List of computer science awards

This list of computer science awards is an index to articles on notable awards related to computer science. It includes lists of awards by the Association for Computing Machinery, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, other computer science and information science awards, and a list of computer science competitions.

Dennis Hamilton and Charles Bachman at ACM Turing Centenary Celebration

The top computer science award is the ACM Turing Award, generally regarded as the Nobel Prize equivalent for Computer Science. [1] Other highly regarded top computer science awards include IEEE John von Neumann Medal awarded by the IEEE Board of Directors, and the Japan Kyoto Prize for Information Science.

Association for Computing Machinery

The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) gives out many computer science awards, often run by one of their Special Interest Groups.

Alan D. Berenbaum Distinguished Service AwardSIGARCHImportant service to the computer architecture community[2]
CHI AcademySIGCHIAdvancement of the field of human-computer interaction[3]
Danny Lewin Best Student Paper AwardSIGACTBest student-authored paper in Symposium on Theory of Computing[4]
Dhaka SiteICPCUniversity programming competition[5]
Dijkstra PrizePODCCo-sponsor: International Symposium on Distributed Computing. For outstanding papers on the principles of distributed computing[6]
Doctoral Dissertation AwardBest doctoral dissertations in computer science and computer engineering[7]
Eckert–Mauchly AwardCo-sponsor: IEEE Computer Society. Contributions to computer and digital systems architecture[8]
Edgar F. Codd Innovations AwardSIGMODInnovative and highly significant contributions of enduring value to the development, understanding, or use of database systems and databases[9]
Eugene L. Lawler AwardSignificant contribution to the use of information technology for humanitarian purposes[10][11]
Gerard Salton AwardSIGIRSignificant, sustained and continuing contributions to research in information retrieval[12]
Gödel PrizeSIGACTCo-sponsor: European Association for Theoretical Computer Science. For outstanding papers in the area of theoretical computer science
Gordon Bell PrizeOutstanding achievement in high-performance computing applications
Grace Murray Hopper AwardComputer professional who makes a single, significant technical or service contribution at or before age 35
Ken Kennedy AwardCo-sponsored by IEEE Computer Society. For substantial contributions to programmability and productivity in computing and substantial community service or mentoring contributions
Knuth PrizeSIGACTCo-sponsored by IEEE Computer Society. For outstanding contributions to the foundations of computer science
Mark Weiser AwardSIGOPSCreativity and innovation in operating system research
Maurice Wilkes AwardSIGARCHOutstanding contribution to computer architecture
Paris Kanellakis AwardSpecific theoretical accomplishments that have had a significant and demonstrable effect on the practice of computing
Penny Crane Award for Distinguished ServiceSIGUCCSSignificant contributions to the Special Interest Group, and to computing in higher education
Prize in ComputingEarly to mid-career innovative contributions in computing
Programming Languages Software AwardSIGPLANProgramming Languages Software
SIGCOMM AwardSIGCOMMLifetime contribution to the field of communication networks
SIGUCCS Hall of Fame AwardSIGUCCSContributions that have had a positive impact on the ACM SIGUCCS organization
Software System AwardSoftware system that has had a lasting influence, reflected in contributions to concepts, in commercial acceptance, or both
Turing AwardContributions of lasting and major technical importance to the computer field


A number of awards are given by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the IEEE Computer Society or the IEEE Information Theory Society.

Claude E. Shannon AwardIEEE Information Theory SocietyConsistent and profound contributions to the field of information theory[13]
Computer Pioneer AwardIEEE Computer SocietyThose whose efforts resulted in the creation and continued vitality of the computer industry
Harlan D. Mills AwardIEEE Computer SocietyContributions to the theory and practice of the information sciences, [focused on] software engineering
Harry H. Goode Memorial AwardIEEE Computer Society Achievements in the information processing field which are considered either a single contribution of theory, design, or technique of outstanding significance, or the accumulation of important contributions on theory or practice over an extended time period
Internet AwardIEEE, NokiaExceptional contributions to the advancement of Internet technology for network architecture, mobility and/or end-use applications
John von Neumann MedalIEEEOutstanding achievements in computer-related science and technology
Kleene awardIEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer ScienceBest student paper
Machtey AwardIEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer ScienceBest student paper
Reynold B. Johnson Information Storage Systems AwardIEEEOutstanding contributions to information storage systems
Richard W. Hamming MedalIEEE, QualcommOutstanding achievements in information sciences, information systems and information technology
Seymour Cray Computer Engineering AwardIEEE Computer SocietySignificant and innovative contributions in the field of high-performance computing
Sidney Fernbach AwardIEEE Computer SocietyOutstanding contributions in the application of high performance computers using innovative approaches
Test-of-Time awardIEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer SciencePapers from LICS twenty years earlier that stood the "test of time"
W. Wallace McDowell AwardIEEE Computer SocietyOutstanding recent theoretical, design, educational, practical, or other similar innovative contributions that fall within the scope of Computer Society interest
William C. Carter AwardIEEE Technical Committee on Fault-Tolerant Computing and IFIP Working Group on Dependable Computing and Fault ToleranceSignificant contribution to the field of dependable and secure computing throughout his or her PhD dissertation

Other computer science awards

United StatesACM-AAAI Allen Newell AwardAssociation for the Advancement of Artificial IntelligenceCareer contributions that have breadth within computer science, or that bridge computer science and other disciplines[14]
InternationalAzriel Rosenfeld AwardInternational Conference on Computer Vision (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)Significant contributions to the field of Computer Vision over longtime careers[15]
United StatesBarwise PrizeAmerican Philosophical AssociationSignificant and sustained contributions to areas relevant to philosophy and computing[16]
United KingdomBCS Lovelace MedalBritish Computer SocietyIndividuals who have made outstanding contributions to the understanding or advancement of computing[17]
United KingdomCharles Babbage PremiumInstitution of Electrical EngineersAuthors of an outstanding paper on the design or use of electronic computers[18]
EuropeDahl–Nygaard PrizeEuropean Conference on Object-Oriented ProgrammingSenior researcher with outstanding career contributions and a younger researcher who has demonstrated great potential[19]
United KingdomDigital Preservation AwardDigital Preservation CoalitionNew initiatives in the challenging field of digital preservation[20]
EuropeEATCS AwardEuropean Association for Theoretical Computer ScienceDistinguished career in theoretical computer science
International Edison Award Edison Awards Honoring excellence in innovation
EuropeERCIM Cor Baayen AwardEuropean Research Consortium for Informatics and MathematicsResearcher in computer science and applied mathematics
United StatesErdős–Rényi PrizeNetwork Science SocietyOutstanding early-career researcher in the field of network science
GermanyHeinz Billing PrizeHeinz Billing Foundation of the Max Planck SocietyThose who have spent time and effort developing the hardware and software crucial for scientific advances
United StatesHerbrand AwardConference on Automated DeductionImportant contributions to the field of automated deduction
United KingdomIET Mountbatten MedalInstitution of Engineering and Technology and Institution of Electrical EngineersOutstanding contribution, or contributions over a period, to the promotion of electronics or information technology and their application
InternationalIJCAI Award for Research ExcellenceInternational Joint Conference on Artificial IntelligenceResearcher in artificial intelligence as a recognition of excellence of their career
InternationalIJCAI Computers and Thought AwardInternational Joint Conference on Artificial IntelligenceOutstanding young scientists in artificial intelligence
CanadaJ. W. Graham MedalUniversity of Waterloo Faculty of MathematicsLeadership and many innovative contributions made to the University of Waterloo, and to the Canadian computer industry
United StatesJonathan B. Postel Service AwardInternet Societyhonor a person who has made outstanding contributions in service to the data communications community
NetherlandsKalai PrizeGame Theory SocietyOutstanding articles at the interface of game theory and computer science
GermanyKonrad Zuse MedalGesellschaft für InformatikLeading German computer scientist
United KingdomLoebner PrizeSociety for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of BehaviourComputer programs considered by the judges to be the most human-like
EuropeMicrosoft AwardRoyal Society, French Academy of SciencesScientists working in Europe who had made a major contribution to the advancement of science through the use of computational methods
EuropeMilner AwardMicrosoft Research(replaces Microsoft Award) Outstanding achievement in computer science by a European researcher
EuropeNerode PrizeEuropean Association for Theoretical Computer Science, European Symposium on AlgorithmsOutstanding research in the area of multivariate algorithmics
BrazilNewton Faller AwardBrazilian Computer SocietyMembers who have distinguished themselves throughout their lives for services to the Brazilian Computer Society[21]
InternationalNevanlinna PrizeInternational Congress of MathematiciansOutstanding contributions in Mathematical Aspects of Information Sciences
United StatesO'Reilly Open Source AwardO'Reilly MediaIndividuals recognized for dedication, innovation, leadership and outstanding contribution to open source
ItalyPirelli Internetional AwardPirelliBest multimedia presentations focussing on themes involving the diffusion of science and technology
EuropePresburger AwardEuropean Association for Theoretical Computer ScienceYoung scientist for outstanding contributions in theoretical computer science
EuropePrize for Innovation in Distributed ComputingInternational Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication ComplexityMajor contribution to understanding the relationships between information and efficiency in decentralized computing
United KingdomRoger Needham AwardBritish Computer SocietyDistinguished research contribution in computer science by a UK-based researcher
InternationalRSA Award for Excellence in MathematicsRSA ConferenceOutstanding achievements in cryptographic research defined broadly
United StatesSloan Research FellowshipAlfred P. Sloan FoundationProvide support and recognition to early-career scientists and scholars
InternationalStevens AwardReengineering ForumOutstanding contributions to the literature or practice of methods for software and systems development
United KingdomTony Kent Strix awardInternational Society for Knowledge Organisation UK, Royal Society of Chemistry and British Computer SocietyOutstanding contribution to the field of information retrieval
JapanTsutomu Kanai AwardHitachiMajor contributions to the state-of-the-art distributed computing systems and their applications
United StatesTucker PrizeMathematical Optimization SocietyOutstanding theses in the area of optimization
United KingdomWeizenbaum AwardInternational Society for Ethics and Information TechnologySignificant contribution to the field of information and computer ethics
United StatesWhite Camel awardPerl FoundationImportant contributors to the Perl Programming Language community
NetherlandsVan Wijngaarden AwardCentrum Wiskunde & InformaticaMathematics and Computer Science
United StatesJ. H. Wilkinson Prize for Numerical SoftwareSociety for Industrial and Applied MathematicsOutstanding contributions in the field of numerical software
United StatesJames H. Wilkinson Prize in Numerical Analysis and Scientific ComputingSociety for Industrial and Applied MathematicsResearch in, or other contributions to, numerical analysis and scientific computing
InternationalKaren Spärck Jones AwardBCS, its Information Retrieval Specialist Group (BCS IRSG) and Microsoft ResearchAn award to commemorate the achievements of Karen Spärck Jones and her impactful research the fields of information retrieval and NLP[22].

Information science awards

Hong KongHong Kong ICT AwardsInnovation and Technology BureauInformation and communication technologies startup companies and solutions[23][24][25][26]
CanadaJ. W. Graham MedalUniversity of Waterloo Faculty of MathematicsLeadership and many innovative contributions to the University of Waterloo, and to the Canadian computer industry[27]
JapanKyoto Prize in Advanced TechnologyInamori FoundationElectronics / Biotechnology and Medical Technology / Materials Science and Engineering / Information Science[28][29]
ChileNational Prize for Exact SciencesMinistry of EducationE.g. nanoscience and nanotechnology[30]
IrelandO'Moore MedalHealthcare Informatics SocietyMajor contribution to healthcare informatics[31]
United StatesPatterson-Crane AwardAmerican Chemical SocietyContributions to chemical information[32]
United StatesHerman Skolnik AwardAmerican Chemical SocietyOutstanding contributions to and achievements in the theory and practice of chemical information science[33]
InternationalWeizenbaum AwardInternational Society for Ethics and Information TechnologyIndividual who has made significant contributions to the field of information and computer ethics[34]


AustraliaHutter PrizeMarcus HutterData compression improvements on a specific 1 GB English text file[35]
CanadaAI ChallengeUniversity of Waterloo Computer Science ClubArtificial intelligence programming[36]
United StatesAmerican Computer Science LeagueACSLProgramming[37]
United StatesArimaa ChallengeArimaa / Omar SyedArtificial intelligence programming (game play versus humans)[38]
SwedenCADE ATP System CompetitionAssociation for Automated ReasoningFully automated theorem provers for classical logic[39][40][41][42]
United StatesWorld Computer-Bridge ChampionshipAmerican Contract Bridge LeagueContract bridge using computer software[43]
United KingdomCyber CenturionCyber Security Challenge UKCyber security competition for school children,[44][45]
United StatesCyberPatriotAir Force AssociationNational Youth Cyber Defense Competition for high school and middle school students[46]
United StatesDARPA Network ChallengeDARPAInternet and social networking competition
United StatesDARPA Shredder Challenge 2011DARPACompetition for methods to reconstruct documents shredded by a variety of paper shredding techniques
PolandDeadline24Tomasz Łakota and Mateusz BrzeszczProgramming
United StatesHalite AI Programming CompetitionTwo Sigma, Cornell TechOpen-source computer programming contest
United StatesImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition ChallengeImageNetSoftware programs compete to classify and detect objects and scenes
InternationalInternational Olympiad in InformaticsUNESCO and IFIPSchool competition
United KingdomLoebner PrizeSociety for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of BehaviourComputer programs considered by the judges to be the most human-like
United StatesNational Collegiate Cyber Defense CompetitionUniversity of Texas at San AntonioCollege-level cyber defense competition
United StatesNetflix PrizeNetflixBest collaborative filtering algorithm to predict user ratings for films
United StatesOutreachySoftware Freedom ConservancyThree-month paid internships with free and open-source software projects
United StatesPassword Hashing CompetitionJean-Philippe AumassonCompetition to select one or more password hash functions
United KingdomProject EulerColin HughesComputational problems intended to be solved with computer programs
United StatesSemEvalAssociation for Computational Linguistics SIGLEXEvaluations of computational semantic analysis systems
United StatesText Retrieval ConferenceNational Institute of Standards and Technology, Intelligence Advanced Research Projects ActivityInformation retrieval research areas
AustraliaUAV Outback ChallengeAustralian Research Centre for Aerospace AutomationCompetition for the development of unmanned aerial vehicles
United StatesUniversity Voting Systems CompetitionNational Science Foundation etc.Students design, implement, and demonstrate open-source election systems
gollark: Yes, you linked it, it is apparently a mildly less bad version of Windows.
gollark: Windows BAD Linux REASONABLY GOOD especially on lowspec systems.
gollark: <@151391317740486657> Why are you trying to recommend WinDOS to them?
gollark: of some sort.
gollark: Er. Hold on. You must have a task manager?

See also


  1. "Turing Award, Encyclopædia Britannica".
  2. ACM SIGARCH Alan D. Berenbaum Distinguished Service Award, ACM SIGARCH, retrieved 2020-01-27
  3. SIGCHI Awards, SIGCHI, retrieved 2020-01-27
  4. "Danny Lewin Best Student Paper Award". Archived from the original on 2008-06-20.
  5. Standings for The 2017 ACM-ICPC Asia Dhaka Regional Contest, ICPC, retrieved 2020-01-27
  6. Edsger W. Dijkstra Prize in Distributed Computing, PODC, retrieved 2020-01-27
  7. "About ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award".
  8. Eckert-Mauchly Award, IEEE Computer Society, retrieved 2020-01-27
  9. SIGMOD Edgar F. Codd Innovations Award, ACM SIGMOD, retrieved 2020-01-27
  10. "ACM Eugene Lawler Award". ACM. Retrieved 1 September 2013.
  11. "International Center for Scientific Research on the ACM Eugene Lawler Award". International Center for Scientific Research. Retrieved 1 September 2013.
  12. Gerard Salton Awards, SIGIR, retrieved 2020-01-27
  13. Claude E. Shannon Award, IEEE Information Theory Society, retrieved 2020-01-28
  14. "Allen Newell Award". Association for Computer Machinery. Archived from the original on 2012-05-16. Retrieved April 26, 2012.
  15. PAMI Azriel Rosenfeld Lifetime Achievement Award, IEEE, retrieved 2020-01-28
  16. Barwise Prize, American Philosophical Association, retrieved 2020-01-28
  17. "About the Lovelace Medal".
  18. "Charles Babbage Premium". The Journal of the Brit.I.R.E. 19 (1). British Institution of Radio Engineers. 1959. pp. 132, 134. Retrieved 20 April 2020.
  19. The AITO Dahl-Nygaard Prize, Association Internationale pour les Technologies Objets, retrieved 2020-01-28
  20. The Digital Preservation Award, Digital Preservation Coalition, retrieved 2020-01-28
  21. Newton Faller, Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, retrieved 2020-01-20
  22. KSJ Award, BCS IRSG, retrieved 2020-06-09
  23. "「2017 香港資訊及通訊科技獎」(Hong Kong ICT Awards) 頒獎典禮將於四月舉行".
  24. "2018香港資訊及通訊科技獎 現接受報名". 東方日報.
  25. "港青少年 創新科技成果". PCM電腦廣場.
  26. "2018 香港資訊及通訊科技獎 智慧生活 ‧ 創科先行". U週刊 ezone.
  27. "J.W. Graham Award". University of Waterloo. Retrieved April 3, 2011.
  28. "Kyoto Prize honors achievement and character". USA Today. 11 November 2006. Retrieved 1 January 2013.
  29. "John Cahn to Receive 2011 Kyoto Prize For Fundamental Contributions to Materials Science". National Institute of Standards and Technology. Retrieved 1 January 2013.
  30. "Ley 19169: Establece normas sobre otorgamiento de Premios Nacionales" [Law 19169: Establishes Rules on Granting National Prizes] (in Spanish). Ministry of Education. 26 September 1992. Retrieved 8 December 2017 via Library of the National Congress of Chile.
  31. The O'Moore Medal, Health Informatics Society of Ireland (HISI), retrieved 2020-01-28
  32. "The Patterson-Crane Award (co-sponsored with the Dayton Section)". Columbus Section of the American Chemical Society. Retrieved 13 January 2015.
  33. "Herman Skolnik Award". ACS Division of Chemical Information. Retrieved 21 July 2016.
  34. INSEIT Newsletter
  35. "500'000€ Prize for Compressing Human Knowledge". Retrieved 2020-08-01.
  36. AI Challenge Forums, retrieved 2020-01-28
  37. "American Computer Science League". American Computer Science League. Retrieved November 13, 2014.
  38. "The Arimaa Challenge".
  39. Sutcliffe, Geoff (2011). "The 5th IJCAR Automated Theorem Proving System Competition - CASC-J5". AI Communications. 24 (1): 75–89. doi:10.3233/AIC-2010-0483.
  40. Geoff Sutcliffe. "The CADE ATP System Competition". Archived from the original on 2009-03-02. Retrieved 2008-10-23.
  41. Geoff Sutcliffe and Christian Suttner (2006). "The State of CASC". AI Communications. 19 (1): 35–48.
  42. Jeff Pelletier, Geoff Sutcliffe and Christian Suttner (2002). "The Development of CASC" (PDF). AI Communications. 15 (2–3): 79–90.
  43. World Computer-Bridge Championship, American Contract Bridge League and the World Bridge Federation, retrieved 2020-01-28
  44. "Cyber Centurion Infographic" (PDF).
  45. "CyberCenturion - Cyber Security Challenge UK". Cyber Security Challenge UK. Retrieved 2017-04-23.
  46. What is CyberPatriot?, Air Force Association, retrieved 2020-01-28
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