Glossary of literary terms
This glossary of literary terms is a list of definitions of terms and concepts used in the discussion, classification, analysis, and criticism of all types of literature, such as poetry, novels, and picture books, as well as of grammar, syntax, and language techniques. For a more complete glossary of terms relating to poetry in particular, see Glossary of poetry terms.
- abecedarius
- A special type of acrostic in which the first letter of every word, strophe or verse follows the order of the alphabet.[1]
- acatalexis
- accent
- Any noun used to describe the stress put on a certain syllable while speaking a word. For example, there has been disagreement over the pronunciation of "Abora" in line 41 of "Kubla Khan" by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. According to Herbert Tucker of the website "For Better For Verse", the accent is on the first and last syllable of the word, making its pronunciation: AborA.[2][3]
- accentual verse
- Accentual verse is common in children's poetry. Nursery rhymes and the less well-known skipping-rope rhymes are the most common form of accentual verse in the English language.[4]
- acrostic
- A poem or other form of writing in which the first letter, syllable, or word of each line, paragraph, or other recurring feature in the text spells out a word or a message. Example: An Acrostic (1829) by Edgar Allan Poe.[5]
- act
- adage
- adjective
- Any word or phrase which modifies a noun or pronoun, grammatically added to describe, identify, or quantify the related noun or pronoun.[6][7]
- adverb
- A descriptive word used to modify a verb, adjective, or another adverb. Typically ending in -ly, adverbs answer the questions when, how, and how many times.[2][8]
- aisling
- allegory
- A type of writing in which the settings, characters, and events stand for other specific people, events, or ideas.[9]
- alliteration
- Repetition of the initial sounds of words, as in "Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers".[10]
- allusion
- A figure of speech that makes a reference to or a representation of people, places, events, literary works, myths, or works of art, either directly or by implication.[10]
- anachronism
- The erroneous use of an object, event, idea, or word that does not belong to the same time period as its context.[11]
- anacrusis
- anadiplosis
- anagnorisis
- The point in a plot at which a character recognizes the true state of affairs.[12]
- analepsis
- An interjected scene that takes the narrative back in time from the current point the story has reached.[13]
- analogue
- analogy
- A comparison between two things that are otherwise unlike.[14][15]
- anapest
- A version of the foot in poetry in which the first two syllables of a line are unstressed, followed by a stressed syllable; e.g. intercept (the syllables in and ter are unstressed and followed by cept, which is stressed).[16]
- anaphora
- anastrophe
- anecdote
- A short account of a particular incident or event, especially of an interesting or amusing nature.[17]
- annals
- annotation
- antagonist
- The adversary of the hero or protagonist of a drama or other literary work; e.g. Iago is the antagonist[18] in William Shakespeare's Othello.[18]
- antanaclasis
- antecedent
- A word or phrase referred to by any relative pronoun.[6]
- antepenult
- anthology
- anticlimax
- antihero
- antimasque
- anti-romance
- antimetabole
- antinovel
- antistrophe
- antithesis
- antithetical couplet
- antonym
- aphorism
- apocope
- Apollonian and Dionysian
- apologue
- apology
- apothegm
- aposiopesis
- apostrophe
- A typographical symbol (') used to indicate the omission of letters or figures, the possessive case (as in "John's book"), or the plural of letters or figures (as in "the 1960's"). In the contraction "can't", the apostrophe replaces two of the letters in the word "cannot".[19]
- apron stage
- Arcadia
- archaism
- archetype
- aristeia
- argument
- arsis and thesis
- asemic writing
- aside
- assonance
- astrophic
- Stanzas having no particular pattern.[2][8]
- asyndeton
- The omission of conjunctions between successive clauses. An example is when John F. Kennedy said on January 20, 1961, "...that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty."[20]
- aubade
- audience
- autobiography
- autotelic
- avant-garde
- ballad
- ballade
- ballad stanza
- bard
- bathos
- beast fable
- beast poetry
- belles-lettres
- bestiary
- beta reader
- bibliography
- Bildungsroman
- biography
- blank verse
- Verse written in iambic pentameter without rhyme.[8][21]
- boulevard theatre
- bourgeois tragedy
- Bouts-Rimés
- breviloquence
- burlesque
- burletta
- Burns stanza
- Byronic hero
- A type of character in a dramatic work whose defining features derive largely from characters in the writings of English Romantic poet Lord Byron as well as from Byron himself. It is a variant of the archetypal Romantic hero.[22]
- cadence
- caesura
- calligram
- canon
- canso
- canticle
- canto
- canzone
- carpe diem
- captivity narrative
- caricature
- carmen figuratum
- catachresis
- catalexis
- catastrophe
- catharsis
- caudate sonnet
- cavalier poet
- Celtic art
- Celtic Revival
- chain rhyme
- chanson de geste
- chansonnier
- chant royal
- chapbook
- character
- characterization
- charactonym
- Chaucerian stanza
- chiasmus
- chivalric romance
- choriamb
- chronicle
- chronicle play
- cinquain
- classical unities
- classicism
- classification
- clerihew
- cliché
- climax
- cloak and dagger
- close reading
- closed couplet
- closet drama
- collaborative poetry
- colloquialism
- comédie larmoyante
- comedy
- comedy of errors
- comedy of humors
- comedy of intrigue
- comedy of manners
- comic relief
- commedia dell'arte
- commedia erudita
- common measure
- commonplace book
- conceit
- concordance
- confessional literature
- confidant/confidante
- conflict
- connotation
- consistency
- consonance
- contradiction
- context
- contrast
- convention
- coup de théâtre
- couplet
- Two lines with rhyming ends. Shakespeare often used a couplet to end a sonnet.[8]
- courtesy book
- courtly love
- Cowleyan ode
- cradle books
- See incunabulum.
- crisis
- cross acrostic
- crown of sonnets
- curtain raiser
- curtal sonnet
- dactyl
- dandy
- Débat
- death poem
- decadence
- decasyllable
- decorum
- denotation
- dénouement
- description
- deus ex machina
- A plot device whereby a seemingly unsolvable problem in a story is suddenly resolved by an unexpected and seemingly unlikely occurrence, typically so much as to seem contrived.[23]
- deuteragonist
- dialect
- dialogic
- A work primarily featuring dialogue; a piece of, relating to, or written in dialogue.[11]
- dialogue
- dibrach
- diction
- The words selected for use in any oral, written, or literary expression. Diction often centers on opening a great array of lexical possibilities with the connotation of words by maintaining first the denotation of words.[24]
- didactic
- Intended to teach, instruct, or have a moral lesson for the reader.[11]
- digest size
- digression
- dime novel
- diameter
- dimeter
- A line of verse made up of two feet (two stresses).[9]
- dipody
- dirge
- discourse
- dissociation of sensibility
- dissonance
- distich
- distributed stress
- dithyramb
- diverbium
- divine afflatus
- doggerel
- dolce stil nuove
- domestic tragedy
- donnée
- doppelgänger
- double rhyme
- drama
- dramatic character
- dramatic irony
- dramatic lyric
- dramatic monologue
- dramatic proverb
- dramatis personæ
- dramaturgy
- dream allegory
- dream vision
- droll
- dumb show
- duodecimo
- duologue
- duple meter/duple rhythm
- dystopia
- dynamic character
- echo verse
- eclogue
- ekphrasis
- A vivid, graphic, or dramatic written commentary or description of another visual form of art.[2][8]
- elegy
- elision
- emblem
- emblem book
- emendation
- end rhyme
- end-stopped line
- A line in poetry that ends in a pause, indicated by a specific punctuation, such as a period or a semicolon.[9]
- English sonnet
- enjambment
- The continuing of a syntactic unit over the end of a line. Enjambment occurs when the sense of the line overflows the meter and line break.[2]
- entr'acte
- envoi
- epanalepsis
- epic poetry
- A long poem that narrates the victories and adventures of a hero. Such a poem is often identifiable by its lofty or elegant diction.[8]
- epic simile
- epic theater
- epigraph
- epilogue
- epiphany
- episode
- episteme
- epistle
- epistolary novel
- epistrophe
- Repetition of a word or phrase at the end of clauses or sentences.[25]
- epitaph
- epithalamion
- epithet
- epizeuxis
- epode
- eponymous author
- Erziehungsroman
- essay
- ethos
- eulogy
- euphony
- euphuism
- exaggeration
- exegesis
- exemplum
- exordium
- experimental novel
- Explication de Texte
- exposition
- extended metaphor
- extrametrical verse
- eye rhyme
- fable
- fabliau
- fairy tale
- falling action
- falling rhythm
- fancy and imagination
- fantasy
- farce
- feminine ending
- feminine rhyme
- A rhyme with two syllables, with one stressed and one unstressed. Examples: "merry", "coffee".[2][8]
- fiction
- figurative language
- figure of speech
- fin de siècle
- flashback
- An interjected scene that takes the narrative back in time from the current point the story has reached.[13]
- flashforward
- An interjected scene that takes the narrative forward in time from the current point of the story in literature, film, television, and other media.[13]
- flat character
- foil
- folio
- folk drama
- folklore
- foot
- foreshadowing
- form
- fourteener
- frame story
- free indirect discourse
- free verse
- French forms
- fustian
- gallows humor
- gathering
- genetic fallacy
- genre
- Georgian poetry
- gesta
- ghazal
- gloss
- Gothic double
- gnomic verse
- golden line
- Goliardic verse
- Gongorism
- Gonzo journalism
- Gothic novel
- Grand Guignol
- Greek chorus
- Greek tragedy
- Grub Street
- Gushi
- hagiography
- haibun
- A form of prose written in a terse, haikai style and accompanied by haiku.[26]
- haikai
- A broad genre comprising the related forms of haiku haikai-renga and haibun.[26]
- haiku
- A modern term for standalone hokku.[26]
- half rhyme
- hamartia
- headless line
- head rhyme
- hemistich
- hendecasyllable
- hendecasyllabic verse
- heptameter
- heptastich
- heresy of paraphrase
- heroic couplets
- heroic drama
- heroic quatrain
- heroic stanza
- hexameter
- A line from a poem that has six feet in its meter. Another name for hexameter is "The Alexandrine".[8]
- hexastich
- hiatus
- high comedy
- higher criticism
- historical fiction
- historical linguistics
- historic present
- history play
- hokku
- In Japanese poetry, the opening stanza of a renga or renku (haikai no renga).[27]
- holograph
- Homeric epithet
- homily
- Horatian ode
- Horatian satire
- hovering accent
- hubris
- hudibrastic
- humor
- humours
- hymn
- hymnal stanza
- hypallage
- hyperbaton
- A figure of speech that alters the syntactic order of the words in a sentence or separates words that are ordinarily associated with each other. The term may also be used more generally for all different figures of speech that transpose the natural word order in sentences.[28][29]
- hyperbole
- hypercatalectic
- hypermetrical
- hypocorism
- hypotactic
- A term where different subordinate clauses are used in a sentence to qualify a single verb or modify it.[8]
- hysteron proteron
- iambic pentameter
- idiom
- idyll
- imagery
- imagism
- incipit
- indeterminacy
- inference
- in medias res
- innuendo
- interjection
- A word that is tacked onto a sentence in order to add strong emotion and which is grammatically unrelated to the rest of the sentence. Interjections are usually followed by an exclamation point.[8]
- internal conflict
- internal rhyme
- interpretation
- intertextuality
- Refers to the way in which different works of literature interact with and relate to one another to construct meaning.[8]
- intuitive description
- irony
- Jacobean era
- jeremiad
- ji-amari
- The use of one or more extra syllabic units (on) above the 5/7 standard in Japanese poetic forms such as waka and haiku.[30]
- jintishi
- jitarazu
- The use of fewer syllabic units (on) than the 5/7 standard in Japanese poetic forms such as waka and haiku.[31]
- jueju
- juggernaut
- juncture
- Juvenalian satire
- kabuki
- Kafkaesque
- kenning
- kigo
- In Japanese poetry, a seasonal word or phrase required in haiku and renku.[32]
- King's English
- kireji
- In Japanese poetry, a "cutting word" required in haiku and hokku.[33]
- Künstlerroman
- lacuna
- lai
- Lake Poets
- lament
- laureate
- lay
- legend
- legitimate theater
- Leonine rhyme
- level stress (even accent)
- light ending
- light poetry
- light rhyme
- light stress
- limerick
- linked rhyme
- link sonnet
- literary ballad
- literary criticism
- literary movement
- literary epic
- literary fauvism
- literary realism
- literary theory
- literature
- litotes
- liturgical drama
- logaoedic
- logical fallacy
- logical stress
- logos
- long metre
- long poem
- loose sentence
- Lost Generation
- low comedy
- lullaby
- lune
- lushi
- lyric
- A short poem with a song-like quality, or designed to be set to music, often conveying feelings, emotions, or personal thoughts.[9]
- macaronic language
- madrigal
- magic realism
- malapropism
- maqama
- Märchen
- See fairy tale.
- marginalia
- Marinism
- marivauge
- masculine ending
- masculine rhyme
- masked comedy
- masque
- maxim
- meaning
- medieval drama
- meiosis
- Melic poetry
- melodrama
- A work that is characterized by extravagant theatricality and by the predominance of plot and physical action over characterization.[11]
- memoir
- Menippean satire
- mesostic
- metaphor
- Making a comparison between two unlike things without using the words like, as, or than.[9]
- metaphysical conceit
- metaphorical language
- meter
- metonymy
- metrical accent
- metrical foot
- metrical structure
- Microcosm Theatre
- Middle Comedy
- miles gloriosus
- Miltonic sonnet
- mimesis
- Minnesang
- mise en scène
- mock-heroic (mock epic)
- mode
- monodrama
- monody
- monogatari
- monograph
- monologue
- monometer (monopody)
- monostich
- mood
- mora
- moral
- morality play
- motif
- motivation
- mummers' play
- Muses
- musical comedy
- muwashshah
- A multi-lined strophic verse form which flourished in Islamic Spain in the 11th century, written in Arabic or Hebrew.[34]
- mystery play
- mythology
- narration
- narrative poem
- narrative point of view
- narratology
- narrator
- naturalism
- A theory or practice in literature emphasizing scientific observation of life without idealization and often including elements of determinism.[11]
- neologism
- The creation of new words, often arising from acronyms, word combinations, direct translations, or the addition of prefixes or suffixes to existing words.[6]
- non-fiction
- novel
- A genre of fiction that relies on narrative and possesses a considerable length, an expected complexity, and a sequential organization of action into story and plot distinctively. Novels are flexible in form (although prose is the standard), generally focus around one or more characters, and are continuously reshaped and reformed by a speaker.[2]
- novella
- novelle
- objective correlative
- objective criticism
- obligatory scene
- octameter
- octave
- octet
- An eight-line stanza of poetry.[8]
- ode
- A lyrical poem, sometimes sung, that focuses on the glorification of a single subject and its meaning. Often has an irregular stanza structure.[11]
- Oedipus complex
- onomatopoeia
- The formation of a word by imitation of a sound made by or associated with its referent, such as "cuckoo", "meow", "honk", or "boom".[35]
- open couplet
- oulipo
- ottava rima
- A verse form in which each stanza has eight iambic pentameter lines following the rhyme scheme ABABABCC. An ottava rima was often used for long narratives, especially epics and mock-heroic poems.[2]
- Oxford Movement
- oxymoron
- palinode
- pantoum
- pantun
- parable
- paraclausithyron
- paradelle
- paradox
- paraphrase
- pararhyme
- paratactic
- The combining of various syntactic units, usually prepositions, without the use of conjunctions to form short and simple phrases.[9]
- partimen
- pastourelle
- pathetic fallacy
- Pathya Vat
- parallelism
- parody
- pastoral
- A work depicting an idealized vision of the rural life of shepherds.[8]
- pathos
- phrase
- A sequence of two or more words forming a unit. In the poem “Kubla Khan” by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, the words “pleasure-dome” are a phrase read not only in this poem, but also in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein when she uses also uses the phrase.[11]
- periodical literature
- peripetia
- persona
- personification
- phronesis
- picaresque novel
- plain style
- Platonic idealism
- plot
- poetic diction
- poetic transrealism
- point of view
- polysyndeton
- post-colonialism
- postmodernism
- present perfect
- A verb tense that describes actions just finished or continuing from the past into the present. This can also imply that past actions have present effects.[8]
- primal scene
- procatalepsis
- prolepsis
- An interjected scene that takes the narrative forward in time from the current point of the story in literature, film, television, and other media.[13]
- prologue
- progymnasmata
- prose
- prosimetrum
- prosody
- protagonist
- protologism
- proverb
- pruning poem
- Psalm
- pun
- purple prose
- pyrrhic
- recusatio
- redaction
- red herring
- refrain
- regency novel
- regionalism
- renga
- A genre of Japanese collaborative poetry.[36]
- renku
- In Japanese poetry, a form of popular collaborative linked verse formerly known as haikai no renga, or haikai.[37]
- renshi
- A form of collaborative poetry pioneered by Makoto Ooka in Japan in the 1980s.[38]
- repetition
- reverse chronology
- rhapsodes
- rhetoric
- rhetorical device
- rhetorical operations
- rhetorical question
- rhyme
- rhymed prose
- rhyme royal
- rhythm
- A measured pattern of words and phrases arranged by sound, time, or events. These patterns are [created] in verse or prose by use of stressed and unstressed syllables.[2][24]
- rising action
- robinsonade
- roman à clef
- romance
- Romantic hero
- romanzo d'appendice
- round-robin story
- Ruritanian romance
- Russian formalism
- Saj'
- satire
- scansion
- scene
- scènes à faire
- sea shanty
- sensibility
- sestet
- setting
- Shadorma
- Shakespearean sonnet
- Sicilian octave
- simile
- A comparison of two different things that utilizes “like” or “as”.[8]
- slant rhyme
- skaz
- sobriquet
- soliloquy
- sonnet
- A 14-line poem written in iambic pentameter. There are two types of sonnets: Shakespearean and Italian. The Shakespearean sonnet is written with three quatrain and a couplet in ABAB, CDCD, EFEF, GG rhythmic pattern. An Italian sonnet is written in two stanzas with an octave followed by a septet in ABBA, ABBA, CDECDE or CDCDCD rhythmic pattern.[8]
- sonneteer
- speaker
- spondee
- A foot consisting of two syllables of approximately equal stress.[8]
- Spenserian stanza
- sprung rhythm
- stanza
- A group of lines in a poem offset by a space and then continuing with the next group of lines with a set pattern or number of lines.[8]
- static character
- stereotype
- stichic
- Having lines of the same meter and length throughout, but not organized into regular stanzas. An example is the form of Samuel Taylor Coleridge's poem "Frost at Midnight".[2]
- strambotto
- stream of consciousness writing
- structuralism
- sublime
- Of a profound and immeasurable experience, unable to be rationalized.[2]
- subplot
- syllogism
- symbolism
- synecdoche
- A term where an entire idea is expressed by something smaller, such as a phrase or a single word; one part of the idea expresses the whole. This concept can also be reversed.[8]
- synesthesia
- syntax
- The study of how words are arranged in a sentence.[2]
- tautology
- tableau
- tail rhyme
- Tagelied
- tale
- tanka
- In Japanese poetry, a short poem in the form 5,7,5,7,7 syllabic units.[39]
- tan-renga
- In Japanese poetry, a tanka where the upper part is composed by one poet and the lower part by another.[40]
- techne
- telestich
- A poem or other form of writing in which the last letter, syllable or word of each line, paragraph or other recurring feature in the text spells out a word or a message.[41]
- tenor
- tercet
- terza rima
- tetrameter
- tetrastich
- text
- textual criticism
- textuality
- Theatre of Cruelty
- Theatre of the Absurd
- theme
- thesis
- thesis play
- third-person narrative
- threnody
- tirade
- tone
- tornada
- In Occitan lyric poetry, a final, shorter stanza (cobla) addressed to a patron, lady, or friend.[42]
- tract
- tragedy
- tragedy of blood
- tragic flaw
- See hamartia.
- tragic hero
- tragic irony
- tragicomedy
- transcendentalism
- transferred epithet
- transition
- translation
- tribrach
- trimeter
- triolet
- triple rhyme
- triple meter
- triple rhythm
- triplet
- tristich
- tritagonist
- trivium
- trobar clus
- trochee
- A two-syllable foot with the accent syllable on the first foot.[2][8]
- trope
- troubadour
- trouvère
- tuckerization
- truncated line
- tumbling verse
- type character
- type scene
- variable syllable
- variorum
- Varronian satire (Menippean satire)
- vates
- Vaudeville
- verb displacement
- verisimilitude
- verism
- vers de société
- vers libre
- verse
- verse paragraph
- versiprose
- verso
- Victorian literature
- vignette
- villain
- villanelle
- virelay
- Virgule
- voice
- volta
- A turn or switch that emphasizes a change in ideas or emotions. It can be marked by the words “but” or “yet”. In a sonnet, this change separates the octave from the sestet.[43]
- Vorticism
- vulgate
- The use of informal, common speech, particularly of uneducated people. Similar to the use of vernacular.[11]
- waka
- Wardour Street English
- A pseudo-archaic form of diction affected by some writers, particularly those of historical fiction.[44]
- weak ending
- weak foot
- well-made play
- Wellerism
- Western fiction
- wit
- word accent
- wrenched accent
- za
- The site of a renga session; also, the sense of dialogue and community present in such a session.[45]
- zappai
gollark: I see.
gollark: What's the pattern bit for?
gollark: I used actual mmap, which failed mysteriously.
gollark: I never managed to get my automated segfault fixer to work sadly.
gollark: !time <@509849474647064576>
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- Garner, Bryan A. (2016). Garner's Modern English Usage (4 ed.). New York: Oxford University Press. p. 1003. ISBN 978-0-19-049148-2.
- Shirane, Haruo. Traces of Dreams: Landscape, Cultural Memory, and the Poetry of Bashō. Stanford University Press, 1998. ISBN 9780804730990 p294
- Blyth, Reginald Horace. Haiku. Volume 1, Eastern culture. The Hokuseido Press, 1981. ISBN 0-89346-158-X p123ff.
- Kevin Wilson; Jennifer Wauson (2010). The AMA Handbook of Business Writing: The Ultimate Guide to Style, Grammar, Usage, Punctuation, Construction, and Formatting. AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn. p. 224. ISBN 978-0-8144-1589-4.
- Stephen Cushman; Clare Cavanagh; Jahan Ramazani; Paul Rouzer (26 August 2012). The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics: Fourth Edition. Princeton University Press. p. 647. ISBN 978-1-4008-4142-4.
- Mostow, Joshua S. Pictures of the Heart: The Hyakunin Isshu in Word and Image. University of Hawaii Press, 1996. ISBN 9780824817053 p12
- Crowley, Cheryl. Haikai Poet Yosa Buson and the Bashō Revival. Brill, 2006. ISBN 978-9004157095 p54
- Keene, Donald. World Within Walls: Japanese Literature of the Pre-Modern Era, 1600-1867 Henry Holt, 1976. ISBN 9780030136269 p575
- Shirane, Haruo. Traces of Dreams: Landscape, Cultural Memory, and the Poetry of Bashō. Stanford University Press, 1998. ISBN 9780804730990 p100ff.
- Bleiberg, Germán et al. Dictionary of the Literature of the Iberian Peninsula: A-k. Greenwood Publishing Group, 1993. ISBN 9780313287312 p900
- "the definition of onomatopoeia". Retrieved 2016-04-20.
- Carter, Steven D. Three Poets at Yuyama, University of California, 1983, ISBN 0-912966-61-0 p.3
- Shirane, Haruo. Traces of Dreams: Landscape, Cultural Memory, and the Poetry of Bashō. Stanford University Press, 1998. ISBN 9780804730990 p297
- Look Japan Volume 48, issues 553-564. 2002, p4
- Vos, Jos. Eeuwige reizigers: Een bloemlezing uit de klassieke Japanese literatuur. De Arbeiderspers, 2008. ISBN 9789029566032 p45
- Shirane, Haruo. Traditional Japanese Literature: An Anthology, Beginnings To 1600. Columbia University Press, 2008. ISBN 9780231136976 p874
- TalkTalk Dictionary of Difficult Words - telestich "Dictionary of Difficult Words". TalkTalk. Retrieved 2013-10-13.
- Chambers, Frank M. An Introduction to Old Provenc̦al Versification: Volume 167 of Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society. American Philosophical Society, 1985. ISBN 9780871691675 p32ff.
- Cuddon, J. A. "A Dictionary of Literary Terms and Literary Theory." Blackwell Publishers Ltd., 1998. ISBN 978-0140513639.
- Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, 6th ed. (2007). Oxford: Oxford University Press. p. 3575
- Shirane, Haruo. Traces of Dreams: Landscape, Cultural Memory, and the Poetry of Bashō. Stanford University Press, 1998. ISBN 9780804730990 p299
Further reading
- M. H. Abrams. A Glossary of Literary Terms. Thomson-Wadsworth, 2005. ISBN 1-4130-0456-3.
- Chris Baldick. The Concise Dictionary of Literary Terms. Oxford Univ. Press, 2004. ISBN 0-19-860883-7.
- Chris Baldick. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms. Oxford Univ. Press, 2001. ISBN 0-19-280118-X.
- Edwin Barton & G. A. Hudson. Contemporary Guide To Literary Terms. Houghton-Mifflin, 2003. ISBN 0-618-34162-5.
- Mark Bauerlein. Literary Criticism: An Autopsy. Univ. of Pennsylvania Press, 1997. ISBN 0-8122-1625-3.
- Karl Beckson & Arthur Ganz. Literary Terms: A Dictionary. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1989. ISBN 0-374-52177-8.
- Peter Childs. The Routledge Dictionary of Literary Terms. Routledge, 2005. ISBN 0-415-34017-9.
- J. A. Cuddon. The Penguin Dictionary of Literary Terms and Literary Theory. Penguin Books, 2000. ISBN 0-14-051363-9 .
- Dana Gioia. The Longman Dictionary of Literary Terms: Vocabulary for the Informed Reader. Longman, 2005. ISBN 0-321-33194-X.
- Garner, Bryan. Garner's Modern English Usage. Oxford University Press, 2016. ISBN 9780190491482
- Sharon Hamilton. Essential Literary Terms: A Brief Norton Guide with Exercises. W. W. Norton, 2006. ISBN 0-393-92837-3.
- William Harmon. A Handbook to Literature. Prentice Hall, 2005. ISBN 0-13-134442-0.
- X. J. Kennedy, et al. Handbook of Literary Terms: Literature, Language, Theory. Longman, 2004. ISBN 0-321-20207-4.
- V. B. Leitch. The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism. W. W. Norton, 2001. ISBN 0-393-97429-4.
- Frank Lentricchia & Thomas McLaughlin. Critical Terms for Literary Study. Univ. of Chicago Press, 1995. ISBN 0-226-47203-5.
- David Mikics. A New Handbook of Literary Terms. Yale Univ. Press, 2007. ISBN 0-300-10636-X.
- Ross Murfin & S. M. Ray. The Bedford Glossary of Critical and Literary Terms. Bedford/St. Martin's, 2006. ISBN 0-312-25910-7.
- John Peck & Martin Coyle. Literary Terms and Criticism. Palgrave Macmillan, 2002. ISBN 0-333-96258-3.
- Edward Quinn. A Dictionary of Literary And Thematic Terms. Checkmark Books, 2006. ISBN 0-8160-6244-7.
- Lewis Turco. The Book of Literary Terms: The Genres of Fiction, Drama, Nonfiction, Literary Criticism, and Scholarship. Univ. Press of New England, 1999. ISBN 0-87451-955-1.
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