Axis Powers Hetalia/Characters/The Spanish Empire
- Big Fancy House: In the "Boss Spain" strips Spain and young!Romano (and maybe Belgium and Netherlands too) live in a castle. Justified Trope, this is Imperial!Spain we're talking about.
- Sibling Yin-Yang: North and South Italy.
- Wife Husbandry: A possible interpretation of the Spain/Romano pairing. See the main page.
The Spanish Empire
Spain - Antonio Fernandez Carriedo
You're so cute when you're half asleep!
Voiced by: Go Inoue (JP), Dave Trosko (EN)
- An Axe to Grind: Fanarts have him using a fricking big one as his Weapon of Choice.
- Confirmed by Word of God: this Himaruya sketch has him with a halberd.
- Badass Spaniard: In some fanworks.
- Big Damn Heroes: Spain pulls a Papa Wolf and rescues South Italy from Turkey. Then, Turkey declares war and Spain almost goes bankrupt funding the war effort.
- Doting Parent: Dangerously combined with his Shotacon tendencies. Too bad Romano slaps him in the face every time Spain tries to be nice.
- Everything Is Better with BULLS: The best way to start a Big Damn Heroes? Go have a bull knocking down the carriage where your adopted kid is being held and then go face his kidnapper.
- Fruit of the Loon: "Nice bananas."
- Green Eyes
- Goofy Print Underwear: In the Noto-sama 5 flash game, when Noto and Yamato strip him, we see that Spain wears tomato-print undies.
- Ill Boy: When his economy goes really rotten, he gets very sick. Romano then goes to search for a cure...
- In Vino Veritas / Can't Hold His Liquor: From his profile:
"When he drinks wine, he becomes sentimental, and if he gets drunk, you better put some distance between you and him!"
- Latin Lover: While not shown in-series, Spain alludes to this idea of him while assuring Turkey that while he is "sensually misleading to the eye" he's still very much a Badass.
- Fandom of course ran with this idea long before that dub came out.
- Kansai Regional Accent: Although it usually doesn't show up in scanlations.
- Nice Guy: Spain's major personality trait. Though thanks to Spain/Romano being a very popular ship, he isn't as overlooked in the fandom as you might expect.
- Sadly, the times when he shows a different side are taken as "undeniable proof" that Spain MUST be a Yandere or Cute and Psycho, despite being mostly Played for Laughs. See below.
- Not So Different: With Netherlands, both of them like young kids.
- Perpetual Smiler: He's very cheerful.
- Pirate: During his imperial days, where he's more often than not paired with England.
- Shotacon: 'Nuff said.
- Surprise Santa Encounter: Double Subverted. Belgium and Romano knew Netherlands was setting up a meeting with Santa... The surprise was when he brought a spaced-out Spain over his shoulder while dressed as reindeer. They were horrified, but at least no money was spent!
- Toros Y Flamenco: Quite averted: he has only appeared in a matador costume in one official art, not in the strips, and doesn't seem to be a Latin Lover. The fanartists, on the other hand...
- Trademark Favorite Food: Spain loves tomatoes, and has taught S. Italy to do the same. And like any good Team Mom, he has learnt how to settle disputes with sweets, more exactly churros.
- Yandere / Cute and Psycho: An increasingly popular rendition of his character in Fanon, considering how conflicted Spanish history is. It even has its own tag on Pixiv, the Japanese equivalent of Deviant Art.
- Word of God also says that he was two-faced like Russia and either very severe or cruel to his colonies that are not South Italy. To be fair, those notes are very old and were taken off Hidekaz's proper site, so we don't know how true they are right now.
- This was mostly Played for Laughs with in the 2011 Fool's Bath. He gives a rather crazy look when France was about to spill who the true culprit of the event was, then he switched to his happy face and claimed that the letters he sent were meant to be a group hang out and not meant to be threatening.
S. Italy (Italy Romano) - Lovino Vargas
Voiced by: Daisuke Namikawa (JP), Ian Sinclair (EN), Aki Kanada (JP-Chibiromano), Colleen Clinkenbeard (EN-Chibiromano)
- Big Brother Instinct: He utterly hates Germany because of Germany's connection to Italy. This doesn't stop him bothering younger Italy himself, or even pretending his little brother doesn't exist sometimes.
- Bi the Way: He can be very Tsundere for Spain, but he is somewhat of a womanizer as well (and there was that one time he had a crush on Belgium...)
- Bratty Half-Pint --> Tsundere
- Calling Your Attacks: When he was a kid.
ChibiRomano: Eat this! Napolitan Tornado!
- The Chosen One: In the 2010 Bloodbath. He's the key to saving the Alternate Universe.
- Cluster F-Bomb: His favorite words seem to be "bastard" and "dammit", which he uses. Profusely.
- Crowning Moment of Funny: When Romano is introduced to Germany by Italy.
Italy: Hey Germany! My older brother Romano is here, isn't he so cool?
Germany: Er, ya it's nice to meet you.
Italy: See I'm the Northern half, and Romano's the southern half! We were occupied separately, so my brother has been with Spain longer than he has with me! Come on Romano, say hello!
Romano: (to Germany) Munch on a bullet, potato freak.
Germany: Uh!?
- The Dub Version has some interesting alterations [1]
- Large Ham: At least in the English version. Ian Sinclair's helped him become something of a Fountain of Memes
- Green Eyes (in the manga and sketches) --> Eyes of Gold (in the anime)
- Hair-Trigger Temper
- Ho Yay: Spain/Romano, obviously.
- And there is an incestuous version of this when Romano and Italy get their hair curls/erogenous zones tangles together...while naked in bed. Then Germany answers Italy's distress call and untangles them.
- James Bondage: When Turkey kidnaps him.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Quite heavier on the Jerk part, with his Hair-Trigger Temper.
- Little Miss Snarker: As Chibi Romano in the English dub.
- Idiot Hair: Like his brother's, it acts as his erogenous zone.
- Sir Swearsalot: Ties with England as the most foul-mouthed character in the entire series.
- Spell My Name with an "S": A bit lighter compared to the other characters, but some fans tend to use "Rovino," an actual Italian name meaning something along the lines of 'collapse,' instead of "Lovino," which isn't actually a given name (but a surname) but was just copied en masse due to L/R confusion.
- Tsundere: South Italy is a fierce mix of all Type A varieties, partly out of insecurity that Spain only wants him for his inheritance and partly that his lack of domestic/artistic talents makes him inferior to his little brother. And yep, Romano's Tsundere side is specially strong when around Spain.
- The Mafia: Seen once as thugs. Informs his outlook. It makes a lot of difference to the page quote which Italy you mean.
- The Other Darrin: In the case of his younger self, initially voiced by his older self's actor in the first episode, then switched in episode 60.
- Perpetual Frowner
- Precocious Crush: He was chasing skirts ever since he was a little child, as shown when he hits on Queen Joanna of Castile, and by his reactions when he meets Belgium in the printed manga.
- The Unfavorite: To some degree, especially during his "childhood" days when Spain was more fixated on North Italy than him. He was seriously worried that he didn't have anything to offer, lacking his brother's domestic and artistic skills.
- It is hinted that the reason he is so mean to Spain is that he has abandonment issues-and considering that Ancient Rome chose to leave with North Italy instead, that Spain tried to swap him for his little brother, and that he thinks Spain only wants him for his inheritance, no one here can really blame him.
- Oh, and Spain passed up saving Romano that one time because he had to make 500 roses instead. To be fair, Spain's own economy was in no condition to save anyone, and he also felt really bad about it.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Buono tomato!
- Unreliable Voiceover: ChibiRomano's diary is this in spades.
Voiced by: Hiroki Takahashi (JP), Bob Carter (EN)
- Animal-Eared Headband: He wears Bunny Ears in Hetaween 2011 while insisting they look cute on him.
- Batter Up: He loves sports (specially baseball) and when he holds a bat he becomes more Hot-Blooded than usual.
- Big Beautiful Man: Has some rather dedicated fangirls who love him because he's big and chubby.
- Big Fun: Rather popular Fanon characterization.
- Confirmed in the Hetalia Bloodbath 2010, via his hilarious and very weird interactions with Canada.
- Cloudcuckoolander: In the Hetalia Bloodbath 2010 to a ridiculous degree: Tostones? Teleportation? Dynamic yoga? Really?
- Fan Nickname: Himaruya has mentioned "Carlos Machado" as a possible human name. Rached a minor Memetic Mutation level when, whenever there was a mention of him online, some fans commented with "CARLOS MACHADOOOOOOO" in ALLCAPS.
- Genre Savvy: Surprisingly so in the 2010 Christmas Event, at least when it came down to Never Split the Party... not so much with other suggestions of his.
- Hot-Blooded
- Kansai Regional Accent: Speaks with a Kawachi accent, a rougher variation of the Osaka accent.
- Curiously enough, Cuban Spanish in Real Life is the Spanish-language version of this stereotype.
- Keet: Not the traditional Keet, but he is incredibly energetic and friendly, even in the Hetaween 2011 event, greeting and hugging Switzerland.
- Large Ham: 90% of his dialogue is done by yelling.
- Nice Guy: Other than his Sitcom Arch Nemesis with America, he's actually a pretty sweet guy; he's good friends with Canada, he approaches Switzerland during the Hetaween 2011 event, and takes care of Seychelles when she nearly passes out from the cold during the 2011 Bloodbath.
- The One Guy: In the 2011 Bloodbath, since Seychelles took him with her to the girls's reunion.
- Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: He is the manly man to the more soft-spoken sensitive Canada.
- Sitcom Arch Nemesis: To America. Too bad he can't tell him from Canada, much to Cuba's embarrassment when he finds out the truth.
- Smoking Is Cool: Always shows up with a cigar in his mouth. Obviously, a reference to the famous Cuban cigars.
- What Could Have Been: He was initially set to be a Cute Shotaro Boy who was kinder, yet still strong-willed.
I'm free on Sunday but only if you win against me in poker.
- Action Girl: Possibly. She is drawn wearing what appears to be chain mail and coif in some concept sketches in the third volume.
- Beauty Mark: She has one on her chest, as revealed in the Hetalia Bloodbath 2010. Sadly, it's not the one that's going to stop The End of the World as We Know It.
- Bokukko: In a rather odd variation, Monaco is very feminine, but according to Word of God, her manner of speech mirrors that of a middle aged man.
- Brainy Brunette: Subverted, she was initially a brunette but it seems she's now a blue-eyed blonde, via the notes given on her in the volume 3 special edition.
- Apparently, in the last profile picture Himaruya took a third option and gave her dark blonde hair, which can be seen as light brown too.
- Hair Color Dissonance: Is it dark brown, light brown, dirty blond or platinum blond?
- Blue Eyes
- Fan Nickname: "Catherine" seems to be the most favored Fanon human names. Emilie, Charlotte, Monica, and Chanelle also tend to be commonly used.
- Hair Decorations: Has several hairpins and a purple bow in her hair, like her first sketch shows.
- Flower in Her Hair: Her 2011 Halloween costume uses a wreath of flowers as well as some in her braid.
- Hot Librarian: Fanon loves to peg her as this, and her profile describes her as she "a smart girl who gives off a proud impression"
- Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: The tiny girl to both France and Seborga. Even though they're not really that tall, she barely comes up to their chests.
- Joshikousei: Her everyday clothes seem rather reminiscent of this, including a long, double-breasted pink coat with a sailor-style collar (pictured above) and a short sleeved purple dress that looks even more so. Subverted in the case of a sketch of her Gakuen design, as she wears a more Western style uniform much like Seychelles'.
- Like Brother and Sister: Notes say her and France's relationship comes off as this. Although France being France, he probably doesn't see it the same way as she does.
- Long Hair Is Feminine: In her profile, it's stated that she let it grow to look like a Grand Duchess.
- Meganekko
- Pink Means Feminine: Her clothes in her profile picture are pink.
- Princesses Prefer Pink: Even though she's not necessarily a princess, being a nation as well as a principate comes pretty darn close.
- Professional Gambler: You need to know how to play Poker if you ever hope to date her. Also, as noted in her profile, she owns and loves casinos.
- Shorter Means Smarter: She's often referred to as an honor student, and in a recent blog post, she was revealed to be shorter than Liechtenstein.
- The Gambler: According to her profile, while she didn't build the famous casinos, she still loves them to the point she's even drawn with cards around her!
- Sorta brought up again when Seborga asks her out on Hetalia Bloodbath 2011. She accepts, but then she tells him to beat her at poker first! He loses, but she goes out with him anyway.
- The Ojou: Has the looks, seems to be one.
- The Red Sonja: A variation. You have to beat her in poker to date her. She might make an exception once in a while, though.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: The girly girl to Seychelles's tomboy in Hetaween 2011.
- When She Smiles: She's usually drawn looking like The Stoic, but smiled constantly during the 2011 Bloodbath, looking absolutely adorable.
- Yaoi Fangirl: Maybe. During the Hetaween 2011 event, she has an interesting reaction to France rubbing his face on England... although it's unclear if it's because she finds it funny or if she takes after her "brother".
- ↑ (Italy): Hey Germany, check it cool! This is my big brother Romano. Isn't he shizzy? **(Germany): I am Germany. A pleasure. **(Italy): I'm the north of the country, and he's the southern part. Since we've always been governed separately, he had to spend more time with our big brother Spain so he's become kind of a dick! Right? Now say "Hi" to my friend! **(Romano): (to Germany) Suck my balls, you damn potato eater! **(Germany): Uh!?