< Digimon Adventure 02

Digimon Adventure 02/Fridge

Fridge Brilliance

  • Most people consider the end of Digimon Adventure 02 to be a Wall Banger. User:Scarab was one of them, until she thought about it... See in Digimon Adventure 02 it turns out that the Big Bad of the original series, has been there all along. That was why the kids reacted with such terror. They had been all gung-ho, until they realised it was the same guy they thought had been dealt with years ago. Malomyotismon has taken on ultimates, megas, the power of every crest beating on him and yet they could only delay him for four years. This guy is unstoppable. And then Daisuke goes "screw that, I'm gonna take him on anyway." Everyone is encouraged, Malomyotismon pulls his trump card and forces them into the Lotus Eater Machine, etc, you know the plot. The Last Temptation of the Digidestined showed the kids overcoming not just their fears, but their desires in order to do the right thing. And in the end, if it's not just in it to sell a lot of transforming toys, then isn't this what Digimon was about? Hammering a guy with as much firepower as you can (yeah, firepower fuelled by emotion, but still firepower) is easy. That's what they did last time. But as this series has shown, the last time didn't work as well as they thought it had. It's only when the entire world realises the same potential that the Chosen did, that they all gain their Digimon. A bad guy who couldn't be stopped through any number of battles is finally destroyed, and nobody had to throw a punch. Corny? Yup. More anticlimactic than a battle? Sure. But to I it was better closure than another No-Holds-Barred Beatdown would have ever been.
  • Note that "our war game" and "revenge of diaboromon" is considered to be in continuity. Now, remember that there weren't digimon partners for every person in revenge of diaboromon, which is clearly set after the series. In other words, the final episode of Adventure 02 is Canon Discontinuity. May the fandom explode.
      • No that just makes Revenge of diaboromon a Non-Serial Movie, as it was never referenced to in canon. Though Our War Game is.
  • Ok, so in the first season, remember how they first 7 DD had to use the magic cards to get back to earth? and how there was one extra? and they were warned they had to use the right cards to get to earth, otherwise they'd end up in some pother world? the correct card was Gomamon. now, flash forward to the end of season two, when Owikawa was trying to get to the digiworld with the same cards. if you look closely, you can see that he puts down the Augumon card instead. this explains why they go to the dreamworld!
    • Added brilliance here- Oikawa was possessed- or influenced- by the spirit of Malo Myotismon, who knew the correct combination. Oikawa may have intended to get to the digital world, but going to the dream world was Myotismon's plan all along!
      • Where did oikawa get the cards? Myotismon might have known the combonation, but he never made the cards.
      • Oikawa could have had Arukenimon retrieve them for him.
  • At first, MaloMyotismon getting defeated by light seems like a Weaksauce Weakness, but with some thought, it becomes No Kill Like Overkill. Remember back in Digimon Adventure when Apocalymon tried to pull a Taking You with Me with both worlds? Eight Digivices were able to contain that explosion and negate it completely. Just eight, no more, no less. In the finale of Digimon Adventure 02, Myotismon's soul gets blasted with the combined light of every Digivice on Earth. If just eight Digivices have the power to negate an explosion capable of destroying two entire dimmensions, imagine what the power of millions of Digivices could do? Much more impressive when you think about it that way, isn't it?
    • With that logic in mind, makes me wonder how Devimon survived his death long enough to taunt the children. After all, Angemon had drawn power from all 7 of the present children's digivices! If that math is right, then he could probably have blown away ANY of the Dark Masters in one shot!
    • Its not being killed by light that is Weaksauce Weakness, no it being killed by kids hopes and dreams after they got over there bout of Hollywood depression.
      • As mentioned elsewhere, the hopes and dreams might not have been what killed him, they simply stopped the flow of dark energy coming from the Dark Spore-infested children that was feeding him and preventing him from getting vaporized by the Digivices.
  • MagnaAnemon's inability to overcome BlackWarGreymon is not just The Worf Effect. MagnaAngemon's powers are most effective against the likes of Devimon and Piedmon specifically because they belong to the Nightmare Soldiers field. BlackWarGreymon belongs to the Dragon's Roar and Metal Empire fields, but he is not a Nightmare Soldier, which means MagnaAngemon has no specific advantage over him.
  • If one thinks about it, it makes perfect sense for Myotismon to be the true Big Bad of season 2. All the Big Bad of season one were the result of Apocalymon's presence warping the Digital World, thus it makes perfect sense that one of them should be the new Big Bad, as they're the remnants of his evil influence. Devimon did have a major role by possessing Chimeramon, but could do so without Ken's giving him a physical form. Most of the Dark Masters could be in a simular state. Myotismon was the only one of the original season one villains known to be able to ressurect himself completely all by himself. Sure, Etemon came back, but he never died beforehand like Myotismon did, and Myotismon came back to life much stronger than before. With all that in mind, he suddenly becomes a much more obvious choice.
      • Millenniumon is a more obvious choice. After all it is his data that made Ken evil. Millenniumon is also credited for freeing Apocalymon. Millenniumon also had most if not all of Digimon Adventures big bads working for him after he revived them, including Myotismon.
      • Milleniumon had already become Cyberdramon by that point, so he was unavailable at the time. Although I don't know if that had already been decided by that point (note that Digimon Adventure 02 happened a year after Digimon Tamers, even though they are in different universes).
      • Before Millenniumon became Cyberdramon he had the power to manipulate time and space and used those powers to conquer diffident timelines simultaneously. There is no reason that 2002/whenever could not have been one of his targets.
      • If not, Milleniumon could just as easily been the one to pop out of Oikawa, reborn from all the Milleniumon data that Oikawa collected.
      • He did not need to do it; after all, he achieved part of his goal, which was to be alongside Ryo, and he gained that power he was set on conquering the multiverse so him showing up in 02 whould be a waste of his time (and he is a Magnificent Bastard)
      • Millenniumon did not achieve his goal until he did, and in the mean time Millenniumon could do whatever he wanted.
    • Dagomon is also a better choice. 1. Dagomon is connected to the dark digivice witch is connected to the dark rings and control spires. 2. Where Myotismon had to be Hand Wave back to life, Dagomon was always alive and in a place that would not have been purged of evil; Like the real world was.

Fridge Logic:

  • In episode 27, we learn that the children had to use the eight crests in order to cure the world of evil (later retconned as releasing the digigods). But, wait a minute, didn't Ken have a ninth crest? How could the eight crests return all the power if there were nine crest?
  • Each of the digieggs can only be picked up by one of the kids. However, in a later (canon) audio drama, we learn that each of the digi-eggs is compatible with each of the children. So how and why are they only keyed to a single child?
    • (Note: I've never listened to the audio drama.) They never tried before then. If it takes place before the end of the series, perhaps they just kept their normal digieggs for convenience's sake? It seems like a digiegg is a physical object stored in a digivice, like the spirits in Frontier.
  • Ken is a Canon Immigrant from the wonderswan games, making those canon. However, in those games, Myotismon was resurrected in the digital world and died. So how could he still be inside of Oikawa?

Fridge Horror:

  • There's the moment where Ken, having renounced his time as the Digimon Kaiser, comes to the Village of Beginnings hoping to find a reborn Wormmon. He is confronted and heckled by infant Digimon who seem to know who he is by sight. He is confronted by his sins, but Fridge Horror sets in when you realise these infants must be Digimon who died under his brutal rule and have just been reborn recently. The first thing they know is to hate for their own violent treatment and deaths. No such thing as Children Are Innocent, because he took their innocence.
  • Imagine, for a moment, that Daisuke, Miyako and Iori hadn't been introduced. Taichi, Agumon, and the rest still have the old digivices, are still the original chosen, and it continued like this. They defeat the Digimon Kaiser. They uncover the Dark Seed plot. They come to face to face with Belial-Vandemon and he puts them under his Ass Pull Lotus Eater Machine. What now? They don't have the Idiot Hero Daisuke to save them now, since Taichi actually gained depth as a character over the original series, and does worry about things from time to time. They would have remained in their stupor, unable to get out, allowing Belial-Vandemon to wreck the world. It's weakly done, but at least the writers tried to justify Daisuke remaining relatively shallow.
    • Not really, who has the crest of hope again? They could have easily used that to get them out of it.
  • Malomyotismon doesn't understand why the dream-thing didn't work on Daisuke because "he must have a wish" to which Daisuke says "No, I just want to see you destroyed." Uhm, dude. That is a wish. Meaning that everything that happens after the digidestined wakes up from their wish-dreams should just be Daisuke's dream. How's that for Fridge Horror?
    • Or, more likely, the world they were in gave Davis the power to snap everyone else out of it- in other words, the power necessary to defeat the villain.
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