< Claymore


  • Clarice standing up to Agatha for the sake of the injured Miata, despite knowing that if Miata didn't stand a chance against her, neither does she.
  • Miria surviving the Organization's trap by impressing all living Claymores with her power and reluctance to kill so much that they refused to hit her for real in violation of the Organization's orders and later joined her rebellion.
  • The Rigaldo/Clare battle, especially the beginning when Clare utters her Madness Mantra "More speed! More speed!" and the final. Superb, indeed.
  • Raki gets two in chapter 115. First, for being able to lift and wield a heavy, if dulled, claymore and second, for taking on the Organization's men, just so that none of the claymores-in-training have to kill a human being.
  • Clare's stand-off against the Awakened Being with Miria's team. With the rest of them more or less out of commission for the time being, she advances slowly, inexorably, completely untouchable. Her silver eyes, which were beginning to blend into those of her more powerful compatriots, never looked more intimidating.
  • Clare partially awakening, taking off Rigardo's arm in a flash, and finally slashing him up into smithereens. To quote Rigardo moments before this occurs, superb.
  • Irene owning Orphelia who had just taken down a awakened single digit single handedly. With one only arm Irene beats her, that's why only Teresa and Priscilla outranked her.
  • Speaking of Teresa, let's not forget the insane amount of awesome she brought to the table. Like beating the rest of the top five of her generation effortlessly.
    • Lest we forget, she fights her awakened predecessor as No.1 (so this is an abyssal-level awakened being) by ripping its arm off with a simple twist and gutting it.
    • When Teresa leaves Clare with some townspeople she'd just saved from a yoma, thinking they can give her a better life, and the town is immediately attacked by bandits right after Teresa leaves. She returns to find the place trashed and Clare badly injured and unconcious being dragged along by a bandit whom Teresa had previously maimed. She kills him, of course, but the Moment of Awesome comes when the lead bandit whips out his 'falcon sword' which is apparently unbeatable (at least according to the bandit's rather lengthy bragging session). He then invites Teresa to attack him as he's so sure that she can't. Teresa's response? Calmly taking him down with one swing that's so fast, we don't even see it.
  • Priscilla fighting both Alicia and Beth, the Organization's #1 and #2, in a two-on-one battle... and utterly slaughtering them without the slightest effort. She just looks so incredibly bored, even as she one-handedly tears the head off a character shown to be comparable to Riful in terms of raw power. Just... just wow.
  • The end of chapter 113. Miria is alive, and has restarted her rebellion with all the Claymore !
  • Chapter 120. Miria beats Hysteria by ripping off her own arm and impaling Hysteria with her sword and arm at high speed. Then after Hysteria survives that, Miria, lacking both arms, stabs her in the throat with a sword held in her teeth.
  • Chapter 121. Anastasia. Nike. Dietrich. The Ghosts. Say it with me: BIG. DAMN. HEROES.
  • Deneve gets one in Chapter 123 for talking some sense into Miria, keeping her from throwing her life away and awakening.
  • Teresa gets a retroactive one in chapter 125. When no warrior of that day and could keep up with Hysteria's speed, it was Teresa who dealt the blow that allowed Hysteria to be killed the first time around. The kicker is that she had just been recruited and given a single-digit number back then.
  • (sorta) villainous example: After a lengthy battle, the awakened Cassandra finally disables and subsequently kills awakened Roxanne, but not before telling her why she was and ultimately still is inferior to her as a warrior.
  • Miria killing Rimuto and euthanizing the two Asarakam creatures, ending the Organization's reign of terror for good.
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