List of chemistry awards

This list of chemistry awards is an index to articles about notable awards for chemistry, the scientific discipline involved with elements and compounds composed of atoms, molecules and ions: their composition, structure, properties, behavior and the changes they undergo during a reaction with other substances. It includes awards by the Royal Society of Chemistry, the American Chemical Society, the Society of Chemical Industry and awards by other organizations.

Elizabeth Blackburn, 2012

Awards of the Royal Society of Chemistry

The Royal Society of the United Kingdom offers a number of awards for chemistry.

Applied Catalysis AwardCreativity and excellence in novel approaches or use of catalysis in industry
Applied Inorganic Chemistry AwardOutstanding contributions to the development of any branch of inorganic chemistry which has an application in industry
Bader AwardPrize for organic chemistry
Beilby Medal and PrizeWork that has exceptional practical significance in chemical engineering, applied materials science, energy efficiency or a related field. Jointly administered by the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining, the Royal Society of Chemistry and the Society of Chemical Industry, who make the award in rotation.
Bioinorganic Chemistry AwardOutstanding research in any aspect of bioinorganic chemistry
Bourke AwardEnables experts in physical chemistry or chemical physics to present their work in the UK.
Centenary PrizeOutstanding chemists, who are also exceptional communicators, from overseas
Charles Rees AwardExcellence in the field of heterocyclic chemistry
Chartered ChemistProfession qualification for an experienced practising chemist
Corday–Morgan PrizeMeritorious contributions to experimental chemistry, including computer simulation
De Gennes PrizeOutstanding and exceptional work in the field of materials chemistry
Edward Harrison Memorial PrizeBritish chemist who was under 32 years, and working the fields of theoretical or physical chemistry. In 2008 the prize was joined with the Meldola Medal and Prize to form the Harrison-Meldola Memorial Prizes.
Faraday Lectureship PrizeExceptional contributions to physical or theoretical chemistry
Faraday Medal (electrochemistry)Distinguished mid-career electrochemists working outside of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland
Geoffrey Barker MedalScientists working in the UK or Ireland in recognition of their contributions to electrochemistry
Gibson-Fawcett AwardOutstanding work in the field of materials chemistry
Green Chemistry AwardAdvances in environmentally focused chemistry
Harrison-Meldola Memorial PrizesScientist who demonstrates the most meritorious and promising original investigations in chemistry and published results of those investigations
Hickinbottom AwardContributions in the area of organic chemistry from researchers under the age of 35
Interdisciplinary PrizesWork at the interface between chemistry and other disciplines
John B. Goodenough AwardContributions to the field of materials chemistry
Liversidge AwardOutstanding contributions to physical chemistry
Longstaff PrizeMember of the Royal Society of Chemistry who has done the most to advance the science of chemistry
Lord Lewis PrizeDistinctive and distinguished chemical or scientific achievements together with significant contributions to the development of science policy
Ludwig Mond AwardOutstanding research in any aspect of inorganic chemistry
Marlow AwardEarly-career award in physical chemistry
Materials for Industry - Derek Birchall AwardExceptional contribution to the application of materials chemistry in industry
Meldola Medal and PrizeBritish chemist who was under 32 years of age for promising original investigations in chemistry (which had been published)
Nyholm Prize for EducationOutstanding achievements by those working in chemical science education, specifically major contributions to national or international research or innovation
Perkin Prize for Organic ChemistrySustained originality and achievement in research in any area of organic chemistry
Polanyi MedalOutstanding contributions to the field of gas kinetics
Robert Boyle Prize for Analytical ScienceAnalytical chemistry
Sir George Stokes AwardOutstanding and sustained contributions to analytical science by someone working in a complementary field, which has led to developments of seminal importance to chemical analysis
Supramolecular Chemistry AwardStudies leading to the design of functionally useful supramolecular species
Tilden PrizeAdvances in chemistry

Awards of the American Chemical Society

The American Chemical Society of the United States offers a number of awards related to chemistry.

ACS Award for Encouraging Disadvantaged Students into Careers in the Chemical SciencesSignificant accomplishments by individuals in stimulating students, underrepresented in the profession, to elect careers in the chemical sciences and engineering
ACS Award for Encouraging Women into Careers in the Chemical SciencesSignificant accomplishments by individuals who have stimulated or fostered the interest of women in chemistry, promoting their professional development as chemists or chemical engineers
ACS Award in Pure ChemistryFundamental research in pure chemistry carried out in North America by young men and women
Arthur C. Cope AwardAchievement in the field of organic chemistry research
Charles Goodyear MedalOutstanding invention, innovation, or development which has resulted in a significant change or contribution to the nature of the rubber industry
Charles Lathrop Parsons AwardOutstanding public service by a member of the American Chemical Society
E. Bright Wilson Award in SpectroscopyOutstanding accomplishments in fundamental or applied spectroscopy in chemistry
E. V. Murphree Award in Industrial and Engineering ChemistryOutstanding research of a theoretical or experimental nature in the fields of industrial chemistry or chemical engineering
Ernest Guenther AwardOutstanding achievements in the analysis, structure elucidation, and chemical synthesis of natural products, with special consideration given to the independence of thought and originality
F.A. Cotton Medal for Excellence in Chemical ResearchTexas A&M Section of the American Chemical Society to recognize accomplishments in research[1]
Garvan–Olin MedalDistinguished scientific accomplishment, leadership and service to chemistry by women chemists
George C. Pimentel Award in Chemical EducationOutstanding contributions to chemical education
HIST Award for Outstanding Achievement in the History of ChemistryOutstanding career of contributions to the history of chemistry
Herman Skolnik AwardOutstanding contributions to and achievements in the theory and practice of chemical information science
Heroes of ChemistryCreation of innovative and impactful products based on chemistry and chemical engineering
Herty MedalOutstanding chemists resident in the Southeastern United States who have significantly contributed to their chosen fields
International Rubber Science Hall of FameJointly sponsored by the Maurice Morton Institute of Polymer Science at The University of Akron and the Rubber Division of the American Chemical Society.
Irving Langmuir AwardAwarded alternate years with American Physical Society. Outstanding interdisciplinary research in chemistry and physics, in the spirit of Irving Langmuir.
James Flack Norris Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Teaching of ChemistryOutstanding contributions to the field of chemical education
James T. Grady-James H. Stack Award for Interpreting ChemistryOutstanding reporting on chemistry, chemical engineering, and related chemical fields
Linus Pauling AwardOutstanding achievement in chemistry
Melvin Mooney Distinguished Technology AwardIndividuals "who have exhibited exceptional technical competency by making significant and repeated contributions to rubber science and technology
Murray Goodman Memorial PrizeOutstanding accomplishments in one or more of the areas of biochemistry, biophysical chemistry, biophysics, or chemical biology. The award is given by the journal Biopolymers
Nakanishi PrizeAward in chemistry given alternately by the Chemical Society of Japan and the American Chemical Society
Patterson-Crane AwardContributions to chemical information
Peter Debye AwardOutstanding research in physical chemistry
Priestley MedalDistinguished service in the field of chemistry
Sparks-Thomas awardOutstanding contributions and innovations in the field of elastomers by younger scientists, technologists, and engineers
Stieglitz LecturePresented alternatively by the University of Chicago Chemistry department and the Chicago Section of the American Chemical Society
Tolman AwardResident in Southern California for outstanding contributions to chemistry which include contributions in areas of fundamental studies, chemical technology, and significant contributions to chemical education or outstanding leadership in science on a national level
Ullyot Public Affairs LectureWith Science History Institute etc. Contributions of the sciences (in particular chemistry and biology) to the public welfare
Willard Gibbs AwardEminent chemists who, through years of application and devotion, have brought to the world developments that enable everyone to live more comfortably and to understand this world better
William H. Nichols MedalSignificant and original contribution in any field of chemistry

Awards of the Society of Chemical Industry

The Society of Chemical Industry was established in 1881 by scientists, inventors and entrepreneurs. It offers a number of awards related to chemistry.

The Society Medal
The Messel Medal
The Perkin Medal
The Lister Medal
The Levinstein Medal
The Leverhulme Medal
The George E Moore Medal
Castner Medal
George Bessey Award
Bakeland Medal

Other awards

AustraliaPhillip Law Postdoctoral Award for the Physical Sciences[2]Royal Society of VictoriaExcellence in scientific research by an early career researcher in the physical sciences
AustraliaRennie Memorial MedalRoyal Australian Chemical InstitutePerson who has contributed most towards the development of some branch of chemical science
AustriaFritz Pregl PrizeAustrian Academy of SciencesDistinguished achievements in chemistry. No longer awarded
AustriaHaitinger PrizeAustrian Academy of SciencesStudies in chemistry and physics that proved to be of great practical use for industrial applications
AustriaLieben PrizeAustrian Academy of SciencesYoung scientists working in the fields of molecular biology, chemistry, or physics
CanadaChemical Institute of Canada MedalChemical Institute of CanadaPerson who has made an outstanding contribution to the science of chemistry or chemical engineering in Canada
CanadaFred P. Lossing AwardCanadian Society for Mass SpectrometryDistinguished Canadian mass spectrometrist
CanadaRutherford Memorial MedalRoyal Society of CanadaOutstanding research in chemistry
ChileNational Prize for Natural Sciences (Chile)CONICYT : National Prize of ChileNatural sciences
DenmarkH. C. Ørsted MedalThe Society for the Dissemination of Natural Science, DenmarkOutstanding original scientific work in physics or chemistry
EuropeLavoisier MedalInternational Society for Biological Calorimetry[3]Outstanding contribution to the development and/or the application of direct calorimetry in biology and medicine[4]
FranceMédaille LavoisierSociété chimique de FranceWork or actions which have enhanced the perceived value of chemistry in society.[5]
GermanyAlfred Stock Memorial PrizeGerman Chemical SocietyOutstanding independent scientific experimental investigation in the field of inorganic chemistry
GermanyBunsen–Kirchhoff AwardGerman Working Group for Applied SpectroscopyOutstanding achievements in the field of analytical spectroscopy
GermanyErnst Schering PrizeErnst Schering FoundationOutstanding basic research in the fields of medicine, biology or chemistry
GermanyHeinrich Wieland PrizeBoehringer Ingelheim FoundationOutstanding research on biologically active molecules and systems in the areas of chemistry, biochemistry and physiology as well as their clinical importance
GermanyKlung Wilhelmy Science AwardOtto Klung and Dr. Wilhelmy FoundationsOutstanding German scientists in chemistry or physics under the age of 40
GermanyLiebig MedalGerman Chemical SocietyOutstanding achievements in the entire field of chemistry[6]
GermanyOtto Hahn MedalMax Planck SocietyOutstanding scientific achievement by junior scientists
GermanyOtto Hahn PrizeGerman Chemical Society, German Physical Society and city of FrankfurtOutstanding achievement in the field of chemistry, physics or applied engineering science
IndiaInfosys Prize in Physical SciencesInfosys Science FoundationScientists, researchers, engineers and social scientists of Indian Origin
International Edison Award Edison Awards Honoring excellence in innovation
InternationalInternational Chemistry OlympiadInternational Science OlympiadAcademic competition for high school students
IsraelSackler PrizeTel Aviv UniversityYoung scientists who have made outstanding and fundamental contributions in physics or chemistry
IsraelWolf Prize in ChemistryWolf FoundationChemistry
ItalyAlfredo di Braccio AwardAccademia dei LinceiChemistry
ItalyChirality MedalItalian Chemical SocietyDistinguished contribution to all aspects of chirality
ItalyLuigi Galvani MedalItalian Chemical SocietyWork of foreign scientists in the field of electrochemistry
JapanRyoji Noyori PrizeSociety of Synthetic Organic ChemistryOutstanding contributions to research in asymmetric synthetic chemistry defined in its broadest sense
NetherlandsOPCW–The Hague AwardOrganisation for the Prohibition of Chemical WeaponsIndividuals and institutions that have significantly contributed towards the goal of a world free of chemical weapons
NetherlandsTetrahedron PrizeElsevierCreativity in organic chemistry or bioorganic and medicinal chemistry
New ZealandHector MedalRoyal Society Te ApārangiOutstanding contribution to the advancement of chemical sciences; physical sciences; or mathematical and information sciences
PakistanAbdus Salam AwardInternational Centre for Theoretical Physics Pakistan chapterScientists resident in Pakistan, below 35 years of age, in chemistry, mathematics, physics, biology
PolandKołos MedalUniversity of Warsaw and the Polish Chemical SocietyDistinction in theoretical or experimental physical chemistry
RussiaDemidov PrizeRussian Academy of SciencesOutstanding achievements in natural sciences and humanities
RussiaLebedev PrizeRussian Academy of SciencesOutstanding work in the field of chemistry and technology of synthetic rubber and other synthetic polymers
SwedenGregori Aminoff PrizeRoyal Swedish Academy of SciencesContribution in the field of crystallography, including areas concerned with the dynamics of the formation and dissolution of crystal structures. Some preference should be shown for work evincing elegance in the approach to the problem
SwedenNobel Prize in ChemistryRoyal Swedish Academy of SciencesOutstanding contributions in chemistry
SwitzerlandPaul Karrer Gold MedalUniversity of ZurichOutstanding researcher in the field of chemistry
United KingdomAston MedalBritish Mass Spectrometry SocietyOutstanding contributions to our understanding of the biological, chemical, engineering, mathematical, medical, or physical sciences relating directly to mass spectrometry
United KingdomBeit Memorial Fellowships for Medical ResearchBeit Memorial FellowshipBritish biomedical science. Replaced by Wellcome–Beit Prize Fellowships in 2009
United KingdomCopley MedalRoyal SocietyOutstanding achievements in research in any branch of science
United KingdomDavy MedalRoyal SocietyOutstandingly important recent discovery in any branch of chemistry
United KingdomMelchett MedalEnergy InstituteOutstanding contributions to the science of fuel and energy
United StatesAgnes Fay Morgan Research AwardIota Sigma PiResearch achievement in chemistry or biochemistry to a woman not over forty years of age
United StatesAmerican Institute of Chemists Gold MedalAmerican Institute of Chemists, Science History InstitutePerson who has most encouraged the science of chemistry or the profession of chemist or chemical engineer in the United States of America
United StatesBiemann MedalAmerican Society for Mass SpectrometryIndividual early in his or her career in recognition of significant achievement in basic or applied mass spectrometry
United StatesBristol-Myers Squibb AwardsBristol-Meyers Squibb FoundationDistinguished achievements in fields such as cancer, infectious disease, neuroscience, nutrition, and cardiovascular disease
United StatesChemical Industry MedalSociety of Chemical IndustryPerson making a valuable application of chemical research to industry. Primary consideration shall be given to applications in the public interest
United StatesChemical Pioneer AwardAmerican Institute of ChemistsChemists or chemical engineers who have made outstanding contributions to advances in chemistry or the chemical profession
United StatesDreyfus Prize in the Chemical SciencesThe Camille and Henry Dreyfus FoundationChemistry research and education
United StatesEarle K. Plyler Prize for Molecular SpectroscopyAmerican Physical SocietyNotable contributions to the field of molecular spectroscopy and dynamics
United StatesEdward Goodrich Acheson AwardElectrochemical SocietyConspicuous contribution to the advancement of the objectives, purposes, and activities of the society (ECS)
United StatesGabor A. Somorjai Award for Creative Research in CatalysisGabor A. and Judith K. Somorjai Endowment FundOutstanding research in the field of catalysis
United StatesGlenn T. Seaborg MedalUniversity of California, Los AngelesExceptional scientific contributions in the fields of chemistry or biochemistry
United StatesGordon E. Moore MedalSociety of Chemical Industry (America Section)Early career success involving innovation in chemical industries
United StatesGordon E. Moore Medal for Outstanding Achievement in Solid State Science and TechnologyElectrochemical SocietyOutstanding contributions to solid-state science and technology
United StatesInternational Palladium MedalSociété de Chimie Industrielle (American Section)Outstanding contributions to the chemical industry on an international level
United StatesLavoisier MedalDuPontDuPont scientists and engineers who have made outstanding contributions to DuPont and their scientific fields throughout their careers
United StatesNAS Award for Chemistry in Service to SocietyNational Academy of SciencesContributions to chemistry, either in fundamental science or its application, that clearly satisfy a societal need
United StatesNAS Award in Chemical SciencesNational Academy of SciencesInnovative research in the chemical sciences that in the broadest sense contributes to a better understanding of the natural sciences and to the benefit of humanity
United StatesNorman Hackerman Award in Chemical ResearchRobert A. Welch FoundationWork of young researchers in Texas.[7]
United StatesNorman Hackerman Young Author AwardElectrochemical SocietyBest paper published in the Journal of the Electrochemical Society for a topic in the field of electrochemical science and technology by a young author or authors
United StatesOlin Palladium AwardElectrochemical SocietyOutstanding contributions to the fundamental understanding of all types of electrochemical and corrosion phenomena and processes.
United StatesOthmer Gold MedalScience History Institute etc.Outstanding individuals who contributed to progress in chemistry and science through their activities in areas including innovation, entrepreneurship, research, education, public understanding, legislation, and philanthropy
United StatesPercy L. Julian AwardNational Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers (NOBCChE)Black scientists who have made significant contributions in pure and/or applied research in science or engineering
United StatesPerkin MedalSociety of Chemical Industry (America Section)Innovation in applied chemistry resulting in outstanding commercial development
United StatesPetrochemical Heritage AwardFounders Club, Science History InstituteOutstanding contributions to the petrochemical community
United StatesPittcon Heritage AwardPittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy, Science History InstituteOutstanding individuals whose entrepreneurial careers shaped the instrumentation and laboratory supplies community
United StatesRemington MedalAmerican Pharmacists AssociationDistinguished service on behalf of American pharmacy
United StatesRichard J. Bolte Sr. AwardScience History InstituteOutstanding contributions by a leader who provides products or services vital to the continuing growth and development of the chemical and molecular sciences community
United StatesNeville PrizeScience History InstituteBiographical work in the field of chemistry or molecular science
United StatesSloan Research FellowshipAlfred P. Sloan FoundationEarly-career scientists and scholars
United StatesWayne B. Nottingham PrizePhysical Electronics Conference[8]Best student paper presented at the conference
United StatesWelch Award in ChemistryRobert A. Welch FoundationBasic chemical research for the benefit of mankind
United StatesWilliams-Wright AwardCoblentz SocietyExtraordinary or outstanding work in spectroscopic measurements while working in an industrial setting
United StatesWinthrop-Sears Medal,The Chemists' Club, Science History InstituteEntrepreneurial achievement in the chemical industry for the betterment of humanity
gollark: ***APocalypse***
gollark: Hey, I want that name!
gollark: But all dragons with codes (all dragons, really) will produce offspring which also have codes.
gollark: Yes, they are.

See also


  1. "F. A. Cotton Medal for Excellence Chemical Research". Texas A&M Section of the American Chemical Society. Retrieved 2 February 2017.
  2. Phillip law post-doctoral award – past winners, Royal Society of Victoria, retrieved 2020-01-16
  3. About ISBC, International Society for Biological Calorimetry, retrieved 2020-01-16
  4. The Lavoisier medal, International Society for Biological Calorimetry, September 30, 2013, retrieved 2020-01-16
  5. Susan S. Lang, "Seven Cornellians receive prestigious national and international honors",, retrieved 14 August 2007
  6. GDCh-Preise : Liebig-Denkmünze (in German), Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, retrieved 2020-01-16
  7. Norman Hackerman Award in Chemical Research Archived 2007-07-05 at the Wayback Machine
  8. About PEC, Physical Electronics Conference, retrieved 2020-01-16
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