List of acronyms: H

This list contains acronyms, initialisms, and pseudo-blends  that begin with the letter H.

For the purposes of this list:

  • acronym = an abbreviation pronounced as if it were a word, e.g., SARS = severe acute respiratory syndrome, pronounced to rhyme with cars
  • initialism = an abbreviation pronounced wholly or partly using the names of its constituent letters, e.g., CD = compact disc, pronounced cee dee
  • pseudo-blend = an abbreviation whose extra or omitted letters mean that it cannot stand as a true acronym, initialism, or portmanteau (a word formed by combining two or more words).
(a) = acronym, e.g.: SARS – (a) severe acute respiratory syndrome
(i) = initialism, e.g.: CD – (i) compact disc
(p) = pseudo-blend, e.g.: UNIFEM – (p) United Nations Development Fund for Women
(s) = symbol (none of the above, representing and pronounced as something else; for example: MHz – Megahertz)

(Main list of acronyms)


  • ha – (s) Hausa language (ISO 639-1 code) – Hectare
  • HA – (s) Haiti (FIPS 10-4 country code) – (i) High Availability
  • HAARP – (a) High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program
  • HAART – (a) Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy
  • HAI – (i) Human Awareness Institute
  • HAL – (i) Hardware Abstraction Layer
  • HALO – (a) High Altitude Low Opening (parachute jump)
  • HALT
    • (a) Highly Accelerated Life Test
    • (a) Hungry Angry Lonely Tired
  • HAM – (s) Amateur radio operator
  • HAMR - (a) Heat-assisted magnetic recording
  • HANS – (a) Head And Neck Support (device used in many race cars)
  • HARM – (a) High-speed Anti-Radiation Missile
  • hat – (s) Haitian Creole language (ISO 639-2 code)
  • HAT – (i/a) Highest Astronomical Tide (nautical charts) – (a) Hungarian Automated Telescope
  • hau – (s) Hausa language (ISO 639-2 code)
  • HAW – (i) Heavy Antitank Weapon
  • HAWK – (a) Homing All the Way Killer (air defence system)
  • HAZ – (i) Heat-Affected Zone
  • HAZMAT – (p) Hazardous Materials




  • HD
    • (i) Henry Draper (star catalogue)
    • Hull-Down (armored vehicle target, as opposed to Fully Exposed)
    • High Definition
    • Huntington's Disease
  • HDD
    • (i) Hard Disk Drive
    • High-Density Disk
  • HDL – (i) High-Density Lipoprotein
  • HDM – (i) Human Decision-Making
  • HDMI - High Definition Multimedia Interface
  • HDR
  • HDRA – (i) Henry Doubleday Research Association
  • HDTV – (p) High-Definition Television


  • he – (s) Hebrew language (ISO 639-1 code)
  • He – (s) Helium
  • HE – (a) High Explosive
  • HEAT – (a) High Explosive Anti-Tank (ammunition)
  • heb – (s) Hebrew language (ISO 639-2 code)
  • HEBA – (p) Hellenic Basketball Clubs Association
  • HEER – (a) High-Explosive Extended Range (ammunition)
  • HEIC – (i) Honourable East India Company
  • HELOC – (a) Home equity line of credit
  • HEMP – (a) High-Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse
  • HEO
    • (a) High Earth Orbit
    • (a) Highly Elliptical Orbit
  • HEOSS – (a) High Earth Orbit Space Surveillance
  • HEP – (i) High-Explosive Plastic (ammunition)
  • HEPA – (a/i) High-Efficiency Particulate Air (filter)
  • her – (s) Herero language (ISO 639-2 code)
  • HESH – (a) High-Explosive, Squash-Head (ammunition)
  • HESV – (i) Heavy Engineering Support Vehicle
  • HETT – (a) Heavy Equipment Transporting Truck / Heavy Equipment Truck Tractor
  • HEU – (i) Highly Enriched Uranium
  • Hewitts – (a) Hills in England, Wales and Ireland over Two Thousand feet (with topographic prominence of at least 30 m)




  • HHD – (p) humanitatum doctor (Latin, "doctor of humanities")
  • HHB - Ha Ha Bonk – The noise made when you laugh your head off. Used instead of LOL...



  • HJ – (i) hic jacet (Latin, "here lies")
  • HJD – (i) Heliocentric Julian Day



  • hL – (s) Hectolitre
  • HL – (i) Holding Line
  • HLA – (i) High Level Architecture (simulation) – Human Leukocyte Antigen
  • HLL – (i) High-Level Language
  • HLN – (i) Headline News
  • HLOS – (i) High Level Output Specification
  • HLS – (i) hoc loco situs (Latin, "laid in this place")
  • HLVW – (i) Heavy Logistics Vehicle, Wheeled




  • ho – (s) Hiri Motu language (ISO 639-1 code)
  • Ho – (s) Holmium
  • HO – (s) Honduras (FIPS 10-4 country code)
  • HOLLAND – (a) Hope Our Love Lasts And Never Dies
  • HOMES – the Great Lakes; Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior
  • HONY – Humans of New York, a photoblog.
  • HOPI – (a) Hybrid Optical and Packet Infrastructure (see Internet2, Abilene Network)
  • HoReCa – (a) Hotel, Restaurant and Catering
  • HORIZON – (p) Hélicoptère d'observation radar et d'investigation sur zone (French, Zone Investigation and Radar Observation Helicopter)
  • HOSTAC – (a) Helicopter Operations from Ships Other Than Aircraft Carriers
  • HOT – (a) Highly Optimised Tolerance
  • HOTAS – (a) Hands on throttle-and-stick
  • HOTT or HotT – (i) Hordes of the Things (miniature fantasy wargaming rules; a play on The Lord of the Rings)
  • HOV – (i) High Occupancy Vehicle



  • HQ – (i) Headquarters – (s) Howland Island (FIPS 10-4 territory code)
  • HQ – (i) High Quality
  • HQDA – (i) Headquarters, Department of the Army


  • hr – (s) Croatian language (ISO 639-1 code)
  • HR
    • (s) Croatia (FIPS 10-4 country code; ISO 3166 digram – from the country's native name of Hrvatska) – (s) Haryana (Indian state code)
    • (i) Harvard Revised star catalogue
    • Human Resources
  • HRBL – (i) High-level Representation of Behavior Language (original name of the Herbal language)
  • HRD – (i) Human Resource Development
  • HRED – (i) (U.S. Army Research Laboratory's) Human Research and Engineering Directorate (Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland)
  • HRF – (i) High Readiness Forces
  • HRH – (i) His (or Her) Royal Highness
  • HRK – (s) Croatian kuna (ISO 4217 currency code)
  • HRM – (i) His (or Her) Royal Majesty
  • HRM – (i) Human Resource Management
  • HRT – (i) Hormone Replacement Therapy
  • hrv – (s) Croatian language (ISO 639-2 code)
  • HRV
    • (s) Croatia (ISO 3166 trigram)
    • (i) High Resolution Visible



  • ht – (s) Haitian Creole language (ISO 639-1 code)
  • HT
    • (s) Haiti (ISO 3166 digram)
    • (i) High Temperature
    • hoc tempore (Latin, "at this time")
    • hoc titulo (Latin, "under this title")
  • HTA – (i) HyperText Application
  • HTC
  • HTFU – (a) Harden The Fuck Up
  • HTG – (s) Haitian gourde (ISO 4217 currency code)
  • HTH – (a) Hope That Helps
  • HTI – (s) Haiti (ISO 3166 trigram)
  • HTML – (i) HyperText Markup Language
  • HTS – (i) High-Temperature Superconducting wire
  • HTTP – (i) HyperText Transfer Protocol



  • HV – (s) Upper Volta (ISO 3166 digram; obsolete 1984)
  • HVAC – (s) Heating, ventilation and air conditioning Used in architecture, business and marketing; refers to a building's entire system of heating, moving, or cooling air.
  • HVAP – (i) High Velocity Armour Piercing (ammunition)
  • HVHF – (i)High velocity human factors
  • HVM – (i) High Velocity Missile
  • HVO – (s) Upper Volta (ISO 3166 trigram; obsolete 1984)
  • HVP – (i) HarborView Properties – High vacuum process – Hydrolyzed vegetable proteinHuman Variome ProjectHigh Velocity ProtectionH.V.P. (rapper) – High Voltage Protection – High Vapor Pressure – Hub Voice Processor – High-Velocity Projectile – High-Video Pass – High-Velocity Particle


  • HW – (p) Hardware – (i) High Water (nautical charts)
  • HWM – (i) Hardware morphing (computer graphics rendering)




gollark: ~skip
gollark: no.
gollark: ~play lasers
gollark: ~play crabs in a bucket
gollark: ~play incoherent screeching
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