Saint George and The Dragon

A book by Margaret Hodges, a partial retelling of the Epic Poem The Faerie Queene written by Edmund Spenser.

Tropes used in Saint George and The Dragon include:
  • The Champion: Una set out alone from the safety of the castle walls to look for a champion who would face the terrible dragon.
  • Damsel Errant: Princess Una traveled a long, long way before she found the Red Cross Knight.
  • Hero's Journey:
  • No Name Given: The Red Cross Knight doesn't know his birth name or where he had been born, until a good old hermit informs him was born to be Saint George of Merry England.
  • Lady and Knight: When gentle Una saw him lying motionless, she trembled with fear and prayed for his safety.
  • Duty First, Love Second: The brave knight tells the king that he can't stay because he has sworn to give knight's service to the Fairy Queen for six years.
  • Knight Errant: The story begins with the Red Cross Knight riding across a plain, bound on a great adventure, sent by the Queen of the Fairies to fight the dragon.
  • Knight in Shining Armor: The knight bade his lady stand apart, out of danger, to watch the fight, while the beast drew near, half flying, half running.
  • Standard Hero Reward: The king tells the brave knight that he has promised that the dragonslayer should have Una for his wife, and be king after him.
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