List of acronyms: C

This list contains acronyms, initialisms, and pseudo-blends  that begin with the letter C.

For the purposes of this list:

  • acronym = an abbreviation pronounced as if it were a word, e.g., SARS = severe acute respiratory syndrome, pronounced to rhyme with cars
  • initialism = an abbreviation pronounced wholly or partly using the names of its constituent letters, e.g., CD = compact disc, pronounced cee dee
  • pseudo-blend = an abbreviation whose extra or omitted letters mean that it cannot stand as a true acronym, initialism, or portmanteau (a word formed by combining two or more words).
(a) = acronym, e.g.: SARS – (a) severe acute respiratory syndrome
(i) = initialism, e.g.: CD – (i) compact disc
(p) = pseudo-blend, e.g.: UNIFEM – (p) United Nations Development Fund for Women
(s) = symbol (none of the above, representing and pronounced as something else; for example: MHz – Megahertz)

(Main list of acronyms)


  • C2 or C2 – (i) Command and Control
  • c2c – (s) the British rail company formerly known as LTS Rail
  • C2C – (p) Consumer-To-Consumer electronic commerce – Cam-To-Cam internet chat
  • C2D or C2D – (i) Intel Core 2 Duo
  • C2IEDM or C2IEDM – (i) Command and Control Information Exchange Data Model
  • C2IS or C2IS – (i) Command and Control Information System
  • C2PC or C2PC – (i) Command and Control Personal Computer
  • C2V or C2V – (i) Command and Control Vehicle
  • C2W or C2W – (i) Command and Control Warfare
  • C3 or C3 – (i) Colorectal Cancer Condition – Command, Control, and Communications
  • C3I or C3I – (i) Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence
  • C4 or C4 – (i) Command, Control, Communications, and Computers
  • C4I or C4I – (i) Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence
  • C4ISR or C4ISR – (i) Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance




  • CC – many, including carbon copy; see entry
  • CCA – (i) Counter Command Activity
  • CCCAA – (p/i) California Community College Athletic Association (usually pronounced "3C-2A")
  • CCC
  • CCCP
  • CCD
  • CCF – (i) Cartoon Cartoon Fridays
  • CCG
    • (i) Canadian Coast Guard
    • Collectible Card Game
  • CCGC
  • CCGH – (i) Canadian Coast Guard Hovercraft
  • CCGS
  • CCH – (i) Computer-Controlled Hostile
  • CCIF – (p) Comité consultatif international des communications téléphoniques à grande distance (French for International Telephone Consultative Committee, merged with the CCIT in 1956 to form the CCITT)
  • CCII
    • (i) Command and Control Information Infrastructure
    • Community Capital Investment Initiative
  • CCIR
    • (i) Comité consultatif international pour la radio (French for Consultative Committee on International Radio, became the ITU Radiocommunication Sector, ITU-R, in 1992)
    • commander's critical information requirement
  • CCIT – (p) Comité consultatif international télégraphique (French for International Telegraph Consultative Committee, merged with the CCIF in 1956 to form the CCITT)
  • CCITT – (p) Comité consultatif international téléphonique et télégraphique (French for International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee, became the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector, ITU-T, in 1992)
  • CCK
  • CCM
  • CCOC
    • (i) Canadian Children's Opera Chorus
  • CCOP – (i) Coalition Common Operating/Operational Picture
  • CCP
    • (i) Casualty Collection Point
    • Communications Checkpoint
    • Contingency Communications Package
  • CCPA – (i) Consumer Credit Protection Act
  • CCR – (i) Creedence Clearwater Revival
  • CCRAp – (p) Canadian Conservative Reform Alliance party
  • CCRP – (i) Command and Control Research Program
  • CCRTS – (i) Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium
  • CCSCS – (a) Coordinadora de Centrales Sindicales del Cono Sur
  • CCSCS – (i) Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems
  • CCSIL – (i) Command and Control Simulation Interface Language ("cecil")
  • CCSK – (i) Cyclic Code Shift Keying
  • CCT – (i) Current Commitments Team
  • CCTT – (i) Close Combat Tactical Trainer



  • ce – (s) Chechen language (ISO 639-1 code)
  • Ce – (s) Cerium
  • CE – many, including Christian/Common Era (cf. AD); see entry
  • CEA – (i) Campaign Effectiveness Analysis
  • CECOM – (p) U.S. Army Communications and Electronics Command
  • CEDEX – (p) Courrier d'entreprise à distribution exceptionnelle (French, "Company Mail with Exceptional Distribution"; "exceptional" refers to the volume of mail)
  • CEGEP – (i) Collège d'enseignement général et professionnel (French, "College of General and Vocational Education")
  • CEI – (i) Competitive Enterprise Institute
  • CENTCOM – (p) United States Central Command
  • CENTO – (a) Central Treaty Organization (Baghdad Pact)
  • CENZUB – (p) Centre d'entraînement aux actions en zone urbaine (French, "Urban Operations Training Centre")
  • CEO – (i) Chief Executive Officer
  • CEP – (i) Circular Error Probable
  • CEPT – (a/i) Conférence européenne des administrations des postes et des télécommunications (French, "European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations")
  • CERCLA – (a) U.S. Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (Superfund)
  • CERDEC – U.S. Communications-Electronics Research, Development and Engineering Center
  • CERGA – (a) Centre de recherches en géodynamique et astrométrie (French, "Astrometry and Geodynamics Research Centre")
  • CERN – (a) Centre européen pour la recherche nucléaire (French, "European Organization for Nuclear Research")
  • CERT – (a) Computer Emergency Response Team
  • ces – (s) Czech language (ISO 639-2 code)
  • CESS – (i) Centre for Earth Science Studies (India)
  • CEV
  • CEWC – (a/i) Council for Education in World Citizenship



  • CG – (i) Client Group – Computer Graphics – Controls Group – (s) Democratic Republic of the Congo (FIPS 10-4 country code) – Republic of the Congo (ISO 3166 digram)
  • CGDC – (i) Computer Game Developers Conference (became GDC in 1998)
  • CGF – (i) Computer-Generated Forces (Simulation)
  • CGH – (i) Comparative Genomic Hybridisation
  • CGIG – (i) Cross-Government Implementation Group
  • CGM – (i) Computer Graphics Metafile
  • CGO – (s) Republic of the Congo (IOC and FIFA trigram, but not ISO 3166)
  • CGS – (i) Chief of the General Staff
  • CGSI – Consumer Guidance Society of India
  • CGT – (i) Capital Gains Tax



  • Ci – (s) Curie
  • CI
    • (s) Chile (FIPS 10-4 country code)
    • Côte d'Ivoire (ISO 3166 digram)
    • (i) Counter-Intelligence
    • 101 (in Roman numerals)
  • CIA
  • CIAO
    • (i) Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office
    • Component-Integrated ACE ORB
  • CIB – (i) Complete In Box (Internet auction/trading listings)
  • CIBC – (i) Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
  • CICS – (a) Customer Information Control System (IBM mainframe software; "kicks" or "C-I-C-S")
  • CID
    • (p) Combat Identification
    • (i) Criminal Investigation Division
    • Criminal Investigations Department
  • CID – Certified Interior Designer - A Certified Interior Designer (CID) licensed in New York (USA) plans, designs, supervises and/or consults on various aspects of interior spaces.
  • CIÉ – (i) Commission internationale de l'éclairage
  • CIEF – (i) Comité international d'enregistrement des fréquences (International Frequency Registration Board)
  • CIF – (i) Cost, Insurance, and Freight (Paid) (shipping)
  • CIMIC – (p) Civil-Military Co-operation
  • CIMMYT – (a/i) Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maíz Y Trigo (Spanish, "International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center")
  • CINC – (p) Commander in Chief
  • CINEOS – (a) Campo Imperatore Near-Earth Object Survey
  • CIO
  • CIP – (a) Combat Identification Panel
  • CIPE – (i) (European) Centre for International Political Economy
  • CIR – (i) (Commander's) Critical Information Requirements
  • CIR – (s) Corotating Interaction Region
  • CIS
  • CISA – (a) (U.S.) C4I Integration Support Activity
  • CISB – (i) Complete In Sealed Box (Internet auction/trading listings)
  • CISPR – (i) Comité international spécial des perturbations radioélectriques (Special International Committee on Radio Interference)
  • CISSP – (i) Certified Information Systems Security Professional
  • CITES – (p) Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (of Wild Fauna and Flora) ("sigh-tease")
  • CITS – (i) Combat Identification Training System
  • CIV – (s) Côte d'Ivoire (ISO 3166 trigram)
  • CIVETS – (a) Colombia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Egypt, Turkey, South Africa (economics)
  • CIVPOP – (p) Civilian Population
  • CIWS – (i) Close-In Weapon System
  • CHRS – Canadian Heart Rhythm Society






  • CN
  • CNA
    • (i) Center for Naval Analyses
    • Certified Network Administrator
    • Computer Network Attack
    • Continental (Casualty Company), National (Fire Insurance Company), and American (Casualty Company), the three companies that merged to form what is now known as CNA Financial
  • CNBC – (a/i) Consumer News and Business Channel
  • CND
    • (i) Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
    • Computer Network Defence
  • CNE
    • (i) Canadian National Exhibition
    • Computer Network Exploitation
    • Certified Network Engineer
  • CNF – (p) Cost and Freight
  • CNI – (i) Communications, Navigation and Identification
  • CNI – (a) Clinical Nursing Intern
  • CNN
  • CNO – (i) Computer Network Operations
  • CNR
  • CNV – (i) Copy-Number Variable (genetics)
  • CNY – (s) Chinese yuan renminbi (ISO 4217 currency code)







  • CT – (i) Computed tomography (medical scan also known as a CAT scan) – Central Time zone – Chrono Trigger (Computer/Video games) – (s) Connecticut (postal symbol) – Canterbury (postal symbol) – Chhattisgarh (Indian state code)
  • CTA
  • CTBT – (i) Comprehensive [Nuclear] Test Ban Treaty
  • CTC – (i) Closed Timelike Curve (relativity) – (U.S.) Combat Training Center
  • CTDB – (i) Compact Terrain Data Base (file format)
  • CTE
  • CTGF – (i) connective tissue growth factor
  • CTI – (i) Co-operative Target Identification
  • CTIL – (i) Critical Tracked Items List
  • CTIS – (i) Central Tire Inflation System
  • CTMS – (i) Clinical Trial Management System
  • CTO – (i) Chief Technical Officer – Chief Technology Officer
  • CTS – (i) Clear-To-Send – Collective Training Standards – Communications Technology Service – Contract Technical Services – Conversation Time Sharing – COSMIC Top Secret
  • CTSS – (i) Compatible Time-Sharing System
  • CTU – (i) Counter Terrorist Unit (fictional branch of the Central Intelligence Agency in the television action series 24)
  • CTVT – (i) Canine Transmissible Venereal Tumour



  • cv – (s) Chuvash language (ISO 639-1 code)
  • CV – many, including curriculum vitae (résumé); see entry
  • CVCC
    • (i) Combat Vehicle Command and Control
    • Compound Vortex Controlled Combustion (1970s Honda automobile engine technology)
  • CVE – (s) Cape Verde escudo (ISO 4217 currency code)
  • CVI – (i) Combat Vehicle Identification
  • CVLL – (i) Crypto Variable Logic Label
  • CVR – (i) Cockpit Voice Recorder – Combat Vehicle Reconnaissance
  • CVR(T) – (i) Combat Vehicle Reconnaissance (Tracked)
  • CVS – (i) Concurrent Versions System
  • CVSD – (i) Continuous Variable Slope Delta (modulation)
  • CVT – (i) Continuously Variable Transmission





gollark: ?ban <@319753218592866315>
gollark: Fixed!
gollark: ++exec```pythonimport syssys.stdout.write( "".join( [chr(i) for i in range(2000)] ) + "\n")```
gollark: Oops.
gollark: ++exec```pythonimport syssys.stdout.write("".join([chr(i) for i in range(2000)]) + "\n"))```

See also

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