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Axis Powers Hetalia/Characters/Istanbul (Not Constantinople)
Istanbul Not Constantinople
- Arch Enemy / Sitcom Arch Nemesis: Greece and Turkey are this to each other. Especially noticeable in Greece's case, as Turkey is the only thing that can rile up the normally laidback nation.
- Foe Yay: The popular Fanon pairing of Turkey/Greece is straight-up The Masochism Tango. (Pretty hot if well done, though.)
- Freudian Trio: Fanon sometimes portrays Greece, Turkey and Egypt this way, with Turkey as the Id, Greece as the Superego (or at least the marginally less temperamental Id), and Egypt as the Ego (and Only Sane Man).
- Backed by the fact that we see the three together during the April Fool's event even though Bulgaria or TRNC (or Cyprus) would be more geographically fitting.
- A recent sketch has the three sleeping together...not like that.
- Good Old Fisticuffs: Greece and Turkey have a fistfight in almost every Christmas strip.
- Idiot Hair: Greece and Turkey both have the same kind of ahoge that splits in two curled parts, although Turkey's is harder to spot as his is located on the back of his neck, unlike with Greece's which is located on the top of his head. TRNC has one in an unfinished sketch, too.
- Curiously, in his first apparition Cyprus actualy lacks said Idiot Hair.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Turkey and Greece, respectively.
- Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: Greece and Turkey, respectively.
- Triang Relations: Throw Japan in with Greece and Turkey, and there are plenty of combinations possible. The most canon one is Greece —> Japan <— Turkey, possibly leaning towards Greece <—> Japan <— Turkey, but Fanon also likes Japan —> Greece <— Turkey and occasionally Turkey <—> Japan <—> Greece.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: Greece and Turkey, believe it or not, might actually fit this too, going by their latest character profiles which state that even though they're constantly fighting each other, Greece sometimes goes shopping in Turkey's malls.
- In one strip, Turkey is giving Greece a Turkish Bath to "bully" him and while Greece is loudly voicing how much he dislikes it when in reality, as he later admits, he actually enjoys himself and has a nice time.
Greece - Heracles Karpusi
I want to become a cat, if I can be reborn...
Voiced by: Atsushi Kousaka (JP), Vic Mignogna (EN)
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: As seen in this strip, Greece has a movie about a gigantic moussaka attacking.
- Berserk Button: Turkey's mere presence.
- Blade on a Stick: Aside of his metal cross, he uses a spear in some drawings.
- Brilliant but Lazy: He tends to be characterized as this in some fanworks.
- Chivalrous Pervert: He's #1 in the frequency of sex in the world, surpassing even France, and everyone else knows it, and he has no problems with nudity like France... and yet he's one of the nicest characters in the series and the other characters don't seem afraid of being randomly undressed or molested while interacting with him, unlike with France. Additionally, it's made clear that he definitely wouldn't object to having sex with his close friend Japan (and may haved managed to get him into bed at least once) but also that he values their friendship enough, or is mindful enough of Japan's intimacy issues, to not press him too hard on this, and genuinely likes him as a person.
- Crazy Jealous Guy: Pick a fanwork, any fanwork that has Turkey flirting with Japan within Greece's line of sight, causing him to go from sleepy-eyed to green-eyed (if not outright death-glaring) in 0.3 seconds flat. It's usually only when Turkey is around, though.
- Coat Cape
- Drives Like Crazy: According to some manga notes:
"When riding in cars he becomes a little bit faster!"
- Erudite Stoner: Other than the drug-using part, he fits this trope to a T. So well, in fact, that it's somewhat surprising that there haven't been that many fanworks that make him a full-blown one - maybe because Fanon has already pegged Canada and Netherlands as the main Stoners.
- Heavy Sleeper / Sleepyhead: In the world conference shown in the first manga chapter and anime episode, he sleeps right through all the other countries' loud fighting. He also tends to doze off in the middle of conversations and fall asleep on the spot without warning.
- Hidden Depths: Seems a Cloudcuckoolander, is actually The Philosopher.
- Ho Yay: After Japan finds out that Greece is n°1 in the frequency of having sex while Japan is dead last, he gets a private lesson from him... There's also the Together Umbrella strip where Greece doesn't want Japan to see him with Messy Hair in the rain and gets upset when Japan tries to assure him that his hair doesn't look any different than usual (i.e. his hair looks messy all the time to him) until he begins wondering if this is actually "humiliation play"... And then, after posing in an Ancient Greek chiton, Greece either casually flashes Japan by lifting up the lower part of his chiton or holds up another chiton for Japan to wear himself. And he's wearing cat ears like the ones Japan gave him in an earlier strip.
- Improbable Weapon User: Some sketches show him carrying around a huge metal cross, which represents the Agion Oros aka Mount Athos.
- Kindhearted Cat Lover: Greece loves cats, but is less skittish towards others than your average Crazy Cat Lady.
- Momma's Boy: It's safe to assume that he's this from how he takes care of his mother's ruins and likes to talk about her mythology and culture. Atypically for this trope, this trait of his is usually portrayed positively in both canon and fanworks.
- Not to mention, said Missing Mom is Ancient Greece. It'd be stranger if Greece didn't at very least miss his mother.
- Naked People Are Funny: The only one aside from France who will casually walk around buttnaked. Or casually suggest a naked check-up to another person.
- Perpetual Poverty: He suffers from trade deficit and can't play online games with the others due to costly internet.
- Not Funny Anymore: Compare this with the actual economic situation of Greece in Real Life. Meep.
- Really Gets Around: In the "official doujinshi" by Himaruya, England and France try to tell others that he invented condoms. It backfires when he admits he's had lots of sex, but then adds he doesn't use them.
- Ladykiller in Love: However, this is rarely brought up in Shipping fanworks, as the general assumption in fandom is that he's still a Nice Guy at heart who would willingly stop sleeping around to be in a committed relationship with the one he loves. Most common with Japan, to the point where references to him having waited for over a hundred years for Japan to return his feelings are not uncommon; with Turkey, it tends to be more of an 'on-again, off-again' thing, but there's still usually the implication that he reserves the sex for Turkey only.
- Spell My Name with an "S": So is it 'Karpusi' or 'Karpossi' or 'Kiparsi' or what? Also, is it 'Heracles' or 'Herakles'?
- Seeing as his last name is based on the Greek word for "watermelon", which is "καρπούζι", this Greek troper thinks that it should be Karpouzi and the author just Did Not Do the Research.
- Actually "Karpouzis", since he's male.
- Super Strength: Implied. One picture shows him wrestling down Germany seemly without trouble, in a strip he knocks out and carries around France's body like it's nothing, and in Gakuen Hetalia he manages to move around several life-size stone statues and not even pant afterwards. It certainly would fit his human namesake.
- The Other Darrin: From Atsushi Kousaka (anime) to Kissho Taniyama (Hetalia Phantasia).
- Unkempt Beauty: Japan gets confused when Greece tells him that he doesn't want Japan to see him with Messy Hair in the rain, as he thinks that Greece's hair looks messy all the time and doesn't see a problem with it. (It certainly doesn't stop fanworks from depicting him as extremely attractive, anyway -- and who can blame them with official art like these?)
- Vocal Evolution: In episodes 54 and 55, his voice is considerably slower-paced than his first speaking appearance in Episode 35.
- What Could Have Been: According to volume 3, originally he had glasses and shorter hair.
Turkey/The Ottoman Empire - Sadik Adnan
Today I make Europe mine.
Voiced by: Takahiro Fujimoto (JP), Kent Williams (EN)
- The Alcoholic: Well, he did spend most of the Hetalia Bloodbath 2010 drunk. Unless...
- Belly Dancer: There is a humorously large amount of fanart that shows Turkey (Yes, very male Turkey) as a belly dancer. Make of that what you will.
- Bling of War: Ottoman style.
- Mask Power: Combined with a very Nice Hat.
- Weapon of Choice: A sword, probably a Kilij or Turkish scimitar
- Boisterous Bruiser: Was gung-ho about invading Europe during his Ottoman Empire days, and even nowadays is quite loud about his opinions.
- Child-Hater: "I really hate kids!", after Chibitalia kicks him in the face.
- Interestingly enough, he's one of the few recurring cast members who's never been shown as a child, either.
- Carpet of Virility: Type 1, as seen in Hetaween 2011.
- Crazy Jealous Guy: Is often portrayed as this to Greece or Japan in fanworks. The latter case might be canon, considering how he becomes incensed upon seeing Japan with Greece in one manga chapter and jumps to the assumption that Greece is "trying to invade Japan", even claiming that "Ya don't know how well Japan and I get along!" He even threatens to invade France if he tries to harass Japan his usual way.
- Coat, Hat, Mask
- Curtains Match the Window
- Hopeless Suitor: He's implied to have a crush on Japan, and it turns out that his rival is none other than Greece. Who's shown a lot more with Japan than him in the strips. And may have slept together with Japan at least once. And while fandom does give Turkey some action with Greece, the number of fics in which he's even considered as a viable romantic possibility for Japan, much less paired up with him, can be counted on the fingers of one hand.
- It's only on the Western side though, due to having the author's notes about Turkey and Japan lost in translation until recently. Meanwhile, the Japanese fandom likes to play with the Greece/Japan/Turkey Triangle in all shapes and angles; most commonly in Type 2, 4, 5, 7, or 8 Triangle forms with either Japan or Greece at the pivotal point.
- Lets Everyone Join but You: Feeling left out, Turkey asks the European Union to join in. After decades of waiting expectedly for acceptance, he finds out that the EU lets any nation join within seconds while he's being ignored.
- Intergenerational Friendship: Sorta, with Iceland in the Hetalia Bloodbath 2010. It helps that Iceland is already a teenager, not a child.
- May-December Romance: Some fans are pairing them up. Especially after Iceland dreamed of Turkey as a half-naked Santa...
- Laughing Mad: After realizing that the European Union is not that much into him.
- Love Hurts: In the beta version for the drama CD, he's revealed to have been in love with Ancient Greece/Byzantium. Who he eventually killed. (It's not necessarily canon as it wasn't included in the final version of the drama CD, but it sure would explain an awful lot about his relations with her son.) And when you take in account the aforementioned Hopeless Suitor case with Japan and Greece and the only popular fanon pairing he gets being all about him and his Arch Enemy belting out the tune of The Masochism Tango at the top of their lungs, you have one wholly unenviable love life on your hands.
- Let's not forget that a small section of the Japanese fandom also pairs him up with the local Action Girl, Hungary. Who has been fighting him ever since she was a little girl (she refers to him as "the Ottobastard Empire") and not to mention Ottoman Hungary was one of the most rebellious provinces in the Ottoman Empire. Add how she's in love with Austria and, well...
- Malevolent Masked Man: A subversion, and more often than not Played for Laughs. Yes, he was VERY unpleasant in the past to many nations (young Greece, young Hungary, the Italies, Spain), but after having gone from the personification of the Ottoman Empire to the one of the Republic of Turkey, he's portrayed as a Hot-Blooded Jerk with a Heart of Gold who's actually rather fun to hang out with. Unless you're the now grown up Greece.
- Must Have Caffeine: In the dub he isn't going to invade Europe just yet because he wants to go home to get some real coffee. He thinks European coffee is "for the baby".
- Over-the-Shoulder Carry: He does that when he 'kidnaps' Greece after forcing him into an Aladdin costume, to carry him to the Halloween party.
- Perma-Stubble
- Spell My Name with an "S": Is it "Sadiq" or "Sadik"? Also, is it "Adnan" or "Annan"?
- Sweet Tooth: He loves sweet food, one such food being ashure or Noah's pudding, a traditional Turkish dessert. Justified Trope, since Turkish cuisine is well-known for its sweets.
- Real Men Hate Sugar: As seen above, total inversion.
- Take Over the World: As the Ottoman Empire, he continuously tries to take over Europe- fighting little Hungary, the Habsburgs, abducting little Greece, etc. in the process.
- The Bear / Fan Yay / Bara: Turkey is quite adored by the gay male viewers, or gay/bisexual males shocked to see that Hetalia isn't entirely made up of Bishounen.
- The Nicknamer: In the dub, he almost always calls Japan "Jappy" and has several insulting nicknames for Greece. He also called Spain several versions of "short" in his Ottoman days.
- Turks With Troops: He's sometimes seen with his Ottomans.
- White Mask of Doom: Sometimes wears one that covers up his whole face, most of the time one that hides his eyes. When fighting it may come with a black veil.
- And he almost always wears it. That picture up top is a rare one where he doesn't.
- Worthy Opponent: He actually considers Chibitalia, who kicked his ass one time, this, and shows no embarrassment over his loss in modern times.
Egypt - Gupta Muhammad Hassan
Voiced by: Scott Sager (EN)
- But Not Too Black: While he has olive skin in the illustrations, the anime makes him much paler. It's true that some Egyptian people are quite pale compared to other African ethnicities, but still.
- This is due to the rather pertinent fact that Egyptians are not a uniformly dark-skinned people (as seen here), so him being not too black is entirely justified.
- Cute Mute: Egypt is not much of a talker. Though, at one point, France asked him if he could even talk, to which Egypt responded, "Would you like to buy something?"
- Green Eyes: In his new profile picture. In earlier artwork and the anime, he has Brown Eyes instead.
- Magic Warrior: Maybe, considering one or three sketches.
- Non-Human Sidekick: His jackal hound, Anubis. Obviously named after the Egyptian god of the Dead.
- In his new profile picture, he has an falcon as well. Likely an allusion to Ra, the falcon god of the Sun.
- Sugar and Ice Personality: According to Word of God.
- Tsurime Eyes: Noticeably.
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC)
- Badass Longcoat
- Nice Hat: Similar to Turkey's.
- Perpetual Frowner
- The Rival: To Sealand.
- Sibling Yin-Yang: In the Drama CD, TRNC is deadpan, quiet and stern, while his big brother Cyprus is expressive, talkative and polite.
I thought I'd use this event as a chance to promote myself, so I've been going around greeting everyone.
Voiced by: Go Inoue (JP), Justin Pate (EN)
- Cloudcuckoolander: Possible characterization since he randomly decides to smack Italy after France and England do, and the only photo of him in his military clothes has him posing for the shot.
- Heterosexual Life Partners / Ho Yay: Hinted, with Romania.
- Nice Guy: Contrary to his Fanon portrayal, in Hetaween 2011 he's shown being rather nice to Romania. May be an allusion to the Bulgarian/Romanian traditional friendship.
- Out of Focus: Had the dubious honor of showing up in only one scene for a long time. Until he unexpectedly showed up for Hetaween 2011, even lampshading his lack of canon scenes with a comment about how he wanted to promote himself at this event. And the Fandom Rejoiced.
- Trademark Favorite Food: According to the Hetalia Bloodbath 2011, yoghurt. Considering that a Bulgarian doctor discovered the true cause for the existence of natural yogurt as well as its extensive use in Bulgarian cuisine (and for that matter, in many Balkan countries), it's a Justified Trope.
- Why Did You Make Me Hit You?: He cites this as his reason to bully Italy, even when they're in the same group.
Um... a-ah... am I interfering?
- Badass Pacifist: In the Drama CD he is a very Nice Guy, but when Turkey and Greece push his limits he blows up at them and gives them a good talking-to about their people living in peace. In his comic cameo he demands from Greece to try getting along with Turkey.
- The Cameo: In a very recent Greece and Turkey strip.
- Fan Nickname: Back in the day when people relied on OC Stand Ins for him, the name "Nekolis" was spotted around.
- Improbable Hairstyle
- Fashionable Asymmetry: One side of his hair is much longer than the other.
- Only Sane Man: Even more so than Egypt.
- Strong Family Resemblance: Toyed with. He looks like a younger and slimmer Greece, but lacks the Idiot Hair that both Greece and Turkey have.
- Sibling Yin-Yang: As mentioned above, he's more emotional and expressive than his baby brother TRNC.
- What Do You Mean Its Not Symbolic: His asymmetrical hair make it look like it's been cut in half, his one side making his head look like Greece's and the other more like Turkey's.
Stop with that depressing song!!
- Badass Longcoat: Wears a very nice one in the sketches.
- Black Magic: His first appearance is in the background of the Gakuen Hetalia magic club.
Spells and black magic are his specialty. He's a merry oddball.
- Cute Little Fangs
- Heterosexual Life Partners - Ho Yay: Apparently, with Bulgaria. Wouldn't be THAT far off, actually.
- Fan Nickname: There's no real agreement for a Fanon "human name", but "Gavril" and "Mircea" have been seen.
- "Andrei" and "Vladimir" have also been spotted on places like Tumblr & deviantArt.
- Foe Yay: With Hungary, in Fanon.
- Hair Color Dissonance: Is he a brunet, a dark blond, or a redhead?
- Most artists draw him with a dark blond hair, though.
- Looks like a strawberry blond, which could hint at the Strigoi; a bloodsucking reanimated corpse that is said to have red(dish) hair and blue eyes.
- Nice Hat: Wears a miniature bowler hat/top hat.
- Nightmare Fetishist: According to the Hetalia Bloodbath 2011. He scares the everloving shit of his old friend Bulgaria while telling him about Vlad the Impaler with a big cheerful smile.
- Our Vampires Are Different: Some people suspect he may be a vampire, since he has red eyes and is the home of Dracula. We have yet to see whether or not this is true, although the Cute Little Fang he sports might be hinting at that...
- Unfortunately, this has caused people to get upset at fanartists/writers when don't actually refer to him as a vampire. God forbid you think he's...he's...normal!
- Psychotic Smirk: As mentioned below, he usually has this or the Slasher Smile in fanarts.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: He appears to have the red eyes, but he doesn't look too threatening.
- Sitcom Arch Nemesis: With Hungary.
- Slasher Smile: Fanart often gives [dead link] him this; most fans speculate he has Cute and Psycho potential. The creator mentioned he's full of mischief, hence he falls into the Trickster category.
- The Faceless: Mentioned in Hungary's relationship chart and possibly appeared as a cloaked figure called Wallachia, but was only recently given a real appearance.
- Spell My Name with an "S": Is it Romania or Rumania? English sources seemed to use both nonchalantly...
- The Rival: He has a rivalry with Hungary, which makes historical sense.
- Third Option Love Interest: Until he was given a face, the main "contendors" for Hungary's heart in Fanon were Austria and Prussia (and once or twice, Turkey). The moment he appeared, Romania/Hungary fanarts started to pop out almost immediately...
- Trickster: Described as mischievous by the author himself.
- Uncanny Neighbor Resemblance: Possibly a result of Only Six Faces, but he could pass for Male!Hungary if his hair was up. Could also be a bit of Fridge Brilliance considering how Transylvania (from which he is heavily inspired) has shifted control between Romania and Hungary, and Hungarians are the largest minority in the country.
- Maybe Romania and Hungary are siblings?
- Strange Guy: It is stated in his profile of him being 'carelessly eccentric.' Let's see: Nightmare Fetishist, interest in Black Magic? looks like it!
- Meido: If the maid costumed female character appearing in the "Today it's Russia, tomorrow it's Russia" stip is indeed Moldova. She has family resemblance to Romania and could well his younger sister, which would make cultural and historical sense.
- Perpetual Poverty: in this nation's only appearance to date in the strip In Just Two Minutes, You Can Grasp The Exterior Of The European Economy, he is said to have an economy 1/30th the size of Greece.
That was quick... Se ya around! Upon being immediately accepted into the European Union.
- Lazy Bum: Has the appearence. Wether he turns out to be one is yet left open.
- Only Six Faces: Looks a lot like Turkey, minus the enthusiasm.
- Perma-Stubble
- Sweet Tooth: The Licitar gingerbread is his Trademark Favourite Food
- Tearful Smile: He has a very pleasing, serene, eyes-half-closed smile that's almost melancholic.
- Unkempt Beauty
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