136th Georgia General Assembly

The 136th General Assembly of the U.S. state of Georgia convened its first session on January 12, 1981, at the Georgia State Capitol in Atlanta. The 136th Georgia General Assembly succeeded the 135th and served as the precedent for the 137th General Assembly in 1983.

136th Georgia General Assembly
135th 137th
Legislative bodyGeorgia General Assembly
Meeting placeGeorgia State Capitol
President of the SenateZell Miller (D)
Party controlDemocratic Party
House of Representatives
Speaker of the HouseTom Murphy (D)
Party controlDemocratic Party

Party standings


Affiliation Members
  Republican Party 5
  Democratic Party 51
  Other party* 0
 Total 56

House of Representatives

Affiliation Members
  Republican Party 23
  Democratic Party 157
  Other party* 0
 Total 180

*Active political parties in Georgia are not limited to the Democratic and Republican parties. Libertarians, and occasionally others, run candidates in elections. However, for the 1981-82 session of the General Assembly, only the two major parties were successful in electing legislators to office.



Presiding Officer

Position Name District Party


Zell Miller n/a Democratic
President Pro Tempore Al W. Holloway 12 Democratic

Majority leadership

Position Name District
Senate Majority Leader Thomas F. Allgood 22
Majority Caucus Chairman Render Hill 29
Majority Whip Loyce Turner 08

Minority leadership

Position Name District
Senate Minority Leader Paul D. Coverdell 40
Minority Caucus Chairman James W. (Jim) Tysinger 41
Minority Whip Robert H. Bell 05

House of Representatives

Presiding Officer

Position Name District Party
Speaker of the House Thomas B. Murphy 18 Democratic
Speaker Pro Tempore Jack Connell 87 Democratic

Majority leadership

Position Name District
House Majority Leader Clarence Vaughn 57
Majority Whip A.L. (Al) Burruss 21-2
Majority Caucus Chairman Bill Lee 72
Majority Caucus Secretary Ward Edwards 112

Minority leadership

Position Name District
House Minority Leader Herbert Jones, Jr. 126
Minority Whip Hank Elliott 49
Minority Caucus Chairman Joe Burton 47
Minority Caucus Secretary Ken Nix 20-3

Members of the State Senate

District Senator Party Residence
1J. Tom ColemanDemocraticSavannah
2Charles Henry WesselsDemocraticSavannah
3Glenn E. BryantDemocraticHinesville
4Joseph E. KennedyDemocraticClaxton
5Robert H. (Bob) BellRepublicanAtlanta
6Bill LittlefieldDemocraticBrunswick
7Frank Eldridge, Jr.DemocraticWaycross
8Loyce W. TurnerDemocraticValdosta
9Frank SuttonDemocraticMoultrie
10Paul TrulockDemocraticClimax
11Jimmy Hodge TimmonsDemocraticBlakely
12Al HollowayDemocraticAlbany
13Rooney L. BowenDemocraticVienna
14Lewis H. (Bud) McKenzieDemocraticMontezuma
15Floyd HudginsDemocraticColumbus
16Ted J. LandRepublicanColumbus
17Janice S. HortonDemocraticMcDonough
18Ed BarkerDemocraticWarner Robins
19Ronnie WalkerDemocraticMcRae
20Hugh Marion GillisDemocraticSoperton
21Bill EnglishDemocraticSwainsboro
22Thomas F. AllgoodDemocraticAugusta
23Jimmy LesterDemocraticAugusta
24Sam P. McGillDemocraticWashington
25Culver KiddDemocraticMilledgeville
26Richard L. GreeneDemocraticMacon
27Lee RobinsonDemocraticMacon
28Kyle Trueman CobbDemocraticGriffin
29Render HillDemocraticGreenville
30Wayne GarnerDemocraticCarrollton
31Nathan DeanDemocraticRockmart
32Joe ThompsonDemocraticSmyrna
33Roy E. BarnesDemocraticMableton
34Bev EngramDemocraticFairburn
35Perry J. HudsonDemocraticHapeville
36Jack L. StephensDemocraticAtlanta
37Todd EvansDemocraticAtlanta
38Horace E TateDemocraticAtlanta
39Julian BondDemocraticAtlanta
40Paul Douglas CoverdellRepublicanAtlanta
41James W. (Jim) TysingerRepublicanAtlanta
42Pierre HowardDemocraticDecatur
43Thomas R. (Tom) ScottDemocraticDecatur
44Terrell StarrDemocraticForest Park
45W.D. (Don) BallardDemocraticCovington
46Paul Collins BrounDemocraticAthens
47M. Parks BrownDemocraticHartwell
48Steve ReynoldsDemocraticLawrenceville
49J. Nathan DealDemocraticGainesville
50John C. FosterDemocraticCornelia
51Max BrannonDemocraticCalhoun
52Dan H. FincherDemocraticRome
53E.G. SummersDemocraticLaFayette
54W.W. (Bill) Fincher, Jr.DemocraticChatsworth
55Lawrence (Bud) StumbaughDemocraticStone Mountain
56Haskew H. Brantley, Jr.RepublicanAlpharetta

Members of the House of Representatives

District Representative Party Residence
1-1Wayne Snow, Jr.DemocraticRossville
1-2Forest Hays, Jr.DemocraticFlintstone
2Robert G (Bob) PetersDemocraticRinggold
3Thomas P. (Tom) Ramsey IIIDemocraticChatsworth
4-1Carlton H. ColwellDemocraticBlairsville
4-2Ralph TwiggsDemocraticHiawassee
5John G. CrawfordDemocraticLyerly
6-1Roger WilliamsDemocraticDalton
6-2R.L. (Shorty) FosterDemocraticDalton
7Ernest RalstonDemocraticCalhoun
8-1Joe Frank HarrisDemocraticCartersville
8-2W.G. (Bill) Hasty, Sr.DemocraticCanton
8-3Wendell T. AndersonDemocraticCanton
9-1Joe T. WoodDemocraticGainesville
9-2Bobby LawsonDemocraticGainesville
9-3Jerry D. JacksonDemocraticChestnut Mountain
10Jack Irvin, Sr.DemocraticBaldwin
11William J. DoverDemocraticHollywood
12Lauren (Bubba) McDonaldDemocraticCommerce
13-1Louie Max ClarkDemocraticDanielsville
13-2Billy MilfordDemocraticHartwell
13-3Charles C. MannDemocraticElberton
14John AdamsDemocraticRome
15-1E.M. (Buddy) ChildersDemocraticRome
16Ken FullerDemocraticRome
17Bill CummingDemocraticRockmart
18Thomas B. MurphyDemocraticBremen
19-1Joe Mack WilsonDemocraticMarietta
19-2Steve ThompsonDemocraticAustell
19-3George W. (Buddy) DardenDemocraticMarietta
20-1Johnny IsaksonRepublicanMarietta
20-2Carl HarrisonRepublicanMarietta
20-3Ken NixRepublicanSmyrna
21-1Fred AikenRepublicanSmyrna
21-2A.L. (Al) BurrussDemocraticMarietta
22Dorothy FeltonRepublicanAtlanta
23Luther S. ColbertRepublicanRoswell
24Kiliaen V.R. (Kil) TownsendRepublicanAtlanta
25John SavageDemocraticAtlanta
26Sidney J. MarcusDemocraticAtlanta
27Cynthia FullerDemocraticAtlanta
28Alveda King BealDemocraticAtlanta
29Douglas C. DeanDemocraticAtlanta
30Paul BolsterDemocraticAtlanta
31Mrs. Grace T. HamiltonDemocraticAtlanta
32Mildred GloverDemocraticAtlanta
33J.C. Daugherty, Sr.DemocraticAtlanta
34Tyrone BrooksDemocraticAtlanta
35J.E. (Billy) McKinneyDemocraticAtlanta
36G.D. AdamsDemocraticHapeville
37David ScottDemocraticAtlanta
38Lorenzo BennDemocraticAtlanta
39Bob HolmesDemocraticAtlanta
40Dick LaneRepublicanEast Point
41Greg PilewiczDemocraticCollege Park
42Virlyn B. SmithRepublicanFairburn
43-1Barbara H. CouchDemocraticAtlanta
43-2Bettye LoweRepublicanAtlanta
43-3John G. GreerDemocraticAtlanta
44Bruce WidenerRepublicanDunwoody
45J. Max DavisRepublicanAtlanta
46Cathey W. SteinbergDemocraticAtlanta
47Joe BurtonRepublicanAtlanta
48Betty Jo WilliamsRepublicanAtlanta
49Ewell H. (Hank) ElliottRepublicanDecatur
50John HawkinsDemocraticAtlanta
51Mrs. Mobley (Peggy) ChildsDemocraticDecatur
52Eleanor L. RichardsonDemocraticDecatur
53Doug VandifordDemocraticAvondale Estates
54Hosea L. Williams, Sr.DemocraticAtlanta
55Betty J. ClarkDemocraticAtlanta
56-1William C. (Bill) Mangum, Jr.DemocraticDecatur
56-2Betty AaronDemocraticAtlanta
56-3Ken WokmanDemocraticDecatur
57Clarence R. Vaughn, Jr.DemocraticConyers
58Cas RobinsonDemocraticStone Mountain
59R.T. (Tom) PhillipsRepublicanStone Mountain
60Charles C. MartinDemocraticBuford
61Vinson WallRepublicanLawrenceville
62Hugh LoganDemocraticAthens
63Bob ArgoDemocraticAthens
64John D. RussellDemocraticWinder
65Thomas (Mac) KilgoreDemocraticDouglasville
66-1Gerald JohnsonDemocraticCarrollton
66-2Charles ThomasDemocraticTemple
67J. Neal Shepard, Jr.RepublicanNewnan
68J. Crawford WareDemocraticHogansville
69Edwin G. (Ed) MullinaxDemocraticLaGrange
70Claude A. Bray, Jr.DemocraticManchester
71-1James R. (Jim) Fortune, Jr.DemocraticGriffin
71-2John L. MostilerDemocraticGriffin
72-1Wm. J. (Bill) LeeDemocraticForest Park
72-2Jimmy BenefieldDemocraticJonesboro
72-3Jim WoodDemocraticForest Park
72-4Rudolph JohnsonDemocraticJonesbor
73G. Richard ChamberlinDemocraticStockbridge
74Denny M. DobbsDemocraticCovington
75Neal JacksonDemocraticMonroe
76Ben Barron RossDemocraticLincolnton
77Wm. S. (Bill) JacksonDemocraticMartinez
78William Bailey JonesDemocraticJackson
79Marvin AdamsDemocraticThomaston
80Benson HamDemocraticForsyth
81Bob LaneDemocraticStatesboro
82John F. GodbeeDemocraticBrooklet
83Emory E. BargeronDemocraticLouisville
84Warren D. EvansDemocraticThomson
85R.A. DentDemocraticAugusta
86Mike PadgettDemocraticAugusta
87Jack ConnellDemocraticAugusta
88Sam NicholsonDemocraticAugusta
89Don CheeksDemocratAugusta
90David SwannDemocraticAugusta
91W. Randolph PhillipsDemocraticShiloh
92Calvin SmyreDemocraticColumbus
93Charles P. RoseDemocraticColumbus
94Sanford D. Bishop, Jr.DemocraticColumbus
95Thomas B. BuckDemocraticColumbus
96Gary C. CasonRepublicanColumbus
97Mary Jane GalerDemocraticColumbus
98Bryant CulpepperDemocraticFort Valley
99Burl DavisDemocraticMacon
100Frank C. PinkstonDemocraticMacon
101William C. (Billy) RandallDemocraticMacon
102David E. LucasDemocraticMacon
103Kenneth (Ken) W. BirdsongDemocraticGordon
104Frank Horne, Jr.DemocraticMacon
105Jimmy LordDemocraticSandersville
106Randolph C. (Randy) KarrhDemocraticSwainsboro
107John David MilesDemocraticMetter
108Wilbur E. BaughDemocraticMilledgeville
109Bobby E. ParhamDemocraticMilledgeville
110Ward EdwardsDemocraticButler
111Don CastleberryDemocraticRichland
112E. Roy LambertDemocraticMadison
113Ted W. WaddleRepublicanWarner Robins
114Roy H. (Sonny) Watson, Jr.DemocraticWarner Robins
115Larry WalkerDemocraticPerry
116George HooksDemocraticAmericus
117Ben JessupDemocraticCochran
118Terry L. ColemanDemocraticEastman
119J. Roy RowlandDemocraticDublin
120L.L. (Pete) PhillipsDemocraticSoperton
121Clinton OliverDemocraticGlennville
122Ronald E. (Ron) GinsbergDemocraticSavannah
123Albert (Al) ScottDemocraticSavannah
124Lamar W. Davis, Jr.RepublicanSavannah
125Bobby Phillips DemocraticSavannah
126Herbert Jones, Jr.RepublicanSavannah
127Bobby L. HillDemocraticSavannah
128Tom TriplettDemocraticSavannah
129George A. Chance, Jr.DemocraticSpringfield
130Bob HannerDemocraticParrott
131Tommy ChamblessDemocraticAlbany
132John WhiteDemocraticAlbany
133R.S. (Dick) HutchinsonDemocraticAlbany
134T. Hayward (Mac) McCollumDemocraticAlbany
135Howard H. RaineyDemocraticCordele
136Earleen SizemoreDemocraticSylvester
137Paul S. Branch, Jr.DemocraticFitzgerald
138-1Lunsford MoodyDemocraticBaxley
138-2Roger C. ByrdDemocraticHazlehurst
139Rene D. KempDemocraticHinesville
140Ralph J. BalkomDemocraticBlakely
141Walter E. CoxDemocraticBainbridge
142Bobby LongDemocraticCairo
143R. Allen SherrodDemocraticCoolidge
144Marcus E. Collins, Sr.DemocraticPelham
145Hugh D. MatthewsDemocraticMoultrie
146-1Edmond Lewis PerryDemocraticNashville
146-2Monty VeazeyDemocraticTifton
147Henry L. ReavesDemocraticQuitman
148James M. BeckDemocraticValdosta
149Robert L. (Bob) PattenDemocraticLakeland
150Tom Crosby, Jr.DemocraticWaycross
151Harry D. DixonDemocraticWaycross
152-1James C. MooreDemocraticWest Green
152-2Tommy SmithDemocraticAlma
153James R. (Jim) Tuten, JrDemocraticBrunswick
154Dean G. AutenRepublicanBrunswick
gollark: I have offers for all but Edinburgh (they're very slow) and Oxford (rejected).
gollark: Oxford, Imperial, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Bristol.
gollark: And have an offer now, even.
gollark: It's fine, I think. I applied there.
gollark: To be fair, people do make really weird mistakes and assumptions about computers and being able to do this stuff competently probably means you do that less.
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