List of ancient Indo-Aryan peoples and tribes

This is a list of ancient Indo-Aryan peoples and tribes that are mentioned in old sources of Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain traditions (see sources). In these old sources, there are also Non-Indo-Aryan peoples that are mentioned but are not included in this list because of that.

This detailed map shows the locations of kingdoms and republics mentioned in the Indian epics or Bharata Khanda.
The approximate extent of the Vedic period Āryāvarta is highlighted in pale yellow

From an undetermined time in the Second or First Millennium BCE ancient Indo-Aryan peoples and tribes turned into most of the population in the northern part of the Indian Subcontinent - Indus Valley (roughly today's Pakistan), Western India, Northern India, Central India, and also in areas of the southern part like Sri Lanka and the Maldives through and after a complex process of migration, assimilation of other peoples and language shift.[1] [2]

Pancha Jana (Five peoples / tribes)

(पञ्च जना - Páñca Jánāḥ / Pancha-janah) (Āryāvarta of this time, c. 1700-1500 BCE, roughly corresponds with the Punjab and closer regions) (see the map of Early Vedic Period)


Early Janapadas (peoples / tribes) (c. 1700-1100 BCE)

Early Vedic Culture (1700–1100 BCE) and location of early Indo-Aryan peoples and tribes

After roughly 1500 BCE Indo-Aryan peoples and tribes were swiftly expanding through ancient northern India, therefore the number of peoples, tribes and clans was increasing (as well as the number of Indo-Aryan language speakers) and Āryāvarta was becoming a very large area (see the map on the right side).

  • Aja – (Madhya-desha Āryāvarta - Central Āryāvarta)
  • Ambaśṭha – (Madhya-desha Āryāvarta - Central Āryāvarta)
  • Aṅga – Prachya Āryāvarta - Eastern Āryāvarta ((Madhya-desha and Prachya Āryāvarta - Central and Eastern Āryāvarta in Vamana).
  • Anu - is a Vedic Sanskrit term for one of the 5 major tribes in the Rigveda, RV 1.108.8, RV 8.10.5 (both times listed together with the Druhyu) and, much later also in the Mahabharata.[3] In the late Vedic period, one of the Anu kings, King Anga, is mentioned as a "chakravartin" (AB 8.22). Ānava, the vrddhi derivation of Anu, is the name of a ruler in the Rigvedic account of the Battle of the Ten Kings (7.18.13) and at 8.4.1 with the Turvaśa (tribe). The meaning ánu "living, human" (Naighantu) cannot be substantiated for the Rigveda [4] and may have been derived from the tribal name. (Pratichya Āryāvarta - Western Āryāvarta)
  • Āyu[5] -
  • Bhajeratha[6]
  • Bhalana - The Bhalanas were one of the tribes that fought against Sudas in the Dasarajna battle. Some scholars have argued that the Bhalanas lived in Eastern Afghanistan Kabulistan, and that the Bolan Pass derives its name from the Bhalanas.[3][7] (Pratichya Āryāvarta - Western Āryāvarta)
  • Bharadvāja – (Madhya-desha Āryāvarta - Central Āryāvarta)
  • Bhrigus[8]
  • Bheda – (Madhya-desha Āryāvarta - Central Āryāvarta)
  • Bodha – (Madhya-desha Āryāvarta - Central Āryāvarta)
  • Druhyu - The Druhyu were a people of Vedic India. They are mentioned in the Rigveda,[9] usually together with the Anu tribe.[10] Some early scholars have placed them in the northwestern region.[7]:I 395 The later texts, the Epic and the Puranas, locate them in the "north", that is, in Gandhara, Aratta and Setu. (Vishnu Purana IV.17) The Druhyus were driven out of the land of the seven rivers, and their next king, Gandhara, settled in a north-western region which became known as Gandhāra. The sons of the later Druhyu king Pracetas too settle in the "northern" (udīcya) region (Bhagavata 9.23.15-16; Visnu 4.17.5; Vayu 99.11-12; Brahmanda 3.74.11-12 and Matsya 48.9.). Recently, some writers[11] have ahistorically asserted that the Druhyu are the ancestors of the Iranian, Greek or European peoples, or of the Celtic Druid class.[12] The word Druid (Gallic Celtic druides), however, is derived from Proto-Indo-European vid "to see, to know' [13] It has also been alleged that the Rg Veda and the Puranas describe this tribe as migrating North,.[11][12] However, there is nothing of this in the Rigveda and the Puranas merely mention that the Druhyu are "adjacent (āśrita) to the North". (Pratichya Āryāvarta - Western Āryāvarta)
  • Gandharis[14] (Pratichya Āryāvarta - Western Āryāvarta)
  1. Guṅgu[15]
  2. Iksvaku[16] (Pratichya Āryāvarta - Western Āryāvarta)
  • Kārūṣa (Karusha) – later Cedi (Chedi) (Madhya-desha Āryāvarta - Central Āryāvarta)
  • Keśin (Madhya-desha Āryāvarta - Central Āryāvarta)
  • Kīkaṭa[17] (Prachya Āryāvarta - Eastern Āryāvarta)
  • Kosala (Prachya Āryāvarta - Eastern Āryāvarta)
  • Krivi[18] (Madhya-desha Āryāvarta - Central Āryāvarta)
  • Kunti (Madhya-desha Āryāvarta - Central Āryāvarta)
  • Madra (Udichya Āryāvarta - Northern Āryāvarta)
    • Uttara Madra (Udichya Āryāvarta - Northern Āryāvarta)
  • Magadha (Prachya Āryāvarta - Eastern Āryāvarta)
  • Mahāvṛṣa (Mahavrisha) (Udichya Āryāvarta - Northern Āryāvarta)
  • Mahīna[19]
  • Malankhara[20]
  • Matsya[21] (Madhya-desha Āryāvarta - Central Āryāvarta)
  • Mūjavana / Maujavant[22] (Udichya Āryāvarta - Northern Āryāvarta)
  • Nahuṣa[20]
  • Pāñcala (Panchala) (Madhya-desha Āryāvarta - Central Āryāvarta)
  • Pārāvata (Madhya-desha Āryāvarta - Central Āryāvarta)
  • Pṛthu (Prithu) (Pratichya Āryāvarta - Western Āryāvarta)
  • Pūru (Puru) (Pratichya Āryāvarta - Western Āryāvarta)
    • Bharatas - The Bharatas are an Aryan tribe mentioned in the Rigveda, especially in Mandala 3 attributed to the Bharata sage Vishvamitra and in and Mandala 7.[23] Bharatá is also used as a name of Agni (literally, "to be maintained", viz. the fire having to be kept alive by the care of men), and as a name of Rudra in RV 2.36.8. In one of the "river hymns" RV 3.33, the entire Bharata tribe is described as crossing over, with their chariots and wagons, at the confluence of the Vipash (Beas) and Shutudri (Satlej). Hymns by Vasistha in Mandala 7 (7.18 etc.) mention the Bharatas as the protagonists in the Battle of the Ten Kings, where they are on the winning side. They appear to have been successful in the early power-struggles between the various Aryan and non-Aryan tribes so that they continue to dominate in post-Rigvedic texts, and later in the (Epic) tradition, the Mahābhārata, the eponymous ancestor becomes Emperor Bharata, conqueror of 'all of India', and his tribe and kingdom is called Bhārata. "Bhārata" today is the official name of the Republic of India (see also Etymology of India). (Madhya-desha Āryāvarta - Central Āryāvarta)
    • Tṛtsu (Tritsu) The Tritsus are a sub-group of the Puru who are distinct from the Bharatas mentioned in Mandala 7 of the Rigveda (in hymns 18, 33 and 83). Under king Sudas they defeated the confederation of ten kings led by the Bharatas at the Battle of the Ten Kings. (Madhya-desha Āryāvarta - Central Āryāvarta)
  • Ruśama (Madhya-desha Āryāvarta - Central Āryāvarta)
  • Śālva (Shalva) (Madhya-desha Āryāvarta - Central Āryāvarta)
  • Sārasvata - people that dwelt the banks of the Sarasvati river (Pratichya Āryāvarta - Western Āryāvarta)
  • Satvanta (Dakshina Āryāvarta - Southern Āryāvarta)
  • Śigru (Madhya-desha Āryāvarta - Central Āryāvarta)
  • Śiva (Shiva, not to be confused with the God Śiva or Shiva) (Pratichya Āryāvarta - Western Āryāvarta)
  • Srñjaya (Srinjaya) (Madhya-desha Āryāvarta - Central Āryāvarta)
  • Śvikna (Madhya-desha Āryāvarta - Central Āryāvarta)
  • Turvaśa (Turvasa)
  • Uśīnara (Ushinara) (Madhya-desha Āryāvarta - Central Āryāvarta)
  • Vaikarṇa (Vaikarna) (Udichya Āryāvarta - Northern Āryāvarta)
  • Vaṅga (Vanga) (Prachya Āryāvarta - Eastern Āryāvarta)
  • Varaśikha (Varashikha) (Madhya-desha Āryāvarta - Central Āryāvarta)
  • Vaśa (Vasha) (Madhya-desha Āryāvarta - Central Āryāvarta)
  • Vidarbha (Vidarbha, Dakshina Āryāvarta - Southern Āryāvarta)
  • Videha (Mithila, Prachya Āryāvarta - Eastern Āryāvarta)
  • Viśaṇin (Vishanin) (Pratichya Āryāvarta - Western Āryāvarta)
  • Vṛcivanta (Vrichivanta) (Pratichya Āryāvarta - Western Āryāvarta)
  • Yadu (Pratichya Āryāvarta - Western Āryāvarta)
  • Yakṣu (Yakshu) (Madhya-desha Āryāvarta - Central Āryāvarta)

Late Janapadas (peoples / tribes) (c. 1100-500 BCE)

Late Vedic era map showing the boundaries of Āryāvarta with Janapadas in northern India. Beginning of Iron Age kingdoms in India— Kuru, Panchala, Kosala, Videha.

From roughly 1100 to 500 BCE Indo-Aryan peoples and tribes expanded even further throughout ancient northern India (see the map on the right side).

Mahajanapadas (c. 500 BCE)

महाजनपद - Mahajanapada

Shodasa Mahajanapadas (Sixteen Mahajanapadas)

The Mahajanapadas were sixteen great kingdoms and republics that emerged after the more powerful political entities (initially based on the territories of peoples and tribes) had conquered many others.

According to the Anguttara Nikaya, Digha Nikaya, Chulla-Niddesa (Buddhist Canon)

According to the Vyākhyāprajñapti / Bhagavati Sutra (Jain text)

Mentioned by Ancient Greek Authors (Classical Age)

Northwest Ancient India - Indus River Basin

  • Glausae (Glausaí) (may have been the Gandhari?)
  • Oxydracae (Oxydrakaí) (may have been the Śudra (Shudra / Sudra) / Suhya (Brahmanda), not to be confused with the Shudra, a Varna)
  • Sattagydans, people that dwelt in Sattagydia (Old Persian Thataguš; th = θ, from θata - "hundred" and guš - "cows", country of the People of "Hundred Cows"), may have been an Indo-Aryan people of Sindh with Iranian influence or the opposite, an Iranian people of Sindh with Indo-Aryan influence.
  • Sibae / Sobii (Sibaí / Sivaí / Sobioí / Sivioí) (may have been the Śiva or Shiva people of Early Janapadas, not to be confused with the God Śiva or Shiva?)

Other regions of Ancient India (India Intra Gangem)

Possible Indo-Aryan peoples / tribes

  • Alina (RV 7.18.7) - They were probably one of the tribes defeated by Sudas at the Dasarajna,[7]:I 39 and it has been suggested that they lived to the north-east of Nurestan, because much later, in the 7th century CE, the land was mentioned by the Chinese pilgrim Xuanzang.[7]:I 39 The historian S. Talageri identifies them with the Greeks (Hellenes).[24] (if the Alina were in fact the Hellenes / Greeks, or a people or tribe of Hellenic descendance, they would have been not Indo-Aryans, however the hypothetical historic time for the Dasarajna - Battle of Ten Kings is well before Alexander the Great conquests, a Millennium before, and any Hellenic presence to the west or northwest of India - Hellenistic kingdoms, like the Greco-Bactrian kingdom).
  • Kāmboja (Kamboja) (ancestors of the Nuristani peoples, sometimes included in the Indo-Aryan peoples, or of the Iranian Pamirian peoples - Pamiris or Badakhshani people)
  • Sogdi (Sogdoí), people that inhabited where is today the Sibi Division valley in Balochistan, between Balochistan and Sindh, and most of the Larkana Division, and parts of the Sukkur Division to the west of the Indus river, in Sindh, their main city was called Sogdorum Regia (maybe today's Sukkur) by the ancient Greek and Roman authors, and was on the Indus river banks. They may have been an Indo-Aryan people of the Indus valley with a coincidental name with the Sogdians, or, as the name could tell, a branch of the Sogdians, the "Indus Sogdians", in a region of the west Indus valley.

Hypothetical Indo-Aryans

  • Mitanni Indo-Aryans (c. 1500-1300 BCE) - hypothetical ancient people of the northern Middle East in the Mitanni kingdom (part of today's far western Iran, northwestern Iraq, northern Syria and southeastern Turkey), that spoke the hypothetical Mitanni Indo-Aryan (a language that was superstrate of Hurrian, a non-Indo-European language) and merged with the Hurrians, many of them as a social elite, in the course of the Indo-Aryan migration (towards West in this case).

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gollark: ++delete deleted

See also


  1. Anthony, David W. (2007), The Horse The Wheel And Language. How Bronze-Age Riders From the Eurasian Steppes Shaped The Modern World, Princeton University Press
  2. Parpola, Asko (2015), The Roots of Hinduism. The Early Aryans and the Indus Civilization, Oxford University Press
  3. Talageri, S. G. (2005). The Rigveda as a source of Indo-European history. The Indo-Aryan Controversy: Evidence and Inference in Indian History, 332.
  4. Mayrhofer, Etym. Dict. 1986, pt. 1, p. 74
  5. Bloomfield, M. (1899). The Myth of Purūravas, Urvaçī, and Âyu. Journal of the American Oriental Society, 20, 180-183.
  6. Zimmer, S. (1986). On a special meaning of jána- in the Rgveda. Indo-Iranian Journal, 29(2), 109-115.
  7. A. A. Macdonell and A. B. Keith (1912). Vedic Index of Names and Subjects.
  8. Weller, H. (1937). WHO WERE THE BHRIGUIDS?. Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, 18(3), 296-302.
  9. e.g. RV 1.108.8; 7.18; 8.10.5; 6.46.8
  10. Hopkins, E. W. (1893). Problematic passages in the Rig-Veda. Journal of the American Oriental Society, 15, 252-283.
  11. Talageri 2000
  12. Sanskrit in English
  13. F. Le Roux & C.-J.Guyonvarc'h, Les Druides, Paris 1982: 37
  15. Grassmann, H. (Ed.). (1876). Rig-veda (Vol. 1). FA Brockhaus.
  16. PINCOTT, F. ART. XIX.—The First Mandala of the Rig-Veda. By. Journal of the Boy. Asiat. Son, 16(Part II).
  17. Rig-Veda-Sanhitá: A collection of ancient Hindu hymns... Vol. 3. 1857.
  18. Pike, A. (1992). Indo-Aryan Deities and Worship as Contained in the Rig-Veda. Kessinger Pub.
  19. Perry, E. D. (1885). Indra in the Rig-Veda. Journal of the American Oriental Society, 11, 117-208.
  20. Griffith, R. T. (2009). The Rig-Veda. The Rig Veda.
  21. Muller, F. M. (1869). Rig-veda-sanhita (Vol. 1).
  22. Witzel, M. (1999). Aryan and Non-Aryan names in Vedic India. Data for the linguistic situation, c. 1900–500 BC. Aryan and Non-Aryan in South Asia, Evidence, Interpretation and Ideology. Cambridge Mass.: Harvard University (Harvard Oriental Series: Opera Minora III).
  23. Frawley, D. (2001). The Rig Veda and the History of India: Rig Veda Bharata Itihasa. Aditya Prakashan.
  24. The Rigveda: A Historical Analysis, Aditya Prakashan, New Delhi 2000

Further reading

  • Anthony, David W. (2007), The Horse The Wheel And Language. How Bronze-Age Riders From the Eurasian Steppes Shaped The Modern World, Princeton University Press
  • Frawley David: The Rig Veda and the History of India, 2001. (Aditya Prakashan), ISBN 81-7742-039-9
  • Misra, Sudama (1973). Janapada state in ancient India. Vārāṇasī: Bhāratīya Vidyā Prakāśana.
  • Pargiter, F.E. [1922] 1979. Ancient Indian Historical Tradition. New Delhi: Cosmo.
  • Parpola, Asko (2015), The Roots of Hinduism. The Early Aryans and the Indus Civilization, Oxford University Press
  • Talageri, Shrikant: The Rigveda: A Historical Analysis 2000, ISBN 81-7742-010-0 [6]; --Aryan Invasion Theory and Indian Nationalism. 1993.
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