This is a page about the characters appearing in the Manga turned Anime Claymore. Just as a warning, this page probably contains spoilers.
Tropes all Claymores have in common
- Action Girl: A whole Amazon Brigade of them, though there have been male Claymores in the past. It didn't work out.
- BFS: Note the title.
- Blessed with Suck
- Bounty Hunter: Their services to mankind do not come free of charge.
- Broken Bird: Every. Single. One.
- The Corruptible: All Claymores are in danger of giving into their Super-Powered Evil Side whenever they tap into their yoma-half for a power boost.
- Dark and Troubled Past: Since the Organization usually picks up orphans and homeless kids to turn into warriors, and since the Claymore-verse is a Crapsack World to begin with, you can bet that every single Claymore has an angsty backstory.
- Demon Slayer: Well, yoma and awakened beings.
- Detect Evil: Claymores can sense yoki, which is what gives Yoma, Awakened Beings, and Claymores their power.
- Enemy-Detecting Radar: All Claymore's have the ability to detect Yoma and Yoki. Amongst themselves they have The Force Is Strong with This One. This is mentioned again in the characters who specialize in it.
- Gray Eyes: Hence the name "Silver Eyed Witches"
- Half-Human Hybrid
- Healing Factor: Losing a limb is usually only a minor, temporary inconvenience to a Claymore.
- Heroic Albino
- Hot Chick with a Sword
- I Cannot Self-Terminate: Claymores will frequently invoke this trope when they think their Super-Powered Evil Side is getting too strong.
- Immortality: Type II; Claymores do not age.
- Implausible Fencing Powers: Most of the higher ranking claymores can do this or have a special technique or two in their swordsmanship that's quite amazing.
- Kaleidoscope Eyes: Their eyes turn gold when they use their Yoma powers.
- Super-Powered Evil Side
- Statuesque Stunner
- The Stoic
- White-Haired Pretty Girl: Though in truth, their hair can range from platinum blonde to stark white.
- You Are Number Six: Claymores are ranked from 1 to 47, and almost always mention what their number is whenever they introduce themselves to each other.
[[folder:Claymores<br />Clare's generation]]
Number 47.[1] The main protagonist of Claymore.
Voiced by: Houko Kuwashima (JP), Stephanie Young (adult) & Cherami Leigh (child) (EN)
- Action Heroine
- Almighty Janitor - Clare after meeting Irene until the climactic battle in the north. She's ranked dead last out of 47. Before then she's largely deserving of her rank and, after then, she deserted, so she doesn't have a rank anymore anyway.
- Debatable whether she really deserved to be dead last. One of the characters notes that she seems to have optimized her fighting style for fighting high-powered Awakened Ones, which aren't what Claymores spend most of their time fighting and isn't how ranks are determined, so it could be the result of Crippling Overspecialization early on.
- Clare has been shown to have more power than many on the series. She's ranked 47 presumably due to the fact that she's only 1/4 Yoma, which is why she is perceived as weak. However, she's been shown to take out enemies that single numbered Claymores failed to successfully beat.
- Clare started out clearly the weakest of her cohort, from early training on up, and everyone assumed it was because she had only 1/4 Yoma. But it's unclear if her 1/4 Yoma really is the weakest (it is, after all, 1/4 of Theresa's yoma, and could well be stronger than 1/2 of some other youma. But it could be that being made from another Claymore and not a pure Yoma makes it harder for Clare to master/access your youki power, so she starts out weakest of all, but with training will get stronger. At present it isn't yet completely clear if her victories over various powerful Awakened Beings can be credited more to skill than to power. So whether she is more Almighty Janitor or more Weak but Skilled, or some combination of both, isn't yet clear.
- Anti-Hero: Type II
- Awesomeness By Analysis: This girl practically has a passive ability to just non-stop come up with strategies and tactics on the spot to improve her odds of victory. Of course, since here people don't exposition Awesomeness By Analysis, save the occasional one-liner, you'll have to pay attention to notice this.
- Badass: She starts off as a total badass, and then you realize that she is, in fact, the weakest warrior of 'em all (and no, not an almighty janitor).
- Badass and Child Duo: Clare is part of two! Clare is the badass to Raki in a rare gender inverted example and it is later revealed that Clare herself was protected by Teresa of the Faint Smile in the same way in a same-gendered example.
- Badass Transplant: Her right arm is not her's, but Irene's. With it, she can use Irene's signature attack more efficiently.
- Bathing Beauty: In earlier chapters she was shown to have a habit of taking a bath after every mission in attempt to wash off the smell of yoma blood.
- Blade Spam: the Windcutter and Quicksword techniques she coppied. Windcutter has other benefits.
- Benched Hero: During the rebellion.
- Being Watched: She sensed it when her team was being spied upon by Galatea.
- Berserk Button: and boy oh boy you DO NOT want to touch them.
- You can, if you're Priscilla.
- Priscilla is one of her Berserk Buttons.
- You can, if you're Priscilla.
- Bifauxnen: Deliberately invoked to hide from the Organization. It doesn't last too long. Though it helps that she can alter her voice.
- Break the Cutie: Happened so many times to her in the backstory that it's kind of surprising that she didn't just lose it.
- Combat Pragmatist: Very much so.
- Cool Big Sis: At least Raki thinks so.
- Creepy Child: In the backstory.
- Creepy Monotone: From the get-go.
- Cute Mute: All part of being a Heartwarming Orphan.
- Deadpan Snarker: It's rare behind her Stoic nature, but it comes out every now and again.
- Defrosting Ice Queen: Young Clare becomes this to Theresa.
- Determinator: This girl does not give up, ever, save the occasional I Cannot Self-Terminate moment (but with good reason).
- Deus Exit Machina: She is absent during the rebellion of the organization's warriors. Considering she is currently one of the two most powerful warriors alive her presence would have been very helpful.
- Distaff Counterpart: Many people consider Clare to be one of these to Guts from Berserk.
- Dramatic Dislocation: Clare dislocates a shoulder during her training, and pops it back in by ramming her shoulder into a wall.
- Emotionless Girl: subverted. Clare only appears to be this.
Irene: You already appear calm on the surface. But your real heart is a whirlpool of passion
- And that makes her a Sugar and Ice Girl by default.
- The Glomp: She does it to Teresa several times in the backstory.
- Green Eyes: Clare's natural eye color before her transformation. Her personality didn't seem to match her eye color though...
- Harmful to Minors: Technically, all of the Claymores have backstories with this as part of their Break the Cutie ordeal, but Clare had it particularly bad when she was a kid. As if having her older brother turned into a youma, eating their parents, and then possibly molesting her was bad enough, she then gets booted out of her village and then gets picked up and abused by another youma. She gets a break for awhile when she meets and starts traveling with Teresa, but then it just gets worse from there when gets abducted and beaten by bandits, Teresa gets marked for death for protecting her, and then to top it off, she has to see Teresa get killed in very graphic manner for a child to experience.
- Heartwarming Orphan: In the backstory for a brief period.
- I Was Just Passing Through: Mixed with a bit of Chronic Hero Syndrome in volume one. When Rubel gives Clare a team assignment to eliminate a group of yoma in a village that have already killed 27 people, he informs her that the rest of the party would take a few days to meet at the village - and in the meantime, about four or five people were probably going to die, more or less. Clare decides to go on ahead, claiming that she hates waiting and that she just wants to get the job done early. Yeah right, girl.
- I'm Crying but I Don't Know Why: In chapter 101 when she fails to awaken.
- It Only Works Once: The method she used to kill Rigaldo, failed against Priscilla.
- Kill the Ones You Love: Done as a Mercy Kill with Elena and done accidentally with Jean.
- Knife Nut: In volume two, Clare is shown wielding two daggers while on a mission in Rabona and carries herself quite well with them.
- Mega Manning + Shonen Upgrade: Sometimes it's a move. Sometimes it's memories or emotions. But one time, it's an entire limb. And later, the entire Youki mass of an Eldritch Abomination which nearly killed her but had no mind, so she took over its body.
- Multi-Armed and Dangerous: Grows several bladed appendages when she partially Awakens.
- Plucky Girl: Clare was this when she was a little girl who followed Teresa around no matter what the former said to discourage her. Goes full-blown Determinator when she becomes a super human.
- Rape as Backstory: It was strongly implied that the yoma that took Clare captive as a child was at least molesting her. Some speculate that the yoma that killed her family and masqueraded as her brother took it a step further...
- Super Speed: When she taps way too far into the Super-Powered Evil Side. Unfortunately, unlike Miria's Phantom, the Law of Conservation of Momentum is working, but she initially addresses it with a Blade Brake.
- Taking You with Me: After being absorbed into the Destroyer, Clare (and possibly some very, very small part of Raphaela) absorb and seal Priscilla into herself.
- Took a Level in Badass: She took several.
- The Force Is Strong with This One: One of Clare's specialties, before she began mega-manning, was sensing auras.
- Unstoppable Rage: WARNING! Side effects of Unstoppable Rage include: Going completely Hot-Blooded, tapping far, far deeper into the Super-Powered Evil Side than is conceivably safe, a one-track mindset (kill), a single-target mindset, and raising Determinator status from already ridiculously epic levels to fully-fledged Implacable Woman status.
- Weak but Skilled: Theoretically, she's the Organization's weakest warrior besides Clarice. However, she has at least one inherent skill inherited from her sort-of-mother, Teresa that she's VERY hard to top at. Oh and she trains and mega-mans like crazy.
Number 6.
Voiced by: Kikuko Inoue (JP), Monica Rial (EN)
- Badass
- Batman Grabs a Gun: She breaks her one rule of never killing fellow Claymores during her battle against Hysteria the Elegant, as that was the only way to end the fight before a recently Awakened Cassandra killed all her allies.
- Big Good
- The Captain
- Chronic Hero Syndrome: Called out on this in 123 by Deneve.
- Dropped A Bridge On Her: As of Chapter 107. Turns out that she isn't actually dead after all.
- Flash Step: Her signature move — she moves so fast that she leaves after-images.
- In her battle with Hysteria, she has to push it even further, not quite reaching her Intangible Man status, but she does succeed at a more brutal version. Intentional telefraging.
- Genius Bruiser
- Idiot Ball: Miria is at her best in group combat, yet she decides to attack the Organization by herself because of her More Expendable Than You attitude and belief that she was the only one that could kill other Claymores or defenseless-yet-guilty human beings. She
diesalmost died in the process. - Ineffectual Loner: And it almost got her killed.
- Kill the Ones You Love: Hilda, which prompted her to turn against the Organization.
- Magnetic Heroine: Miria possesses a colossal presence that pulls pretty much everyone towards her. Starting with the Paburo Hunting Party, she effortlessly takes control of all Claymores of the Northern Campaign, then becomes the leader of the Seven Ghosts. Following her rebellion against the Organization, her sheer willpower forces the entire current Claymore generation to rally under her banner. Even warriors who never met her like Anastasia and Nike are affected by her magnetism by proxy.
- Ms Exposition: She dons this role from time to time.
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Her rebellion against the Organization resulted in the birth of three new Abyssal Ones.
- Not Quite Dead: As of 113, justified because this trope was invoked by her opponents
- The Paragon: In chapter 123, Deneve reveals that Miria is this to other Ghosts and their allies: her self-reliance and independence from the Organization inspires others to make their own choices instead of remaining silent living weapons.
- The Perfectionist: Ibid, Deneve berates Miria for always striving for perfection (specifically never losing anyone under her command) and remaining suicidally virtuous.
- Rebel Leader: Possibly the first and only warrior of the organization to organize a covert following to eventually go against the organization's rule.
- Red Baron: "Phantom."
- The Strategist: Practically part of her job description, although in a partial subversion Miria is also one of the strongest combatants in the series.
- Let's put it this way: she led the smallest of five teams during the Northern Campaign and only lost one warrior. Every other team's losses ranged from over a half to all members.
- Supporting Leader: Clare may be The Hero who saves the day, but it is Miria who leads the battle.
- The Warriors First
- X Marks the Hero: Sports a ragged cross-shaped scar just slightly off the middle of her forehead after her skirmish with the Claymores still "loyal" to the Organization.
Number 22.
Voiced by: Miki Nagasawa (JP), Jamie Marchi (EN)
- Anti-Hero: Type II
- Asexual Life Partners: Helen and Deneve are for all intents and purposes inseparable. Of course, a lot of fans see this as something else...
- Attack Hello: Does this to Clare at Pieta. Judging by Deneve's reaction, this is a fairly normal thing for her.
- Big Eater: Claymores can go for days on only a few bits of food but Helen will snack on several apples in the space of a day in the anime, making her one by Claymore standards.
- Can't Hold Her Liquor: Although it is a somewhat unusual example, since Claymores can ignore the effects of alcohol completely if they want to.
- Cool Big Sis: Once you get past that persistent layer of jerkass-ness, Helen can have a very sisterly attitude toward other warriors.
- Dynamic Entry: In the aforementioned Attack Hello.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: For fans of Soul Eater, you might recognize Helen's English voice actor as Elizabeth "Liz" Thompson.
- Hot-Blooded: Compared to most other Claymores, Helen is very Hot Blooded.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Is a complete and utter bitch to Clare when they first meet, mocking her low rank, calling her utterly useless and is mentioned to have come close to killing humans over disputes as well as being a natural born troublemaker. Despite being a bit of a bully, she's also one of the most selfless, loyal, caring friends anyone could hope to have.
- Oh Crap: Being one of the more emotionally expressive Claymores, she often has this.
- Plucky Comic Relief: She provides the only laughs in an otherwise somber series.
- Psychotic Smirk: Basically her default facial expression in the manga.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: She is the red one, with Deneve as the blue Oni.
- Rubber Woman: Partial example. Helen can stretch her arms and legs at will, giving her far greater attack range than most other Claymores.
- This Is a Drill: After the timeskip, Helen has mastered the Drill Sword, which combined with her Rubber Woman status currently makes her the most ridiculous ranged attacker in the series.
Number 15.
Voiced by: Hana Takeda (JP), Caitlin Glass (EN)
- Death Seeker: Until she met Helen and got some sense knocked into her.
- Dual-Wielding: After the timeskip, Deneve carries Undine's sword as a tribute.
- Dynamic Entry: Does this often post-timeskip, together with the other of the "ghosts".
- Good Thing You Can Heal: While all Claymores carry a pretty strong Healing Factor, Deneve's is the strongest, making her somewhat unusually prone to wounds that will kill anyone else. This is partially justified: it's Deneve's style to fight almost like she's suicidal, intentionally drawing attacks that might otherwise be directed towards less resilient, Offensive-type Claymores.
- Grievous Harm with a Body: With her own. Seriously. She rips off her own infected arm and throws it, sword still in hand, at her opponent and scores a headshot!
- Only Sane Employee: Beside yoma-slaying, Deneve's job is to smack the stupid out of her comrades.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: She is the blue one, with Helen as the red Oni.
- Shirtless Scene: Does this to Raki so that he won't be shocked if/when he sees Clare naked.
- The Stoic: In a series full of stoic warrior women, Deneve out-stoics them all.
- Straight Man: To Helen.
- Survivor Guilt: Deneve's main reason for being a Death Seeker.
- Team Dad: A Rare Female Example. When Clare and Miria go AWOL for various reasons, Deneve steps in and keeps the other Ghosts from doing things they'll regret, even disciplining one when she considers a Stupid Sacrifice.
- Too Many Belts: Out of all of the Seven Ghosts, Deneve's outfit has the most belts.
Number 3.
Voiced by: Ai Orikasa (JP), Colleen Clinkenbeard (EN)
- Beauty Equals Goodness: C'mon, just look at her.
- Blank White Eyes: as a result of her becoming a...
- Blind Seer: which is also played straight, resulting in...
- Disability Superpower
- Dissonant Serenity: during her introduction, she uses this to confuse Dauf.
- Enemy-Detecting Radar
- Friend to All Children: Takes care of the orphans under the church's care.
- Genius Bruiser
- Handicapped Badass: She may be blind but she can still slice you a new one.
- Hime Cut: And she gets pissed if you mess it up.
- Lady of War: Though among literally dozens of examples, her demeanor makes her a standout example of this trope.
- Ms Exposition: Well, she is very wise and provides interpretation of the events in the series rather than adding new information. Seems to be part of her ability to "look into the heart of a person".
- Naughty Nuns: Her habit is actually fairly conservative before it gets ripped, then this trope is in full effect.
- Nun-Too-Holy: Post-timeskip.
- People Puppets: Can control other Claymores or Awakened Beings for some moments.
- Pride: She apologizes to Dauf because her beauty gets marred when she finally goes full power. There'a also her snarky comment to Clare about how she cut off some of her hair.
- Team Mom: In the crisis of Rabona, to the other Claymores.
- Red Baron: "God Eye."
- The Force Is Strong with This One: Her specialty, sensing energy over long ranges.
- She Knows Too Much: This is what made her desert
Number 4 at the beginning of the series, eventually replaced by Miata. Has some serious issues.
Voiced by: Emi Shinohara (JP), Luci Christian (EN)
- Affably Evil: She's quite charming until she starts hacking your limbs off.
- Ax Crazy
- Blood Knight: Especially towards Awakened Beings, although it's not like she's gonna turn down the chance to kill other things.
- Dark Action Girl: Oh, God!
- Dead Older Brother
- Death Equals Redemption: Once she realizes she has awakened. She actually yells at Clare when it looks like her Heroic Resolve is faltering, and warns Clare to finish her off before she can regenerate. That, and she finally realizes that her brother didn't regret dying by Priscilla's hands, because all he wanted was for his sister to be safe from danger. With that, Ophelia gives a "Take Up My Sword" parting to Clare, making her swear that she will defeat Priscilla for the both of them.
- Face Death with Dignity: She got a little teary-eyed but all in all, Ophelia was at peace when she finally died.
- Failed a Spot Check: She doesn't notice that she's Awakened until she sees herself in the lake. Makes one wonder what she told herself as she was slithering through the forest after Clare.
- Famous Last Words: "I'll see you in the next world... We'll be together again..." (speaking of her brother as she lay dying)
- Four Is Death
- Freudian Excuse
- Giggling Villain
- Go Out with a Smile
- He Who Fights Monsters: Ophelia hates the Awakened more than anything. Guess how she ends up?
- I Have You Now, My Pretty: Her early interactions with Clare are made of this trope.
- The Ophelia: Well, duh.
- Pointy Ears
- Psychopathic Girlchild: Basically treats battle and torture as fun games.
- Psycho Lesbian: About five minutes after meeting Clare, Ophelia is feeling her up and telling her how good she smells. Then trying to kill her.
- Red Baron: Played with. Turns out the whole reason she bothered to come up with her 'Rippling Sword' technique was that she wanted a memorable attack that would give her a cool nickname. Unfortunately, it's not very famous because she keeps killing the people who see it...
- Somewhat ironically, she still has one anyway - Ophelia, the Blood-Soaked Warrior.
- Scaled Up
- Slasher Smile
- The Sociopath: Played chillingly straight.
- Stages of Monster Grief
- Vibroweapon: The Rippling Sword technique
- Villainous Breakdown
Number 9.
Voiced by: Kotono Mitsuishi (JP), Laura Bailey (EN)
- Defiant to the End: After her other comrades were killed at the hands of Riful's torture, only Jean was left. Riful gives her one last chance to just give in and join her side. Jean's response?
Jean: "Fuck you."
- Glass Cannon: The Drill Sword is a very powerful attack, but since it requires a long setup Jean is basically a sitting duck while preparing and needs allies to distract her target.
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Honor Before Reason
- I Owe You My Life: Being saved from nearly turning completely blows Jean's mind, and she starts following Clare everywhere.
- It Has Been an Honor
- This Is a Drill: The Drill Sword, which fan parodies like to cross over with Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.
- Obi-Wan Moment: Her last moments are spent reassuring Clare.
- Unusual Eyebrows: Of the "no eyebrows whatsoever" variety.
Number 7. One of the captains at Pieta.
- Blade Spam: The first part of her Wind Cutter technique.
- Half the Woman She Used to Be
- Iaijutsu Practitioner: The second part of her Wind Cutter technique.
- Lady of War
- Sacrificial Lion
Number 11. One of the captains at Pieta.
- Amazonian Beauty
- Bokukko: Speaks very rudely to hide her insecurities.
- Dual-Wielding
- Dumb Muscle
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: as Deneve put it, despite her rude behavior, she cares deeply of her subordinates.
- My Greatest Failure: Her angsty backstory, and the reason why she bulked up so much.
- Sacrificial Lion
Number 14. One of the Seven Ghosts.
Voiced by: Miho Miyagawa (JP), Anastasia Munoz (EN)
- Combat Medic
- Death Seeker: Hides it well but it's there.
- Girlish Pigtails
- The Pollyanna: Taking into account all that's happened, she's quite cheerful.
- Screw the Money, I Have Rules: Was implied in chapter 83 that the reason why Cynthia was sent to the Northern Campaign was because she was doing her job without charging for it, since she was considering the safety of the civilians more than getting paid. And that, apparently, was justifiable reasoning to send her on a Suicide Mission...
- Stepford Smiler: Of the "hiding her angst" variety.
Number 31. One of the Seven Ghosts.
Voiced by: Akeno Watanabe (JP), Michele Specht (EN)
- Enemy-Detecting Radar
- The Force Is Strong with This One
- Undying Loyalty: Has no other plans for her life other than assisting Miria.
- You Are in Command Now: After Miria's "death", Tabitha leads the team.
Number 40. One of the Seven Ghosts.
- All of the Other Reindeer: Thinks she's this out of the seven survivors. She's the only one who thinks so.
- Can't Catch Up: Subverted. She thinks she's the useless one among the seven, but later realizes that this is far from the case. She was just Overshadowed by Awesome.
- Combat Medic: She has learned the yoki manipulation from Cynthia and may, in fact, be even better at it than her teacher, considering the ridiculous amounts of damage she managed to heal on her first attempt (namely, she fully restored Cynthia herself after the latter's body was reduced to just the upper torso minus both arms and the head).
- How Dare You Die on Me!
- Improbable Aiming Skills: Throwing Your Sword Always Works... except you have to be able to get it back too.
- Took a Level in Badass: And how!
Number 5, former Number 2. Originally from a generation or two before Teresa's, made as part of an experiment to control an awakened being, eventually perfected with Alicia and Beth.
Voiced by: Satsuki Yukino (JP), Kate Oxley (EN)
- The Exile: She was temporarily kicked out of the organization and sent to live as a hermit outside of towns surrounding the organization's headquarters, in order to lessen the chance of her awakening after Luciela.
- Eye Scream: There's a patch of scar tissue where one of her eyes used to be. She could have healed it but chose not to as a reminder of what she must one day do.
- Fusion Dance - With Luciela.
- Followed by Eldritch Abomination.
- Hidden Depths
- Kill the Ones You Love: Succeeds in killing Luciela.
- My Greatest Failure: She and Luciela are the first experiment in aligning souls. She blames herself for Luciela's awakening. Which is why she stayed with the organization: to end Luciela.
- Physical Scars, Psychological Scars: She suppressed her healing factor in order to leave the scar over her eye in order to remind her of her failure.
- Scars Are Forever: Invoked. Like all claymores, she has the ability to regenerate lost limbs, but she refused to regenerate her eye due to the reasons stated above.
- Scarily Competent Tracker
- The Stoic
- Taking You with Me: It's implied that she's the other part of the "Destroyer lump" that's trying to keep Priscilla sealed, besides Clare.
Alicia and Beth
Numbers 1 and 2 in the Organization, were already ranked before their training was complete. Part of a project by the Organization to create their own, controllable Awakened Being. As such, they have one mind.
- Creepy Twins
- Single-Minded Twins: Literally.
- Curb Stomp Battle: They do this to the Awakened Beings Isley sends to attack the Organization, and are themselves curb stomped by Priscilla.
- Dropped a Bridge on Him
- One-Winged Angel
[[folder:Claymores<br />Teresa's generation]]
Former Number 1.
Voiced by: Romi Paku (JP), Christine Auten (EN)
- Action Mom: To Clare, eventually.
- Anti-Hero: Type IV ---> Type II
- Attempted Rape: A group of bandits, knowing that Claymores are forbidden to kill humans, think they'll be able to have their way with Teresa. She just smiles, takes off her clothes, and shows them they really don't want to.
- Badass: She basically wipes the floor with everything the Organisation can send after her and only loses to awakened Priscilla after a dirty trick. If that's not enough, just watch her fight Rosemary.
- And a bandit's attempt at violating her failed to break her spirit. She just calmly let it happen.
- Badass and Child Duo: She is the Badass to Clare's Child.
- Curb Stomp Battle: She does this to everyone.
- Dissonant Serenity: She has this weird, calm half-smile while she's killing youma.
- Defrosting Ice Queen: Not the only one in the series but the most prominent, as an entire arc is devoted to show her defrosting by little Clare.
- Earn Your Title: As with all single digits, she has her own title to show for her strength. But unlike other single digits, she's called "Teresa of the faint smile" because she's an all-rounder who dominates everyone beneath her, yet there are warriors beneath her stronger or faster than she (though, as it turns out, Teresa was holding back a lot). So her iconic trait became her faint smile.
- Her other title is "the strongest number one of all generations."
- The Gwen Stacy: To Clare.
- Jack of All Stats: Irene first describes her as this. But later it turns out that Irene simply didn't know the full extent of Teresa's power.
- Mama Bear: Harm little Clare, die horribly. No exceptions.
- Mentor Occupational Hazard
- The Organization's Strongest Warrior
- Red Baron: "Teresa of the Faint Smile," "Smiling Teresa."
- Sociopathic Hero: To a lesser extent. She's not evil. But, she is incredibly indifferent to the plight of people around her and attains her only joy from intimidating and scaring those around her (youma, black coats, ABs, civilians...). Well, until she meets Clare.
- The Stoic: She just mechanically did job after job for the Organisation, unfeeling, uncaring, downright callous. Then Clare happened to her.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo: She had the personality, and she used to have the looks before becoming a Claymore.
- There Was a Door: Quite literally. Apparently found cutting a door in half easier than simply opening it when roomservice came knocking.
- Surprisingly-Sudden Death: The way that Teresa was killed was so sudden and traumatizing for both Clare and the audience. She didn't see it coming at all - and neither did we.
- Unstoppable Rage: Those bandits reeeeeeally shouldn't have pushed her...
- Worth Living For: She refuses to be executed because Clare is this to her.
Former Number 2.[2]
Voiced by: Minami Takayama (JP), Wendy Powell (EN)
- Badass: Like nearly everyone else.
- Handicapped Badass: Losing her arm didn't do much to slow her down.
- Blade Spam: A Nearly Hyper-Sonic version: Quicksword.
- Impossibly Cool Clothes: It's not that Irene's post-organization outfit is particularly impractical, but how the hell does she manage to put it on with only one arm???
- Mentor Occupational Hazard: Assumed. It hasn't been confirmed whether or not Raphaela killed her or not.
- Older and Wiser: Since she knew Teresa, who was a mother figure to Clare, Irene definitely knew Clare in a way any other mentors she would ever have could not.
- Our Elves Are Better: Irene's not a real elf, but she does have this air around her that makes her appear very Tolkien-esque, something that sets her apart from other claymores. Her ears, flowing platinum hair, stature, and the fact that you just can't seem to argue with her help a lot.
- Pointy Ears
- Red Baron: "Flash Sword."
- The Stoic: So far, Irene's face has showed three expressions: Angry/frustrated for when she's in battle, Slightly pleased in her final scenes where she gives Clare her right arm, and for all other times, completely blank.
- Unusual Ears: Is she supposed to be an elf, or something?
- White-Haired Pretty Girl: Her hair is so blonde, it's practically white.
Former Number 2. Was Number 1 Before Teresa was ranked.
- And Then John Was a Zombie
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever
- Curb Stomp Battle: She never stood a chance against Teresa.
- Green-Eyed Monster: Look at her brief bio. Yeah.
- One-Winged Angel: Think the Alien queen combined with the Borg queen.
- You Monster!: To Teresa, not that she can talk.
Voiced by: Junko Takeuchi (JP), Leah Clark (EN)
- Red Baron: "Stormwind," for her speed and agility.
- She Fu: Her fighting style.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Is the tomboy to Sophia.
Voiced by: Megumi Toyoguchi (JP), Trina Nishimura (EN)
- Glacier Waif: She's not especially slow but she's much more renowned for her strength than her speed.
- Red Baron: "Muscular," for her immense strength.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Is the girly girl to Noel.
[[folder: Claymores<br />Clarice's generation]]
Number 47.
Post time-skip, she is the new number 47 Claymore, taking Clare's position. She is most definitely not an Almighty Janitor and is showing no signs of becoming one anytime soon.
- All of the Other Reindeer: Treated as such by pretty much every other Claymore since her hair is brown rather than some shade of blonde. Clarice claims its because she had very dark hair before she was turned into a Claymore. Everyone else thinks its because she's a failed attempt at making a warrior and only admitted to the Organization because of the shortage of numbers.
- Badass and Child Duo: A bit of an inversion since Miata is more of the badass, at least at first.
- The Chick: Although she is a Claymore, she's a very ineffectual fighter and mostly serves as a mother figure to Miata, which is the only reason that Clarice (and, by extension, the Organization) can exert any control over her.
- Kid with the Leash: Not exactly a kid but definitely the one holding Miata's leash.
- Promotion to Parent: see The Chick
- She even has a Mama Bear moment against Agatha of all people.
- Overshadowed by Awesome: Let's be honest here, if she were hanging around Muggles as opposed to the likes of Miata and the Seven Ghosts she would probably not be considered a wimp by any stretch of the imagination.
- Took a Level in Badass: She is getting better though, even if she's still being overshadowed.
Number 4.
Current Number 4 in the Organization and makes the previous Number 4 Ophelia look positively sane. Clarice is the only one who can get her to do anything and only because Miata has latched onto her as a mother figure, including mock breastfeeding which Clarice has threatened to withhold as punishment.
- Badass Adorable: Once she becomes more stable and her hair is moved to the side, Miata is quite the adorable child. Just make sure you keep her that way, or...
- Four Is Death
- Hates Baths
- Parents in Distress: Mess with Clarice if you want to. You will be dead soon.
- Peek-a-Bangs: Combined with Rapunzel Hair the first time we see her.
- Pint-Sized Powerhouse: She's approximately half the size of other Claymores but can kill Yoma with her bare hands.
- Psychopathic Manchild: Even more so when Clarice isn't around.
- Red Baron: "Blood Eyes," for her Super Senses, even when compared to other Claymores.
- Sociopathic Hero
- Wild Child: Shown as feral and completely uncontrollable before assigned to Clarice as a partner. Still doesn't like taking baths though.
Number 3.
- Combination Attack: With Rachel.
- Lady of War
- Oh Crap: Upon witnessing Riful's true power.
- Bring My Brown Pants: Following the Oh Crap above.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Is the girly girl to Rachel
- Waif Fu
Number 5.
- Bifauxnen: Despite not dressing like a man at all, she somehow manages this.
- Bokukko: So much so that some suspect she's really a hermaphrodite.
- Combination Attack: With Audrey.
- Dumb Muscle
- Hot-Blooded
- I Was Just Passing Through: In 114 claims she's just going along with Audrey and doesn't really approve of Miria.
- Sword Drag: Uses this to boost the power of her attack.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Is the tomboy to Audrey.
Number 7.
- I Owe You My Life: Joins the Ghosts after they save the lives of her and her squad.
- Nakama: Treats her teammates as this.
- The Ghosts seem to have quickly earned a place there as well, by saving their lives
- Not Quite Flight: Her special ability. She jumps around on strands of her own hair.
- Princess Curls: Has truly formidable ones. One wonders how she maintains that with all the fighting she does...
- Red Baron: "Winged Anastasia."
- You Shall Not Pass: Tries to do this, but is joined by Nike.
Number 8.[3]
- Defector From Decadence: Joins the Ghosts after she learns that the Organization controls the Yoma
- Girlish Pigtails: With Hime Cut bangs.
- In a Single Bound
- I Owe You My Life: Helen and Deneve save her life; she pays them back by rescuing Yuma and Cynthia.
- Also the reason behind her undying loyalty to the organization since it was a man in black who picked her up when her town got destroyed by yoma. And then she learned the truth...
- Loophole Abuse: Her sense of honor will not allow her to lie to the Organization, but if she gets "kidnapped" and never has a chance to report back...
- By the same token, she doesn't attempt to capture Galatea, since even though she technically should, nobody ordered her to do so.
- Red Baron: "Tracker."
- Scarily Competent Tracker
- Tsundere: A very stoic Type A. She gives several excuses for doing things that benefit the Seven Ghosts, Galatea, Miata and Clarice despite ostensibly being their enemy. When Anastasia lampshades her "dere-ness," she's rendered temporarily speechless.
- Will Not Tell a Lie: Much to the aggravation of Helen and Deneve.
Number 10.[4]
- Defector From Decadence
- Hunter of His Own Kind: Made specially for keeping the other Claymores in line.
- Mind Manipulation: How else could Miria possibly be taken down?
- Mind Rape: What a delightfully charming ability.
- You Are Not Alone: Despite being created specifically to kill them, the young trainees support Raftela when she decides to use the last moments of her life to help defend the claymores fighting Roxanne, Cassandra and Hysteria.
- You Have Failed Me.../You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: The Organization attacks her when they realize she allowed Miria to live.
Number 15.
- Hot-Blooded
- Nakama: She's in Anastasia's team, so that is a given.
- No One Gets Left Behind: Why she accompanied Anastasia.
[[folder:Claymores<br />other generations]]
Number 1. Deceased. Resurrected.
- Attention Whore: She hates being ignored more than anything, and she proved it by refusing an implicit Enemy Mine because the potential ally has the nerve to strike the common foe without taking care of her first.
- Back from the Dead
- Came Back Wrong: As with the other two resurrected Claymores, awakens shortly after being resurrected.
- Braids of Action
- Clipped-Wing Angel: Subverted, it makes her harder for Miria to catch up to.
- Dissonant Serenity
- The Dreaded
- Dying as Yourself: Averted: As Hysteria is dying, Priscilla's personality asserts itself, emerges as a ghostly apparition, and attacks Mira before being dispersed.
- Earn Your Title: She's called "The Elegant" because of the precise and efficient way she moves and kills.
- Even Evil Has Standards: having become an Awakened Being with Miria's sword still jammed through her neck (she's unhappy about that because she cant eat as long as it's there), she promises to spare the life of the Claymore who pulls the sword out. One takes her up on the offer and does just that. Just when you think a cruel "You Have Outlived Your Usefulness" moment is about to go down, Hysteria casually reassures her that she always keeps her word, leaves her alone, and goes after the other Claymores.
- Flash Step: Miria's leaves copies; hers feels like she's walking through you..
- Taken Up to Eleven by her Awakened form, which possesses numerous spider-like legs than ramp up her agility.
- Ghost Amnesia: Doesn't remember her name or know how long she's been out of action.
- I Don't Want to Die: Both times.
- Lady of War: A very good warrior with the most elegant technique.
- The Magnificent
- One-Woman Army: As with all Number Ones.
- Our Zombies Are Different: Type R.
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: She can still catch you, though.
- Red Baron: Hysteria the Elegant.
Number 1. Deceased. Resurrected.
- All of the Other Reindeer: Even her fellow warriors tened to look down on her ugly-but-effective fighting style, and those that had seen it usually shunned her.
- And then, Cassandra was an Awakened Being: As of 120.
- Anti-Villain: Type 2.
- Back from the Dead
- Came Back Wrong: As with the other two resurrected Claymores, awakens shortly after being resurrected.
- Gone Horribly Right: According to Dae, that was his intent all along.
- Came Back Wrong: As with the other two resurrected Claymores, awakens shortly after being resurrected.
- Badass: A much more powerful Number 1 than the warrior who succeeded her. And she tells Roxanne such, just before she kills her.
- Big Eater: After her Awakening, she's constantly munching on something ( Roxanne, to be exact, though she also chows down on Hysteria). She does eventually eat her fill and wander off.
- Cluster S Bomb: She started saying "shit" a lot after she awakened.
- Dead Sidekick: Was best friends with a #35 who accepted her Dust Eater Technique. Said #35 was brutally murdered by a weak Awakened Being while Roxanne of Love and Hate stood back and watched. When Cassandra found out...
- Deadly Dodging: Starting with her head bobbing, which makes her posture lower until she's literally hacking at your shins. The only way to get away is to have extremely good reflexes and sword aim.
- The Dog Bites Back: After she awakens, she bites off Roxanne's arms and legs. It's awesome.
- Then once they both awaken, she defeats and devours Roxanne completely.
- The Dreaded
- Earn Your Title: "Dust Eater" because when she uses her special technique, her face gets dirty.
- Eldritch Abomination: The best description of her Awakened form is a giant version of her naked torso surrounded by her face on tentacles.
- Even Evil Has Standards: Roxanne seems to be the only person she's got a bone to pick with. Everyone else she either avoids or is completely confused about why she has to fight and kill them.
- Foe Yay: Between her and Roxanne. Not surprising, considering it's the latter's bread and butter.
- Ghost Amnesia: Now recovered from as of chapter 119.
- Heroic BSOD:When she realized Roxanne set her friend up to be killed and then set up Cassandra herself.
- Lonely at the Top: As the Organization's Number One, making her an easy target for Roxanne.
- Luminescent Blush: When she saw Roxanne.
- One-Woman Army: As with all Number Ones.
- Our Zombies Are Different: Type R.
- Pet the Dog: After eating Roxxanne, she walks towards the Claymores... and keeps going.
- She seems genuinely apologetic when she hurts anyone other than Roxanne.
- Pointy Ears
- The Quiet One: So far.
- Rasputinian Death: She has been slashed everywhere.
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Gives one to Roxanne.
- Red Baron: "Dust Eater."
- The Southpaw: Mentioned as having a left-handed fighting style.
- Shrinking Violet: She seems to be, considering she often blushes, rarely talks, and only went on solo missions because of being embarrassed by her technique.
- Tragic Villain: Out of the three resurrected #1s, Cassandra is the only one to stop and think, "Why am I attacking other Claymores? This is wrong." Her backstory indicates that she was not a bad person, but was understandably driven to violence by Roxanne's treachery. if it it weren't for the fact that she Came Back Wrong, maybe she could have become an ally.
- And then Tragic Monster.
- Even after awakening, compared to all the other Abyssal Ones, she has done the least evil. Indeed it is arguable if she has done ANY truly evil acts yet, as even after Awakening, so far the only thing she has seemed to care about is getting revenge on Roxanne, which is completely justifiable. It is even possible that she might go on to subvert the Exclusively Evil status that Abyssal Ones are supposed to have.
- Chapter 127 reveals she's on her way Rabona to free Priscilla, in part due to Priscilla's will influencing her.
Number 1. Deceased. Resurrected.
- A Plague on Both Your Houses: "Keep eating shit for the rest of your life." to Cassandra.
- All Your Powers Combined: She has Uranus's Ugly Sword technique, Nadeen's youki perception, and Elizabeth's Beautiful Sword technique.
- Ascended Fangirl
- Back from the Dead
- Came Back Wrong: As with the other two resurrected Claymores, awakens shortly after being resurrected.
- Beauty Mark
- Beauty Is Bad: And she's also the leading candidate for most evil Claymore shown yet.
- Combat Tentacles: In her Awakened form she has a biomechanical appearance with numerous blade-studded tentacles.
- Dark Action Girl
- Dark Is Evil: Particularly in her Awakened form, which is dark colored.
- Deceptive Disciple: Roxanne of Love and Hate has elements of this trope crossed with Mega Manning and Psycho Lesbian; her rise from the low 30s in the organization to one of its most powerful #1s involved forming EXTREMELY close bonds with several Claymores she admired, learning their secrets inside and out and incorporating into her fighting style to the point she surpassed them. Shortly afterwards, her "teacher" would die mysteriously.
- The Dreaded
- Evil Counterpart: Like Clare, she started off as a weak warrior, grew stronger by learning techniques used by stronger warriors and as a result became very strong.
- Also seems to be an Eviler Counterpart to Ophelia, being a Dark Action Girl Psycho Lesbian who's also obsessed with fighting strong things.
- Faux Affably Evil
- Girlish Pigtails
- Ghost Amnesia: Averted, and she pokes fun at Cassandra for not remembering. Somewhat justified by her abilities and skill-set relying on memory.
- From Nobody to Nightmare: She started at 35. Died as number 1.
- In Love with Your Carnage: She would more or less stalk a more powerful Claymore until she figured out their technique. Shortly afterwards, the Claymore in question would get killed somehow.
- Irritation Is the Sincerest Form of Flattery: Besides stealing the technique of the Claymore she was emulating, she would occasionally mimic their appearance somewhat. It did not take long for this to freak out the Claymores.
- Jerkass: What it all comes down is that Roxanne is nothing more than a bully who psychologically torments Cassandra mainly just for the kicks.
- Karmic Death: Although her first death hasn't been elaborated on, after being resurrected and awakening she is killed and devoured by Cassandra, the very person she killed herself the first time.
- Make It Look Like an Accident: Warriors whose techniques she copied and surpassed, died on awakened being hunts soon after.
- Manipulative Bitch: For all her flaws, Ophelia was a lot more straightforward in messing with people's heads.
- Mega Manning: She rocketed up the ranks by stealing techniques from her contemporaries thanks to her excellent ability to synchronize her youki.
- One-Woman Army: As with all Number Ones.
- Our Zombies Are Different: Type R.
- Power Parasite: It's what made her so powerful to begin with. She copies the powers of every other high-ranking partner that she's met and left them to die through "accidental" circumstances.
- Psycho Lesbian: Implied. She seemed to develop crushes on the Claymores whose techniques she stole. It ended with said Claymores' deaths.
- Red Baron: "Love and Hate."
- Smug Super: She certainly has reason to be but she's altogether too pleased with her various misdeeds.
- The Sociopath
- Stalker with a Crush: See In Love with Your Carnage and Irritation Is the Sincerest Form of Flattery.
- The Vamp: she certainly has vampish tendencies, although she attacks women rather than men.
- Would Hurt a Child: Said that she didn't like having children as her opponent, but nevertheless, she stabbed the twins in the face.
- Yandere
Number 5. Deceased.
- Lady of War: Her sword technique was called "Beautiful" at least.
- The Stoic
Number 9. Deceased.
- Disability Superpower: Had poor depth-perception for obvious reasons but used her youki perception to compensate.
- Eyepatch of Power: Lost her eye when she was still human.
- Handicapped Badass
- Hot-Blooded
- The Force Is Strong with This One
Number 31. Deceased.
- The Brute: Her style of swordplay, not her demeanor.
- Combat Pragmatist: Her "Ugly Sword" technique wasn't graceful at all but it was effective.
- Unskilled but Strong: Somehow managed this and its inverse in spite of her rank.
- When All You Have Is a Hammer
Awakened Beings
Former Number 2.
Voiced by: Aya Hisakawa (JP), Brina Palencia (EN)
- Badass: Yes, the majority of characters are this, but holy crap does she deserve special mention after the latest chapters! By herself, and without shifting to her Awakened form, she utterly dominates both Alicia and Beth, who are in their Awakened forms, and this is after the former has demonstrated that she is at least as powerful as Riful. Hot. Damn.
- Not surprisingly, she hits Clare with The Worf Effect in Chapter 100.
- Big Bad: She was always a contender for the position, being the Arch Enemy to Clare and later established as the most powerful Awakened Being ever, and every other possible Big Bad became a Disc One Final Boss soon enough so she is most likely the Big Bad.
- Butterfly of Death and Rebirth: Her Awakened form features what look suspiciously like butterfly wings.
- Curb Stomp Battle: Any fight she joins in post-awakening is pretty much this.
- Dissonant Serenity: Talks and looks utterly at peace - even bored - whenever she transforms into her One-Winged Angel form.
- Dojikko: Prior to Awakening. First seen tripping over a loose cobblestone when meeting up with the other assigned to hunt down Theresa.
- Even Evil Has Standards: Doesn't kill young girls on her feeding sprees.
- Evil Feels Good: Says this after Awakening.
- Honor Before Reason: Priscilla's world view is so naive that she believes that even yoma - a group of monsters that she hates above all else - deserve a fair fight against a Claymore.
- I Am a Humanitarian: Like all Awakened Beings, but special mention goes to the fact that she's not averse to eating other yoma.
- Morality Pet: She became this to Isley.
- The Nose Knows: She recognizes the scent of Clare on Raki. And it's implied she recognizes Teresa's scent on Clare, since Clare has Teresa's genes inside her now...
- One-Winged Angel: What she does in her fight against Teresa. Oops.
- Person of Mass Destruction
- Pet the Dog: Saves Raki from The Virus by implanting her own arm into his back, despite telling him that he had outlived his usefulness to her and that she was she was hungry.
- Sealed Evil in a Duel: Courtesy of Claire and the Destroyer.
- Selective Slaughter: As mentioned above, she does not kill young girls. However, some of those girls - namely Clare and Ophelia - didn't feel that grateful.
- Skilled but Naive: What it all came down to when she was first introduced. She was a warrior of remarkable skill and perception, but was too naive to weigh-in certain repercussions maturely.
- The Juggernaut: Pretty much what she becomes post-awakening. Though usually she lacks any focus or clear goal and just wanders around randomly eating people, once something catches her interest even multiple Abyssal Ones barely manage to slow her down at the cost of their own lives.
- One Claymore Army: Even prior to Awakening, she was powerful enough to slaughter hundreds of yoma without her allies - who were only a few yards away - noticing.
- Tragic Villain / Tragic Monster
- Why Won't You Die?: Anyone who attempts to fight Priscilla is guaranteed to say this at least once.
- Provided said anyone survives long enough to get to this point, and since even Abyssal Ones can't keep up with her insane speed and overwhelming strenght that doesn't leave a lot of candidates...
- Wide-Eyed Idealist: Ironically, she started out as this.
- Winged Humanoid: Her Awakened form.
Abyssal One. Formerly the first female Number 1.
Riful rules the western lands of the continent.
Voiced by: Nana Mizuki (JP), Brittney Karbowski (EN)
- Affably Evil: She really wants to be your friend, she's only torturing you horribly so you'll awaken and join her side.
- Combat Tentacles: Riful's awakened form is composed entirely of these.
- Some of her dialogue suggests she uses them for more than just combat. Hey, if Dauf doesn't mind, who are we to judge?
- Creepy Child: And how! She's much older than she looks, but still.
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones: As badly as she might occasionally threat him, she stubbornly refused to leave Dauf to die, which resulted in her being ripped to shreds by Pricilla.
- Hime Cut
- Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: Both played straight and inverted. Hangs around with Dauf, another awakened being who's human form is that of a large, muscular man compared to a rather slender child for Riful. Their youma forms invert because while Dauf is still huge, Riful is larger still and capable of tossing him around like a rag doll.
- Killed Off for Real: When Priscilla gets back in the game, Riful is one of the first to die.
- Little Miss Badass
- Pet the Dog: To Dauf. She may pick on him as much as everyone else, but damn if you'll kill him while she's still standing there.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old
- Ugly Guy, Hot Wife
- Unholy Matrimony
- We Can Rule Together: She makes this offer to Claymores that she comes across in order to get them to join her side. If they decline, well, she has other methods of persuading them...
Former Number 3 of the male generation.
Dauf is Riful's Dragon and her lover.
Voiced by: Kenji Hamada (JP), Chris Ayres (EN)
- The Brute
- Cold-Blooded Torture: Forcing the poles his Awakened form makes naturally through the stomachs and spines of the soldiers he and Riful capture.
- Dumb Muscle: Riful mentioned his stupidity in the same sentence she praised his strength.
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones: When they are both injured, and Riful is trying to drag him to safety, Dauf tells her to save herself. She threatens to break up with him if he keeps saying such stupid things, and he tells her that that's alright as long as she goes on living.
- Henpecked Husband
- Jerkass
- Love Martyr
- Macross Missile Massacre
- Meet Cute: His first meeting with Riful, even if it's a little creepy, if you stop and think about it.
- Spell My Name with an "S": Dolph or Dauf? Or is it Duph? We're still unsure.
- Torture Technician: He's charged with doing this to any Claymore unfortunate enough to fall into he and Riful's grasps.
- Ugly Guy, Hot Wife
- Undying Loyalty: You get no points for figuring out who.
- Unholy Matrimony
- You Are Number Six: Dauf was the #3 of the generation of men.
Abyssal One. Formerly the Number 1 of the male generation of Claymores.
Isley is The Strategist who commanded the troops that slaughtered Pieta.
Voiced by: Kouji Yusa (JP), John Swasey (EN)
- Badass Long Hair
- Bishonen
- Disc One Final Boss (From the start of the War in the North and up until about Chapter 71, you could be forgiven for thinking Isley was the Big Bad of the series. Then we learn that while he was the brains of the operation, his girlfriend was always considerably more powerful... and the next time we see him, he's caught in Redemption Equals Death.)
- Dude Looks Like a Lady
- Heel Face Turn: Technically a Heel Face Revolving Door, as part of being an Awakened Being involves a Face Heel Turn anyhow.
- I Don't Want to Die: His final thoughts were about how he wanted to spend more time with Raki and Priscilla, who he started to view as a family.
- Karmic Death: Eventually gets taken down by monsters made from the remains of his underlings who he knowingly sent to their deaths as a distraction.
- Long-Haired Pretty Boy
- The Man Behind the Man
- Mr. Fanservice: Dare you deny it?
- Noble Demon: Isley is suspisciously well put together mentally for the granddaddy of all Awakened Beings.
- Also, Even Evil Has Loved Ones. He originally just thought it would be more practical to have Priscilla as an underling rather an than enemy, but in the end, she and Raki genuinely grew on him.
- Our Centaurs Are Different: His Awakened form.
- Redemption Equals Death
- Shapeshifter Weapon: In his Awakened form, he can turn his arms into various weapons to suit whatever he's fighting against.
- Shirtless Scene
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
- Worf Had the Flu (... sort of. The only reason he died at all is that the Abyss Feeders had spent the last several years relentlessly wearing him down. The reason it's 'sort of' is that even with these wounds, he hardly went out without a fight; dominating Helen and Deneve with only a fraction of his power and killing five of the eleven Feeders sent against him. And made even worse by the fact that he would've survived a bit longer had he been able to kill just a single one more than he had in the end, because the Feeders defense mechanism is to retreat when a set number die in battle.)
Silver Lion King. The former Number 2 of the male generation.
Isley's Number Two who led the attack on Pieta.
Voiced by: Hiro Yuuki (JP), Vic Mignogna (EN)
- Apologetic Attacker: Clearly finds his work distasteful and even apologies to the Claymores before engaging them.
- Badass
- Bishonen
- Combat Pragmatist: Immediately analyzes his enemy, determines the strongest of them and then releases his full power to kill each swiftly and efficiently. Rigardo does NOT treat battle like a game.
- Curb Stomp Battle: Undine, Flora, Jean and Veronica never knew what hit 'em.
- He never knew what Priscilla hit him with either.
- Deadpan Snarker: Rarely ever smiled while snarking at Isley.
- Defeat Equals Friendship: Or in this case, "Servitude," since the only reason he follows Isley is because Isley kicked his ass shortly after they awakened.
- Emotionless Boy
- Femme Fatalons
- Graceful Loser
- Karmic Death: Decides the weaker warriors are no threat and won't even spare the effort to destroy them. Guess how this goes for Clare's Unstoppable Rage?
- Panthera Awesome: His Awakened form resembled a bipedal lion.
- Red Baron: "Silver Lion King," which he hates.
- Super Speed: Quick enough to keep up with Miria. Actually she had to use phantoms to keep up with him.
- You Are Number Six: The former #2 of the male generation.
Abyssal One.
Luciela is the ruler of the south and one half of a failed spirit aligning experiment, the other being Raphaela.
- Animal Eyes: Her eyes resemble a cat's.
- Affably Evil: Makes nice small talk with Isley before transforming and leveling the landscape.
- Battle Ballgown: The dress she was wearing before she transformed.
- Catgirl: This is her Awakened form.
- Foot Focus: She's barefoot most of the time, like Riful.
- Fusion Dance: With Raphaela, after the latter kills her.
- Girlish Pigtails
- Now That's Using Your Teeth: One of her abilities is to make several fanged mouths appear on her body to shield herself from projectiles.
- Pet the Dog: Seems genuinely pleased to see her sister, Raphaela.
- We Can Rule Together: Offers to give Raphaela the south if she helps her beat Isley and Priscilla. Raphaela declines.
- This is actually a rather tragic variant as She can't understand why her beloved sister is about to kill her and tries offering her whatever she wants, frantically saying she just wants to be with her's just as hard on Raphaela.
- We Hardly Knew Ye: Dies a few chapters after she is truly introduced.
Bloody Agatha. Former Number 2.
- Attack Its Weak Point: Her hair, which connects her fake and real body.
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: Her Spider Tank body is BIG.
- Blood Lust: Agatha LOVES blood.
- Combat Tentacles
- Full-Frontal Assault: Her fake form sits naked on a spider like platform.
- I Have Your Wife: Tries this on Clare using Galatea. Naturally, it doesn't work.
- Red Baron: "Bloody Agatha," "Blood Red Agatha."
- Spider Tank
- The Vamp: Perhaps the only woman in context who shows something of a interest in sex.
- Venus Needs Men: Provides an example when she captures and propositions Cid.
- You Are Number Six: Another former #2.
Black Coats
All of the Black Coats tend to be Mr. Exposition for the various Claymores in regards to their missions and other plot elements.
- Theme Naming: The Black Coats are named after various museums: Louvre, Hermitage, etc.
Rubel (aka Louvre)
Clare's handler, who assigns Clare her missions.
Voiced by: Hiroaki Hirata (JP), R Bruce Elliot (EN)
- Anti-Hero (Type IV or V)
- Cynical Mentor: Not Clare's mentor by far, but he is awfully cynical toward her.
- Even Evil Has Standards: He averts his eyes as Miria is seemingly brutally murdered, and even seems sympathetic.
- The Handler: Well, duh.
- Mysterious Watcher: Although he and Clare actually know each other rather well, he otherwise fits the role to a T.
- The Mole: His first appearance post time skip and he reveals that The Organisation is responsible for not only creating the Claymores but the Youma as well as part of a superweapon project and he has been assigned to infiltrate it
- Sinister Shades: He is never seen without them.
- The Un-Smile: Is it a grin? Is it a smirk? Whatever it is, the enigmatic expression simply never leaves his face, and it just doesn't look right.
- Wild Card: post Time Skip
Handler of Galatea, Ophelia and Miria
His face is almost completely wrapped up, leaving only his eyes exposed.
- Cunning Like a Fox - Referred to as such. Has yet to display it.
- Jerkass - Claims to care about his Warriors like they were his children, but adds "I didn't raise any monsters" for any that awaken.
Teresa's Handler. Wears a hooded cloak.
Clarice and Miata's Handler. Has a long black psuedo-hood on the back of his head.
Head of the Retrieval Squad.
- Bring It Back Alive: He laments being unable to do this with The Destroyer (!!)
- Evil Makes You Ugly: Obviously has ill-intent in mind with his experiments, so half of his face is fucked up.
- Faux Affably Evil: Seems happy and polite but is really a total bastard.
- For Science!: Dae's entire motivation. He doesn't care about the war in their home continent. He also totally forgot about the revived Number Ones' loyalties when he was bringing them back.
- More like he knew but didn't care as they would inevitably become Awakened Beings after being revived.
- His goal all along was to have them Awaken so he could find the source of the arm he used to power them up.
- More like he knew but didn't care as they would inevitably become Awakened Beings after being revived.
- Mad Scientist: Even the other black coats seems a little disgusted by his experimentations. He knew the three resurrected warriors wouldn't remain loyal and would eventually awaken. He simply wanted to see his greatest masterpiece with his own eyes as he knew the organization was doomed the moment the Warriors rebelled.
- The Starscream: He lied to the Organization about the revived Claymores' likelihood of awakening and declares the Organization done for in Chapter 120, wanting only to lure "their greatest masterpiece" Priscilla to the battlefield to get a glimpse of her.
- Two-Faced
- We Have Reserves: When his men were worried about transporting a Destroyer Infected Raki, he told them the organizations goals were more important than the risk of them losing their life (because he obviously would take another path).
The Leader of the Organization and head of its council.
- Big Bad Wannabe
- Face Death with Dignity: He doesn't even try to escape the rebellion. He simply waits underground for Miria to find him so he can show her the monsters the Organization was formed to fight and confirm her theories while adding some details of his own, knowing full well that she will kill him.
- Off with His Head: Courtesy of Miria.
- Nerves of Steel: When the rebellion occurs at the doorstep of the Organization's headquarters, he simply assesses the situation and issues some orders while maintaining his iconic emotionless expression. Notable in that, moments beforehand, he was formulating plans for future generations of Warriors in such a way that suggested he did not consider the rebellion worth his attention.
- The Stoic
One of the few important human characters in the claymore universe. He winds up becoming Clare's traveling companion.
Voiced by: Motoki Takagi (JP), Todd Haberkorn (EN)
- Armor Is Useless: Averted. Raki actually puts his armor, his gauntlets specifically, to good use when deflecting an attack from a yoma when he is reintroduced after the time skip.
- Badass Boast: He does this a lot after the time skip. Trust us when we say that he has every right to now.
- Badass Normal: Post-time skip. He has no youki to release to enhance his speed or strength, and thus can't pull off any of the Ki Attack-like moves of the Claymore elite, but he appears to be a match for the weakest Claymores, while possessing only the regular skills and abilities a human could conceivably gain. Later, he holds off the next two (incomplete) #1 and #2 twin duo, while they were holding back. This has caused quite a bit of Wild Mass Guessing in regards to his status as "Normal".
- Badass and Child Duo: The Child to Clare's Badass, though he's grown into quite the badass himself recently.
- Berserk Button: Insulting or hurting Clare is a one way ticket to a Groin Attack. Nowadays, he could probably do a lot more damage if somebody insulted Clare in Raki's wake.
- Big Brother Mentor: Of sorts, to the trainee Claymores.
- The Chick: He serves as Clare's defroster. Then, he Takes a level in Badass
- Crying Little Kid: Pre-time skip Raki is the embodiment of this trope. Slightly more emphasized in the Anime.
- Determinator: Between his stubborn refusal to leave Clare's side, to picking up enough knowledge to easily kill regular Youma by training with a series Disc One Final Boss, well, it's fair to say he qualifies.
- And now that trait is being tested because he's resisting Luciela's yoma infection.
- Dude in Distress
- Groin Attack: Delivers one to Sid after he steals a kiss from Clare.
- Hand Behind Head: He does this once during the conversation with Reene.
- He's All Grown Up: HO-LY CRAP did he grow up.
- Heartwarming Orphan: To Clare and Isley, of all people.
- Heroic Build: Damn, Raki got buff too.
- Mr. Fanservice: Yagi knew what he was doing when he re-introduced Raki after the Time Skip.
- Kid with the Leash: TWICE! First with Clare, in preventing her from going fully Awakened Being in the holy city. Then played supremely straight with Priscilla.
- Look What I Can Do Now!: First thing we see him do after the time skip is kill a yoma.
- Made of Iron: He fights pretty well during his bout with Ophelia.
- Morality Pet: Isley started seeing him as family.
- Non-Action Guy: Face it, he's a human in a world of superpowered monsters...
- Took a Level in Badass: ...and then later becomes strong enough to take on the weakest of the monsters....and then hold off weaker claymores holding back.
- Made relative by Renee after he killed a yoma in his hometown, she says that trained humans defeating rank-and-file yoma is not that surprising. Humans detecting yoma, is. He actually can't do that, Priscilla does it for him.
- The Rest Shall Pass: Holds off some of the Organization's men so the trainee Claymores don't have to.
- Shaming the Mob: He does this when people in his home village accuse him of being a yoma.
- Shirtless Scene: When he gets captured and tied up by the Organization. It's still worth looking at though.
- Sleeves Are for Wimps
- Team Chef: He was this while traveling with Clare.
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: When he gets infected with one of Luciela's spikes, Priscilla leaves him to his fate to go chase a new scent she just picked up.
- However, she did save him from The Virus before leaving when she didn't have to, making this more of a strange Pet the Dog moment.
Father Vincent
A priest of Rabona who calls Clare to the Holy City and later serves as an aid for other rogue Claymores that come there.
- Good Shepherd
- I Don't Want to Die: A man of the cloth, and he don't wanna die - at least from a yoma attack.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Disobeys the Robonan Law against Claymores entering the city when a Youma appears there and thus helps get the law repealed/laxed.
A knight of the holy city and captain of the guard.
- Determinator: Allows himself to be stabbed by a Youma through the chest so he can hold his claw-tentacles in place so Clare can get a good shot at him.
- I Owe You My Life: To Clare.
- Lightning Bruiser: He's a normal human who jumps around on rooftops in full plate armor!
Galk's right hand man.
- Fragile Speedster
- Handsome Lech: Sid might have had his prejudices about claymores at first, but he's not above flirting with them.
- He refuses to be seduced by Agatha, though.
- Knife Nut: His weapons of choice are throwing knives.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Sacred First Kiss: He steals Clare's, to Raki's horror. Clare doesn't seem too bothered, though.