanent state, and EVERYBODY getting them means war won't be that likely due to MAD - we have WMD in real life already, after all.
      • And then someone destroys the destiny stones and everything disappears.
      • Digimon are more like handheld weapons then bombs or missiles. They only take one whim to use. Also tracking crime would be harder now that anyone can hop into the digital world and hop back into a different part of the real world. The existence of WMD has not stopped wars, and digimon have there own reasons to fight. So unless you are saying that world peace will be declared, I will have to disagree with your opinion.
        • Of course there won't be peace, but it won't be the end of everything either. Things will continue similar to real life, give or take. Potential for criminal mischief will increase, but potential for law enforcement will increase by the same amount.
        • That is assuming that the law enforcement has the procedure and power in place in time to deal with it. Remember the government does not control who gets a digimon and when, they don't even know the procedure in place for the person to recieve one, and they can't stop people from forcing their digimon to evolve once they get one. This is also assuming that the chosen children will be able to even convince their local bureaucrats to listen to them, or even that the chosen children really know the type of preventative steps that can be taken in order to prevent or find the people that commit crimes using their digimon. Remember the people can go back and forth from the digital world to the real world, and unlike humans, digimon do not have anything that really makes them distinguishable from one another besides personality, and nothing is stopping many people from having the same type of digimon in the same city, or that digimon from de-evolving into a smaller form, thus making it harder to catch them. Like a gun nothing is preventing a person with a digimon from simply not registering their digimon. When real life criminals escape to another country it's hard as nails finding them since the laws of one country don't really hold water in another, now imagine how much harder it would be finding that person in a completely different world? Really a digimon register, wouldn't work unless world peace has been achieved, and every single part of the digital world was known to the law enforcement, in addition to the real world. So no law enforcement having the same firepower doesn't really make a lick of difference, as in the real world, the law enforcement have the same or more firepower than criminals and yet, criminals are still able to avoid capture. Having firepower is nothing if you can't do anything with it.
          • It can be done rather simply: if they find evidence of an unregistered digimon, withhold citizenship rights and track down to force registration or somesuch (there will likely be monitoring of the known and stable portals between worlds and of digital manifestations to mirror monitoring at the gun shops). It will, of course, lead to fleeing, but that isn't the problem of the countries in question. Granted, this will lead to a safe 1st world and hellish 3rd world, but that isn't really anything NEW, just a new spin on it (tyranny by digimon rather than human death squads, a new crop of dictators). As for the Digital world being a lawless place where criminals can flee to and be perfectly fine... hahaha yeah right. Between Pixiemon, Andromon, the protagonist partners, related ultimate-level-and-higher Vaccine types, the tendency for partners to resemble in personality and digimon type meaning there will be less trusting even in the digital world of suspicious looking Virus types, particularly those partnered to suspicious humans, and the inability of virtually all the rogue partners to go beyond Champion, anybody fleeing to the digital world will either end up a minion of a Big Bad for protection (and thus dead meat when the Ultimate and/or Mega-level heroes come around), or on the run and in fear and discomfort the entire time trying to avoid the Ultimate and/or Mega level heroes.
        • It seems someone doesn't know how politics or procedure works. Again if a digimon is unregistered then that person is most likely hiding them (not unlike how a person hides a firearm), it is stupid to assume that the criminal would be stupid enough not to secure their own way of travel so that they can avoid suspicion, which is the point of holding something illegally. Also withholding someone's citizenship and rite of passage is a very serious thing, which cannot be taken away without in many court systems in various countries without any evidence. In other words the police have to they'd have to figure out exactly what digimon attack could have caused the damage and if the digimon just uses an attack that causes an explosion, well there are many digimon that can do that, then they'd have to find the evidence that it was an unregistered digimon that did it, not a registered one, which takes more time , then they'd have to find out who have the specific digimon unregistered which is easier said than done since that person is most likely hiding their digimon from plain view. Also nothing is stopping that person from leaving the country after they commit the crime, or from flying on their flying digimon—if they have one-- (in which case its pointless to even try and withold their citizenship) and again not every other country recognizes the laws of another, which is why many suspects, leave during investigation, and before the detectives have time to point them out as a suspect. So having more and better firepower doesn't any easier for the police to catch the criminal, as it actually has very little to do with their ability to catch them. Police are a reactionary unit they can't act unless someone commits a crime, not before. If they tried to arrest someone for a crime committed in the future, then they'd have no case as it would rely on the words of one person. And if that person escaped to another country then it would be harder to find them, as the authorities from that country won't work with the ones from another. And even if there was a separate global organization built to catch them like other global organizations their power would be dependent on individual countries, and its likely that they won't have much political power due to the amount of fire power they have (in other words politics). So really it isn't simple at all. Also nothing is really stopping the digimon from evolving into an ultimate or Mega. Remember tags and crests just made it easier for them evolve, but digimon like Milleniumon were able to evolve without it, so its also incorrect to assume that the criminal (if they really tried) won't find a way to make their digimon evolve farther than champion. Really there is nothing stopping them from getting a digimon stronger than Imperialdramon (who isn't actually a strong Mega). And virus=/= evil, a digimon being evil is not necessarily a type but personality as Gallantmon is a virus-type and yet is a royal knight, and Lucemon was a vaccine type, and Numemon the digimon that sacrificed themselves to save Hikari were all virus-types.
    • There are only six D3s, not everyone will be moving between worlds. This actually does more harm than good. There is no way the end of Adventure 02 would not cause huge problems even if no Digimon beyond champion showed up. The scale of the problems and the rate they develop at depend on how quickly it actually takes for everyone to get their own partner, presumably not instantly but this is not like Pokemon where humans have been living alongside monsters before recorded history. This is not like Monster Rancher where the people can count on God to step in when things get out of hand. Society is unprepared for Digimon, there is still a lot about them people do not understand. Society would not have a smooth transition.
      • More D3 generated with the digimon at the end of episode 50, so it is not unlikely that a notable percentage of the populous would own one.
        • For some added Fridge Horror, of the chosen children (aka the guaranteed good guys) around the world only our main characters from 02 have D3s, and there are only six of them, the rest have of them have the older digivices, meaning that they can't open closed digital gates, and more D3s were being generated by the end of the series, meaning that everyone else in the world has a D3.
  • Exactly how did Yamato become a astronaut? Did he dedicate his life to science or did he join Japan Self-Defense Forces?
    • Wait, the self-defense force sends people into space? The logo on his suit is definately not the logo of the JSDF, so it's probably the former
  • If champion digimon where hurting BelialVamdemon why did Imperialdramon and Imperialdramon FM Positron Lasers not hurt BelialVamdemon?
    • They did strike him, ever so conveniently knocking him into the Digital World, into all the darkness for which the source is left without explanation. And THAT is how he powered himself to the point he could effortlessly block Imperialdramon Fighter's Positron Laser.
      • They hit, but they did not register damage. The reason that this is notable is that even champion level digimon attacks damaged BelialVamdemon. The two Imperialdramons on the other hand, where unable to hurt BelialVamdemon and could only push BelialVamdemon back.
  • Why where there two levels of digivices at the end of Digmon Adventure 02 anyway? It did not make sense to ostracize 98% of the tamers at the beginning of the show. Why continue to ostracize at lest 66% of the tamers?
  • So how did a million chosen children keep there million digimon a secret?
  • In episode 50 Gennai returns Tailmon's tail ring to her calming that it was originally holding the powers of darkness in cheek in the Kaisers flying ship. But wasn't the crest of kindness the thing keeping the darkness at bay?
    • The writing became very loose in the series' last few episodes, that's just one of several inconsistencies.
  • How did all the children get to the digital world at the end of 02? None of them had D-3's, and blackwargreymon's sacrifice should have sealed the major holes. If they were summoned by something, why weren't the original digidestined summoned?
    • I cant say why the children were able to get to the digital world after being limited for so long, but most if not all of the original chosen children were there as well.
    • Woops, misremembered that point.
  • Why did the dream world not work for Arukenimon and Mummymon?
    • Arukenimon wished to be as far away from Malo Myotismon as possible and now she'll never be near him again. Mummymon would want to be with Arukenimon so he died easily and joined her in oblivion.
      • That was what Malo Myotismon did, not the dream world.
  • If things made in the dream world vanish when they leave, then how did BelialVamdemon keep his new body?
    • His new body was formed from the dark energy he took from the children, which was not a product of dream world.
  • If Oikawa/Myotismon always had the digicards, then why did he not just go to the dream realm right away?
    • Because Oikawa was in control of his body, even if Mysotismon had some influence, and he didn't want to go to the dream world.
      • That didn't stop him from giving Oikawa the wrong card combination in episode 48. He could have done that at any time.
  • Why did Ken never develop a flower on his head from the dark spore like the kids did?
    • The other kid's spores were tampered with.
      • How so?
    • His spore went dormant so it never fully blossomed.
      • When did that happen?
  • Is it just me or is the dream world rather static? I mean its fulled by peoples dreams right? So by all rights it should be a maelstrom of ideas come to life. Further more, humans are always thinking(not necessarily thinking of useful things but still). If the would of dreams should have been a maelstrom before anyone got there, then the dream world should have exploded from all the direct and unfiltered thoughts when people did entered.
  • What stopped Vamdemon from having all of his evolution fighting with him against the chosen children?


  • Why do the kids act like the Digimon are a huge secret? Presumably everybody saw the Digital World floating in the sky during the events of Digimon Adventure. For that matter, shouldn't the main children be famous as the saviors of the world?
    • I think it's less that Digimon are a secret and more that these specific kids are the ones that have Digimon. So after school, they use a school computer to go to an alternate dimension to kick the ass of another kid who has delusions of grandeur? What do you think would happen if the teacher or parents found out about this? They're eleven years old (except for Cody, who's even younger than that) and every time they go, there's a risk that they could get hurt or die. If you had an eleven-year-old son and you found out he was doing all that, would you let him go? And I think a lot of people were still in the convention center when the digital world became visible in the sky. At least, that's how I explain it.
    • A lot of the Plot Threads from Digimon Adventure got cut in favor of the new kids. Among other things, the massive amounts of damage caused by the invading digimon got repaired in an amazingly short amount of time and the unavoidable loss of human life is never mentioned.
    • Wasn't it partially explained that, as the years passed, memories of the Digital World began to fade? TK's and Matt's mom seemed to have forgotten all about it until Oikawa reminded her.
      • No, no it wasn't, they never said anything of the sort. Especially when you find out in later episodes that people in fact do remember what happened three years ago.
      • My guess is that their parents prevented any stories about them from leaking out. After nearly losing their kids to a group of monsters, they were probably eager to move on with their lives and carry on in normalcy, which would be impossible if news media were hanging around trying to interview their kids. Yamato's and Takeru's dad worked at a radio station and their mom worked as a reporter, so its not a stretch to think that they could've come up with some cover story about the events that transpired while leaving the kids out of it. As far as the families knew, the nightmare was over, so why dwell on it? Mimi's parents come to mind as they moved themselves and their daughter to America to escape the memories and start afresh. What confuses this troper though is how the rest of the world managed to continue on even after a series of monster attacks? Seriously, a bunch of creatures pop out of nowhere, create a lot of damage and then inexplicately vanish. I would've expected people to be cowering in fear at the threat of a sudden monster attack.
      • The only problem with that is that the parents weren't shown to have that much power especially Matt's dad who is just a regular employee, and not someone in a high position, ditto for their mother who also wasn't shown to have much of any power at all. Plus its pretty hard to hide what people saw all over the world with their own two eyes.
      • The problem isn't just that the people of Tokyo saw the events. We get shots of both France and Russia, showing that the digital world was visible there as well.
    • The digital world may have appeared in the sky worldwide but it only lasted a couple hours, time didn't sync up until Apocalymon appeared so people wouldn't have any idea what it meant. Even the people in Tokyo, and even most of the parents, never really understood what was going on. As far as the world knows, weirtd things happened, and then they stopped happening, end of story. Nobody ever explained about digimon so nobody knows about digimon.
      • It was recorded though. On videos when people recorded it, and in the earth where world wide attacks on buildings were observed.
  • It's always bugged me that Davis is compared to Tai as leadership skills go. Davis acts like Tai (soccer obsession, stupid goggles, Book Dumb) but Tai actually led the team. When he disappeared, the team sucked and fell apart within weeks. Tai learned from his mistakes. Davis basically lucked into one Deus Ex Machina after another. I really don't think they're comparable.
    • I disagree. In some ways, Daisuke isn't the leader that Taichi was; he's not quite as headstrong, and he doesn't reunite the team like Taichi does after returning to the Digital World. On the other hand, Daisuke is the one who'll stay back to help any lagging teammates, and puts himself in the forefront to protect them. Like in the episode where he finds out the Kaiser's identity: say all you like, but I don't think that Taichi would have ever bowed down before Ken, even if his friends were in trouble. He would probably have gotten Agumon to attack instead. Either that, or run up and kicked Ken in the head. To wit, different characters, different style of leadership.
    • The Adventure 02 crew were smaller and seemed a bit more capable than the originals, especially with two experienced Digidestined helping them out. Quite possibly they didn't need Tai's kind of leadership.
    • I think that it may have been that Tai was only a better leader because he needed to be a better leader. His team lived and survived in the Digiworld trying to find a way home while fending off wild Digimon. He had to step up and become the best leader possible because, if he didn't, they would all die. Not to say that the new team didn't risk anything, but at the end of nearly every episode they would return home and it was a really big deal for them to stay even a single night. The originals did not have this luxury.
    • It could also be seen that even though Davis was the designated Leader, he really wasn't. No one in the group respected him enough to listen to him when it really mattered and his jealousy of TK got in the way, so that even the one Digidestined who may have listened to him and gotten the others to respect him would just laugh it off or ignore him. The group almost always had one of the originals to take the stress off of him or tell him off to make him learn to be a better Digidestined. Besides, the only reason why he's considered the leader is because he acts so much like Tai, makes the Rousing Speeches (even though TK or Kari should've been fine without any speeches), and makes the self-sacrifices.
      • TK and Kari should've been fine? Their previous experiences with the Digiworld seems to have just left them all the more messed up to me. Kari had a Big Brother Worship and constant self doubt, TK had the whole Crusader-from-hell thing going whenever someone forgot that Evil Is Not a Toy and a whole bunch of psychological trauma from seeing his partner die right in front of him. Sure they had previous experience with the Digital world and knowledge that they could offer to the new guys, but that also served to show just how damn scary the whole thing was. They were more aware of what was waiting for them. I guess maybe having done this all once and now realizing they have to do it again would be a strain, too. Maybe Davis, Yolei, and Cody had the advantage of not always knowing just how tough the guys they were up against really were. Davis's real advantage (the one thing he certainly had in common with Tai) was that he saw what he was up against, how tough it was, realized how likely he was to get killed, and then did it anyway, and it was that determination and drive alone that gave him any influence and allowed him to succeed, even at points when the others were just about ready to quit.
    • You need to recognize that Davis had a lot of Matt's traits too which made his way of leading different than Tai's and Davis was also the only one without any excess emotional Baggage out of the entire 02 cast. The rest of them all had their problems and Davis was the only one grounded enough to take on the leadership role. Also, you have to remember that out of all the characters that had a took on a leadership role, Davis was the only one who didn't screw up royally on the job. He made small mistakes sure, but never the giant screw ups his seniors made.
    • Davis isn't quite as good as Tai, and early on, he's just an immature idiot. However he learns and grows, and is shown to be genuinely inspiring. Also, they try TK as the leader, and it really doesn't work. As headstrong as Davis is, he's courageous and the one who can hold the team together in a pinch. He may not be as good a leader as Tai, but he's definitely the one in the 02 team with the most leadership ability.
      • T.K. never once got a leadership role in 02; you're confusing him with Matt in Adventure. It was Matt who had gotten the leadership torch in Adventure and was not able to lead the group, T.K. never led anyone. Also, T.K. hating darkness was not a debilitating trait in 02, nor was Kari's overreliance on her brother (as long as she wasn't in the Dark Ocean). Also, Tai himself did have his own emotional baggage to deal with in Adventure, and I actually found the fact that he was able to have emotional baggage lead his fellow Digidestined who were also going through their own troubles made him more human and real good leader. In fact, when the new kids got into a tight spot, it wasn't Davis who led them out of it; it was mostly just the older kids who did it.
    • When you think about it, Davis is more like Mimi of all people than Tai; he's ditsy, always acts on impulse rather than strategy, is more friendly, and overall, it seems like he wasn't really meant to be the Leader. He's the Determinator of the group, definitely, but I really don't think that the 02 gang has a true leader. Davis is just the dumb kid who dove in without a plan and got lucky more often than not.
    • As mentioned above, the 02 group was smaller and much more tightly woven than the Adventure group. They were able to act as equal group members and had no real leader.
      • It helped that their "leader" was a leader in name only seeing how he was too airheaded and lovestruck by a bowl-cut spandex wearing chica to make any leadership decisions.
      • More like the others didn't respect him enough to give him a chance. By the end of the series it's clear he had the potential to be a great leader, but with the exception of Ken, the other kids pretty much looked down on him all the time.
      • Actually this isn't true, Daisuke received plenty of chances to be a real leader the problem is that well he never actually tries to lead when he was supposed to be leading. Daisuke had a habit of keeping out of the discussion that the group had on what to do next, and he would just go with whatever was suggested, so he wasn't a leader; it's even worse that Daisuke could only lead (I use that term lightly) when the others were OOC. In other words Daisuke just lacks leadership qualities necessary for the team, and because of the bar on developing his character he never learned how to become one. This altogether actually makes Daisuke the most useless member when plot isn't involved.
    • Daisuke does not lead so much as activate plot. When there wasn't any plot to move, Daisuke rarely contributed anything resembling leadership.
  • Why wasn't Ken Ichijoji called up along with the original eight members? He has a crest assigned to him, and it doesn't sound like anything particularly unusual so far as crests go. Is it just as simple as his brother not letting him near the Digivice? Was he not called just because he didn't come into contact with a Digivice until it was a little too late? And even if that is the reason, he wasn't the only one they missed; Hikari also initially Missed the Call but they went on a massive hunt to find her (I guess the Crest of Light is particularly important in some way, though I wouldn't say she ended up playing any bigger a part than the others) So why was Ken passed over altogether?
    • Ken didn't get a Digivice until after the Diaboromon fight. I'm not sure why he got it before Yolei, who also witnessed the Diaboromon fight, or even Cody and Davis, who had their first digital encounters during the Myotismon arc, but he received his Digivice as part of the plot of Tag Tamers, which is one of the franchise games that is considered canon.
      • In that case, why does the guy even have a crest at all? How do you miss a digidestined with a Crest?
      • I think the main point is that Ken didn't become a Digidestined until after the events of season 1 took place. The crest of kindness was just a convoluted plot point that made little sense (much like the latter half of season 2.).
      • I think I read somewhere that the Golden Digi-Egg transformed into the crest of Kindness, which would also explain why the egg is never seen again in the series.
      • Which still doesn't make sense considering that the crests were amplification devices created by Gennai and his colleagues before Adventure. The digimentals are just armor for the Digimon and their function is very different from a crest's. Crests also don't have power on their own, rather, it acts as an amplifier. Ken in Tag Tamer game never had a crest, and he gets taken over by the Dark Spores at the end of game, turning him into the Digimon Emperor, so there was no time for him to find the crest or make it flow. The whole crest of kindness shtick was just a Deus Ex Machina. The whole thing is one of the larger Plot Holes in this season.
    • Ken wasn't called because he wasn't chosen to deal with that particular problem. It's possible anyone could have a crest, they're just a tool to channel the child's natural power anyway, but there weren't any more needed. hell, maybe the digigods created the crest of kindness just in case they needed something to work with later on, which they did.
      • The crests were created from the data gathered form the children. Even If one was willing to accepted that Ken was scanned, there is no way that the crest of kindness could have been created before the events of Digimon Adventure.
  • Why don't any of the digimon near the emperor ever try to attack him. True, he could easily take control of them, but he's just a kid, and kids can't really stand up against even a single digimon attack.
    • Because, as you said, it would be futile. He has a load of controlled Digimon that would attack anyone who tries to hurt him. They would've just gotten themselves killed.
      • Except we've frequently seen that even low-level digimon, such as babies or rookies, will stand up to vastly more powerful enemies. In episode 23, Ken is even attacked by a Baby Digimon.
  • What was with those Golden Digi-Eggs suddenly appearing out of nowhere near the end of the movie? They were never mentioned anywhere else in the movie or even anywhere in the series.
    • Wallace doesn't appear in the series either when they go to America.
      • Despite some references in the dub, the third movie was out of continuity with the series, and thus didn't follow the rules of the show. It was the same reason patamon and gatomon could suddenly reach mega-level. Wallace didn't appear in the series because he's not part of that continuity. Its apparently very common with anime movies.
  • The "Never Kill" attitude. In the first season the Chosen had absolutely no problems with killing, mind-controlled or not; what's the big deal now?
    • The new kids are probably just naive.
    • Its not just the Chosen Children that have a problem killing, the so-called villains have a problem killing as well. By episode 50 there are only 9 deaths, control spire construct notwithstanding. Out of the 9 deaths, 6 are caused by the Chosen Children and 3 are caused by Malomyotismon.
      • That figure is off by a bit. Airdramon killed 3 hangyomon in ep 13, before being killed himself. Kimeramon also dies, but he is artificial as well, though not made out of control spires. I'd personally count blackwargreymon as a death too, even though he is made of control spires, he obviously have a large personality.
    • What's especially baffling is that two of second season's chosen were part of the original Digidestined and personally killed plenty of Digimon. Why is there a taboo if the digimon will simply be reborn later?
  • This is more of a minor quibble, but it's always bothered me. ExVeemon's strongest attack is the Vee-laser, where he shoots an X-shaped laser beam from his chest. I repeat, ExVeemon's Vee-laser is X-shaped. Now I know the original series had the much more sensible name of X-laser, so the question is; why did they change it to something no non-nonsensical?!
    • Original version was XV-Laser in Japanese (seen as 'Cross-V-Laser') in that katakana on the card game.
    • Because actually the stomach mark is ambiguous,sure it can be looked at as an X but the top part is bigger and the lower part breaks forming a V,likewise the top half of the laser is bigger making a V, so actually it could be interpreted as either, and the original version of course calls it XV laser.
  • It may be out of continuity but there's something just wrong with Hurricane Touchdown. It obviously takes place after Ken's Heel Face Turn, since Daisuke very clearly knows what to do with the Digimental of Miracles, while Angewomon's presence (and Holydramon's,HolyAngemon's and Seraphimon's) means that it has to be after the Core absorption. So my question: Where the hell is Ken?
    • That's just it, it's not in continuity, so it doesn't have to follow the rules of the series. But if it was in continuity it would be before Ken's Heel Face Turn because he's not there, before the new kids had the power to make the Digimon naturally evolve (the movie was released sometime during the emperor arc if I'm not mistaken) and probably before Miyako got the Digimental of Purity (since Shurimon is a better fighter than Hawkmon and more likely would have been used) so it's probably supposed to fit somewhere between episodes 11 and 14. And in the movie's canon the original Digimon never lost the power to go to perfect and Patamon and Tailmon must have obtained the power to evolve into Ultimate(Mega in the dub) sometime in between season 1 and 2
  • How could Kokomon be reborn as an egg at the end of the movie? When Digimon die in the real world, they're supposed to stay dead.
    • The movie isn't canon.
      • The real reason is because the writers weren't all on the same page.
    • It's possible that a digimon connected to a human with a digivice will simply save state and be reborn as an egg when destroyed.
  • Gatomon is a girl. Aquilamon is a guy. So is Silphymon a hermaphrodite? He looks like a guy, I suppose, but this Silphymon fangirl feels like she just got a Bridget dropped on her...
    • Hermaphrodite, yes. But, he's probably closer to a male than anything since Silphymon is Aquilamon's natural Ultimate level. Much like Angewoman is Gatomon's.
    • Actually, it's explained in Digimon Tamers that digimon aren't divided into genders. That falls in line with Digimon's inability to reproduce, so it's probably true in Adventure as well.
  • If Jogress Evolution is just one Digimon giving its power to another, to allow the other to reach its natural Perfect level, why does Paildramon have Stingmon's armor, or Silphymon have Tailmon's ears? Or in other words, why would XV-mon and Aquilamon's natural Perfect forms have traits of Stingmon and Tailmon?
    • The natural thing is Fan Wank from the Digivice toys, where it seems the creators just didn't want to create new Jogressed Ultimate forms for Angemon and Tailmon. The truth is that Jogress's outcomes can vary greatly. You can get an amalgamation of two Digimon, a power boost for one Digimon, or even weird half and half-hybrids. If you want to really wank things, though, Aero V-dramon and Jewel Beemon are Perfect Level Digimon that have a lot of design traits in common with XV-mon and Stingmon and Aquilamon has been shown to evolve into Garudamon without a Jogress in Savers (but nothing even remotely resembles Ankylomon - poor thing).
    • Jogress was originally explained as combining two to form a higher level. "Natural" is variable in this franchise but it is a joint process, not one giving something up for the other. The cases where it wasn't with Neodevimon, Callismon and Alphamon were explicitly stated not to be Jogress and supposedly that's the difference in whatever Xros Wars is using too.
  • Someone Explain to me why fans think that Revenge of Diaboromon is canon, just because Our War Game is? They are two separate movies and even though one is supposed to be a sequel of the other, the events of the movie itself, couldn't have happended considering the ending of the tv series. Not only that but different people worked on those two movies. Fans forget that the whole reason why the first movie is considered canon is because it is actually referenced in series, while the second movie is not.
    • For the same reason Movie 6 (runaway locomon) is considered, fans prefer it. I mean, if fans ignore a well written cd drama that expands a lot on the characterisation of the Tamers (except Ai and Makoto) over a 30 minute movie with a vague plot, plot holes and most appearances being cameos (maybe because the cd drama is too depressing and the fandom needed therapy after the Tamers finale?), why wouldn't they prefer a good (30 minute) action movie with a plot that made a lot more sense than the finale?
      • A lot of people probably love to think that it's the end of the series, rather than the one we actually got. You know how fans are. But I digress, it's easy to see why they'd think it is canon, I myself at first thought it was (then was totally confused and wondering where the hell it fits in the storyline). It's a pretty easy mistake to make.
      • Actually, there's no real reason this shouldn't fit canon. I did some research of my own, and the supposed "continuity errors" really aren't that major. In fact, I saw nothing at all saying that it wasn't canon, so it either may be or not. I mean, yeah, in the future everybody has a Digimon partner, but given that there are over six billion humans on Earth, that probably took some time and didn't happen immediately. So that's not a big deal. I mean, even if the "million points of light" is a literal representation of the number of Digidestined kids on Earth that's still a small fraction of the population.
      • Again the continuity errors being ignored are things explicitly in the last episode (and Drama Cds) such as, when did it happen? If it happened at the end of the series then shouldn't the people already know about the Digital World (and don't point try to point out that 02 did the same, because it was revealed that all video footage of the of the time with Myotismon was gone)? In fact shouldn't there be more Chosen Children? All of that makes the movie seem more like a Non-Serial Movie than one that actually belongs in canon.
      • The lack of internal consistency of Digimon Zero Two is jarring. How do the errors in the movie make it less canon then the anime?
      • It's easy, really. Not everyone in the world witnessed the finale. Weirdness Censor or a lack of time for word to spread means not everyone knows of the Digital World. Only the kids we're familiar with showed up because they're the only ones strong enough to fight, and they might not have known any other kids to contact. There were already so many chosen kids in their area that there likely weren't that many more anyway. Think of everyone getting a partner as being a gradual process, plus there would probably have been some screening process to make sure evil humans didn't get partners. "Everyone having a Digimon" is just hyperbole, since it would be too time-consuming to say "everyone has a Digimon, except for these people, and those people, and them..."
      • Actually that explanation doesn't work. The final battle was shown around the world in the sky, which was doing something weird, at the time, so unless they were sleeping people around the world would see it, since all they would have to do is look up. Which isn't something hard to imagine considering how weird the sky was behaving at that time, so people would be guaranteed to stare at it for a while, due to worry, especially if they start to see the images of the backs of 8 little kids fighting an Eldritch Abomination. Plus both Adventure and 02 series itself kinda stomps on the idea that people didn't see the final battle when it showed people watching the battle around the world and when they pointed out that scientists are trying to figure out how to get to the digital world, so Weirdness Censor is not in play at all. Also according to the series canon itself ALL people were given a digimon, there was no screening process, there was no hyperbole, EVERYONE WAS GIVEN A DIGIMON.
  • This troper always found it somewhat odd that Yolei and Hawkmon are the only partners of different genders. Obviously if Hawkmon were to be female it would be way too similar to Biyomon, but it just seems to throw off the entire dynamic. This troper always thought of the Digimon as a counterpart to the human's soul, and it just makes no sense that Yolei would have a male Digimon.
    • She could have gender issues or perhaps be bisexual? This is a valid theory, but in the Digimon World Dawn/Dusk games, the player characters who have people of both genders crushing on them and who go by gender neutral names/pronouns are capable of having partners of either gender.
    • Actually I loved that they were different gender partners (No not in that way or for that reason, get your brains out of the gutter) Most of the partner Digimon were either pretty much direct clones of their human partners (Davis and Veemon anyone?). For example, Matt and Gabumon-Mimi and Palmon-Joe and Gomamon…they were to contrast the kids. Likewise, Hawkmon also had a contrasting personality to Yolei, and the different gender kinda solidfied this. Not only that, it was something different, we hadn't seen that before-a male digimon with a female human partner. That was kinda interesting…sadly, she was the only person in that entire cast with a digimon of a different gender. They didn't do this again til Digimon Tamers with Jeri and Leomon...well...let's not get into that one. I kinda wished they did it more often, because it would make for some interesting character interactions and partnerships.
    • Digimon have no gender in this iteration. Also, Yolei and Hawkmon do have similar personality as do Jeri and Leomon.
      • Wait, wasnt the no-gender thing only in tamers? While the two worlds share a character, there is a fundamental difference between the digital world. Dont think it was ever stated that the digimon from adventure had no gender.
      • Actually that's a general rules of the Digimon franchise, with only some parts of the franchise where this is not true.
      • There's a difference between "no gender" and "no sex." Even if the Digimon are sexless (as they are in most continuities, and they lack the parts anyway), they can still have gender identities.
  • If the plot is to believed, Myotismon survived by possessing Oikawa, avoiding being deleted like the other digimon on earth at the time. Latter, the original chosen children give up there crest's to free the digigods. Why didn't the Digigods do something about Myotismon before he could act on his plans?
  • In Digimon Zero Two, one of the unspoken facts is that Digital World time runs in pace with Real World time. Given that, why is it night time in the Digital World on episode 50 when it was day time(before Malomyotismon made it dark anyways) in the real world?
    • Maybe they got sent to a place in the Digital World that is in sync with somewhere not in Japan? That, or it's just due to the darkness that came from nowhere as pointed out above.
  • Maybe this one's just me, but I the only one who thinks that bringing in international Chosen Children nullifies the concept of "Chosen?" By which I mean, doesn't so many kids having Digimon nullify the concept?
    • In Digimon Adventure, chosen child referd to children destend to save both the human world and the digital world. This is retconed in the CD Drama 2 and a half years. We get this in Koushiro's part: Being a “Chosen Child” means… to cease the hostilities that break out and inconvenience the Digital World. In order to do so, that child gains a partner Digimon faster than another. So in other words they went form the Chosen One to Child Soldiers.
  • So why are Wizardmon and Myotismon still active after all the digimon on earth were deleted at the end of Digimon Adventure?
    • Apparently Wizarmon did not delete because he died in the real world, so his data couldn't reconfigure (and this was before the deletion following the Chosen defeating Apocalymon), and if I'm not mistaken, Vamdemon had possessed Oikawa before the Digimon on earth were deleted.
      • That does not explain how Wizardmon was not deleted. And how does possessing Oikawa protect against indiscriminate deletion?
      • Because they were actually deleted. Their data just had nowhere to go and reformed into a ghostlike something-or-other.
      • Nowhere to go? The barrier between the digital world and the real world was all but dissolved. There was nothing to stop them from flowing back into the digital world. Besides, If Wizardmon did not leave he would have been absorbed by Myotismon when he was powering up to become venomMyotismon.
  • Normally, I'd just assume bad writing, but the lack of logic is very consistent. Am I missing some theme or something?
  • How did all of those buildings that were destroyed in Digimon Adventure get repaired so quickly. More importantly, Where did People like Yamato's dad get work or homes when there previous homes and work where smashed and/or vaporized.
  • If Koushiro's mother could recognize digimon for what they are shouldn't Daisuke's sister Jun also recognize digimon as well?
    • Well, the in-story explanation for how so many people no longer remember what happened three years ago is that their memories simply went away. Therefore, I would assume we're supposed to think the same happened to her.
      • When was that explained?
      • Takeru's mother had forgotten about the events of three years earlier until her conversation with Oikawa, where he reminded her, and Yamato's father didn't seem to remember it all until the Christmas episode.
      • But would not Yamato's father know about digimon to take part in the subterfuge to take the chosen children camping in episode 18? How else would they explain why over half of their number are missing?
      • Wait, actually, he seemed to regain his memories around Episode 17, wherein Wizarmon's ghost materialized. Still, though, exactly how it would disappear from so many people's minds is beyond sense.
      • Actually, that one appears to be one of the attempts to fill a plothole from the dub. I don't think there is any mention of the losing memories in the japanese version.
  • Why is BlackWarGreymon worried over not having a purpose when the lack of a purpose never bothered any digimon before?
    • For that matter, why does he think he doesn't have a purpose? Of all the sentient beings in the known universe, he is the only one who was created with a purpose: To kill the chosen children.
  • What happened to the whistle that Hikari gave to Tailmon at the end of Digimon Adventure?
    • Hikari's son is shown wearing it (or at least an identical one) in Episode 50, but that still leaves what happened unexplained.
  • How often did the chosen children go to the digital world? Once a week?(Baring linked episodes of course.)
    • On a similar note, when does the Japanese school year start(ep.1)? And how many weeks is it away from August 1(ep.17)?
    • It usually starts on April 1, so that's four months, so roughly 18 weeks. I always assumed they went to the digital world every schoolday.
      • Digital world time runs in-sync with real world time, it would make more sense that they only spent a little time there, once a week. It would also explain why there were several steps behind the Kaiser at all times.
      • Why would it make more sense if they only go there once a week? The Kaiser has his empire assisting him in his takeovers, which probably has a lot to do with it as well.
      • It makes sense because A. Digimon only showed once a week; B. The towers spat out control rings, so nothing else was needed after placing a control tower; C. From the looks of thing, the writers decided that the Kaiser could not be defeated until after August 1.
      • I still don't see any real reason amongst those to assume that they only went to the digital world once a week. Point B would make it more likely that they went more often (or else the emperor would have taken over the world long ago) and point C doesn't really have anything to do with it. Even point A wouldn't make it work, since there are 6 linked episodes (2 of the dark metalgreymon stories and the final confrontation with the emperor), so you would miss a couple of weeks.
      • The Kaiser never took over the digital world because Status Quo Is God. Each tower only covers about a mile of land(?). Episodes past 17 do not effect my theory.
      • Actually, looking it up, it seems you may be right. Episode 17 was first aired on july 30th, while episode 1 was first aired on april 2nd. Which would mean 1 week per episode. Still, 2 of the dark metal greymon stories are linked, so there is a week missing in there.
  • Is Sora being a tennis player a pun on her crest being love?
  • Can someone tell me what the hell Jogress is supposed to mean? Is it just jawesome progress? Or what.
    • Joint Progress, or Join and Progress. That is, combine together in order to advance to the next level (which is why it's debatable whether Omegamon is actually Jogress, since he's the same level as WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon).
    • It was Joint Progress, at least that's what Koushiro guessed in the episode.
      • Debatable nothing, he was called a Jogress form in the series that predates the anime.
      • But was omegamon still only a mega in that continuity? I know the manga has a level beyond mega, though I am not sure to which mons it applied.
      • The franchise varies on what kinds of Fusion Dance it has. In the Young Hunters finale, Tentomon distinguishes Omegamon as a fusion, whereas Imperialdramon is a jogress. One can make the case that fusions are where both partners are present in equal portions—Omegamon and Milleniumon—whereas Jogress is where one Digimon subordinates its power to another to help its progress—Paildramon is basically ExVeemon wearing Stingmon's armor, but by the time Imperialdramon shows up, all insect traits have disappeared. The expanded universe seems to bear this out: DinoBeemon is the ExVeemon X Stingmon Jogress with Stingmon as the primary partner and ExVeemon as the secondary, and evolves into the dragon-less GranKuwagamon. Sylphimon's Mega, Valkyrimon, likewise has no Beast or Holy traits. I would mention Shakkoumon's Mega, but there's some debate over what it is, exactly; a number of fans assume that Lampmon would make sense, keeping with the mystical ornament theme, whereas some insist on it being Vikemon, who is in general more badass. Note that neither have much in the way of Holy traits. Also, MagnaAngemon and Angewomon can both be achieved by Jogressing Ankylomon and Aquilamon to their respective partners. (Before they more formally defined the system, Biyomon was used in Hawkmon's stead).
    • Is this wild mass guessing now? It highlights that the franchise as a whole is no good with continuity, 02 being the shining example and coincidentally the series that screwed things up so badly only alternate reality tales followed until Young Hunters.
  • What are the control towers made of and where do they come from?
  • What are the prerequisites for Jogress evolution?
    • This one was answered in the series, though they only seem to follow it half the time. It's supposed to be "a unification of hearts, two wills becoming as one." That one was applicable to omnimon and paildramon at least. In case of Silphymon it was "slap each other in the face" and in the case of Shakkoumon it was "one of them realizing the other thinks thinks evil is bad because it does evil things." Don't ask me why that last one was apparently the hardest.
  • What differentiates the D-3s from the original digivices?
    • Well, for one thing the D3 can handle Armor at all and makes Jogress evolution comparatively easier, and it can open locked portals to the digital world. Plus it can detect the digimentals in the first place.
  • In Digimon Adventure: Our War Game, Taichi communicates with Agumon for the first time sense returning form the digital world. And in the drama cd 2 and a half years Taichi communicates with Agumon for the first time sense returning form the dialectal world. Which is correct?
  • Even if we take "everyone has a Digimon" to be hyperbole, how does that work out for, say, the Amish? They've shunned technology, would they have refused partner Digimon altogether?
    • Digimon are digital by nature, of course, but are not technology themselves. The only real piece of technology would be the digivice, which are not truly necessary to keep a digimon.
    • Though most digimon evolutionary lines do have the digimon gain technological body parts. That might be problematic.
      • Digimon evolve(which might be a problem for some) to better suit there environment. Unlike Pokemon, Digimon have multiple forms they can evolve into, even ones never seen before.
    • A common image of the Amish is one of a people rejecting modern conveniences. While practices vary among groups, Amish do in fact use a large measure of modern technology. This may range from everything from solar panels to diesel-powered laundry machines to cell phones.

  • A very important plot point is that digimon that die on earth survive in some sort of spirit form. We can see that with wizarmon and myotismon. So what happened to fantomon, pumpkinmon, gottsumon, snimon, mammon, deathmeramon and the many, many other minions of myotismon that died on earth?
  • What exactly was Belialvamdemon's plan? his ultimate goal was to be reborn, right? For that, he first needed to put dark spores in some children, go to the dream world (to restore his body) and then to the digital world (to absorb 'the powers of darkness'). For that, he was using the same gate as in adventure, which was functional all along. So what was the point of turning Ken into the digimon kaiser, constructing massive amounts of dark spires (rather than just enough to keep the sovereigns repressed), constructing any dark spires on earth whatsoever and having Oikawa create his own digimon?

Back to Digimon Adventure 02
  1. actually Lovecraft-inspired creatures posing as them, see below
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