List of acronyms: O

This list contains acronyms, initialisms, and pseudo-blends  that begin with the letter O.

For the purposes of this list:

  • acronym = an abbreviation pronounced as if it were a word, e.g., SARS = severe acute respiratory syndrome, pronounced to rhyme with cars
  • initialism = an abbreviation pronounced wholly or partly using the names of its constituent letters, e.g., CD = compact disc, pronounced cee dee
  • pseudo-blend = an abbreviation whose extra or omitted letters mean that it cannot stand as a true acronym, initialism, or portmanteau (a word formed by combining two or more words).
(a) = acronym, e.g.: SARS – (a) severe acute respiratory syndrome
(i) = initialism, e.g.: CD – (i) compact disc
(p) = pseudo-blend, e.g.: UNIFEM – (p) United Nations Development Fund for Women
(s) = symbol (none of the above, representing and pronounced as something else; for example: MHz – Megahertz)

(Main list of acronyms)

  • O – (i) Oberst – Observer – Obstacle – Octal – Officer – Official – Oh – Operational – Operator – Oprah (magazine) – Outstanding – (s) Oxygen


  • OA – (i) Operational Analysis – (i) Overeaters Anonymous
  • OAC – (i) On Approved Credit
  • OAP – Old Age Pensioner (UK)
  • OAS – (i) Organization of American States
  • OARSI – (i) Osteoarthritis Research Society International
  • OASIS – (a) Objects and Agents for Information Systems and Simulation – Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards
  • OASIS – (a) Ontario Agencies Supporting Individuals with Special Needs
  • OASIS – (a) Ontario Association of Sewage Industry Services
  • OASP – (i) Operational Analysis Support Paper/Plan
  • OAU – (i) Organization for African Unity


  • ob – (p) obiit (Latin, "(s) he died")
  • OB – (p) Obedience – Obligation – Obligatory – Obsolete – Obstetrics – (i) Ocean Beach (California) – Off Break (cricket) – Old Bryanstonian – Order of Battle – Outlet Box (electrical) – (p) Overbought (stock market) – (i) Oversight Board
  • OBE – (i) Officer of the Order of the British Empire
  • OBJ – (p) Objective (military parlance)
  • OBM – (p) Obsidian Black Metallic (automobile paint color)
  • OBOR – (i) One Belt One Road, a former name of the China-sponsored Belt and Road Initiative
  • OBS – (p) Observation/Observer – Obsolete – Obstacle – (i) Off Balance Sheet – Optical Burst Switching (IEEE) – Organic Brain Syndrome – Organization(al) Breakdown Structure
  • OBSS – (i) Off Board Sensor Systems – Ordo Byantinus Sancti Sepulchri (Byzantine Order of the Holy Sepulchre) – Orbiter Boom Sensor System (space shuttle) – Origins Billion Star Survey
  • OBX – (p) Outer Banks (North Carolina)


  • oc – (s) Occitan language (ISO 639-1 code)
  • OC – (i) Officer Commanding
  • OCA – (i) Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur – Offensive Counter-Air
  • OCD – (i) Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
  • OCFS – (i) Oracle Cluster File System
  • OCFS – (i) Office of Children & Family Services
  • OCFS2 – (i) Oracle Cluster File System Release 2
  • oci – (s) Occitan language (ISO 639-2 code)
  • OCIDS – (i) Optical Combat Identification System
  • OCMCC – (i) Orchard County MCC
  • OCONUS Outside Continental United States
  • OCN – (i) Oncology Certified Nurse
  • OCO – (i) Oort Cloud Object
  • OCOKA – (a) Observation, Cover and concealment, Obstacles, Key terrain, and Avenues of approach (mnemonic)
  • OCR – (i) Optical Character Recognition
  • OCS – see entry







  • OIC – (i) Officer In Charge
  • OIE – (i) World Organisation for Animal Health (originally the Office international des épizooties, French for "International Epizootic Office")
  • OIF – (i) Operation Iraqi Freedom
  • OIOC – (i) Oriental & India Office Collections (in the British Library)


  • oj – (s) Anishinaabe language (Ojibwa) (ISO 639-1 code)
  • OJ – (i) Orange Juice – O.J. Simpson
  • oji – (s) Anishinaabe language (Ojibwa) (ISO 639-2 code)
  • OJT – On-the-Job Training


  • OK
    • (s) Oklahoma (postal symbol)
    • (i) oll korrect (facetious alteration of "all correct", 1839)
  • OKC – (a) Oklahoma City


  • OLED – (a) Organic Light-Emitting Diode
  • OLS – (i) Operational Linescan System



  • ON – (s) Ontario (postal symbol)
  • Onna – Oniong, Nnung Ndem, and Awa, a Local Government Area in Nigeria
  • ONC – (i) Orthopaedic Nurse Certified
  • ONCE – (a) Organización Nacional de Ciegos Españoles (Spanish, "National Organization for the Spanish Blind")
  • ONÉRA – (a) Office national d'études et de recherches aérospatiales (French, "Aeronautics and Space Research Center")
  • ONG – (i) Orthodontic National Group
  • ONH – (i) Óglaigh na hÉireann (Irish idiom for "soldiers of Ireland"), used for the following:
  1. Historically, as the Irish-language name for the original Irish Republican Army ("Old IRA")
  2. In modern times, as the Irish-language name of the Defence Forces of Ireland
  3. The name of two groups claiming descent from the Old IRA, one a currently inactive splinter group of the Continuity IRA and the other an active splinter group of the Real IRA


  • OO – (i) Object Oriented – Over & Out
  • OOO – (i) Out Of the Office
  • OOAD – (i) Object Oriented Analysis and Design
  • OOBE – (a) Out-of-body experience
  • OOCL – (i) Orient Overseas Container Line
  • OODA – (i) Observation, Orientation, Decision, Action loop (a.k.a. Boyd's Loop)
  • OOMF – (i) One Of My Followers
  • OOP – (i) Object-Oriented Programming – Out Of Print
  • OOS – (i) Occupational Overuse Syndrome – OneSAF Objective System – Open Operating System – Out Of Service
  • OOTW – (i) Operations Other Than War



  • OQ - (i) Order Quantity, in inventory management; the quantity of new items to be ordered. Often expressed as a part of OP/OQ (when quantity OP is reached, order OQ new items)


  • or – (s) Oriya language (ISO 639-1 code)
  • OR – (i) Operating Room (surgery) – Operational/Operations Research – (s) Oregon (postal symbol) - overreciprocation - when the leader of an inner circle friendship contacts a friend more than is wanted or reasonable
  • ORAU – (a/i) Oak Ridge Associated Universities
  • ORB – (a/i) Object Request Broker
  • ORBAT – (p) Order of Battle
  • ORD – (i) O'Hare International Airport in Chicago, Illinois (IATA Airport Code ORD)
  • ORD – (i) Office of Research and Development – Operational Requirements Document
  • ORF – (i) Operational Readiness Float
  • ori – (s) Oriya language (ISO 639-2 code)
  • ORISE – (a) Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
  • orm – (s) Oromo language (ISO 639-2 code)
  • ORNL – (i) Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  • ORR – (i) Oak Ridge Reservation (U.S. DOE) – Office of Rail Regulation (UK government) – Office of Refugee Resettlement – (CIA) Office of Research and Reports – Operational Readiness Rate – Operational Readiness Review
  • ORSA – Oxacillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus – Operations Research Society of America


  • OSPA – (i) Oregon School Psychologists Association
  • OSRH – (i) Oružane Snage Republike Hrvatske (en: Armed forces of the Republic of Croatia)
  • oss – (s) Ossetic language (ISO 639-2 code)
  • OSS – (i) Office of Strategic Services (19421945, forerunner of CIA)
  • OSU – (i) Ohio State University – Oklahoma State University


  • OTA – Occupational Therapy Assistant, (i) Office of Technology Assessment – (a/i) Orthodontic Technicians Association
  • OTAC – (i) Orthodontic Technicians Association Conference – (i) Orthodontic Technicians Association Council
  • OTB – (i) Off The Ball – (i) Offtrack Betting – (p) OneSAF Testbed (a descendant of ModSAF)
  • OTC – (i) Over-The-Counter (drugs)
  • OTD – (i) Off the derech (referring to an Orthodox Jew who has stopped practicing the tenets of his or her faith)
  • OTEA – (i) (U.S. Army) Operational Test Evaluation Agency
  • OTI – (i) Office of Transition Initiatives (United States Agency for International Development)
  • OTO – (i) Ordo Templi Orientis (Latin, "Order of the Temple of the East", i.e. the Order of Oriental Templars)
  • OTOH – (i) On The Other Hand
  • OTS – Off the scale, sexually untouchable except for a lot of money.
  • OTSBH – (i) Over The Shoulder Boulder Holder
  • OTW – (i) On The Way
  • OTYBL – (i) Over To You Blue Leader
  • OTYRL – (i) Over To You Red Leader



  • OVC – (s) Overcast (METAR Code) – (i) Ohio Valley Conference
  • OVV – (i) Optically Visually Violent, or Optically Violently Variable – a type of quasar


  • OW – (i) Old Wykehamist
  • OWN – (i) Oprah Winfrey Network



  • Oy – (p) Osakeyhtiö (Finnish, "stock company")
  • Oyj – (p) Julkinen osakeyhtiö (Finnish, "public stock company")


  • OZ – Ounce
gollark: I'm not sure. Maybe in schools, definitely in the military.
gollark: It's not all you have. In many cases, it is possible to actually check things.
gollark: It's not like social pressure is a great guide to truth in general.
gollark: You could probably even make it work in a slightly less utterly accursed way using the privacy-preserving contact tracing mechanisms people came up with.
gollark: The correct libertarian solution is to implement a vast surveillance state capable of accurately telling who you were infected by if this happens, so that you can invoice/sue them.
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