< Ben 10
Ben 10/Characters
Main Characters
Benjamin Kirby Tennyson (Ben 10)
- Ascended Fanboy
- Berserk Button: Trying to hurt any innocent people or anyone close to him. Then he will get serious and beat the crap out of you. And God helps you if you actually suceeded in harming someone seriously...
- Book Dumb
- The Chosen One: By the Omnitrix
- The Unchosen One: By Azmuth until the finale of Ultimate Alien, where he finally admits Ben is worthy and gives him the final version of the Omnitrix.
- Chronic Hero Syndrome: one of his most defining traits from the beginning of the show; when he got the Omnitrix, the very first thing Ben thought about was to see if he could use it to actually help people with it.
- Combo-Platter Powers
- Comes Great Responsibility: played with; he is willing to use them for good purpose and will usually be careful about that, but he has most of the times few problem with using them for petty reasons, especially as a kid.
- Funny Schizophrenia: "Ultimate Sacrifice"
- Genre Savvy
- Green Eyes
- Henshin Hero
- The Hero
- Hey, It's That Voice!
- Tara Strong: As a kid.
- Yuri Lowenthal: As a teenager.
- Fred Tatasciore: The future Ben seen in "Ben 10,000" and "Ken 10".
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He acts like an immature jerk occasionnally, but deep inside, he has a sincere and strong will to help people.
- Jumped At the Call
- Kid Hero: Has this role for all three series.
- Even Heroes Have Heroes
- Leeroy Jenkins: zig-zagged; he tends to act like this sometimes, but other times he will actually display some sense of strategy and cunning, especially in the Alien Force/Ultimate Alien era.
- The Mind Is a Plaything of the Body
- Taught By Experience
- Transformation Name Announcement
- Voluntary Shapeshifting: However, he doesn't have much control over which form he changes into.
Original Series
- Aesop Amnesia
- Anti-Hero: Type II.
- Bratty Half-Pint
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass
- Dude, Where's My Respect?: His heroics were rarely if ever recognized or acknowledged even by those in on the Masquerade.
- Future Me Scares Me: Though initially in awe of Ben 10,000, he later calls him on being a Jerkass. Ben 10,000, meanwhile, has a case of I Hate Past Me. Although that isn't the REAL Ben 10,000. Whether Ben would've ended up being that version of Ben 10,000 had he not traveled to the future in the first place is unclear.
- Hidden Depths: In Ultimate Alien, it is suggested that the whole Idiot Hero act and constant one-liners in this series were a coping mechanism so he could deal with having to make life-and-death decisions on a more or less daily basis.
- Idiot Hero
- The McCoy
- Mouthy Kid
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The red to Gwen's blue.
- Why Did It Have To Be Clowns?: Although he did fight it back with Ghostfreak.
Alien Force/Ultimate Alien
- Acquired Situational Narcissism: In Ultimate Alien's first season finale he cops to this.
- Brilliant but Lazy
- Characterization Marches On: In Alien Force's first two seasons, he was a very different character from what he was before; in season 3, the writers took the liberty of making him more like his younger, immature self...a little too much like his younger self. Fortunately, by Ultimate Alien they moderate his competence and silliness as opposed to focusing on one or the other.
- The Charmer: He has several girls that like him and doesn't mind that at all, but he doesn't actively pursue women though like a Casanova does.
- Famed in Story: In Ultimate Alien.
- Hero with Bad Publicity: Though only with most adults. Teens and younger kids (and a few adults) seem to think he's absolutely awesome.
- He's All Grown Up
- Healing Hands: With the Omnitrix's genetic-repair function.
- I Hate Past Me: "Hate"'s a strong word, but he finds his 10 year old self to be quite annoying.
- The Kirk
- The Messiah: Less so after Alien Force's first arc, but still shows some signs.
- Mid-Season Upgrade: Ben 10,000 gives Ben all of his locked aliens that he'd used up to that point along with some new ones in the middle of season 2. He also brought back Swampfire and Waybig after the two were eroded into dust by Eon.
- Older and Wiser: Not much wiser, mind you. He's still a kid at heart.
- This is subverted when he was at Plumber's Academy. He acts dumb but in the end got a 95 out of 100 because just because he acted dumb, didn't mean he wasn't paying attention.
- Pride: Deconstructed. By the first season finale, he outright states that he's grown tired of what comes along with his fame. In fact, his constant pestering due to fame and time it took up was revealed to be a major factor for his relationship with Julie taking a big hit.
- Took a Level in Jerkass: In the third season of Alien Force.
- Teen Pregnancy: A Mister Seahorse in "Save The Last Dance" as Big Chill.
Gwendolyn "Gwen" Tennyson
- Action Girl
- The Chick
- Energy Being
- Fiery Redhead
- Green Eyes
- Green Eyed Red Head
- Half-Human Hybrid: 1/4 Anodite.
- Hey, It's That Voice!
- Ashley Johnson: As a teenager.
- Tara Strong: The future Gwen(dolyn) seen in "Ben 10,000" and "Ken 10".
- Magical Girl
- The Smart Girl
- The Spock
Original Series
- Damsel in Distress: Often in the first two seasons.
- Hair Decorations
- Hypercompetent Sidekick: Gwen was a prodigy who could basically instantly master anything, be it athletics, academics, and even the Omnitrix in a "What-If" episode, in which she's instantly better at using it than Ben ever was.
- The Lancer
- Lawful Stupid
- Little Miss Snarker
- The Load: In the first season, before becoming the Hypercompetent Sidekick.
- Positive Discrimination: Often in the last two seasons.
- Power Echoes
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The blue to Ben's red.
- Tomboy
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Tomboy to Kai's Girly Girl in "Benwolf".
- Tsundere: Type A.
Alien Force/Ultimate Alien
- A Day in the Limelight: "It's Not Easy Being Gwen" is this, revolving around a day in her life.
- All Girls Want Bad Boys
- Barrier Warrior
- Driving Test Smashers
- Full-Contact Magic
- Glowing Eyes of Doom
- Heroes Want Redheads: Kevin certainly does. So does Cooper. And Mike Morningstar doesn't mind complimenting her whenever he sees her.
- Improvised Platform
- Kung Fu Wizard
- Magic Skirt
- Mana
- One-Winged Angel: Being half Anodite, Gwen is able to transform into a much more powerful Anodite form, but it's apparently very risky as the first time she nearly goes Drunk with Power.
GreenPink Lantern Ring- Proper Tights with a Skirt
- Pure Energy
- She's All Grown Up
- Team Mom
- Teleporters and Transporters: She can create one, but with the side effect of having a killer headache afterwards.
- Voice of the Legion: Her Anodite form.
- Whip It Good: A new move she's picked up, as of "Ben 10,000 Returns". She saw it in an old movie.
Kevin Ethan Levin (Kevin 11)
- Disappeared Dad: Devin Levin. KIA, courtesy of Ragnarok.
- Energy Absorption: Read the spoilers and you'll understand why he never uses it again after the original series.
- Greg Cipes: As a teenager.
- Half-Human Hybrid: Half human, half Osmosian.
- Heel Face Revolving Door: Went from neutral to evil shortly before his debut, turned good at the start of Alien Force, turned evil again' 3/4 through Ultimate Aliens first season, then reverted back to good in the Season Finale.
- Long-Haired Pretty Boy: His hair reaches his shoulders
- Missing Mom: Until near the end of Alien Force.
- The Other Darrin: As a kid, he had two voices: one in his first appearance, then another in his future appearances.
- Slasher Smile: Does this a lot as Kevin 11 in Ben 10 and Ultimate Alien.
- Wicked Stepfather: Kevin implied to have had one in his youth. It turns out to be a completely false viewpoint of Kevin when he's insane; his stepfather is actually a good man.
- With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: Used in Ultimate Alien to finally rectify his extreme change in character. He falls off the proverbial wagon again five episodes later.
Original Series
- All Your Powers Combined: He at first had Ben's ability to transform, but after getting frustrated with Ben just giving up on him, he turns into an amalgamation of the original ten aliens.
- Ax Crazy: As Grandpa Max puts it, "That kid's rowboat is missing a few paddles!"
- Chaotic Stupid
- Creepy Child
- Enfant Terrible
- Evil Counterpart: Was basically Ben but without any of his morals or standards.
- Family-Unfriendly Death: Gives one to Slix Vigma by impaling him with his Diamondhead arm...and if Ben hadn't gone Cannonbolt, he would have been next.
- Freudian Excuse: Everyone treated him like a freak and a monster because of his powers, so the unstable kid basically decided to do his damnedest to prove everyone right.
- "Nobody's innocent...they just haven't got the chance to make fun of me yet!"
- Humanoid Abomination: Kevin 11,000.
- Not So Different: Part of his introduction.
- The Rival
- The Sociopath: In Ultimate Alien, Max mentioned he was one back then.
- Troubling Unchildlike Behavior
Alien Force/Ultimate Alien
- Anti-Hero: Slides between Type II and Type III constantly. On rare occasion (like when dealing with Ragnarok), he goes Type IV.
- The Atoner
- The Big Guy
- Book Dumb: Plays at this, but is in fact not. Gwen notes that he's good at math and a top-notch engineer, as well as having a knowledge of history. It helps that he literally hasn't gone to school since the age of 11, and most of what he knows he learned on the streets by doing rather than from books by studying.
- Combo-Platter Powers
- Cool Car
- Deadpan Snarker
- Easily Forgiven: Only recently has any mention been made of his prior characterization ("criminally insane"). However, there were signs of Ben questioning his trust in the first few episodes until he trusted him entirely. Although given that he antagonized Ben for a whole season, you think it would've taken just as long to have Ben forgive him, not just a fraction of a season.
- Like much of the Author's Saving Throw involved with Kevin in Ultimate Alien, this is attempted to be explained with a rather convoluted explanation about Ben's subconsciousness and involving Paradox.
- He gets hit with this trope AGAIN in the Ultimate Alien Season One finale. Energy-induced insanity or not, he literally is forgiven for what the crap pulled after one simply "Sorry, man." See Karma Houdini below.
- Like much of the Author's Saving Throw involved with Kevin in Ultimate Alien, this is attempted to be explained with a rather convoluted explanation about Ben's subconsciousness and involving Paradox.
- Extra Ore Dinary/Chrome Champion: Capable of turning his body into various metals and/or solid materials that he touches, due to being part Osmosian.
- Freak-Out: When he's transformed again in Alien Force after he and Ben (unsuccessfully) attempted to hack the Omnitrix. And once more in Ultimate Alien after absorbing the aliens in the Ultimatrix.
- Heroic Willpower: A flashback in Ultimate Alien reveals he had to concentrate to get back to normal from his transformation in the original series.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Non-fatal example. He saves the universe and defeats Aggregor, but at the cost of his sanity.
- If You Kill Him You Will Be Just Like Him: "Vendetta". He doesn't listen. Not that Ragnarok didn't deserve it, though.
- Indy Ploy
- James Bondage
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Karma Houdini: While no-one wanted to see him get killed since he wasn't in total control of his action, the lack of any sort of permanent consequence for him after his vicious crimes while insane (major collateral damage, attempted murder, possible offscreen murder, etc.) is a little jarring.
- Not to mention driven further home how everyone seemlessly forgives him after he makes a wisecrack the moment he's reverted back to normal.
- Kick the Son of a Bitch: Ragnarok.
- The Lancer
- Loveable Rogue
- The McCoy
- Mid-Season Upgrade: Gets shapeshifting powers in The Vengeance Of Vilgax which make him stronger, which he retains even after being restored to human form. Made a plot point in that if he hadn't got them, they'd have been unable to save the world from Hex. This really helps increase his usefulness to the team.
- Mighty Glacier
- Shapeshifter Mode Lock: Alien Force Season 3
- My Name Is Kevin Ethan Levin. You Killed My Father. Prepare to Die: Quoted verbatim. Then invoked a second time in Ultimate Alien for his old mentor Kwarrel.
- According to Dwayne McDuffie, his mom read him The Princess Bride as a child, so he's probably wanted to say that for the longest time.
- Redemption Demotion: Subverted. While not as badass as he used to be, he's become smarter during the Time Skip and continues to show it as he spends more time with Ben and Gwen. This especially shows halfway through Ultimate Alien's first season.
- Reformed Criminal: Mostly. By his own admission, he's not entirely trustworthy -- and a lot of the tech he has in the back of his ride is stolen. Though in his defense, most of the ones he stole from were enemies they were fighting.
- The Resenter: When he goes insane again after absorbing the Ultimatrix's power Kevin reveals a great deal of resentment towards Ben. Ben always beat him when they were kids, Ben becomes a world famous superhero while Kevin gets turned into a monster, Ben gets a happy homelife...it's always Ben who gets everything. It's not really made clear how much of this is just the energy-driven insanity speaking and how much of it is real.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: After being driven insane in Ultimate Alien he decides to go on one of these whenever he's not absorbing other peoples powers.
- Running Gag: His Precious Precious Car keeps on getting destroyed.
- Tall, Dark and Handsome
- Tall, Dark and Snarky
- Teens Are Monsters: Inverted, he was evil as a child, but turned good after turn into a teenager.
- Troubled but Cute
- Voluntary Shapeshifting
- The Worf Effect: He's usually always the one who gets his ass kicked the most in battle.
Maxwell "Grandpa Max" Tennyson
- Adorkable: Back when he first met Verdona, he managed to hit this trope while still being badass. The early 1960s setting- so early that one would think it to be fifties if not for the Kennedy reference- definitely helped.
- Badass Grandpa
- Badass Normal
- Big Good
- Commuting on a Bus: Doesn't appear as often after the original series. Justified in that Ben and Gwen don't need him as much now that they're older.
- Cool Car
- Gadgeteer Genius
- Heroes Want Redheads: As evidenced by Verdona in the Whole-Episode Flashback.
- I Was Quite a Looker: In the flashback episode to his early years, he fulfills this trope in spades. Yum yum.
- The Kirk: Of the original series.
- Lethal Chef
- The Mentor
- The Men in Black: The Plumbers
- Missed the Call: The Omnitrix was sent to Earth with the intent of Max finding it, not Ben.
- The Obi-Wan: Subverted.
- Retired Badass: Well, formerly retired.
- Two Roads Before You: Had the chance to be the first man on the moon, but then he was approached to join a certain interstellar organization.
The Omnitrix and Ultimatrix
- Black Box
- Clingy MacGuffin: Though by the last season of Alien Force this is no longer true, as Ben knows exactly how to remove the thing whenever he wants. He just doesn't want to.
- Dee Bradley Baker: Unless stated otherwise, this guy voices all the aliens introduced after Alien Force and replaces most of the alien voices from the original series.
- He's probably breathing a sigh of relief since he's not gonna have to massively overwork himself/ run out of different voices in Omniverse, considering Bumper Robinson is going to voice some of the aliens along with other unannounced voice actors voicing others.
- Discard and Draw
- Empathic Weapon
- Imported Alien Phlebotinum
- Loyal Phlebotinum
- Magical Computer
- Magical Database: The Codon Stream
- Self-Destruct Mechanism: Depending on how long it's charged, it could blow a person's arm off (that is, unless they're Made of Iron) or destroy the whole damn universe.
- Shapeshifting
- Suddenly Voiced: By Yuri Lowenthal from Alien Force onward.
- Suspiciously Similar Substitute: The Ultimatrix
- Transformation Trinket
Current Ultimatrix Playlist
Aliens Ben uses in Ben 10: Ultimate Alien.
Alien X (AF-13)
- Awesome but Impractical
- Chekhov's Gunman: Played a role in Ultimate Alien episode 16.
- Freudian Trio: Serena is the Superego, Bellicus is the Id, and Ben is the Ego.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Bellicus and Serena were voiced by Kevin Conroy and Vicki Lewis in Alien Force and voiced by Jeff Bennett and Tara Strong in Ultimate Alien.
- The Load
- Reality Warper
- Star-Spangled Spandex
- Sealed Neutral in a Debate
- Sealed Good in a Can: Ben had the alien locked in the Ultimatrix so that it can only be activated for emergencies, and so Albedo couldn't access it were he ever to get his hands on a Codon reciever again.
- Voice of the Legion: When he does speak, it's Bellicus, Serena, and Ben in unison.
AmpFibian (UA-08)
- Electric Jellyfish: An anthropomorphic version.
- Electronic Telepathy
- Fragile Speedster
- Intangible Man
- Shock and Awe
- Yuri Lowenthal: In his initial appearance, possibly to avoid Talking to Himself as Dee Bradley Baker also voiced Ra'ad.
Armodrillo (UA-09)
- Dishing Out Dirt
- Mighty Glacier
- Powered Armor: Appearance-wise, but it's organic.
- Super Strength
Big Chill/Ultimate Big Chill (AF-04, UA-03)
- An Ice Person
- Breath Weapon
- Cape Wings: Has antennas and two pair of wings that form a makeshift hooded cloak when out of use, giving him the appearance of a phantom.
- Fauxshadow: One episode has him going out of Ben's control, and Gwen believes that he's following in the footsteps of Ghostfreak, since they're both ghost-like aliens. But actually, no, Big Chill was just preparing himself to become a parent.
- Glass Cannon: Unless he's using his intangibility.
- Harmless Freezing: Unless Ben engaged in a major Bloodless Carnage slaughterfest in "Hit 'Em Where They Live", Big Chill's ice is like this.
- Mister Seahorse: Asexually once every 80 Earth years.
- Monster Is a Mommy: Took control over Ben to eat all the metal in sight, became hostile when approached or when the structure he built with the devoured metal were attacked by Kevin. But Big Chill were going through an asexual reproduction cycle and was only protecting his nest with eggs.
- Our Ghosts Are Different
- Technicolor Fire: Reversed. Big Chill blows blue ice breath, while Ultimate Big Chill breathes red "ice flames" that create an instant
ice sheetglacier. - Winged Humanoid: Specifically moth-like wings.
Brainstorm (AF-07)
Cannonbolt/Ultimate Cannonbolt (OS-15, UA-06)
- Back For the Season Finale: Made its Alien Force debut in "War of the Worlds".
- Everything's Better with Spinning: Though it's a forward thrust thing, not just in place like a top.
- Fred Tatasciore: His voice in the original series.
- Grievous Harm with a Body: Namely, his own.
- Hyper-Destructive Bouncing Ball
- Promotion to Opening Titles: in the original series, replacing Ghostfreak.
- Rolling Attack
- Stone Wall: Cannonbolt
- Hard Hitting Speedster: Ultimate Cannonbolt
- Unbreakable Weapons: His shell has been shown, on at least one occasion, to withstand being stabbed by Petrosapien crystal.
- Don't forget the time he survived falling back to the Earth from re-entry!
ChamAlien (UA-32)
- Beware My Stinger Tail
- Fragile Speedster
- Invisibility
- Cheshire Cat Grin
- Glamour Failure: When invisible, he still casts a shadow.
- Shout-Out: Chamalien could be called the shout out alien:
- His design and powers are similar to Randall from Monsters, Inc..
- His three eyes are based on the 50s film version of War of the Worlds
- His Grin powers and colors could be a reference to the Cheshire Cat.
- Slasher Smile
Chromastone/Diamondhead (AF-05, OS-01)
- Daran Norris: Diamondhead in Race Against Time.
- Energy Absorption: Chromastone
- Gemstone Assault: Diamondhead
- Glass Cannon: Diamondhead
- Healing Factor
- Light'Em Up: Chromastone
- Lightning Bruiser: Chromastone
- Nigh Invulnerability: "Nigh" is the keyword, at least for Chromastone.
- Power Crystal: Living ones at that.
- Shapeshifter Weapon: Diamondhead
- Stealth Pun: Diamondhead is durable, but he can crack under enough pressure. He's a Glass Cannon!
- Suspiciously Similar Substitute: Chromastone to Diamondhead, then vice-versa.
- Clockwork Creature
- Glass Cannon: His lasers can age you to dust in seconds, but one blast that other forms just shrug off is enough to knock him out and break his arm.
- Time Master
Eatle (UA-42)
- Big Creepy-Crawlies: Looks like a giant rhinoceros beetle.
- Extreme Omnivore
- Horn Attack: It can shoot beams after consumption.
- The Worf Effect: Doesn't get a chance to do anything in his first appearance before getting clobbered.
Echo Echo/Ultimate Echo Echo (AF-02, UA-11)
- Attack Drone: Ultimate Echo Echo trades the Doppelganger Attack for a series of floating discs that act as speakers for his sonic attacks.
- Combination Attack: "Wall of Sound".
- Doppelganger Attack: Echo Echo
- Flight/Super Speed: Ultimate Echo Echo is the only alien faster than Jetray or XLR8.
- Jack of All Stats: Echo Echo
- Lightning Bruiser: Ultimate Echo Echo
- Make Me Wanna Shout: His basic form of attack.
- Mechanical Lifeforms: He's a silicon-based lifeform, so he's most likely one.
- Me's a Crowd: Unlike Ditto, however, the duplicates are not constantly synced to each other, so it is possible for each one to transform into different forms separately, as seen in episode 2 of the newest series. Unfortunately, Ultimate Echo Echo is incapable of this.
- Robo Speak: Sounding like a speech synthesizer as Echo Echo, but loses any inflection and goes straight into Creepy Monotone as Ultimate Echo Echo.
Fasttrack (UA-28)
- Super Speed
- Suspiciously Similar Substitute: Of XLR8.
Fourarms (OS-02)
- Badass Long Hair: In Ultimate Alien
- The Big Guy
- Destructive Savior: He's got super strength, but can't control it sometimes.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Bato (from Avatar: The Last Airbender) in the original series.
- John Dimaggio: On 10-year-old Ben in Ultimate Alien.
- Leeroy Jenkins: Most notable in the first series, when ever Ben would act incredibly impulsive during a fight, chances are he'd turn into Fourarms.
- Lightning Bruiser
- Multi-Armed and Dangerous: He has four arms. Duh.
- Super Strength
- Spotlight-Stealing Squad: Ben's favorite alien in the original series.
- Vocal Evolution: Richard McGonagle uses a deep growling voice early on in season 1 of the original series. By season 2, he uses the higher gargling tone Fourarms is known for.
Ghostfreak (OS-04)
- And I Must Scream: Unlike other species sampled for the Omnitrix, even the smallest sample of DNA contains an Ectonurite's consciousness. A copy of Zs'Skayr's consciousness was subsequently trapped inside the Omnitrix and fully aware the entire time.
- Confusion Fu
- Hey, It's That Voice!
- Jeff Bennett: Alien Force
- Steven Blum: Original series.
- Intangible Man
- Name's the Same: Zs'Skayr goes by the same name in-series, but he and Ghostfreak are (sort of) different characters.
- Our Ghosts Are Different
Goop (AF-09)
- Blob Monster
- Confusion Fu
- Covered in Gunge: Not him, but others when he takes a hit.
- Hollywood Acid: Can make his substance this to attack.
- Nigh Invulnerability: By way of being Made of Fluid. (See Blob Monster)
- This Looks Like a Job For Aquaman: His usefulness is limited in battle, but finds practical uses in other areas, such as saving a planet from being split apart.
- Voluntary Shapeshifting: To a point. He can flow through any opening his little saucer can get through.
- Weaksauce Weakness: Take away his saucer, and he's immobilized. Ben uses this to get the Omnitrix back from Vilgax on Primus.
Heatblast (OS-01)
- Elemental Powers
- An Ice Person: Temporarily, when Ben catches a cold and it spreads to his alien forms.
- Magma Man: Literally
- Playing with Fire
- The Power of the Sun: What with Pyronites being born on stars and all.
- Hey, It's That Voice!
- Grey DeLisle: In the alternate reality episode, "Gwen 10".
- Steve Blum: In the original series. However, Baker provides a dead-on impersonation in Ultimate Alien for young Ben. [1].
- Jack of All Stats
Humongousaur/Ultimate Humongousaur (AF-02, UA-06 [2])
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: Can grow to 60 feet.
- Everything's Better with Dinosaurs
- Made of Iron: Took lasers and missiles directly and only staggered.
- Mighty Glacier
- Sizeshifter: Humongousaur.
- Weapon of Choice: As Ultimate Humongousaur.
- Epic Flail: Has a club-tail like an Ankylosaur, only his has a mace-like spiked ball.
- More Dakka: Can turn his hands into four-barrel rocket launchers.
Jetray (AF-03)
- Beware My Stinger Tail
- Eye Beams: And tail beams, too.
- Faster-Than-Light Travel: He can apparently generate his own warp field.
- Flight
- Fragile Speedster
- Jetray Can Breathe In Space
- Super Speed: In the skies and underwater, but not on land.
Jury Rigg
- Genius Ditz: When fixing things rather than breaking them.
- Griping About Gremlins
- Mr. Fixit
- Token Uncontrollable Alien Form: His basic instict is to break technology, which Ben doesn't have much control over.
Lodestar (AF-31)
- From A Single Magnet
- Incoming Ham: "LOOOODESTAAAAARR!!"
- Invisible Anatomy: His head seems to be nothing more than a metal ball held up by a magnetic field, but his body comes along if it's moved.
- Pulling Themselves Together: Does it when he gets blown up in "Ultimate Aggregor".
- Raymanian Limbs: his head.
- Robo Speak: Like Echo Echo, he has a synthesizer-voice.
- Selective Magnetism
- Stone Wall
Nanomech (Alien Swarm)
- Canon Immigrant: While the other movie alien (Eon) has been absent since The Movie, Nanomech has made the transition to the cartoon.
- Cyber Cyclops
- Helium Speech: For Ultimate Alien, to go with his microscopic stature.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: In "Alien Swarm", Nanomech was voiced by Alex Winter (Yes, that Alex Winter), who also directed both that and "Race Against Time".
- Hive Mind: In Alien Swarm, turning into Nanomech made him hear the voice of the Queen. Luckily, he resisted.
- Incredible Shrinking Man: And he starts at about an inch.
- Lethal Joke Character
- Mechanical Lifeforms
- Winged Humanoid: He has four bug-like wings. The show forgot the first time for no apparent reason, but they remembered later.
NRG (UA-16)
- Elemental Powers
- I Love Nuclear Power
- Playing with Fire: Uses "heat", not necessarily "fire".
- Energy Being
- Lzherusskie
- Mighty Glacier
- Powered Armor
Rath (AF-39)
- Badass Normal: Aside from his claws, the only thing Rath has is his strength and he still manages to be one of Ben's most powerful aliens.
- Boisterous Bruiser
- Calling Your Attacks: In the form of Constellation/Star + wrestling move--"Polaris Pile Driver!"
- Catch Phrase: "Lemme tell ya somethin', (full name here)..."
- Destructive Savior
- Dumb Muscle
- Expy: Pretty obviously a tiger version of Hulk Hogan.
- Hair-Trigger Temper: He's practically this trope personified.
- Immune To Lasers: It just makes Rath mad!
- Jerk Jock
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- John Dimaggio
- Large Ham
- Lightning Bruiser
- Leeroy Jenkins
- Meaningful Name: (W)Rath, the "Apoplexian". Doesn't get much more obvious than that.
- Mega Neko: What? He looks like a big anthro tiger.
- The Nicknamer: Calls Technorg, "Baby Man", and Seven-Seven "Karate Man".
- Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: An alien who looks like a tiger and fights and acts like a wrestler. That sums him up.
- No Indoor Voice: Subverted once when he answered a phone and lowered his voice. Otherwise, he's never quiet.
- Nigh Invulnerable: Getting hit with a laser doesn't phase him, nor does dropping out of the sky and causing a giant crater of him knock him out.
- Papa Wolf: After warming up to the Tiffin. To the point that he'd knit a sweater out of an alien's organs if it declared war.
- Super Strength
- Third Person Person: Additionally, addresses people by full name or title.
- Tsundere: Male example, possibly parodied; he has a soft spot for his friends, but usually blows them off with a "Whatever!"
- Unstoppable Rage: Basically exists in this state.
- When All You Have Is a Hammer: Kevin notes that all of Rath's species believes that anything can be solvable by hitting it.
- Wolverine Claws: Except he only has one on each hand. In the middle of them.
- Wrestler in All of Us
Ripjaws (OS-03)
- Alluring Anglerfish
- Joke Character/Lightning Bruiser: He's the former on dry land, but in water, he becomes the latter.
- More Teeth Than the Osmond Family
- Super Not-Drowning Skills
- This Looks Like a Job For Aquaman: Used almost specifically for aquatic environments, and is useless anywhere else.
- One of the last times he was seen in the original series was when Ben used him in a beach episode. Surfing.
- Although occasionally this could be subverted, as shown in Ripjaws last appearence in the Original series, where he proceeded to start tearing chunk out of a bad guy's car, despite being in the desert and the car MOVING.
- Weaksauce Weakness: He can't survive without water for long. As a result, he is one of Ben's least used aliens.
Shocksquatch (Ben 10 & Generator Rex: Heroes United)
- Bigfoot, Sasquatch, and Yeti
- Shock and Awe
- Suspiciously Similar Substitute: Brainstorm, minus the super-intelligence.
Spidermonkey/Ultimate Spidermonkey (AF-08, UA-01)
- Breath Weapon: His Ultimate form shoots webbing from his mouth.
- Everything's Better With Arachnichimps
- Fragile Speedster: Spidermonkey
- Lightning Bruiser: Ultimate Spidermonkey
- Multi-Armed and Dangerous: Spidermonkey
- Super Strength: Ultimate Spidermonkey
- Wall Crawl
Swampfire/Ultimate Swampfire (AF-01, AF-46)
- Combo-Platter Powers: Basically Wildvine with a touch of Heatblast.
- Cute Little Fangs: Though only visible when up-close (as seen here [dead link] ), they're most notable at the start of "Prisoner 775".
- Disney Death: Both were briefly lost in the battle against Eon, who turned them to dust, but were "revived" by Ben 10,000 at the end.
- Elemental Powers
- Healing Factor: Swampfire
- Kamehame Hadoken: Ultimate Swampfire can shoot a large blast of blue flames from his palms
- Lightning Bruiser
- Plant Aliens
- When Trees Attack: Ultimate Swampfire
Terraspin (UA-12)
- Anti-Magic: The species is immune to mana. Pity Ben fails to remember the fact the one time it would have helped.
- Blow You Away
- Everything's Better with Spinning: How he generates his wind attacks.
- John Dimaggio: Voice actor for his DNA doner, Galapagus, but not Terraspin himself.
- Stone Wall
- Turtle Power
Upchuck (OS-39)
- Big Eater: Except he can't digest what is normally considered "food", leading to...
- This Billboard Needs Some Salt: At one point, he drinks an animated "Mr. Smoothie".
- In the original series, this is quoted as Ben exclaims that Upchuck is a bottomless pit, but just can't eat regular food.
- This Billboard Needs Some Salt: At one point, he drinks an animated "Mr. Smoothie".
- Breath Weapon: Upchuck can fire laser beams from his mouth (or as he called them in Upchuck's debut 'exploding loogies'), though it has only been used twice (first against the Forever King in the original series then later on against Chromastone (who had escaped from the Omnitrix) in alien force. Though he prefers to fire exploding green energy pellets instead.
- Dave Wittenberg: His voice in the original series.
- Extreme Omnivore
- Glass Cannon
- Meaningful Name: When he showed off his powers of 'exploding loogies', Ben exclaimed that he had 'Upchuck power', that is to say, acidic vomit.
Upgrade (OS-04)
- Confusion Fu/Mighty Glacier: He's the latter when he's just Upgrade and the former when....everything else.
- Cyber Cyclops
- Mechanical Lifeform
- Robo Speak: Averted, Ben retains his human voice in this form, albeit with some static noises in the background.
- Tara Strong: Basically, Upgrade was Ben's normal voice in an effect added in to make it sound digital.
- Hence, when he returned, Yuri Lowenthal became his voice actor.
- Technopath
Water Hazard (UA-01)
Way Big (Secret of the Omnitrix [3])/Ultimate Waybig (UA Finale)
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever
- Destructive Saviour: His energy beam as Ultimate does not automatically shut off if he moves.
- Disney Death: Was aged to dust by Eon, but restored by Ben 10,000.
- Expy: Of Ultraman. Right down to the + style energy beam.
- Fred Tatasciore: His voice in the original series.
- Kamehame Hadoken
- Mighty Glacier/Lightning Bruiser: Originally the former, but turned out to be the latter.
- Shout-Out: Has horns like Ultraman Taroh but the color scheme of Ultraman Tiga and Ultraman Dyna.
- Super Speed
- Weapon of Choice: As Ultimate Way Big.
Wildmutt/Ultimate Wildmutt (OS-01, UA-32)
- Angry Guard Dog: With ape arms.
- Badass Normal: Compared to the other aliens, at least.
- Beware My Stinger Tail: Ultimate Wildmutt gains a spiked tail.
- Call A Vulpamancer A Dog
- The Cameo: Made a brief appearance in "Victor: The Spoils", while Ben was unconscious, before making his official reappearance in "Prisoner 775 is Missing".
- Disability Superpower: Has no eyes but can "see" with it's other senses.
- Early-Bird Cameo: Meta example; a toyline first revealed the existence of Ultimate Wildmutt.
- Jack of All Stats: Wildmutt
- Lightning Bruiser: Ultimate Wildmutt.
- Skunk Stripe: Ultimate Wildmutt has one down his back. It's even got a black outline where it attaches to his back, making it more obviously this trope.
- The Voiceless: Averted with Ultimate Wildmutt, who is able to talk.
Aliens Unused Since Alien Force
Since the Ultimatrix is just a better Omnitrix, most of these have been confirmed to be in it, but not accessed yet.
Benmummy (OS-37)
- Combat Tentacles: The bandages that make up his body
- Confusion Fu: Needless to say he has a very unorthedox attack pattern.
- Mummy
- Nigh Invulnerable: Can easily be torn apart and even shredded to bits, but could reform nearly instantly.
- One-Shot Character: Although he did make a brief appearance as a Continuity Nod in a later episode.
- Suddenly Voiced: Ben can speak as Benmummy, despite the fact that the alien he got the DNA sample from is The Voiceless.
- Zombie Gait: Averted -- he's actually one of the more nimble aliens Ben can use.
Benviktor (OS-38)
- Expy: Of both Dr. Frankenstein and his monster.
- Genius Bruiser
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Michael Dorn, also known as Worf.
- Mad Scientist
- Mighty Glacier
- One-Shot Character
- Shock and Awe
- Shout-Out: To Mary Shelley's Frankenstein.
Benwolf (OS-31)
- Lightning Bruiser
- Make Me Wanna Shout: Or howl, to be more precise
- One-Shot Character
- Our Werewolves Are Aliens
- Suddenly Voiced: See above.
- Tara Strong: Albeit heavily warped.
Ditto (OS-41)
- The Artifact: Echo Echo pretty much makes this guy obsolete.
- Badass Adorable: An adorable alien that's around the height of a kid who likes praying pranks. However it was used to destroy an army of mutant bugs in its debut episode.
- Doppelganger Attack
- Lethal Joke Character
- Me's a Crowd
- Rob Paulsen
- Talking to Himself: In a literal sense.
- Weak but Skilled
- Weaksauce Weakness: The clones all feel each other's pain. If one dies...
Eon (Race Against Time)
See Villains section
Eye Guy (OS-48)
- Early-Bird Cameo: Appeared in an alternate scene of Secret of the Omnitrix's opening scene but chronologically appeared first in "Ben 10 vs. The Negative 10, Part 2".
- Extra Eyes: Has eyes everywhere...
- Eye Beams: Every eye can fire a laser beam. Some eyes have a different type of laser.
- An Ice Person: Can fire an ice laser.
- Frickin' Laser Beams
- Lightning Bruiser
Grey Matter (OS-02)
- Gadgeteer Genius
- Hey, It's That Voice!
- Carlos Alazraqui: In Race Against Time.
- Kari Wahlgren: In the alternate reality episode, "Gwen 10".
- Richard Steven Horvitz: In the original series.
- Incredible Shrinking Man: Ben goes from whatever size he normally is, to about 6 inches tall.
- Lethal Joke Character
- Shorter Means Smarter
- The Smart Guy
- Wall Crawl
- What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?: At least in Ben's opinion. Though as the series went on, he found practical uses for him.
Stinkfly (OS-02)
- Big Creepy-Crawlies
- Breath Weapon: Shoots slime from his mouth.
- Flight
- Glass Cannon: Seriously throw some water on this guy and he's through.
Wildvine (OS-20)
XLR8 (OS-01)
- Arch Enemy: To Ben. Runs in the family, before Ben, he considered Ben's grandfather Max his archenemy.
- To the point that in the Grand Finale of Ultimate Alien, Ben is more worried about Vilgax than he is about Diagon. And rightly so.
- Big Bad: Original series season 1,Secondary Big Bad in Seasons 2,3,& 4, Secret of the Omnitrix movie, and Alien Force season 3. He also serves as the True Final Boss of Ben 10: Ultimate Alien. Basically for the entire series.
- Cthulhumanoid: Worth note is he's actually mistaken for another Great Old One in Ultimate Alien.
- Didn't See That Coming: His biggest flaw. His defeats always result from something he didn't expect to happen and he has difficulty dealing with it when it happens.
- The Dreaded: Is considered the most dangerious being in the entire universe and feared by nearly everyone. The only time anyone hasn't feared him was Diagon, who Ben was less worried about than Vilgax. And rightly so.
- Expy: To some degree, both series may have been trying to model him off of Darkseid, with the first series having a generally merciless murderer, and was feared by almost everyone in the galaxy, in Alien Force, he owns his own world, and even has what seem like the Omega Beams.
- He also seems to be an Expy of Cthulhu, as he has a head of an octopus and green skin but has no wings, but unlike Cthulhu, he is being mistaken for another Great Old One rather then being a Great Old One.
- Galactic Conqueror
- Joker Immunity: No matter what, he is going to survive whatever life-threatening danger he's gotten into, whether it be a nuclear explosion or being thrown into space (though his implants make that one outright plausible). Even in a future where he was literally torn to pieces, he's just brought back to life. The Omnifacts, however, confirm that Vilgax will meet his end approximately 200 years in the future.
- It was actually lampshaded by Ben in the Alien Force finale:
Ben: He has survived worst [than his own ship's explosion].
- And again in the Ultimate Alien finale.
Kevin: I thought Vilgax was dead.
Ben: Which time ?
- Made of Iron: He survived a point-blank nuclear explosion, and that was before he got enhanced!
- Vilgax Can Breathe in Space
Original Series
- Badass
- Dangerously Genre Savvy: He spent a lot of time studying the Omnitrix, giving him the ability to turn it off whenever he wants to. He also exploits Ben's inability to not go to areas where evil's afoot. Most of the time he fails is because, as detailed above, something that he never expected happens.
- Evil Overlord
- Implacable Man
- Knight of Cerebus: Any episode he had some sort of presence in, the tone would become less humorous.
- Lightning Bruiser: He moves amazingly fast even after he uses the implants to make his arms stronger, which makes them swell up.
- Sadistic Choice: In "Secrets", he attacks the Rustbucket and holds Gwen and Max hostage, and would only let them go if Ben handed himself over. Ben relented.
- Steven Blum
- Villainous Breakdown: It's subtle, but every time Vilgax appears after the season 1 finale, he's slightly more erratic, and he gets progressively more hellbent for the Omnitrix on Ben's wrist, then again, when you're a galactic overlord constantly getting beaten down by a kid, his grandpa, and his cousin, that does guarantee a breakdown.
- Made much more obvious in The Movie. He goes from just going after the Omnitrix to being bent on killing Ben to get it. This is the result of him being thrown into the Null Void, which he displays a Twitchy Eye whenever its mentioned. This goes so far that he turns up a chance to get the Omnitrix if he shuts down its self destruct (which he's probably smart enough to do so) and saves the universe because it doesn't involve killing Ben.
Alien Force
- Even Evil Has Standards: subverted; his respect of the Galactic Code in Vengeance of Vilgax was, if anything, Pragmatic Villainy, as it allowed him to easily conquer 10 worlds without wasting any ressource and gain several new powers in the process. In the following episodes, he has no problem breaking said code.
- Kneel Before Zod: attempted this on Ben in the finale after he took the Omnitrix from him. It didn't work.
- Mega Manning: Begins defeating heroes across 10 worlds and absorbing the powers of those he defeated.
- Noble Demon: it's implied in Ghost Town that he actually cares to some extent about his people. Unclear if he really was this or if it's just his Villain with Good Publicity status.
- One-Winged Angel: Though not quite as frightening as it could potentially be, as seen here. According to Word of God, he could always do this, but there weren't many situations were it would actually come in handy.
- Fortunately for him, this form happened to fit the description of the alien worshipped by the Flame Keepers Circle, allowing them to play them as pawns in Ultimate Alien.
- The Other Darrin: James Remar, John Dimaggio in the Vilgax Attacks video game. [4]
- Villain with Good Publicity: Implied to have gone that route since the Card-Carrying Villain persona didn't fare well for him. It worked out pretty well for him, as it let him conquer 10 worlds in a fairly short length of time.
Ultimate Alien
- A God I Am: Seeks to absorb the power of Diagon, the Eldritch Abomination he'd been impersonating. In the end, he succeeds.
- Deal with the Devil: Makes a deal with Diagon, an Eldritch Abomination, to free it from its can in exchange for the power to conquer the universe. Unfortunately for Diagon, he wasn't the devil in the deal.
- Devour the Dragon: Somewhat Inverted. Kills and absorbs Diagon to take his god-like power for himself, but Vilgax technically was The Dragon in the whole thing. However, Diagon was his Unwitting Pawn the entire time, so it may have been played straight.
- Eviler Than Thou: Diagon realized too late that Vilgax was not to be underestimated.
- Did You Just Scam Cthulhu?: he successfully manipulated Diagon by faking submission, letting him kill George and eventually use a machine brought by Psyphon to absorb him, gaining his powers.
- The Dragon: Becomes this to Diagon.
- The Starscream: Ben instantly realized Vilgax wouldn't submit to this unless he had something up his sleeve. He was right, Vilgax let Diagon kill Sir George and beatdown Ben and company before stealing his power, absorbing Diagon in the process.
- Elite Mooks: The Flame Keepers' Circle are a lot more dangerous than his old Mecha-Mooks.
- Exact Words: Vilgax assures his most loyal follower that's he going to "transform" the Earth.
Vilgax: When I'm done with this planet, you won't recognize it!
- God Guise: Was mistaken for the alien worshipped by the Flame Keepers' Circle, Diagon the Knowledge Bringer. He's just enough of a Manipulative Bastard to make complete use of this, gaining a group of very competent minions with Undying Loyalty towards him. This does have a drawback, however, as only his One-Winged Angel form resembles Diagon and he can't revert to his normal form in their sight. Bonus points as Diagon is named after an actual pagan god and a Great Old One.
- How the Mighty Have Fallen: Subverted. While he's lost his empire (since he was declared dead, it ended up crumbling without him) and is trapped on Earth, he's gained a legion of suprisingly competant and dangerous henchmen who have Undying Loyalty towards him.
- MacGuffin Delivery Service: His obsession with gaining Diagon's power causes him to deliver its heart's power back to the Eldritch Abomination, despite Ben warning him that him was being manipulated.
- Manipulative Bastard: Weakened from his previous battle, he gladly played first the role of a sideshow freak to regain his strength and then as Diagon, an alien worshipped by the Flame Keepers' Circle, to get himself a personal cult of followers that would do absolutely anything he desired. He even managed to trick Julie into working for him for a short time.
- In the end, it turns out he was manipulating Diagon the entire time to steal his power.
- And again after Ben defeated him and took Diagon's powers from him, he tried to corrupt Ben by convincing him to use it to go Knight Templar. He almost succeeded.
- Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: Diagon was crushing the heroes with little effort...until Vilgax made his move and absorbed his powers. His own ego pretty much does the rest.
- Not So Different: Vilgax invokes this with Ben in the finale, claiming they both use power to impose their will on the universe.
- Out-Gambitted: Diagon thought he was in control of Vilgax the entire time. He wasn't, Vilgax was really the one manipulating Diagon the entire time.
- Avenging the Villain: attempts this on Ben to avenge Vilgax's apparent death. He fails.
- The Dragon: to Vilgax.
- Evil Genius: he appears to be an brillant scientist and often is the one building devices for Vilgax.
- Not-So-Harmless Villain: for most of the series, he was a rather passive character, usually leaving his master do the fight while he sticked to scientist and servant purpose. During the episode where he attempts to avenge Vilgax, however, he proves to be a surprisingly effective fighter who can stands toe to toe with Ultimate Spider-Monkey.
- Smug Snake: he is extremely arrogant to anyone other than his master, including Ben.
- Undying Loyalty: he is incredibly loyal to Vilgax, going as far as trying to avenge him after Ben apparently killed him, and kept serving him even after his empire falled apart. Considering Vilgax is not above threatening him occasionnally, this truly is loyalty.
Dr. Animo
- Badass Grandpa: Not at Max's level, but he comes close.
- The Beast Master
- Dude, Where's My Respect?: The reason for his Start of Darkness.
- Evil Genius
- Evilutionary Biologist: his trademark trait.
- Gadgeteer Genius: this guy can build a machine to mutate animals and resurrect prehistoric beast from tools and pieces he got in the local market.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Wait, Mung Daal?!
- Mad Scientist
- Not-So-Harmless Villain: Though normally a joke, he often does step up his game. "Voided" and "It's Not Easy Being Gwen" come to mind.
- Took a Level in Badass: In Alien Force, as D'void.
- Arch Enemy: Comes to see Gwen (or rather, "Lucky Girl") as this, though from a story perspective Charmcaster fits the role for her better.
- Abusive Uncle: To Charmcaster, particularly in the original series.
- Dark Is Evil: Word of God says that his mana is black and red due to his evil soul.
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Played with; he is ruthless and quite abusive to Charmcaster in the original series, but openly admits he does care about her in Ultimate Alien (though he still refused to come and help her, believing it was suicide). According to Word of God, their relationship is complicated.
- Evil Albino
- Evil Sorcerer
- Evil Uncle
- Freudian Excuse: The destruction of his people and home by Adwagia. Of course, as the Dark Is Evil example above shows, he let it get to him in a negative way much more than his niece Charmcaster did.
Charmcaster (Hope)
- Anti-Villain: Between Type I and Type II.
- Arch Enemy: To Gwen.
- Bastard Understudy/Deceptive Disciple
- Black Magician Girl: "I don't respect ANYONE!"
- Broken Bird: As of "Enemy of My Frenemy", even more broken than before.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Comes off this way in Omniverse, but she actually isn't.
- Cry Cute: Happens frequently in Ultimate Alien.
- Uncle's Little Villain
- Dark Magical Girl: Was always a play on this trope, and became even moreso in Ultimate Alien.
- Deal with the Devil: And that devil was DIAGON!
- Defeat Means Friendship: Gwen's prediction for her at the end of Omniverse.
- Defrosting Ice Queen: In "Where the Magic Happens", she becomes slightly more friendly to Gwen as the episode progresses. Sadly undone by "Enemy of my Frenemy", which makes her more of a Broken Bird than before.
- Denser and Wackier: Her personality in Omniverse.
- Dimension Lord: She becomes the ruler of Ledger Domain after defeating Adwaita.
- Do with Him as You Will: In "Couples Retreat", after finding out Darkstar was just using her for her power, she takes it all away from him and leaves him at the mercy of the heroes.}}
- Enemy Mine: Gwen convinces her to help them retrieve a piece of the Map of Infinity from her home before Aggregor does. They fail.
- Teams up with Ben and Rook against Z'Skayr in her first full Omniverse appearance, and helps Ben again in her last one.
- Evil Counterpart: To Gwen.
- Freudian Excuse: She was raised by her uncle, who is shown to regularly threaten her if she doesn't obey him. Gee, is it any wonder she turned out bad?
- The fact that every other human from her home was killed, including her father, doesn't help any either.
- Heel Face Revolving Door: In Ultimate Alien. She's bad, then good, then worse, then neutral. In Omniverse, she's still neutral, but then bad again, but then neutral again with a previous implication of going good.
- Hot Witch
- I Choose to Stay: Takes the trio back home, but stays to fight for hers, aware that she'll be trapped.
- Kari Wahlgren
- Kick the Son of a Bitch: She betrayed her uncle for her own evil goal, but Hex definately had it coming.
- Sucking out Adwatia's soul for her Deal with the Devil. While her other victims were innocent and didn't deserve it, he certainly did.
- The end of "Couples Retreat". Charmcaster is good with this trope.
- The end of "Mystery Incorporeal" as well, once more with Darkstar as her victim.
- Little Miss Badass: In the original series.
- Not-So-Harmless Villain: Though it wouldn't seem like it given many of her past performances, she manages to rack up a body count only the Highbreed and Vilgax have managed to exceed, and they have entire armies. She even killed the heroes, something no other villain has managed. The body count was only temporary, as all her victims get brought back from the dead shortly afterward, but that hardly detracts from the fact that she pulled it off.
- Perky Goth: Well, sort of gothish anyway...
- Psychopathic Manchild: Her goals in Omniverse are to be the best at magic and to take vengeance on those who have wronged her, very immature goals that she acts childish about.
- The Rival: To Gwen and, to a lesser extent, to Rojo in the Negative 10.
- She Who Fights Monsters: Became even worse than Adwagia to try and revive her father, something he calls her out on, resulting in a My God, What Have I Done? Villainous BSOD. Thankfully, she seems to have gotten better in the next episode, trying to be a better ruler and person (though not exactly a smarter one...)
- The Starscream: To Hex in her first appearance.
- Took a Level In Dumbass: In Ultimate Alien and continuing in Omniverse.
- Took a Level in Jerkass: She wasn't nice in the original, but she's much bitchier in Alien Force, especially to her golem minions. Takes a temporary but more severe one in "Enemy of My Frenemy" in Ultimate Alien.
- Took a Level In Kindness: In "Where the Magic Happens" (and again in "Couples Retreat", following an extreme reset.)
- Villainous BSOD/Heel Realization/My God, What Have I Done?: After she makes a Deal with the Devil to revive her father by sacrificing all the souls in her home world, he tells her she's become She Who Fights Monsters and he doesn't want to be revived at the cost of some many other lives, which makes her cry as she realizes he's right. He breaks the deal, undoing everything, leaving Charmcaster completely crushed, the one thing she'd spent her entire life trying to obtain now forever out of her reach.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
- You Killed My Father: Says this to Adwaita.
The Forever Knights
- A Father to His Men: Sir Cyrus, leader of the fourth Forever Knights faction, is extremely protective of his men.
- Ancient Conspiracy: A very complex one. One faction believes the conspiracy is to kill an Alien Dragon, another thinks its to use alien tech to conquer the world, and yet another thinks its to follow the path of "The First Knight" who founded them.
- Big Bad: The Forever King; Driscoll, who was Forever King in the original series, is half the Big Bad of the fourth season (Vilgax being the other half through the "Secret of the Omnitrix" three-episode movie.) and Old George for season 2 of Ultimate Alien.
- The Dragon: Enoch in the original series.
- Driscoll to Old George in Ultimate Alien.
- Enemy Civil War: To date there are at least four Forever Knight factions, all of which think of the others as frauds. Each has their own Forever King, in order of appearence: Driscoll, Patrick, Urian, and Cyrus. This was lampshaded in one episode where Ben and company had to ask which faction the present group they were facing were with. Turns out they were with the fourth faction they hadn't met yet.
- Recently Old George, said First Forever Knight, returned and untied all four factions.
- Evil Counterpart: To the Plumbers, especially in the original series.
- Faceless Mooks: Exaggerated in "Reflected Glory" when we see Knight with his helmet on, while brushing his teeth.
- Fantastic Racism: Quite literally their mission statement; its just after Old George left last, they sorta drifted off onto other goals. Until he returned.
- From Nobody to Nightmare: Driscoll started out as just a veteran Plumber, but after being outed as someone using alien technology for his own selfish reason, joined the Forever Knights, then managed to work up the ranks, becoming the Forever King.
- Let's Get Dangerous: Thanks to Old George, they've gone from four splintered and laughable factions to a deadly force with Powered Armor forcing aliens to either leave the planet or die, to the point where Ben has to threaten to kill every last one of them to get them to retreat.
- Lotus Eater Machine: Enoch put Ben into one, and then was trapped in it himself, the first series trivia pop-ups say that Enoch would be in that Lotus Eater Machine for years, he did recover, though.
- Noble Demon: Enoch on occasion, particularly the "Ben 10" video game in which he tries to stop Vilgax and save the world, though using extreme measures to do so.
- The Ultimate Alien groups also have traits of this, teaming up with Ben and company on occasion.
- Powered Armor
- Punch Clock Villain: Some of them; one is even shown playing a MMORPG on his off time.
- Schizo-Tech: One suit was from the ancient Aztecs.
- You Have Failed Me...: The Forever King Driscoll leaves Enoch trapped in virtual reality for failing him too many times.
- Subverted with Old George towards Driscoll.
Sir George
- Anti-Villain: Type III
- Badass Grandpa: Before regaining his youth.
- Blondes Are Evil: With his youth restored.
- Fallen Hero: Supposedly, as his past self seemed rather heroic in his actions.
- Family-Unfriendly Death: Diagon strikes him with lightning and electrocutes him to ash.
- Fantastic Racism: If it isn't a pureblooded earth native, he wants it offworld or dead.
- Heel Face Turn
- Hypocrite: Doesn't like aliens living on his planet, even if they're just average people that do no harm. His legend was created when an alien gave him the most powerful weapon ever created-that he created-without which George could never have beaten Diagon.
- Immortality Immorality: Averted. Despite living for so long George holds tight to his ethics and founded an order to defend Earth from alien threats and Diagon in particular. If anything, he has the opposite problem.
- It's All About Me: His goal is protecting humanity from Diagon which is noble enough in itself, but he seems to be convinced that only he can do it, cutting off the "alien" heroes and his own knights on occasion as he thinks he's the only that can defeat Diagon. Of course, Ben feels the same way.
- Killed Off for Real: by Diagon.
- Knight of Cerebus: Responsible for making the Forever Knights formidable threats.
- Knight Templar: Incredibly Lame Pun noted on both counts.
- Noble Demon: Despite being a xenophobic Knight Templar, he actually does have a sense of morals and honor.
- Not So Different/Shadow Archetype: To Ben. Both are humans who use an Amplifier Artifact created by Azmuth, have similar issues with trust from those they protect and possess rather high opinions of themselves. The key difference is that Ben doesn't see any difference between humans and aliens while George is a champion for humanity only. The similarities between the two even cause Ben to allow George the chance to take on Diagon despite Azmuth's orders - but when he fails, Ben says he gets the sword of Ascanlon to finish the job.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: He was a Roman soldier in his first lifetime.
- Beethoven Was an Alien Spy: And he is the same person the the tale Saint George and The Dragon speaks of.
- Telepathy: According to Word of God.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: He really does want to protect humanity-whatever the cost.
- All There in the Manual: His name was revealed through a trivia pop-up.
- Bad Boss: when Dr Vicktor slightly questions the reason for pursuing Ben, Zs'Skayr beat the crap out of him before explaining him that Ben shouldn't be underestimated.
- Big Bad: Original series, season three (though it was unknown until the finale).
- The Chessmaster: is revealed to have put a Thanatos Gambit intended to resurrect him that serves as the main plot to season 3.
- Enemy Without
- Eviler Than Thou: with Vilgax in Ghost Town. The fight between them counts as a Crowning Moment of Awesome.
- Family-Unfriendly Death: He is exposed to sunlight and bursts into flames, burning to ashes. This happens twice!
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Has the same as Ghostfreak (Blum in the original series and Bennett in Alien Force).
- Hijacked by Ganon:Dr Vicktor, the Yenaldooshi and the Mummy were all three revealed to be working for him.
- Hive Mind: his conciousness works that way, to the point it can survive even in the smallest sample of his DNA. He uses it both to keep surviving and to create an army of Ectonurite minions under his control in "Ghost Town".
- Manipulative Bastard
- Our Ghosts Are Different
- Staying Alive: Well, he is a ghost-like alien.
- Weakened by the Light: Which is why he wanted Ben's body.
- What Happened to the Mouse?: The Zs'Skayr we know is a clone of the original resulting from his DNA being added to the Omnitrix. After having his DNA sampled, nothing is mentioned as to what became of the real Zs'Skayr.
Sunder the Retriever
- An Axe to Grind: his signature weapon is an axe.
- Bounty Hunter
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: he has a large scar on his left eye.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Shout-Out: He rides something similar to The Goblin Glider.
- What form did Ben take when they first fought? Yeah, Spidermonkey.
- A God I Am: he doesn't explicilty stats it, but he could as well say so. Of course, considering what he is
- ...And Show It to You: Old George tore out his heart. This didn't kill him and he had to be turned into Sealed Evil in a Can.
- Big Bad
- Bigger Bad: Was the dragon the Forever Knights were founded to fight, making everything connected to them his fault.
- Cosmic Horror
- Cthulhumanoid
- Dimension Lord
- Eldritch Abomination: He's not named after a Great Old One for nothing.
- Just looking at it in a Pensieve Flashback causes Ben, Gwen and Kevin to freak out. Consider what they fight on a daily basis and that says a lot about how horrible it is.
- Eviler Than Thou: Finds out too late that Vilgax was this to him.
- Healing Factor: at several points in The Ultimate Enemy, his injuries heal as soon as he gets them.
- Killed Off for Real: After being absorbed by Vilgax.
- Multiversal Conqueror: He had taken over a hundred dimensions by the time he fought George, according to Azmuth.
- Our Dragons Are Different: He is depicted as one by The Forever Knights
- Out-Gambitted: Though he was the one pulling Vilgax's strings, only to find out too late it was the other way around the entire time.
- Reality Warper: he displays abilities such as creating an acid rain, size-shifting, stripping George of his immortality
- Sealed Evil in a Can: Was imprisoned in his universe by Old George. Justified as cutting his heart out wasn't enough to kill it so there weren't many other options.So now he's trapped in Azmuth's sword.
- It's been confirmed on the credits of "The Enemy of My Frenemy" that HE was the "Old One" who was willing to accept 600,000 souls.
- Diagon may have ultimately sealed inside Ascalon when Ben uses to to steal his power from Vilgax, if he wasn't killed by Vilgax absorbing him.
- World-Wrecking Wave: When he comes close to being freed, one of these is set off, turning every unprotected human on Earth into his minions.
- Big Bad: Of "Race Against Time".
- Deader Than Dead: In the end, he's erased from time.
- He's Back: He reappears in the actual series in "Ben 10,000 Returns".
- One-Shot Character: For Ben to use with the Omnitrix, since he's not in it anymore. Justified in that "Race Against Time" was canon, but not with the main timeline.
- Shout-Out: His plan in "Ben 10,000 Returns" is rather simular to the Big Bad in The One. Wiping out and absorbing all alternate versions of themselves.
- Time Master: Works on humans and aliens.
- Tomato in the Mirror: He and his minions are all revealed to be Ben Tennyson, of an alternate timeline. Though since the Eon from the movie intended to turn Ben into a new Eon, we can't be sure he's the original Eon.
The Highbreed
- All Your DNA Combined: After Ben recalibrates their genetic makeup, this is what happens.
- Big Bad: Alien Force's first two seasons.
- The Blank: their face possess no visible features other than several red eyes that don't even move, making you wonder if they even are actual eyes.
- Dying Race: the real reason behind their invasion; they wanted to destroy the universe because they were too proud and didn't wanted to die alone.
- Easily-Thwarted Alien Invasion: played with; the heroes are unable to stop their invasion using force, and Ben has to solve the conflict peacefully by solving their Dying Race problem so they won't feel the need to destroy the universe anymore.
- Fantastic Racism: to the extreme; when one of them got bitten by Humongousaur, he claimed to have been infected, and that he had to leave and disinfect the whole zone. By killing everything around of course.
- Heel Face Turn
- Irony: They wished to wipe out all species save their own due to their inevitable extinction, but now they have become amalgamated with those very races.
- Knight of Cerebus: to the saga as a whole; the beginning of their story arc in the first two seasons of Alien Force marked the point where the saga went into a Darker and Edgier tone, and they were truly menacing and oppressing villains. Similarly, after the end of their story arc, Alien Force suddenly changed tone to get more humorous.
- Master Race
- Omnicidal Maniac: Planned to wipe out all sentient life in the universe.
The Hive
- Authority Equals Asskicking: The queen is much larger than the drones and far stronger.
- Body Double: In "Revenge Of The Swarm", it's revealed the queen Ben already killed was a fake and the real queen was hiding inside Elena.
- Big Bad: Of the second live action movie.
- Cassandra Truth: Victor Validus tried to warn the Plumbers the Hive were preparing to attack but no one believed him until the invasion was already started.
- Hive Queen: The queen of the hive serves this role. However, she's also the only one able to reproduce like a real insect queen and killing her takes the Hive with her.
- I Am Legion: The Hive's hosts refer to themselves as 'we', even the Queen's host despite the fact she refers to herself in the singular.
- Nanomachines: They're techno-organic nanite chips.
- Puppeteer Parasite: Anyone infected by the Hive is put under their control and becomes 'drones' for the queen to control.
- Shock and Awe: The Hive Queen and Nanomech are capable of this.
- We Can Rule Together: During their fights with Ben, both queens try to convince Ben to join them as their king.
- Yandere: toward Ben, after Elena became one with them.
- You Will Be Assimilated: Their MO is to infect and take over everyone on the entire planet.
Michael "Mike" Morningstar (Darkstar)
- Anticlimax Boss: In the first season finale of "Ultimate Alien".
- Blond Guys Are Evil: Not blonde anymore though but he later regains his original appearence.
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: EVERY time he shows up he ends up double-crossing someone somehow. Comes back to bite him once Ben gets Genre Savvy to him.
- Dark Is Evil: As Darkstar
- Does This Remind You of Anything?: His habit of draining energy for girls is played up suspiciously to be like rape.
- Enemy Mine: Helps Ben and his friends against the Highbreed invasion, teams up with Kevin to gain an artifact only to betray him afterwards, and helps out again in Ultimate Alien's first season finale, only to make a failed backstabbing attempt in the end.
- Energy Absorption
- Evil Counterpart: To Gwen (similar powers) and Kevin (similar personality).
- Light Is Not Good: As Mike Morningstar, who not only was beautiful and blonde, but his powers were mostly represented by golden/yellow light. As Darkstar, his powers now are obviously dark energy, but he once almost regained his original appearence, and presumably his powers.
- Lightning Bruiser: Morning Star
- Mighty Glacier: Darkstar
- Jerkass
- Manipulative Bastard: To Gwen in his debut appearance, and later to Kevin, and later to Charmcaster.
- Subverted in "Aboslute Power", in which the heroes are completely prepared for his manipulation and inevitable double-cross.
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: "Morningstar." Sometimes used as a divine title for Jesus. More commonly used as the translation of "Lucifer" into English.
- Not So Different: Points out in Ultimate Alien that he and insane Kevin are the same. Kevin confirms this later by calling Gwen "Lovely Gwen", Darkstar's name for her.
- Out-Gambitted: No one ever suspected he would betray Ben and company after he helped turn Kevin sane again. Oh wait, yes they did.
- The Sociopath: He has no empathy for anyone but himself.
- Steven Ulysses Perhero: Michael Morningstar? Yeah, I see why Gwen believed he was Most Definitely Not a Villain.
- Sort of an odd example of Viewers are Morons, where they're expecting someone older or smarter (like Gwen is supposed to be) in the Periphery Demographic to catch it, but to a little kid, he has a good-guy-sounding name.
- That Man Is Dead: "Michael Morningstar no longer exists. Now I am Darkstar!"
- Wil Wheaton
Sixsix and Sevenseven
- All There in the Manual: Before the second series, the pop-ups in the first series confirmed Sevenseven's existence. They're also brothers (with Sevenseven obviously being the elder).
- Bounty Hunter
- Dee Bradley Baker
- Suspiciously Similar Substitute: Sevenseven.
- The Unintelligible
- Up to Eleven: Sevenseven is basically this to Sixsix.
- What Happened to the Mouse?: It's presumed Sixsix was sent back to Incarcecon after "Secret of the Omnitrix"
- And I Must Scream: Ends up in a nightmare caused by a Cassiopeian dream eater.
- Evil Albino
- Evil Counterpart and Evil Twin: Thanks to weird connections between the Omnitrix systems, his new default form is a Palette Swap of Ben.
- Failure Is the Only Option: Double Subverted. He finally has the ability to turn back into his original form... only it's temporary.
- Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain: You can't help but feel bad for the guy, stuck in a human body that causes him no end of grief.
- "Double Or Nothing" all but spells this out: by only wanting to turn back to normal, he's (d)evolved into a Harmless Villain Anti-Villain.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Gets himself attached to a Cassiopeia dream eater he meant for Ben.
- Insufferable Genius: As a Galvan he's extremely intelligent and helped build the Omnitrix so he does have smarts, but he insults and demeans everyone else from Ben to Azmuth to Vilgax as he believes himself to be the most brilliant being in the universe. Not surprisingly this comes back to bite him in the ass repeatedly, especially in the series finale of Alien Force.
- Meaningful Name: "Albedo" refers to the reflection in physics and the state of purification in alchemy.
- Put on a Bus: Disappeared from Alien Force's "The Final Battle" without a trace, only to return halfway through Ultimate Alien.
- Shapeshifter Mode Lock: Zig-zagged, he can shift back into his Galvan form but he always turns back into Ben's form in the end.
- Ted Baxter: He's the greatest scientific mind in the universe! Or so he says. Yet his versions of the Omnitrix and Ultimatrix have glaring design flaws that nearly prove fatal to himself and others on several occasions. Naturally, he blames this on Azmuth and Ben instead of owning up to his own mistakes.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
- Yuri Lowenthal
- Arch Enemy: To Kevin for the one episode he was in.
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast
- Omnicidal Maniac: His job is destroying suns and killing solar systems.
- Save the Villain: Averted. Kevin let him fall into the sun!
- A God I Am: His ultimate plan was to absorb the powers of a Alien X and reshape the universe to his whim.
- All Your Powers Combined: Intends to permanently assimilate Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, and Electric powers from a quintet of aliens from the Andromeda Galaxy.
- Anti-Mana: Courtesy of absorbing Galapagus.
- Badass: he is by far one of the most competent villains in the show, possibly in the saga.
- Badass Longcoat
- Badass Long Hair
- Big Bad: For the first season of Ultimate Alien until he ends up hijacked by Kevin 11.
- Body Horror: His first use of Galapegus' powers involves multiple vents opening on his body. YMMV on how it compares to Ultimate Aggregor.
- Brought Down to Normal: Thanks to Kevin absorbing his powers. It's assumed he can still absorb matter and energy since that's considered "normal" for Osmosians.
- Dangerously Genre Savvy: one of the main reason he was so unstoppable for most of the season.
- Evil Counterpart: To Kevin. As noted below, he is very similar in role and personality to Kevin in the first show, as well as being of the same species, with the same powers and love of absorbing energy. Kevin seems to be aware of how similar they are, and has apparently taken this to heart given how intense he is about stopping him.
- Expy: Aggregor is basically Kevin if he didn't reform: sadistic, merciless, and with the power to absorb energy, complete with his body mutating to accomodate the stolen alien power.
- Fake Boss: Kevin ends up becoming the final enemy to face in Ultimate Alien's first season.
- Hidden Agenda Villain: His true goal, to reshape the universe the way he wants, was kept hidden until his last appearance.
- John Dimaggio
- Kick the Son of a Bitch: Stealing the power of fellow Complete Monster Addwagia in "Where The Magic Happens".
- Meaningful Name: He aggregates (collects) the powers of other aliens.
- Mega Manning: His base power allows him to steal the abilities, and apparently life force, of whoever he touches. However, he can only use the stolen power at a tenth of its original strength, and it wears off. He's built a machine to subvert this, fully and permanently absorbing the power of the five aliens he's hunting at the cost of killing them.
- Powered by a Forsaken Child: In "The Forge of Creation" he goes after a baby Alien X with the goal of stealing its Reality Warper powers.
- Rubber Forehead Alien: In his default form he looks essentially like a human with a row of spikes on his head.
- The Sociopath
- What Happened to the Mouse?: Word of God says he's currently incarcerated.
Will Harangue
- Expy: He's J Jonah Jameson mixed with Senator Kelly as a TV pundit.
- Jerkass: There are many other names for him, though nothing seems strong enough.
- John Dimaggio
- Karma Houdini: Pretty much got off scot-free for his actions in "Computer Games", save for the billions he spent on the robot. And his car.
- Meaningful Name/Punny Name
- The Scrappy: Given his character, this is definitely invoked.
- Strawman Political: Though a blender of several political pundits (as one message board noted: he's like the worst of Bill O'Reily, Keith Olbermann, Glenn Beck, Al Franken, and even Stephen Colbert mixed in a blender.)
- Obfuscating Stupidity: Alot of the Strawman Political pundit stuff is for show; behind the scenes, he's pretty sinister.
- Villain with Good Publicity: More like Incredible. Despite many problems in his smear campaign against Ben, he not only manages to somehow avoid being arrested by the feds, but also seems to still have enough of a following to keep his show.
Carl Nesmith/Captain Nemesis/Overlord
- Broken Pedestral: Ben used to idolize him before finding out how much of a jerk he had become.
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones: his feelings for Jennifer Nocturne were apparently sincere, or at least became so.
- Expy: he wears similarities with both Warp from Teen Titans and, to a minor extent, Iron Man.
- Green-Eyed Monster: the major reason for him turning evil was because of his jealousy toward Ben. Ironically, Ben didn't mean to ruin his reputation and was actually a big fan of him before he turned evil.
- Fallen Hero: he started out as a superhero, but ended up trying to cause fake kidnapping in order to get popular again, and eventually turned into a criminal due to his jealousy toward Ben. Both Ben and his Agent hinted he had been an actually great hero before.
- Pet the Dog: surrendered so his accomplice Jennifer Nocturne could get medical attention.
- Shoot the Dog: he was one of the few villains in the show to be explicitly hinted to have killed human beings. At one point, he even killed an innocent driver just to steal his car.
- Powered Armor
- That Man Is Dead: "Captain Nemesis is dead! Now, call me Overlord!"
- Axe Crazy: in Ultimate Alien, he tried to kill Ben's mother in a very sadistic way while Gwen was watching.
- Expy: In the first series, some have noted him to be very similar to that of Pennywise the clown. He's much more like The Joker in Ben 10: Ultimate Alien
- Mind Rape: inflicted this to Ben in his first appearance by taking advantage on Ben's fear of clowns. Ben then payed him back using Ghostfreak.
- Monster Clown
- Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: He is, as some plot descriptions on websites gave him: A Zombie Vampire Clown.
- Our Vampires Are Different: in his first appearance, he fed of people's happyness. The result when he got all of it wasn't pretty.
- Same Character but Different: In the first series, he has a very supernatural edge to him. Ultimate Alien made him out to be an incredibly Joker-esque character with none of the powers he demonstrated in the first series, though he still has the same overall personality.
The Vreedle Brothers
- BFG: often relie on this as their weapons.
- Beware the Silly Ones: as hard as it is to admit, they can be pretty dangerous due to their massive weaponry. Though if you think about it, it's precisely the fact they are truly silly that makes them dangerous...
- Bounty Hunter
- Dumb Muscle: both of them, especially Rhomboid.
- Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas: They really respect their mother, Ma Vreedle. Too bad she considers them as failure (not that we can object her...).
- Heel Face Revolving Door: In their first appearance in Ultimate Alien, they're attending the academy to become Plumbers. However, the next episode they're in they are back to being thugs. Gwen scoulds them for this, and they return to Plumbers shortly after.
- Killed Off for Real: some of them. Of course, since there are an army of them anyway, that doesn't really count...
- Leeroy Jenkins: they basically don't know how to solve any problem without blowing up things.
- Me's a Crowd: it's revealed in Con of Rath that there are actually a whole army of Vreedle Brothers, since they are actually clones created by their parents through a kit.
- Stupid Evil: they take that trope Up to Eleven.
- Those Two Bad Guys
- Too Dumb to Live: a ridiculously extreme exemple when they shoot a fusion grenade at Kevin. In a space station. When Argit points out that will not just kill Kevin, but everyone on the station, including them, Octagon admits he "didn't consider this".
A bounty hunter who will apparently serves as the main villain in season 1 of Ben 10: Omniverse.
- Big Bad: of Omniverse (at least season 1, it seems).
- Bounty Hunter
- Evil Sounds Deep
- Hey, It's That Voice!: he is voiced by David Kaye, who voiced Megatron in Beast Wars
- Spikes of Villainy
Julie Yamamoto
- Bob Haircut
- Brown Eyes
- Women Are Wiser
- Derailing Love Interests: Julie becomes much less in the second season Ultimate Alien. Some of this is having to deal with Ben being famous (it was very justified in the first episode w/ Captain Nemesis), but she's showing new traits such as being overly competitive and short-tempered that weren't originally present, possibly as a misguided attempt at giving her more flaws.
- She joined what was effectively a cult in "Flame Keepers Circle." She thought it was a corporation that was trying to improve people's lives by introducing alien tech at a faster rate than the Plumbers wanted (despite Kevin and Ben both warning her that such an act typically destabilized planets). It was really a bunch of crazy people worshiping Vilgax, and it was ridiculously clear too, but she grabbed the Idiot Ball firmly until it was beyond obvious she was wrong.
- And yet in the next episode they brought back Elena, crazier than ever, and had her impersonate Julie as a "perfect girlfriend" for Ben as a sort of Take That to shippers who hate Julie for reasons like her not accommodating Ben enough.
- She joined what was effectively a cult in "Flame Keepers Circle." She thought it was a corporation that was trying to improve people's lives by introducing alien tech at a faster rate than the Plumbers wanted (despite Kevin and Ben both warning her that such an act typically destabilized planets). It was really a bunch of crazy people worshiping Vilgax, and it was ridiculously clear too, but she grabbed the Idiot Ball firmly until it was beyond obvious she was wrong.
- A Girl and Her Shapeshifting Weapon/Pet Alien
- Kid With the Remote Control: Ship.
- Love Interest: To Ben.
- Magic Skirt
- Plucky Girl
- Shallow Love Interest: Initially appeared out of the blue; she gets better over time.
- Sixth Ranger
- Tomboy
- Took a Level in Badass: Getting Ship helped with this, as he can turn into Powered Armor for her. She's also quite adept with certain weapons.
- Big Damn Gunship: several cases. "Eye of the Beholder" had an interesting inversion where he left Julie on Earth to save someone else.
- Cool Ship: Some serious Shapeshifter Baggage involved here.
- Evil-Detecting Dog: Knew when Julie was being impersonated by Elena, who was using the Hive chips.
- Meaningful Name: Not just his gunship form, but he's proven integral to Ben and Julie's relationship on occasion.
- Mundane Utility: He acts as a tennis ball launcher one time.
- Pokémon-Speak
- Powered Armor
- Ridiculously Cute Critter
- Team Pet
- Cynical Mentor
- Figure It Out Yourself: "Don't you want to figure it out on your own, like a true hero would?"
- Heel Realization: He realizes it's just stupid to blow up the universe when the Omnitrix is near self-destruction.
- Insufferable Genius
- Jeff Bennett: Save for his debut in "Secret of the Omnitrix".
- Not So Different: He's immature, selfish, cracks jokes at inopportune times, but when it comes down to it, he can be helpful... sort of like Ben. This is all the more obvious when he says that he likes Ben for saying that he didn't want to figure out how to work the Omnitrix better (or, more specifically, allowing Ben to change forms at will within alien form).
- Same Character but Different: Was a lot more sarcastic and cynical when we first see him in Secret of the Omnitrix, but is more stoic and serious (though retaining a sense of humor) by the time of Alien Force. Justified in that there was a five year Time Skip in-between appearances.
- Sink or Swim Mentor
- The Spock
- The Watcher
Professor Paradox
- Badass Boast: Tells Eon that if he goes through with his plan, no force in all of time will be able to protect him from Paradox.
- Bored with Insanity: In his own words.
- Call Forward: Word of God said that in Race Against Time (a movie that's otherwise questionably canonical), Paradox guarded the Hands of Armageddon from Eon for several years until Ben stopped him.
- This is finally revealed in Ben 10,000 Returns. The movie was actually part of 'cross-time' and thus Paradox guarded that alternate timeline's Hands of Armageddon
- Expy/Homage: The Doctor, especially the tenth incarnation.
- May also be one of Sam Beckett from Quantum Leap: scientist who gets caught in Time Travel experiment, vanishes and appears in a blue-white light and tries to Set Right What Once Went Wrong.
- The Fog of Ages: He calls himself 'Paradox' because he can't remember what his real name is
- Go Mad From the Isolation: Spent nearly ten thousand years floating randomly through time. But eventually, he got Bored with Insanity and went sane again.
- Hero of Another Story: Is apparently constantly on adventures of his own and the first time he appears, its stated he's already saved the world hundreds of times.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Ducky can time travel!
- Immortality: Type II. Due to existing outside of time, he can't age and apparently also doesn't need to eat or sleep. This also makes him immune to time manipulation to some degree (he can't be aged into dust or anything like that, but he still feels it to some degree).
- Offscreen Teleportation: Has this ability due to 'finding shortcuts' in time. Though he's also very capable of onscreen teleportation.
- Persona Non Grata: Is banned from ineracting with Alien X, for reasons unknown.
- May have something to do with hiding the Forge of Creation, which is a Noodle Incident in itself.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old
- Set Right What Once Went Wrong: His job for the past several hundred years.
- Sink or Swim Mentor: In the sense that he can't outright interfere. He does provide hints and warnings that help guide Ben and the others' actions.
- Temporal Paradox: Once a theory of his, now the frequent results of his actions.
- Time Abyss: Originally from The Fifties, he was sent back to the beginning of time and went on from there.
- Time Dissonance
- Time Master
- Time Police: Self-appointed
- Time Travel Tense Trouble
- Trickster Mentor
Plumber's Kids
- Brick Joke: Pierce is the only one whose appearance doesn't come from any Omnitrix alien. Turns out he's from Argit's race (Argit demonstraded a shooting-quill ability in "Andreas' Fault").
- Dropped a Bridge on Him: Pierce in "The Purge".
- Expy: Manny, Helen and Alan are half-Tetramand (Fourarms), half-Kineceleran (XLR8), and half-Pyronite (Heatblast) respectively. Pierce's powers are also reminiscent of a certain needled X-Man.
- Five-Man Band:
- The Hero: Pierce
- The Lancer: Helen
- The Smart Guy: Cooper
- The Big Guy: Manny
- The Chick: Alan
- Getting Crap Past the Radar/ Punny Name: Helen Wheels.
- Half-Human Hybrid: The Expies shown above are half-human.
- He's All Grown Up: Cooper, in Ultimate Alien, grew about two feet and went up to about a nine.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Manny is Cyborg.
- Hopeless Suitor: Cooper, for Gwen.
- The Other Darrin: Cooper has been voiced by Cathy Cavadini, Corey Padnos, and Chris Pratt, though given his gradual physical changes as he ages, this makes sense.
- Sacrificial Lion: Pierce's cold blooded murder by the Forever Knights showed just how merciless and dangerous they'd become.
- The Smurfette Principle: Helen is the only female in the team.
- Stock Super Powers
- Playing with Fire: Alan
- Super Speed: Helen
- Super Strength: Manny
- Technopath: Cooper
- Token Human: Cooper, if only in appearance.
- Took a Level in Badass: Cooper, in addition to a level in good looks.
- What Could Have Been: Cooper would have held Kevin's place after the Time Skip, but according to Dwayne McDuffie, it was Murakami who had Kevin become the new teammate instead.
- The Atoner: He was the one responsible for giving Vilgax the crystal that inevitably became Vilgax's tool for destroying Tetrax's planet.
- Badass
- Bounty Hunter: Initially, he also worked for Vilgax, but, he's decided to fight against him for what he did to his home planet.
- Hover Board: Also his production name.
Jimmy Jones
- Action Survivor: particularly in "The Big Story".
- Alliterative Name
- Badass Normal: Reveals himself to be one in "The Big Story", where he singlehandedly saves Ben, Gwen, and Kevin...multiple times.
- Big Beautiful Woman: Jimmy's mom, who's appeared framed by the doorframe as if to emphasise this. And then she starts yelling for him.
- Broken Masquerade: Exposes Ben's identity to the world, but thought he would enjoy the fame (which he does).
- Child Prodigy: Deduced that Ben and the aliens were one and the same after years of investigating. He's ten.
- Expy: of first-series Ben.
- I'm Your Biggest Fan
- Meaningful Name: He's named for two well-known sidekicks, Jimmy Olsen from Superman and Rick Jones from The Incredible Hulk.
- Mission Control
- Scott Menville
- Unwitting Pawn: "The Big Story" all but confirms that Jimmy's investigations were the very thing that got Will Harangue his big start.
- Wide-Eyed Idealist
EunyceAKA the Unitrix
- Artificial Human: she is actually a Omnitrix-like device created by Azmuth to store DNA, who turned into a girl after scanning Gwen's dna.
- Everyone Loves Blondes: Ben sure does.
- Friend to All Living Things: one of her abilities.
- Love Interest: to Ben in her first appearance.
- Took a Level in Badass: in her first appearance, she was a naive girl who could barely stand a fight. The next time we see her, she can fight toe to toe with Arachnichimps Dnaliens.
Cash and JT
- Butt Monkey: Whenever they appeared in the original series, Ben found the time to give them a mega-wedgie.
- Creepy Child: Invoked with pale-skinned black-haired Cash.
- Guyliner: Cash(!)
- Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain: Particularly from Alien Force onwards.
- Nerd Glasses: JT.
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Courtesy of Ben in "The Gauntlet." After they spill a smoothie on him as a prank, he chides them for pulling the same nonsense since grade school and admits disbelief that he used to be afraid of Cash.
- Redheaded Bully: JT is ironically the Beta Guy of the two.
- Schoolyard Bully All Grown Up: Attempted from Alien Force onwards.
- Those Two Guys
Carl and Sandra Tennyson
- Amazingly Embarrassing Parents: Invoked. They're the stereotypical Granola Couple.
- Canon Immigrant: Added to the cartoon after debuting in Race Against Time.
- Doting Parent: Both tend to do this, but Sandra arguably takes it a bit further.
- Hippie Parents
- Hot Mom
- Locked Out of the Loop: Possibly.
- Obfuscating Stupidity
- Dirty Coward
- Not Quite Dead: An actual ability of his race.
- Petting Zoo People: A hybrid rodent of sorts.
- Asteroids Monster: Notably spawning a regular character, Ship.
- British Accent
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
The Andromeda Five
- Can Not Tell a Lie: Galapegus. But he learns.
- Combo-Platter Powers: Ra'ad throws lighting, has telepathy, enters electronic devices by becoming lightning and enters pretty much anything else by becoming liquid. And bodyjacking, which Ben himself never bothered with but the king of Zarcovia can somehow channel to put his own soul in the body of Dr Viktor.
- Dumb Muscle: Andreas.
- Elemental Powers:
- Blow You Away: Terraspin
- Dishing Out Dirt: Armodrillo
- Making a Splash: Water Hazard
- Playing with Fire: NRG
- Shock and Awe: Ampfibian (though he does have a water form as well)
- Energy Being: P'andor
- Five-Man Band:
- The Hero: Bivalvan (Water Hazard)
- The Lancer: P'andor (NRG)
- The Smart Guy: Ra'ad (Ampfibian)
- The Big Guy: Andreas (Armodrillo)
- The Heart: Galapagus (Terraspin)
- Heroic Sacrifice: Andreas. Is it a subversion if It Got Worse for him?
- Husky Russkie: P'andor (but subverted since it's just the suit's appearance).
- Let's Get Dangerous: Galapegus.
- Meaningful Name:
- Galapagus takes his name from the well-known Galapagos tortoise (and possibly the Galapagos Islands since they, like him, have remained uncorrupted by the outside world)
- P'andor refers the story of Pandora's Box.
- Andreas is obviously a reference to the San Andreas Fault.
- Sharing a Body: Rather like Ghostfreak, Ben's first use of Ra'ad leads to this temporarily.
- Token Evil Teammate: P'andor.
- With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: Technically P'andor's great insanity goes from bad to worse.
- ↑ He uses a different voice for teen Ben
- ↑ Although he was used by Albedo in AF-45
- ↑ Part 3, or technically OS-52
- ↑ Somewhat of a shame that Remar was used in the show and not DiMaggio, as the former sounds nothing like Vilgax from the original show, while the latter does an impressive Steven Blum imitation.
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