Harvard Oriental Series

The Harvard Oriental Series is a book series founded in 1891 by Charles Rockwell Lanman and Henry Clarke Warren. Lanman served as its inaugural editor (1891-1934) for the first 37 volumes. Other editors of the series include Walter Eugene Clark (1934-1950, volumes 38-44), Daniel Henry Holmes Ingalls (1950-1983, volumes 45-48) and Gary Tubb (1983-1990, volume 49).

Currently in its 73rd volume, the series is edited by Michael Witzel, the Wales Professor of Sanskrit in the Department of Sanskrit and Indian Studies at Harvard University, and distributed by the Harvard University Press.


11891Hendrik KernThe Jataka-Mala
21895Richard GarbeSamkhya-Pravacana-Bhasya
31896Henry Clarke WarrenBuddhism in Translations
41901Sten KonowRajasekhara's Karpuramanjari
5 and 61904Arthur Anthony MacdonellThe Bṛhad-devatā attributed to Śaunaka[1][2]
7 and 81905William Dwight WhitneyAtharva Veda Samhita
91905Arthur William RyderMrcchakatika by Shudraka
101906Maurice BloomfieldA Vedic Concordance
111908Johannes HertelThe Panchatantra of Purnabhadra[3]
121912Johannes HertelThe Panchatantra of Purnabhadra[4]
131912Johannes HertelThe Panchatantra of Purnabhadra[5]
141915Johannes HertelThe Panchatantra (Tantrakhyayika)[6]
151912Carl CappellerKiratarjuniya of Bharavi
161922Richard PischelSakuntala of Kalidasa
171914James Haughton WoodsThe Yoga-System of Patanjali
18 and 191914Arthur Berriedale KeithThe Veda of the Black Yajus School
201916Maurice BloomfieldRig-Veda Repetitions
211915Shripad Krishna BelvalkarRama's Later History or Uttara-Rama-Charita by Bhavabhuti
22NAShripad Krishna BelvalkarRama's Later History, Part 2
23NAShripad Krishna BelvalkarRama's Later History, Part 3
241916Maurice BloomfieldRig-Veda Repetitions, Parts 2 and 3
251920Arthur Berriedale KeithRigveda Brahmanas
26 and 271926Franklin EdgertonVikrama's Adventures
28 and 29 and 301921Eugene Watson BurlingameBuddhist Legends
31 and 321925Arthur Berriedale KeithThe Religion and Philosophy of the Veda and Upanishads
33 and 34 and 351951Karl Friedrich GeldnerDer Rig-Veda
361957Karl Friedrich GeldnerDer Rig-Veda
371932Robert ChalmersBuddha's Teachings
38 and 391944Franklin EdgertonThe Bhagavad Gita
401951Daniel Henry Holmes IngallsNavya-Nyāya Logic
411950Henry Clarke Warren & Dharmananda Damodar KosambiVisuddhimagga of Buddhaghosa
421957D. D. Kosambi and V. V. GokhaleSubhasitaratnakosa by Vidyakara
431958W. Norman BrownSaundaryalahari of Sankaracarya
441965Daniel Henry Holmes IngallsVidyakara's Subhasitaratnakosa
451965Richard Nelson FryeThe Histories of Nishapur
461968Bimal Krishna MatilalNavya-Nyāya Philosophy
471968Hattori MasaakiDignaga's Pramanasamuccaya
481978David PingreeThe Yavanajataka of Sphujidhvaja
491990Daniel Henry Holmes Ingalls, Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson and M. V. PatwardhanThe Dhvanyaloka of Anandavardhana
501994Barend A. van Nooten and Gary HollandRig Veda
511996Gurinder Singh MannThe Goindval Pothis
521997Madhav DeshpandeSaunakiya Caturadhyayika
531998V. RaghavanThe Srngaraprakasa of Bhoja, Part 1
54NANAThe Srngaraprakasa of Bhoja, Part 2
551998Gregory G. MaskarinecNepalese Shaman Oral Texts, I
561999Edward C. Dimock Jr.Caitanya Caritamrta of Krsnadasa Kaviraja
57ExampleB. R. SharmaThe Samaveda Samhita, Volume 1
58NAB. R. SharmaThe Samaveda Samhita, Volume 2
59NAB. R. SharmaThe Samaveda Samhita, Volume 3
602002Olle QvarnströmThe Yogasastra of Hemacandra
612002Madhav DeshpandeSaunakiya Atharvaveda
622003Iravatham MahadevanEarly Tamil Epigraphy
632003Karl Friedrich GeldnerRig-Veda
642008Kurtis R. Schaeffer and Leonard van der KuijpAn Early Tibetan Survey of Buddhist Literature
652004Michael WitzelKatha Aranyaka
662008Marco FranceschiniA New Vedic Concordance
672007Todd T. Lewis and Subarna Man TuladharSugatasaurabha by Chittadhar Hridaya
682008Gregory G. MaskarinecNepalese Shaman Oral Texts, II
692008Karen H. Ebert and Martin GaenszleRai Mythology
702008Malcolm David EckelBhaviveka and His Buddhist Opponents
712008Lawrence J. McCreaThe Teleology of Poetics in Medieval Kashmir
722010Dragomir DimitrovThe Bhaiksuki Manuscript of the Candralamkara
732009Patrick OlivelleVishnu Smriti

74. Ethnographic Notes on the Mru and Khumi of the Chittagong and Arakan Hill Tracts: A Contribution to our Knowledge of South and Southeast Asian Indigenous Peoples mainly based on field research in the Southern Chittagong Hill Tracts Löffler, Lorenz G. 75. The Foundation for Yoga Practitioners: The Buddhist Yogācārabhūmi Treatise and Its Adaptation in India, East Asia, and Tibet Kragh, Ulrich Timme 76.The Earliest Missionary Grammar of Tamil: Fr. Henriques' Arte da Lingua Malabar: Translation, History, and Analysis 77. Brahmanical Theories of the Gift: A Critical Edition and Annotated Translation of the Dānakānda of the Krtyakalpataru Brick, David 78. Bhāviveka on Sāmkhya and Vedānta: The Sāmkhya and Vedānta Chapters of the Madhyamakahrdayakārikā and Tarkajvālā Qvarnström, Olle 79. The Toda Landscape: Explorations in Cultural Ecology Chhabra, Tarun 80. Materialien zur Prasun-Sprache des Afghanischen Hindukusch, Teil I: Texte und Glossar Buddruss, Georg Degener, Almuth 81. Materials Toward the Study of Vasubandhu’s Viṁśikā (I): Sanskrit and Tibetan Critical Editions of the Verses and Autocommentary; An English Translation and Annotations Silk, Jonathan A. 82. An Early Text on the History of Rwa sgreng Monastery: The Rgyal ba’i dben gnas rwa sgreng gi bshad pa nyi ma’i ’od zer of ’Brom Shes rab me lce Iuchi, Maho 83. Into Sūr’s Ocean: Poetry, Context, and Commentary Hawley, John Stratton 84. Materialien zur Prasun-Sprache des Afghanischen Hindukusch, Teil II: Grammatik Buddruss, Georg Degener, Almuth 85. Lokaprakāśa by Kṣemendra with the commentary of Sahaja Bhaṭṭa, Volume 1 Kṣemendra Bhaṭṭa, Sahaja Witzel, Michael 86. Materials for the Study of Gurung Pe, Volume I Strickland, Simon 87. Materials for the Study of Gurung Pe, Volume II Strickland, Simon 88. A Comparative Dictionary of Raute and Rawat: Tibeto-Burman Languages of the Central Himalayas Fortier, Jana. 89. Guardian of a Dying Flame: Śāriputra (c. 1335–1426) and the End of Late Indian Buddhism McKeown, Arthur. 90. Lokaprakāśa by Kṣemendra with the commentary of Sahaja Bhaṭṭa, Volume 2 Kṣemendra Bhaṭṭa, Sahaja Witzel, Michael. 91. The Two Oldest Veda Manuscripts: Facsimile Edition of Vājasaneyi Saṃhitā 1–20 (Saṃhitā- and Padapāṭha) from Nepal and Western Tibet (c. 1150 CE) Witzel, Michael. 92. Ritual Speech in the Himalayas: Oral Texts and Their Contexts Gaenszle, Martin. 93. Hindu Kingship Rituals: Power Relation and Historical Evolution, Nawaraj Chaulagain

gollark: No, the coolest thing is potatOS Tau.
gollark: POOP = principles of object-oriented programming.
gollark: I mean, strictly speaking it is, even if it *may* have been justified (can't remember).
gollark: What acronym was this again?
gollark: What is...?

See also


  1. Arthur Anthony Macdonell (1904). Charles Rockwell Lanman (ed.). The Bṛhad-devatā attributed to Śaunaka: A Summary of the Deities and Myths of the Rig-Veda: Critically edited in the original Sanskrit with an introduction and seven appendices, and translated into English with critical and illustrative notes: Part I: Introduction and Text and Appendices. Harvard Oriental Series. V. Harvard University.
  2. Arthur Anthony Macdonell (1904). Charles Rockwell Lanman (ed.). The Bṛhad-devatā attributed to Śaunaka: A Summary of the Deities and Myths of the Rig-Veda: Critically edited in the original Sanskrit with an introduction and seven appendices, and translated into English with critical and illustrative notes: Part II: Translation and Notes. Harvard Oriental Series. V. Harvard University.
  3. Hertel, Johannes (1908), The Panchatantra: a collection of ancient Hindu tales, in the recension called Panchakhyanaka, and dated 1199 A.D., of the Jaina monk, Pūrṇabhadra, critically edited in the original Sanskrit (in Nâgarî letters, and, for the sake of beginners, with word-division), Harvard Oriental Series Volume 11
  4. Hertel, Johannes (1912), The Panchatantra-text of Pūrṇabhadra : critical introduction and list of variants, Harvard Oriental Series Volume 12
  5. Hertel, Johannes (1912), The Panchatantra-text of Pūrṇabhadra and its relation to texts of allied recensions as shown in parallel specimens, Harvard Oriental Series Volume 13
  6. Hertel, Johannes (1915), The Panchatantra: a collection of ancient Hindu tales in its oldest recension, the Kashmirian, entitled Tantrakhyayika, Harvard Oriental Series Volume 14
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