List of engineering awards

This list of engineering awards is an index to articles about notable awards for achievements in engineering. It includes aerospace engineering, chemical engineering, civil engineering, electrical engineering, electronic engineering, structural engineering and systems science awards. It excludes computer-related awards, computer science awards, industrial design awards, mechanical engineering awards, motor vehicle awards, occupational health and safety awards and space technology awards, which are covered by separate lists.

Premio de Ingeniería, Mexico City 2017

The list is organized by the region and country of the organizations that sponsor the awards, but some awards are not limited to people from that country.


International Award of Merit in Structural EngineeringInternational Association for Bridge and Structural EngineeringOutstanding contributions in the field of structural engineering, with special reference to usefulness for society[1]
David W. Taylor MedalSociety of Naval Architects and Marine EngineersNotable achievement in naval architecture and/or marine engineering[2]
Edison Award Edison Awards Honoring excellence in innovation
Frank Newman Speller AwardNACE InternationalSignificant contributions to corrosion engineering[3]
INCOSE Pioneer AwardInternational Council on Systems EngineeringSignificant pioneering contributions to the field of systems engineering[4]
Lavoisier Medal (ISBC)International Society for Biological CalorimetryOutstanding contribution to the development and/or the application of direct calorimetry in biology and medicine[5]
Luigi G. Napolitano AwardInternational Astronautical CongressYoung scientist, below 30 years of age, who has contributed significantly to the advancement of the aerospace science ... [6]
Mondialogo Engineering AwardDaimler AG, UNESCOEngineering students in developing and developed countries that form international teams to create project proposals that address the Millennium Development Goals[7]
Paul F. Forman Team Engineering Excellence AwardThe Optical SocietyTechnical achievements in optical engineering and contributions to society such as engineering education[8]
UNESCO Niels Bohr MedalUNESCOOutstanding contributions to physics through research that has or could have a significant influence on the world[9]
Wright Brothers MedalSAE International Notable contributions in the engineering, design, development, or operation of air and space vehicles[10][11][12]
Giorgio Quazza MedalInternational Federation of Automatic ControlOutstanding lifetime contributions of a researcher and/or engineer to conceptual foundations in the field of systems and control[13]


South AfricaBernard Price Memorial LectureSouth African Institute of Electrical EngineersLecture of general scientific or engineering interest[14]


CanadaIron RingRitual of the Calling of an EngineerSymbol and reminder of the obligations and ethics associated with the engineering profession[15][16]
CanadaThomas W. Eadie MedalRoyal Society of CanadaContributions in engineering and applied science[17]
ChileNational Prize for Applied Sciences and TechnologiesNational Prize for SciencesApplied sciences and technologies[18]
United StatesArthur M Wellington prizeAmerican Society of Civil EngineersPapers on transportation on land, on the water, in the air, or on foundations and closely related subjects[19]
United StatesASME Leonardo Da Vinci AwardAmerican Society of Mechanical EngineersDesign or invention is recognized as an important advance in machine design[20]
United StatesASME MedalAmerican Society of Mechanical EngineersEminently distinguished engineering achievement[21][22]
United StatesASTM International Award of MeritASTM International Distinguished service and outstanding leadership participation in consensus standards activities sponsored by ASTM International committees
United StatesAbel Bliss ProfessorshipAbel BlissSchool of Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign
United StatesAcademy Scientific and Technical AwardAcademy of Motion Picture Arts and SciencesOriginal developments resulting in significant improvements in motion picture production and exhibition.[23]
United StatesAlfred Noble PrizeAmerican Society of Civil EngineersPerson not over thirty-five for a technical paper of exceptional merit
United StatesAzriel Rosenfeld AwardInternational Conference on Computer Vision : Institute of Electrical and Electronics EngineersOutstanding researchers who are recognized as making significant contributions to the field of Computer Vision over longtime careers
United StatesCharles Goodyear MedalAmerican Chemical Society, Rubber DivisionOutstanding invention, innovation, or development which has resulted in a significant change or contribution to the nature of the rubber industry
United StatesCharles Stark Draper PrizeNational Academy of EngineeringAdvancement of engineering and education of the public about engineering
United StatesClaud A. Jones AwardAmerican Society of Naval EngineersUnited States fleet or field engineers who have made significant contributions to improving operational engineering or material readiness of the United States maritime forces
United StatesDaniel Guggenheim MedalAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers etc.Notable achievements in the advancement of aeronautics
United StatesDick Volz AwardGeorgia Tech[24]Outstanding Ph.D. thesis in the field of robotics and automation
United StatesDonald P. Eckman AwardAmerican Automatic Control CouncilOutstanding achievements by a young researcher under the age of 35 in the field of control theory
United StatesCurtis W. McGraw Research AwardAmerican Society for Engineering EducationSignificant achievements by young researchers and educators under the age of 40 emphasizing outstanding achievement, trajectory, and potential in all fields of engineering
United StatesDrucker MedalAmerican Society of Mechanical EngineersDistinguished contributions to the fields of applied mechanics and mechanical engineering
United StatesElliott Cresson MedalFranklin InstituteFor some discovery in the Arts and Sciences, or for the invention or improvement of some useful machine, or for some new process or combination of materials in manufactures, or for ingenuity skill or perfection in workmanship (no longer awarded)
United StatesElmer A. Sperry AwardAmerican Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, American Society of Mechanical Engineers etc.Distinguished engineering contribution which, through application, proved in actual service, has advanced the art of transportation whether by land, sea, air, or space
United StatesEngineer's RingOrder of the Engineer Certified Professional Engineer or graduate from an accredited engineering program
United StatesEnrico Fermi AwardUnited States Department of EnergyLifetime achievement in the development, use, or production of energy
United StatesEringen MedalSociety of Engineering ScienceSustained outstanding achievements in Engineering Science
United StatesFederal Engineer of the Year AwardNational Society of Professional EngineersFederal government engineer: technical excellence, publications, leadership, and community service
United StatesFrank P. Brown MedalFranklin InstituteExcellence in science, engineering, and structures
United StaresBenjamin Franklin Medal in Mechanical EngineeringFranklin InstituteExcellence in Enginering
United StatesGeorge M. Low awardNASANASA subcontractors in recognition of quality and performance
United StatesGeorge Westinghouse Award (ASEE)American Society for Engineering EducationOutstanding contributions to engineering education
United StatesGibbs Brothers MedalNational Academy of SciencesOutstanding contributions in the field of naval architecture and marine engineering
United StatesGoethals MedalSociety of American Military EngineersEminent and notable contributions in engineering, design, or construction
United StatesGordon PrizeNational Academy of EngineeringDevelopment of new educational approaches to engineering
United StatesHarold Brown AwardUnited States Air ForceScientist or engineer who applies scientific research to solve a problem critical to the needs of the Air Force
United StatesHarold Pender AwardUniversity of Pennsylvania School of Engineering and Applied ScienceOutstanding member of the engineering profession who has achieved distinction by significant contributions to society
United StatesHarry C. Bigglestone Award[25]National Fire Protection Association, Fire TechnologyExcellence in the communication of fire protection concepts
United StatesHoover MedalAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers etc.Outstanding extra-career services by engineers to humanity
United StatesIEEE David Sarnoff AwardInstitute of Electrical and Electronics EngineersExceptional contributions to electronics
United StatesIEEE Edison MedalInstitute of Electrical and Electronics EngineersA gold medal for achievement in electrical science, engineering, or arts
United StatesIEEE Eric E. Sumner awardInstitute of Electrical and Electronics EngineersOutstanding contributions to communications technology
United StatesIEEE Fourier AwardInstitute of Electrical and Electronics EngineersContributions in the field of signal processing
United StatesIEEE Medal of HonorInstitute of Electrical and Electronics EngineersExceptional contribution or an extraordinary career in the IEEE fields of interest
United StatesIEEE Nikola Tesla AwardInstitute of Electrical and Electronics EngineersOutstanding contribution to the generation or utilization of electric power
United StatesIEEE Simon Ramo MedalInstitute of Electrical and Electronics EngineersExceptional achievement in systems engineering and systems science
United StatesIgor I. Sikorsky Human Powered Helicopter CompetitionVertical Flight SocietyHuman-powered helicopter
United StatesIntel Outstanding Researcher AwardIntelOutstanding contributions to the development of advanced nanoelectronic and manufacturing technologies
United StatesJoan Hodges Queneau MedalNational Audubon Society, American Association of Engineering SocietiesOutstanding contribution by an engineer in behalf of environmental conservation
United StatesJohn Fritz MedalAmerican Association of Engineering SocietiesOutstanding scientific or industrial achievements
United StatesJohn Price Wetherill MedalFranklin InstituteDiscovery or invention in the physical sciences, or new and important combinations of principles or methods already known (no longer awarded)
United StatesJohn Tyndall AwardIEEE Photonics Society, The Optical SocietyPioneering, highly significant, or continuing technical or leadership contributions to fiber optics technology
United StatesJohn von Neumann Theory PrizeInstitute for Operations Research and the Management SciencesFundamental and sustained contributions to theory in operations research and the management sciences
United StatesLTPP Data Analysis ContestAmerican Society of Civil EngineersUse of the LTPP database for generating knowledge about the behaviour of pavements and roads
United StatesLavoisier Medal (Dupont)DuPontScientists and engineers who have made outstanding contributions to DuPont and their scientific fields throughout their careers
United StatesLemelson–MIT PrizeLemelson FoundationInventors who have ... had a significant impact in the areas of health, technology, energy, manufacturing, research and other sectors[26]
United StatesMarconi PrizeMarconi SocietyAchievements and advancements made in field of communications (radio, mobile, wireless, telecommunications, data communications, networks, and Internet)
United StatesMarie Pistilli AwardDesign Automation ConferenceOutstanding achievements of women in electronic design automation
United StatesMax Jakob Memorial AwardAmerican Institute of Chemical EngineersEminent scholarly achievement and distinguished leadership in the field of heat transfer
United StatesNAS Award in Aeronautical EngineeringNational Academy of SciencesExcellence in the field of aeronautical engineering
United StatesNorman MedalAmerican Society of Civil EngineersTechnical paper that "makes a definitive contribution to engineering science
United StatesPercy Nicholls AwardAmerican Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, American Society of Mechanical EngineersNotable scientific or industrial achievement in the field of solid fuels
United StatesPhil Kaufman AwardElectronic System Design AllianceIndividuals for their impact on electronic design by their contributions to electronic design automation
United StatesPioneer Award (Aviation)IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems SocietySignificant contributions of interest to the IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society
United StatesPrimetime Engineering Emmy AwardAcademy of Television Arts & SciencesOutstanding engineering developments so significant an improvement on existing methods or so innovative in nature that they materially affect the transmission, recording or reception of television.
United StatesRichard E. Bellman Control Heritage AwardAmerican Automatic Control CouncilAchievements in control theory
United StatesRufus Oldenburger MedalAmerican Society of Mechanical EngineersSignificant contributions and outstanding achievements in the field of automatic control
United StatesRuss PrizeNational Academy of Engineeringbioengineering achievement that "has had a significant impact on society and has contributed to the advancement of the human condition through widespread use"[27]
United StatesSPIE Gold MedalSPIE (Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers)Photonic and optical engineering and related instrumental sciences
United StatesSharon Keillor Award for Women in Engineering EducationAmerican Society for Engineering EducationOutstanding women engineering educators[28]
United StatesSteel bridge competitionAmerican Society of Civil EngineersContest that tests the knowledge and practicality of teams of university students in the field of structural engineering
United StatesStuhlinger MedalInternational Electric Propulsion Conference : Electric Rocket Propulsion SocietyOutstanding contributions to the science, technology or development of electric propulsion
United StatesTEC AwardsTEC Foundation for Excellence in Audio, NAMM ShowTechnically innovative products as well as companies and individuals who have excelled in sound for television, film, recordings, and concerts
United StatesTechnology & Engineering Emmy AwardNational Academy of Television Arts and SciencesOutstanding achievement in technical or engineering development
United StatesTheodore von Karman MedalAmerican Society of Civil EngineersDistinguished achievement in engineering mechanics, applicable to any branch of civil engineering
United StatesThomas Fitch Rowland PrizeAmerican Society of Civil EngineersPrint article in an ASCE journal
United StatesTimoshenko MedalAmerican Society of Mechanical EngineersDistinguished contributions to the field of applied mechanics
United StatesVictor A. Prather AwardAmerican Astronautical Society"Researchers, engineers and flight crew members in the field of extravehicular protection or activity in space."
United StatesWalter L. Huber Civil Engineering Research PrizeAmerican Society of Civil EngineersNotable achievements in research related to all areas of civil engineering
United StatesWashington AwardAmerican Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers etc.Engineering accomplishments which promote the happiness, comfort, and well-being of humanity
United StatesWilliam Lawrence Saunders Gold MedalAmerican Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum EngineersDistinguished achievement in mining other than coal


IndiaAryabhata AwardAstronautical Society of IndiaNotable lifetime contributions in the field of astronautics and aerospace technology in India
IndiaInfosys Prize in Engineering and Computer ScienceInfosysall branches of engineering
IndiaOm Prakash Bhasin AwardOm Prakash Bhasin FoundationExcellence in the areas of science and technology
IranKhwarizmi International AwardIranian Research Organization for Science and TechnologyIndividuals who have made outstanding achievements in research, innovation and invention, in fields related to science and technology
South KoreaHo-Am Prize in EngineeringSamsungIndividuals of Korean heritage who have furthered the welfare of humanity through distinguished accomplishments in the field of Engineering


DenmarkNiels Bohr International Gold MedalDanish Society of Engineers, Niels Bohr Institute and Royal Danish Academy of SciencesOutstanding work by an engineer or physicist for the peaceful utilization of atomic energy
EuropeSchwäbisch Gmünd PrizeEuropean Academy of Surface Technology (EAST)Early career researcher active in Europe on the grounds of originality, creativity and excellence in surface technology.[29]
FinlandMillennium Technology PrizeTechnology Academy FinlandLife-enhancing technological innovation
FranceMédaille LavoisierSociété chimique de FranceWork or actions which have enhanced the perceived value of chemistry in society
GermanyBerthold Leibinger InnovationspreisBerthold Leibinger StiftungApplied laser technology and innovations on the application or generation of laser light
GermanyLudwig Prandtl RingDeutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und RaumfahrtOutstanding contribution in the field of aerospace engineering
GermanyOtto Hahn PrizeGerman Chemical Society, German Physical Society, City of FrankfurtOutstanding achievement in the field of chemistry, physics or applied engineering science
GermanyWerner von Siemens RingStiftung Werner-von-Siemens-RingPeople who have promoted the technical sciences through their achievements or, as representatives of science, have opened up new paths through their research into technology[30]
GreeceThe Hellenic Society for Systemic Studies AwardHellenic Society for Systemic StudiesIndividuals who have contributed significantly to the further development of systemic and complex sciences and their applications towards solving real-life problems
GreeceThe Hellenic Society for Systemic Studies MedalHellenic Society for Systemic StudiesSenior scientists whose work in systems and complex sciences has been extremely influential worldwide
HungaryInternational Dennis Gabor AwardNOVOFER FoundationOutstanding scientific achievements with practical applications, with a clear positive attitude towards international cooperation of the researchers
ItalyPirelli Internetional AwardPirelli CorporationCommunication of science & technology conducted entirely on the internet. (award suspended)
NetherlandsKamerlingh Onnes AwardRoyal Dutch Association of RefrigerationScientists active in the field of refrigeration technology, cryogenics and more generally low-temperature science and technology
NorwayBetongtavlenAssociation of Norwegian ArchitectsA structure "where concrete is used in an environmentally, esthetically and technically excellent way"
SwedenNitro Nobel Gold MedalDyno NobelOutstanding contributions to the field of explosives[31]
Switzerland / WorldAnton Tedesko MedalInternational Association for Bridge and Structural EngineeringDistinguished young structural engineer as recognition of his/her life achievements[32]
United KingdomIET Achievement MedalInstitution of Engineering and TechnologySignificant contribution to various fields in engineering
United KingdomBeilby Medal and PrizeInstitute of Materials, Minerals and Mining, Royal Society of Chemistry, Society of Chemical IndustryWork that has exceptional practical significance in chemical engineering, applied materials science, energy efficiency or a related field
United KingdomBritish Construction Industry AwardsInstitution of Civil EngineersOutstanding achievement in the construction of buildings, taking account architectural and engineering design, construction process, delivery to time and budget, and client satisfaction
United KingdomCastner MedalSociety of Chemical IndustryAuthority on applied electrochemistry or electrochemical engineering connected to industrial research
United KingdomClifford Paterson LectureRoyal SocietyPrize lecture on an engineering topic
United KingdomEngineering Leadership AwardRoyal Academy of EngineeringBritain's future engineering leaders
United KingdomGeorge E. Davis MedalInstitution of Chemical EngineersAchievements in chemical engineering
United KingdomGold Medal of the Institution of Structural EngineersInstitution of Structural EngineersExceptional and outstanding contributions to the advancement of structural engineering
United KingdomIET A F Harvey PrizeInstitution of Engineering and TechnologyInnovative engineering researcher
United KingdomIET Faraday MedalInstitution of Engineering and TechnologyFor notable scientific or industrial achievement in engineering or for conspicuous service rendered to the advancement of science, engineering and technology
United KingdomIET Mountbatten MedalInstitution of Engineering and TechnologySignificant contribution to various fields in engineering
United KingdomInternational MedalRoyal Academy of EngineeringNon-UK citizens or residents who made exceptional contributions to engineering
United KingdomJames Alfred Ewing MedalInstitution of Civil EngineersSpecial meritorious contributions to the science of engineering in the field of research
United KingdomKelvin Gold MedalInstitution of Civil EngineersDistinction in engineering work or investigation
United KingdomKremer prizeHuman Powered Aircraft GroupPioneers of human-powered flight
United KingdomLongitude rewardsBritish governmentPrecise determination of a ship's longitude (no longer awarded)
United KingdomMacRobert AwardRoyal Academy of EngineeringInnovation in engineering by UK corporations
United KingdomProgress MedalRoyal Photographic SocietyIn recognition of any invention, research, publication or other contribution which has resulted in an important advance in the scientific or technological development of photography or imaging in the widest sense.
United KingdomPresident's MedalRoyal Academy of EngineeringFellow of the Academy who has contributed significantly to the Academy's aims and work through their initiative in promoting excellence in engineering[33]
United KingdomPrince Philip MedalRoyal Academy of EngineeringExceptional contribution to engineering as a whole through practice, management or education.[34]
United KingdomQueen Elizabeth Prize for EngineeringQueen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering Foundation, Royal Academy of EngineeringGround-breaking innovation in engineering which has been of global benefit to humanity
United KingdomSaltire PrizeScottish Government's Energy and Climate Change DirectorateAdvances in the commercial development of marine energy.
United KingdomSir Frank Whittle MedalRoyal Academy of EngineeringEngineer, normally resident in the United Kingdom, for outstanding and sustained achievement which has contributed to the well-being of the nation
United KingdomStructural AwardsInstitution of Structural EngineersOutstanding structure which demonstrates excellent coordination of all aspects of the engineering elements and services combined with elegance, life-time economy and respect for the environment in which the structure is built.[35]
United KingdomSugden AwardThe Combustion Institute (British Section)Published paper with at least one British Section member as author, which makes the most significant contribution to combustion research
United KingdomTelford MedalInstitution of Civil EngineersDrawings, models, diagrams or essays relating to civil engineering or any other new equipment of invention relating to engineering or surveying in general, which is regarded as most seminal and influential[36]
United KingdomYoung Woman Engineer of the Year AwardInstitution of Engineering and TechnologyYoung female engineering apprentices in the UK


AustraliaAustralian Engineering Heritage RegisterEngineers AustraliaRecords the history of significant engineering works and places markers and interpretative panels at heritage sites
AustraliaBarry Inglis MedalNational Measurement Institute, AustraliaLeadership, research and/or applications of measurement techniques
AustraliaDavid Dewhurst MedalEngineers AustraliaBronze medal for biomedical engineering
AustraliaM. A. Sargent MedalEngineers AustraliaLongstanding eminence in science or the practice of electrical engineering
AustraliaNorman W. V. Hayes MedalInstitution of Radio and Electronics EngineersMost meritorious paper published in the Proceedings of the Institution of Radio and Electronics Engineers Australia (no longer awarded)
AustraliaPeter Nicol Russell Memorial MedalEngineers AustraliaNotable contribution to the science and/or practice of engineering in Australia
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See also


  1. International Award of Merit in Structural Engineering, International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE), archived from the original on 2004-10-29, retrieved 2020-01-25
  2. The David W. Taylor Medal, SNAME, retrieved 2020-01-25
  3. Frank Newman Speller Award, NACE International, retrieved 2020-01-25
  4. INCOSE Pioneer Award
  5. The Lavoisier Medal from the ISBC web page, retrieved 14 August 2007
  6. Luigi G. Napolitano Award, International Astronautical Federation, retrieved 2020-01-25
  7. 300,000 Await Engineering students, Star Campus, retrieved 2020-01-25
  8. "OSA's Engineering Excellence Award Renamed in Honor of Paul F. Forman". Physics Today. AIP Publishing. 2013. doi:10.1063/pt.4.1133. ISSN 1945-0699.
  9. "UNESCO's Niels Bohr Gold Medal awarded to prominent physicists". University of Copenhagen. Retrieved 11 December 2013.
  10. United States. Navy Dept. Bureau of Aeronautics (1954). Significant American and international awards in aviation. Washington. pp. 91–92.
  11. Wasserman, P. (1975). Awards, Honors, and Prizes. 1. Gale Company. p. 363. ISBN 9780810303768.
  12. National Academy of Sciences (1934). Bulletin of the National Research Council. p. 116.
  13. "Major Awards". International Federation of Automatic Control. Retrieved 18 April 2020.
  14. The hidden technology, Wits University, 21 September 2018, retrieved 2020-01-25
  15. The Calling of an Engineer], The Corporation of the Seven Wardens, Retrieved November 17, 2012
  16. Petroski 2012, p.187.
  17. "Thomas W. Eadie Medal". The Royal Society of Canada. Archived from the original on March 23, 2012. Retrieved September 25, 2011.
  18. "Ley 19169: Establece normas sobre otorgamiento de Premios Nacionales" [Law 19169: Establishes Rules on Granting National Prizes] (in Spanish). Ministry of Education. 26 September 1992. Retrieved 8 December 2017 via Library of the National Congress of Chile.
  19. Arthur M Wellington prize, American Society of Civil Engineers, retrieved 2020-01-20
  21. Dawson, Virginia P. (1996), "Knowledge is power: E. G. Bailey and the invention and marketing of the Bailey Boiler Meter", Technology and Culture, 37 (3 (July 1996)): 493–526, doi:10.2307/3107162, JSTOR 3107162.
  22. "ASME Medal". ASME. Retrieved 2011-10-01.
  23. "About (Sci-Tech Awards)". Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Retrieved 2017-02-27.
  24. "New Award - Dick Volz Best US PhD Thesis in Robotics and Automation", robotics-worldwide, 2 May 2010, retrieved 2020-01-21
  25. Harry C. Bigglestone Award, National Fire Protection Association, retrieved 2020-01-21
  26. Lemelson-MIT Prize, retrieved 2020-01-20
  27. "Fritz J. and Dolores H. Russ Prize". NAE. Retrieved 2010-12-28.
  28. Sharon Keillor Award for Women in Engineering Education, American Society for Engineering Education, retrieved 2020-01-20
  29. Zanella, C.; Péter, L.; Leisner, P. (July 2016). "Promotion of young European scientists in surface technology". Transactions of the IMF. 94 (4): 173–174. doi:10.1080/00202967.2016.1190541.
  30. Die Stiftung, Stiftung Werner-von-Siemens-Ring, retrieved 2020-01-20
  31. Numbers, Ronald L. (1993-01-01), The Creationists, University of California Press, pp. 314–, ISBN 978-0-520-08393-6
  32. "IABSE Foundation Anton Tedesko Medal". Archived from the original on 2014-04-24. Retrieved 2013-01-14.
  33. President's Medal, Royal Academy of Engineering, retrieved 2020-01-20
  34. Prince Philip Medal, Royal Academy of Engineering, retrieved 2020-01-20
  35. The Structural Engineer, Volume 78 No 4 15 February 2000
  36. Society for the Illustration and Encouragement of Practical Science (London, England) (1836), "Another Bequest to the Ingenious", The Magazine of popular science and journal of the useful arts, 1, John W. Parker, pp. 398–400
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