< Axis Powers Hetalia < Characters
Axis Powers Hetalia/Characters/Gender Flip Versions
Gender Flip Versions
North Italy
Falling asleep is quite human, there is nothing wrong about it, right?
- Action Girl: Pretty much implied.
- Badass: Complimented by Estonia.
- Cleavage Window: Sort of...
- Cute Bruiser: She seems to like to punch the people who are the target of her anger, and unlike her male counterpart, is said to display great physical strength when she becomes emotional.
- Eyes of Gold
- Fan Nickname: She's often given the name "Felicia" by the Western fandom as her human name, whereas the Japanese fandom seems to prefer "Alice" (pronounced as "Ah-LEE-che") judging by how quickly the Pixiv tag for the name filled up after Himaruya mentioned that someone suggested the name to him for female Italy.
- Genki Girl
- Idiot Hair: Used to be depicted with a curl on the left and now it's on the right
- Plucky Girl
- Super Strength: Happens whenever she gets angry or emotional.
- Tomboyish Ponytail
- Trademark Favorite Food: Pizza!
- Action Girl
- A Girl And Her Dog
- Bare Your Midriff: Her P2 version.
- Boobs of Steel: Word of God says that she has a large chest and he also implies she's just as capable of holding her own in a fight like her male counterpart.
- Blue Eyes
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Her P2 version.
- Fan Nickname: Both Western and Japan fandom commonly call her "Louise" or "Luise" as her human name. Some fans also opt to use "Monica", an unofficial name suggested to Himaruya for female Germany, instead.
- Hair of Gold
- White-Haired Pretty Girl: Her P2 version.
- Nice Hat
- Scars Are Forever: Having notable ones on the cheek and midriff of her P2 version.
- Tomboy: She's certainly got the looks of one and is portrayed as an Action Girl in Fanon.
Let’s just calmly go somewhere safe without aiming the bat at anybody.
- A-Cup Angst / Pettanko: She appears to be rather flat-chested compared to many other nations on this page, and many fanworks have her being self-conscious about her lack of assets compared to other female nations'.
- Badass Adorable
- Bob Haircut
- Expository Hairstyle Change / Important Haircut: Word of God says that Japan used to have much longer hair until she cut it when she opened up her borders. She wanted to prove she'll be able to try to get along with the rest of the world.
- Fan Nickname: "Sakura" is the most widely accepted fanon name for her in Japanese fandom, and it was in fact suggested to the artist. Many Western fans, however, continue to use "Kiku", the human first name the artist gave to her male counterpart, for her because Kiku can also be a female name.
- Flower in Her Hair: She's drawn with a chrysanthemum or sakura flower in her hair in later sketches. A sketch of an "Another Color Version" of her further adds to the Flower Motifs by giving her a red spider lily, a third flower that has a special significance to the Japanese.
- Romantic Two-Girl Friendship: Himaruya's early character notes described her as having a "complicated yearning for America".
- Tareme Eyes: Himaruya designed her with these kind of eyes as a contrast to her male counterpart's Monochromatic Eyes.
- Yamato Nadeshiko: According to Word of God, she was described as one in his early character notes on the Gender Flip versions.
You have quite the nerve! To fall asleep during my speech!
- Absolute Cleavage
- Action Girl: Judging by her bat and her stance she's ready to take you on.
- Ambiguously Brown: Her 2P design.
- Bare Your Midriff
- Batter Up: Often depicted with a baseball bat.
- Hair Decorations: Star shaped hairclips.
- Fan Nickname: Fans from the Western fandom have often given her the name "Amelia", "Amanda", "Abigail" (shortened to "Abby") or "Allison" (shortened to "Ally"). However, the Japanese fandom seems to prefer the name "Emily" for her.
- In-Series Nickname: In the strip where the genderbends appear, she is called (what is translated to) Americako. Most of the fandom, however, simply call her "Ameriko".
- Farmer's Daughter: Dresses like one in two sketches.
- Genki Girl
- Gray Eyes: Of the 3rd and possibly 5th variety.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Her P2 version.
- Hair of Gold: Golden brown, but auburn in her P2 version.
- Impossible Hourglass Figure: Seems to have this body type.
- Tomboy: Gives off that vibe despite her girly clothing
- Trademark Favorite Food: Seems to prefer hot dogs to hamburgers.
Stop it, Ameriko. You don’t solve problems with beating someone.
- Apron Matron: Occupation, broom, and all.
- Cute Witch: In Fanon. They often have her using her broom for flying, too.
- Deadpan Snarker: Fandom seems to like to portray her as this, and it's very often her main personality trait, right next to being a Tsundere.
- English Rose: A fair number of fanarts portray her as a person who only tries to be this, echoing her male counterpart's struggles of being a Quintessential British Gentleman.
- Hair Decorations
- Fan Nickname: Both Western and Japanese fandom have given her the name "Alice". And though unofficial, Himaruya had mentioned in his blog that someone had suggested the name "Rosa" for England. Western fans may also call her "Rose", "Ann", "Elizabeth", "Rosemary" or "Audrey". Some people prefer to call her "Guinevere", referring to King Arthur's wife.
- Girlish Pigtails
- Green Eyes
- Blue Eyes: Her P2 version.
- Hair of Gold
- Fiery Redhead: Her P2 is often portrayed as this, though it's pretty hard to say whether her hair is red or brown.
- Hospital Hottie: One chibi design shows her wearing a World War Two nurse outfit with a Nice Hat.
- Meganekko: Contrary to her male counterpart.
- Nice Hat
- Rapunzel Hair: A lot of fanart has her sporting this, especially when Letting Her Hair Down.
- Tsundere: Portrayed as a type B in some of Himaruya's sketches and mostly in fanon.
- Tsurime Eyes
- Bottle Fairy: Holds a wine bottle in a chibi design.
- Brainy Brunette: In Fanon.
- Hair of Gold: Her P2 design.
- Everyone Looks Sexier If French: Her outfits are always stylish and classy.
- Everything's Sparkly with Jewelry: Nice Crown.
- Fan Nickname: She has been given the unofficial name, "Françoise", by both sides of the fandom. Though, there are some fans who alternatively choose "Marianne" as her name instead.
- The Ojou: Looks much classier than her male counterpart, and is also said to be a snob.
- Purple Eyes
Eh? Me? I just spread a honey on Estonia and rolled him a bit outside.
- Improbable Weapon User: She's seen holding a long handled garden shovel behind her back
- Fan Nickname: "Anya" is commonly chosen as her human name by fans, and was even suggested to the artist at some point. "Ivanna" is also popular among fans as well as "Anastasia", "Inna" and "Irina".
- Or even, Kolka?
- Nice Hat
- Pretty in Mink
- Purple Eyes
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Her P2 version.
- Shovel Strike
- Statuesque Stunner
- Winter Royal Lady: The Nation Equivalent
- Woman in Black
- Yandere / Cute and Psycho: Is often portrayed as one in fanon, like her male counterpart.
- Her "Another Color" certainly has the looks. Judge for yourself.
Estonia! I have a good medicine for you aru!You buy it - I will be happy, you will be happy!
- Anime Chinese Girl
- Brown Eyes
- Fan Nickname: Fans often opt to call her "Chun-Yan" as her human name, and has been suggested to Himaruya once.
- Flower In Her Hat
- Girl with Psycho Weapon: She wields a butcher's knife with a blank smile in two sketches; Himaruya mentions how she's the type whose thoughts aren't easily read.
- Gratuitous English: "You buy it, I will be happy, you will be happy!"
- Kawaiiko
- Nice Hat
- Odango Hair
- Girlish Pigtails
- Hair Decorations: Maple leaf-shaped ones, according to the latest sketches.
- Fan Nickname: Western fandom seems to prefer "Madeleine" (shortened to "Maddie") as her name. Also, Himaruya had said on his blog that a fan had suggested her name be "Marguerite" with her nickname being "Meg" for short; this name is unofficial.
- Meganekko: This added with the pigtails makes her more resemble England than America.
- Nice Hat: Wears a cute beret.
- Non-Human Sidekick: Like her male counterpart, female Canada has a bear named "Kumarie" who, according to Word of God, is much more "violent and scarier" than Kumajirou.
- Shrinking Violet: Appears to be quite shy.
- Adrenaline Makeover: Unless she lets her long hair down and puts on an uniform.
- Silk Hiding Steel: Word of God states her to be this, using almost the exact same phrase.
South Italy (Italy Romana)
- Boobs of Steel: Subverted. Romana has been said to be a better fighter than her male counterpart, but a group sketch shows she certainly doesn't have big breasts. Fanon on the other hand loves to play this trope straight.
- Fan Nickname: She is often given the name "Lovina" by most of the Western fandom. Japanese fandom, however, calls her "Katarina" or "Catalina". According to Himaruya, a fan had once suggested for her name to be "Chiara". The name, though, is unofficial.
- Idiot Hair: She was originally designed without a haircurl, but it was later added back in a 'chibi' sketch.
- Spell My Name with an "S": As "Katarina" is hardly used by Italians, fans sometimes opt to call her, "Caterina", a more commonly used name in Italy.
- Tsundere: She's been portrayed to be Type A like her male counterpart, but not as fierce in fanon.
- Flower in Her Hair
- Green Eyes
- Fan Nickname: She is either called "Isabel" or "Carmen" by Japanese fandom. Western fans on the other hand often prefer to call her "Antonia", "Maria" or "Rita".
- Lady in Red
- Like A Daughter To Me: A note about her on Himaruya's blog states that she views Romana as her own daughter.
- Spell My Name with an "S": The same with her male counterpart, there is still much debate if her surname should be "Fernandez Carriedo" or "Hernandez Carriedo".
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- Butch Lesbian: Subverted. Nobody is quite sure she prefer Fem!Finland or not, but one thing is she is quite beautiful.
- Good-Looking Privates
- Fan Nickname: Some fans call her "Astrid", "Silvia", "Kristine", "Mathilde" or "Batilda".
- Only the first three are actually Swedish names. The Swedish version of Mathilde and Batilda is Mat(h)ilda,.
- Flower in Her Hair
- Hot Chick with a Sword
- Lady of War: Often portrayed as one in fanworks.
- Nice Hat
- Stoic Spectacles: Subverted if she is like her male counterpart.
- Flower In His Hair
- Fan Nickname: Japanese fandom has given Hungary's male counterpart the names "Daniel", "Hendrik" or "Elian". Western fans usually just shorten his country name to "Gary"; "Mangary" is in fact a common term used for him.
- None of which are Hungarian names. (Daniel is the only one that has a Hungarian cognate.)
- Good-Looking Privates
- Keet: He appears to be this in an earlier group sketch.
- Yuri Fan: Due to his female counterpart's fangirl tendencies, he's often portrayed as this.
- Fan Nickname: Male Liechtenstein was given the name "Noah Stein" by most fans.
- Monochromatic Eyes
- Requisite Royal Regalia: One 'chibi' sketch portrays him with a cape and a crown to give him a "prince" sort of look.
- Idiot Hair: The same one of his female counterpart.
- Keet - Tsundere: Is given this personality in fanwork, specially if he's portrayed alongside Fem!Japan or Fem!China.
- The One Guy - Rather obviously.
- Real Men Wear Pink: Quite stylish and doesn't mind wearing a flower pin on his shirt.
Hong Kong
- Chinese Girl
- Detached Sleeves: Show more clearly here.
- Emotionless Girl: Assumed to be, like her male counterpart.
- Other arts make her a straight-up Tsundere for male!Taiwan
- Flower in Her Hair
- Qipao: A shirt version with deep slits.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo: More like Short Dark and Bishoujo, for some.
South Korea
- Fan Nickname: Her most popular "human names" among fans are "Soo Yeon" or "Chun Hi".
- Genki Girl
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo: Subverted. Certainly dark, but she's one of the shortest and only seems the tallest because she's jumping so high. Also, Genki.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Seen holding a carrot.
- And kimchi, in this sketch. Like her male counterpart, of course.
- What Could Have Been: She's based on Himaruya's original sketches for Korea, which he re-used in another manga.
- Cat Smile: But, of course.
- Keet
- Strong Family Resemblance: His hair looks nearly identical to Netherlands' when his hair is down.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Chocolate!
- Badass Longcoat
- Death Glare: His default expression apparently.
- Idiot Hair
- Fan Nickname: Some fans call him "Aleksandr" or the diminutive "Sasha". Others refer to him as "Nikolai"/"Nikolas", or its diminutives "Niki"/"Nikita".
- Perpetual Frowner
- Yandere: Pixiv fanart picked up on this a bit even before the first day he was revealed finished. One can also assume he's yandere for fem!Russia, but YMMV.
- Fan Nickname: Fans often prefer the human name "Yuri" for Ukraine. "Demitri"/"Dymtro" has also been seen.
- Scarf of Asskicking
- Uncanny Family Resemblance: Fans have noticed that he closely resembles Hetalia's Russia, despite being female Russia's older brother.
- Nice Hat
- Improbable Weapon User: A paddle, like his female counterpart.
- The Stoic or Perpetual Frowner
- Tall, Dark and Handsome
- Non-Human Sidekick: That fish he and his female counterpart carry around.
- Walking Shirtless Scene: Right in the very first 'chibi' sketch of him.
- Bare Your Midriff
- Big Ol' Eyebrows
- Nice Hat: Or crown... Or whatever that is.
- Hair Decorations
- Fan Nickname: Her most popular "human names" among fans are "Anna" or "Anneliese", thought "Rosalinde" and "Hildegarde" also been spotted.
- Idiot Hair: Keeps her counterparts ahoge and seems to have an extra one.
- Supreme Chef: She has supposedly learned to cook many dishes and give them an "Austrian spin".
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- The Ojou: Has the looks, and since we're speaking of Austria here...
- Woman in White
- Bare Your Midriff: Her P2 version.
- Cool Big Sis: "A wild and strong-personality type older sister" according to the author notes.
- Fan Nickname: Her most popular "human names" among fans are "Giselle", "Gisela" or "Maria". "Gretel" also isn't unheard of.
- Himaruya had mentioned once that a fan suggested for "Julchen" to be her human name. However, as "Julchen" is an affectionate nickname, fans tend to opt for "Julia" instead.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: Has one on her left cheek. While notorious, it's not deforming.
- Nice Shoes: Combat boots.
- Non-Human Sidekick: A small yellow female bird.
- Technicolor Eyes
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
- Zettai Ryouiki
- Bishie Sparkle
- Blue Eyes
- Tall, Dark and Handsome
- Waistcoat of Style
- The White Prince
- Wine Is Classy: He's shown with a glass in a sketch.
- Bob Haircut
- Flower in Her Hair
- Nice Hat: A Santa hat!
- Dramatic Wind: There seems to a wind drafting on her veil.
- Emotionless Girl: Portrayed as such.
- Girlish Sidebraid
- Pimped-Out Dress
- Monochromatic Eyes
- The Stoic: From how she presents herself.
- Bob Haircut
- Hair Decorations: A headband
- Perpetual Frowner
- Pretty in Mink: Her coat is trimmed with fur.
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