List of medicine awards

This list of medicine awards is an index to articles about notable awards for contributions to medicine, the science and practice of establishing the diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, and prevention of disease. The list is organized by region and country of the organization giving the award, but the awards may be available to people from around the world.


International Edison Award Edison Awards Honoring excellence in innovation
InternationalEdwin Grant Conklin MedalSociety for Developmental BiologyDistinguished and sustained research in developmental biology[1]
InternationalGonin MedalInternational Council of OphthalmologyOphthalmologist[2][3]


CanadaMcLaughlin MedalRoyal Society of CanadaImportant research of sustained excellence in any branch of medical sciences[4]
CanadaCNIB Chanchlani Global Vision Research AwardVasu Chanchlani, CNIB FoundationVital world-class research to explore the causes of blindness and vision loss, as well as potential cures, treatments and preventions[5]
CanadaCanada Gairdner International AwardGairdner FoundationOutstanding discoveries or contributions to medical science[6]
CanadaCanada Gairdner Wightman AwardGairdner FoundationCanadian who has demonstrated outstanding leadership in the field of medicine and medical science
CanadaChanchlani Global Health Research AwardMcMaster UniversityWorld leading scholar in the area of Global Health
CanadaIzaak Walton Killam Memorial PrizeCanada CouncilEminent Canadian researchers who distinguish themselves in the fields of social, human, natural, or health sciences
CanadaJ. Allyn Taylor International Prize in MedicineRobarts Research InstituteIndividuals who have made significant contributions to a field of basic or clinical research in one of the Institute's principal areas of research
CanadaLéo-Pariseau PrizeAssociation francophone pour le savoirDistinguished individual working in the field of biological or health sciences
CanadaMarcel-Piché PrizeInstitut de recherches cliniques de MontréalResearcher at the IRCM in recognition of the quality of [biomedical] research and the contribution to the growth and outreach of the Institute
CanadaRobert L. Noble PrizeCanadian Cancer SocietyResearchers whose contributions have led to a significant advance in cancer research
CanadaThe Louis and Artur Lucian Award in Cardiovascular DiseasesMcGill UniversityCardiovascular medicine
ChileNational Prize for MedicineChilean Academy of Medicine etc.Doctors who have excelled among their peers in the area of clinical or public health and, in addition, have had a prominent role in teaching, academic administration, or research
ChileNational Prize for Natural Sciences (Chile)National Prize of ChileNatural sciences

United States

United States / United KingdomDonald Mackay MedalRoyal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene and American Society of Tropical Medicine and HygieneOutstanding work in tropical health, especially relating to improvements in the health of rural or urban workers in the tropics[7]
United StatesAMA Scientific Achievement AwardAmerican Medical AssociationPhysicians or non-physician scientists who have contributed significantly to the field of medical science
United StatesAPUA Leadership AwardAlliance for the Prudent Use of AntibioticsOutstanding global contributions and commitment to preserve the power of antibiotics
United StatesASCB Public Service AwardAmerican Society for Cell BiologyNational leadership in support of biomedical research
United StatesAlbany Medical Center PrizeAlbany Medical CenterPhysician or scientist, or group, whose work has led to significant advances in the fields of health care and scientific research with demonstrated translational benefits applied to improved patient care
United StatesAlbert B. Sabin Gold MedalSabin Vaccine InstituteWork in the field of vaccinology or a complementary field
United StatesAlbert Lasker Award for Basic Medical ResearchLasker FoundationOutstanding discovery, Contribution and achievement in the field of medicine and Human Physiology
United StatesAlfred P. Sloan Jr. PrizeGeneral Motors Cancer Research FoundationOutstanding oncological research. No longer awarded
United StatesAmerican Association of Immunologists Lifetime Achievement AwardAmerican Association of ImmunologistsLifetime achievement in immunology
United StatesArchon X PrizeX Prize FoundationFirst team to rapidly, accurately and economically sequence 100 whole human genomes to an unprecedented level of accuracy
United StatesBreakthrough Prize in Life SciencesSergey Brin, Anne Wojcicki, Mark Zuckerberg etc.Research aimed at curing intractable diseases and extending human life
United StatesBristol-Myers Squibb AwardsBristol-Meyers Squibb FoundationDistinguished achievements in fields such as cancer, infectious disease, neuroscience, nutrition, and cardiovascular disease
United StatesCharles S. Mott PrizeGeneral Motors Cancer Research FoundationOutstanding recent contribution related to the cause or prevention of cancer. No longer awarded
United StatesCherokee Inspired Comfort AwardCherokee UniformsNurses and other non-physician, clinical, health care professionals who work directly with patients in the United States
United StatesClinical and Translational Science AwardNational Center for Advancing Translational SciencesResearchers and research teams working to apply new knowledge and techniques to patient care
United StatesDavid Rall MedalNational Academy of MedicineDistinguished leadership as chair of a study committee or other such activity, showing commitment above and beyond the usual responsibilities of the position
United StatesDickson PrizeUniversity of PittsburghUS citizens who have made significant, progressive contributions to medicine
United StatesDr. Paul Janssen Award for Biomedical ResearchJohnson & JohnsonIndividual who has made a significant, transformational contribution toward the improvement of human health
United StatesE. Mead Johnson AwardSociety for Pediatric ResearchClinical and laboratory research achievements in pediatrics
United StatesE.B. Wilson MedalAmerican Society for Cell BiologySignificant and far-reaching contributions to cell biology over the course of a career
United StatesElizabeth Blackwell MedalAmerican Medical Women's AssociationWoman physician who has made the most outstanding contributions to the cause of women in the field of medicine
United StatesGabbay AwardJacob and Louise Gabbay Foundation / Brandeis UniversityOutstanding work in the biomedical sciences
United StatesGorgas MedalAssociation of Military Surgeons of the United StatesContributions to the eradication, control and/or prevention of disease, etc.
United StatesGruber Prize in NeuroscienceGruber FoundationDiscoveries that have advanced the understanding of the nervous system
United StatesHalbert L. Dunn AwardNational Association for Public Health Statistics and Information SystemsOutstanding and lasting contributions to the field of vital and health statistics at the national, state, or local level
United StatesHilary Koprowski Prize in NeurovirologyDrexel UniversityNeurovirology
United StatesJessie Stevenson Kovalenko MedalNational Academy of SciencesImportant contributions to the medical sciences
United StatesJohn Howland AwardAmerican Pediatric SocietyDistinguished service to pediatrics as a whole
United StatesKarl Landsteiner Memorial AwardAABBScientists with an international reputation in transfusion medicine or cellular therapies whose original research resulted in an important contribution to the body of scientific knowledge
United StatesKelly West AwardAmerican Diabetes AssociationIndividual who has made significant contributions to the field of diabetes epidemiology[8]
United StatesKettering PrizeGeneral Motors Cancer Research FoundationOutstanding recent contribution to the diagnosis or treatment of cancer. No longer awarded
United StatesKomen Brinker Award for Scientific DistinctionSusan G. Komen for the CureSignificant work in advancing research concepts or clinical application in the fields of breast cancer research, screening or treatment
United StatesLasker AwardLasker FoundationLiving persons who have made major contributions to medical science or who have performed public service on behalf of medicine
United StatesLasker-Bloomberg Public Service AwardLasker FoundationIndividual or organization whose public service has profoundly enlarged the possibilities for medical research and the health sciences and their impact on the health of the public
United StatesLasker-DeBakey Clinical Medical Research AwardLasker FoundationOutstanding work for the understanding, diagnosis, prevention, treatment, and cure of disease[6]
United StatesLasker-Koshland Special Achievement Award in Medical ScienceLasker FoundationSpecial achievement in medical science
United StatesLibrary of Congress Living LegendLibrary of CongressCreative contributions to American life
United StatesLouisa Gross Horwitz Prize[6]Columbia UniversityOutstanding contribution in basic research in the fields of biology or biochemistry
United StatesLurie Prize in Biomedical SciencesFoundation for the National Institutes of HealthOutstanding achievement by a promising young scientist in biomedical research
United StatesLydia's Professional Uniforms and AACN Nursing ScholarshipUniform Advantage / American Association of Colleges of NursingDeserving nursing students enrolled in master's and doctoral programs
United StatesMarch of Dimes Prize in Developmental BiologyMarch of DimesInvestigator whose research brings us closer to the day when all babies will be born healthy
United StatesMassry PrizeMeira and Shaul G. Massry FoundationScientists who have made substantial recent contributions in the biomedical sciences
United StatesMaxwell Finland AwardNational Foundation for Infectious DiseasesOutstanding contributions to the understanding of infectious diseases or public health
United StatesMedical Director of the Year AwardAMDA – The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care MedicineMedical directors with exceptional leadership and commitment to quality patient care
United StatesMethuselah Mouse PrizeMethuselah FoundationResearch team that broke the world record for the oldest-ever mouse / Team that developed the most successful late-onset rejuvenation strategy
United StatesMetlife Foundation Award for Medical Research in Alzheimer's DiseaseMetLife / American Federation for Aging ResearchScientific contributions toward a better understanding of the underlying causes, prevention, and treatments of Alzheimer's disease
United StatesNational Institutes of Health Director's Pioneer AwardNational Institutes of HealthPioneering research that is highly innovative and has a potential to produce paradigm shifting results
United StatesPalo Alto Longevity PrizeJoon YunEncourage teams from all over the world to compete in an all-out effort to "hack the code" that regulates our health and lifespan
United StatesPaul Marks Prize for Cancer ResearchMemorial Sloan Kettering Cancer CenterCancer researchers who are making significant contributions to the understanding of cancer or are improving the treatment of the disease through basic or clinical research
United StatesPollin Prize for Pediatric ResearchNewYork–Presbyterian HospitalImportant advances to the field of pediatrics. No longer awarded
United StatesPotamkin PrizeAmerican Academy of NeurologyAchievements on emerging areas of research in Pick's disease, Alzheimer's disease and other dementias
United StatesQuilligan ScholarsSociety for Maternal-Fetal MedicinePromising residents in Obstetrics and gynaecology who exhibit unparalleled potential to become future leaders in the field of Perinatology
United StatesRema Lapouse AwardAmerican Public Health AssociationSignificant contributions to the scientific understanding of the epidemiology and control of mental disorders
United StatesRemington MedalAmerican Pharmacists AssociationDistinguished service on behalf of American pharmacy
United StatesRob Sias AwardUniversity of MinnesotaExcellence in clinical dermatology
United StatesPasarow Foundation Medical Research AwardPasarow FoundationDistinguished accomplishment in areas of investigation that included neuropsychiatry, cardiovascular disease, and cancer research (to 2013)
United StatesRosenstiel AwardBrandeis UniversityRecent discoveries of particular originality and importance to basic medical research
United StatesSarnat PrizeNational Academy of MedicineOutstanding achievement in improving mental health
United StatesSarnoff FellowshipSarnoff FellowshipMedical students interested in cardiovascular research
United StatesSchottenstein Prize in Cardiovascular SciencesOhio State University Wexner Medical Centerextraordinary and sustained contributions to improving cardiovascular health
United StatesSheila Essey AwardAmerican Academy of NeurologySeminal research contributions in the search for the cause, prevention of, and cure for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
United StatesStanley J. Korsmeyer AwardAmerican Society for Clinical InvestigationOutstanding achievements advancing knowledge in a specific field and mentoring future generations of investigators in the life sciences
United StatesSzent-Györgyi Prize for Progress in Cancer ResearchNational Foundation for Cancer ResearchResearchers whose scientific achievements have expanded the understanding of cancer and whose vision has moved cancer research in new directions
United StatesLlura Liggett Gund AwardFoundation Fighting BlindnessCareer achievements that have significantly advanced the research and development of preventions, treatments and cures for eye disease
United StatesVictor A. Prather AwardAmerican Astronautical SocietyResearchers, engineers and flight crew members in the field of extravehicular protection or activity in space
United StatesWarren Alpert Foundation PrizeWarren Alpert FoundationScientific achievements that have led to the prevention, cure or treatment of human diseases or disorders, and/or whose research constitutes a seminal scientific finding that holds great promise of ultimately changing our understanding of or ability to treat disease
United StatesWiley PrizeWiley FoundationBreakthrough research in pure or applied life science research that is distinguished by its excellence, originality and impact on our understanding of biological systems and processes
United StatesWilliam Allan AwardAmerican Society of Human GeneticsSubstantial and far-reaching scientific contributions to human genetics carried out over a sustained period of scientific inquiry and productivity
United StatesWilliam B. Coley AwardCancer Research InstituteOutstanding achievements in the fields of basic and tumor immunology and work that has deepened our understanding of the immune system's response to disease, including cancer
United StatesWilliam B. Graham Prize for Health Services ResearchBaxter InternationalContributions to health care research
United StatesWilliam Beaumont PrizeAmerican Gastroenterological AssociationMajor contribution (a single accomplishment or series of accomplishments) that has significantly advanced care of patients with digestive diseases through clinical or translational research
United StatesSedgwick Memorial MedalAmerican Public Health AssociationDistinguished service and advancement of public health knowledge and practice


DubaiSheikh Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum Award for Medical SciencesBoard of TrusteesMedical research that serves the larger interests of humanity[9]
Hong KongShaw PrizeShaw Prize FoundationOutstanding contributions in medicine[10]
IndiaDr. B. C. Roy AwardMedical Council of IndiaStatesmanship of the Highest Order in India, Medical man-cum-Statesman, Eminent Medical Person, Eminent person in Philosophy, Eminent person in Science and Eminent person in Arts[11]
IndiaOm Prakash Bhasin AwardShri Om Prakash Bhasin FoundationHealth and Medical Sciences[12][13]
IranRazi medical sciences research festivalMinistry of Health and Medical Educationinnovation and research in medical sciences [14]
IsraelWolf Prize in MedicineWolf FoundationMedicine
JapanHideyo Noguchi Africa Prize[6]Japan International Cooperation AgencyOutstanding achievements in the fields of medical research and medical services to combat infectious and other diseases in Africa, thus contributing to the health and welfare of the African people and of all humankind
JapanKeio Medical Science PrizeKeio University[6]Significant contributions to the field of medical sciences or life sciences
South KoreaAsan Award in MedicineAsan FoundationMedical scientists devoting themselves to the country’s medical development
South KoreaHo-Am Prize in MedicineHo-Am Foundation / SamsungIndividuals of Korean heritage who have furthered the welfare of humanity through distinguished accomplishments in the field of Medicine
ThailandPrince Mahidol AwardPrince Mahidol Award FoundationOutstanding achievements in medicine and public health worldwide


BelgiumArtois-Baillet Latour Health PrizeInBev-Baillet Latour FundPerson whose work has contributed prominently to the improvement of human health in the fields of metabolic disorders, infectious diseases, neurological diseases, cancer and cardiovascular disease[15]
BelgiumInBev-Baillet Latour FundArtois-Baillet Latour FoundationPerson whose work has contributed prominently to the improvement of human health in the fields of metabolic disorders, infectious diseases, neurological diseases, cancer and cardiovascular disease
BelgiumMarcel Linsman PrizeLinsman Foundation, AILgOutstanding achievement in biomedical sciences, medicine, and neurosciences
FinlandMatti Äyräpää PrizeFinnish Medical Society DuodecimPrize in medicine
FranceGrand Prix scientifique de la Fondation NRJInstitut de FranceMedical science, particularly neuroscience
FranceDanone International Prize for NutritionDanone Institute InternationalIndividuals or teams that have advanced the science of human nutrition
FranceLeopold Griffuel PrizeFondation ARCTranslational and clinical research
FrancePrix GuzmanAcadémie Nationale de MédecinePerson who succeeded in developing an effective treatment for the most common forms of heart disease
France, United StatesRichard Lounsbery AwardFrench Academy of Sciences, National Academy of SciencesAmerican and French scientists, 45 years or younger, for extraordinary scientific achievement in biology and medicine
GermanyAronson PrizeSenate of BerlinAchievements in microbiology and immunology
GermanyErnst Jung PrizeErnst Jung FoundationExcellence in biomedical sciences
GermanyMax Delbrück MedalMax Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz AssociationOutstanding scientist, on the occasion of the annual Berlin Lecture on Molecular Medicine
GermanyMeyenburg PrizeMeyenburg Foundation / German Cancer Research CenterOutstanding achievements in cancer research
GermanyPaul Ehrlich and Ludwig Darmstaedter PrizePaul Ehrlich FoundationMedical research in Immunology, Cancer research, Haematology, Microbiology and experimental and clinical Chemotherapy
GermanyRobert Koch Medal and PrizeRobert Koch FoundationGold Robert Koch Medallion for accumulated excellence in biomedical research / Robert Koch Prize for a major discovery in biomedical science
HungaryDebrecen Award for Molecular MedicineUniversity of DebrecenExtraordinary achievements in the field of biomedicine
ItalyIrving J. Selikoff Award and LectureCollegium RamazziniInternationally recognized scientist or humanist whose studies and achievements have contributed to the protection of workers' health and the environment
ItalyRamazzini AwardCollegium RamazziniScientists who have made outstanding contributions to furthering the aims of Bernardino Ramazzini in safeguarding public health
NorwayKing Olav V's Prize for Cancer ResearchNorwegian Cancer SocietyResearcher who has distinguished himself through his scientific contributions to Norwegian cancer research
PortugalAntónio Champalimaud Vision AwardChampalimaud Foundation[16]Contributions to overall vision research / Contributions to the alleviation of visual problems
Soviet UnionPeople's Doctor of the USSRMinistry of HealthWorthwhile contributions to public health improvement, for their peculiar skills and expertise and for having proved abnegation and high moral qualities in their duties fulfillment.
SwedenFernström PrizeLund UniversityProminent Swedish and Nordic scientists in medicine
SwedenNobel Prize in Physiology or MedicineNobel FoundationOutstanding discoveries in the fields of life sciences and medicine
SwedenNordic Medical PrizeSalusAnsvar/Ulf Nilsonnes FoundationMedical Research in cooperation with the insurance company Folksam
SwitzerlandCloëtta PrizeMax Cloëtta FoundationPersonalities who have distinguished themselves in biomedical research
SwitzerlandLouis-Jeantet Prize for MedicineLouis-Jeantet FoundationResearchers who have distinguished themselves in the field of biomedical research in one of the member states of the Council of Europe
SwitzerlandNovartis Prizes for ImmunologyNovartisOutstanding research in basic ad clinical immunology

United Kingdom

United KingdomAldridge MedalOrthodontic Technicians AssociationTo encourage members to present new research and developments at the annual conference[17]
United KingdomBaly MedalRoyal College of PhysiciansPerson deemed to have most distinguished himself in the science of physiology[18]
United KingdomBeit Memorial Fellowships for Medical ResearchBeit Memorial FellowshipPost-doctoral or medical degree research in medicine
United KingdomBisset Hawkins MedalRoyal College of PhysiciansWork done in the preceding ten years in advancing sanitary science or promoting public health
United KingdomBuchanan MedalRoyal SocietyDistinguished contribution to the medical sciences generally
United KingdomCameron Prize of the University of EdinburghUniversity of EdinburghHighly important and valuable addition to Practical Therapeutics
United KingdomChalmers MedalRoyal Society of Tropical Medicine and HygieneResearchers in tropical medicine or international health who obtained their last relevant qualification between 15 and 20 years ago, allowing for career breaks, who demonstrate evidence of mentoring and professional development of junior investigators ...
United KingdomDonald Reid MedalLondon School of Hygiene & Tropical MedicineDistinguished contributions to epidemiology
United KingdomEdward Jenner MedalRoyal Society of MedicineDistinguished work in epidemiological research
United KingdomEllison–Cliffe LectureRoyal Society of MedicineLecture on subject connected with the contribution of fundamental science to the advancement of medicine
United KingdomGlaxoSmithKline PrizeRoyal Society / GlaxoSmithKlineOriginal contributions to medical and veterinary sciences
United KingdomJames Spence MedalRoyal College of Paediatrics and Child HealthOutstanding contributions to the advancement or clarification of paediatric knowledge
United KingdomLister MedalRoyal College of Surgeons of EnglandContributions to surgical science
United KingdomCohen MedalBritish Society for Research on AgeingIndividuals who have made a considerable contribution to ageing research, either through original discoveries or in the promotion of the subject of gerontology in its broadest aspect
United KingdomManson MedalRoyal Society of Tropical Medicine and HygieneContribution to tropical medicine or hygiene
United KingdomMary Kingsley MedalLiverpool School of Tropical MedicineOutstanding contributions in the field of tropical medicine
United KingdomMedawar MedalBritish Transplant SocietyBest clinical and scientific research presentations by a scientist or doctor
United KingdomBritish Orthodontic Society Technicians AwardBritish Orthodontic Society and the Orthodontic Technicians AssociationOrthodontic technicians who have made an outstanding contribution to their profession and orthodontics.
United KingdomSir Rickard Christophers MedalRoyal Society of Tropical Medicine and HygieneWork in the field of tropical medicine and hygiene
United KingdomSyme MedalRoyal College of Surgeons of EdinburghResearch undertaken as part of a doctoral thesis with particular consideration given to work that is likely to influence clinical practice
United KingdomUCL Prize Lecture in Clinical ScienceUniversity College LondonPrize lecture on contemporary science
United KingdomWoolmer LectureInstitute of Physics and Engineering in MedicineMemorial lecture


AustraliaFlorey MedalAustralian Institute of Policy and ScienceBiomedical research[19]
AustraliaGottschalk MedalAustralian Academy of ScienceOutstanding research by Australian scientists under 40 years of age for research in the medical sciences conducted mainly in Australia[20]
AustraliaNew South Wales Cancer Institute AwardsCancer Institute of New South WalesIndividuals and teams that work across the cancer research sector to lessen the impact of cancer for the people of NSW[21]
gollark: > imagine you remove ABR and it sends a message saying it's sorry to see you go<@319753218592866315> Why would it say *that"?
gollark: That was my autoreply, must fix that.
gollark: Can't right now.
gollark: Oh, forgot the !.
gollark: ```rustfn main() { println!("Hello World");}```you.

See also


  1. "Edwin Grant Conklin Medal". Society for Developmental Biology.
  2. Day, Lance; McNeil, Ian, eds. (2002). Biographical Dictionary of the History of Technology. Routledge. p. 514. ISBN 9781134650200. Retrieved November 26, 2015.
  3. Wolfensberger, Thomas (2003). "Jules Gonin. Pioneer of retinal detachment surgery". Indian Journal of Ophthalmology. 51 (4): 303–308. Retrieved November 26, 2015.
  4. RSC Medals & Awards, Royal Society of Canada, retrieved 2020-01-14
  5. "CNIB Chanchlani Global Vision Research Award of $25,000 instituted". PR NEwswire.
  6. International prizes in medicine/public health Archived 11 September 2008 at the Wayback Machine
  7. "Donald Mackay Medal". Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Retrieved 2 October 2015.
  8. 1986 - 2019 Kelly West Award for Outstanding Achievement in Epidemiology, American Diabetes Association, retrieved 2020-01-14
  9. Sheikh Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum Award for Medical Sciences website
  10. "Introduction". Retrieved December 10, 2010.
  11. "Dr. B.C. Roy National Award Fund". 2019. Retrieved January 20, 2019.
  12. National cademy of Sciences, India (October 2014). "Om Praksh Bhasin Foundation". Springer. 37 (5): 483–486. doi:10.1007/s40009-014-0281-0.
  13. "OPBF Award". OPBF. 2014. Retrieved January 11, 2015.
  14. "Top researchers, centers honored at Razi festival". Tehran Times.
  15. The Baillet Latour Health Prize - 2020 (PDF), Fonds Baillet Latour, retrieved 2020-03-19
  16. Fundação Champalimau (in Portuguese), retrieved 2020-01-14
  17. "Orthodontic Technicians Association Awards". Orthodontic Technicians Association. 2019. Retrieved 1 March 2019.
  18. "Baly Medal for Sir E. Mellanby". BMJ. 1 (4662): 1133. 1950. doi:10.1136/bmj.1.4662.1133-a. PMC 2037688.
  19. "CSL Florey Medal". Australian Institute of Policy & Science. Retrieved 18 September 2019.
  20. "GOTTSCHALK MEDAL". Australian Academy of Science. Archived from the original on 26 August 2014. Retrieved 11 December 2014.
  21. "NSW Premier's Awards for Outstanding Cancer Research". Cancer Institute NSW. Retrieved 6 March 2018.
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