Tag: windows-registry

2 How to disable Explorer.exe for given user? 2013-04-30T00:10:40.040

2 Prevent, or speed up, USB Flash Drive installation for computers? 2013-05-28T15:39:46.090

2 How to intercept registry or memory key? 2013-06-10T15:06:19.597

2 Is it possible to import a Windows registry file without destroying a system? 2013-06-15T16:22:16.590

2 Is it possible to restore a previous Windows registry state without Scanreg.exe? 2013-06-16T21:11:26.693

2 Setting default action for new file extension 2013-07-06T17:13:20.607

2 What values are defined for the SpecialAccounts/UserList key and what I is their purpose? 2013-07-11T17:12:16.763

2 Shell extension doesn't work to open file 2013-07-20T02:54:07.073

2 Unable to delete registry key in HKLM\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run via commandline 2013-07-29T16:42:25.320

2 Setting Windows 7 Screensaver from Command Line 2013-08-29T15:33:44.567

2 Open in Command line doesn't work anymore since the last windows update 2013-09-13T05:40:44.713

2 iTunes refuses to install, registry issue? 2013-09-19T00:30:04.613

2 Add an item to the 'send to' menu for ALL users (win7) 2013-09-19T10:31:26.007

2 What is the Dword vaule to to leave mail on the server for outlook 2013-09-19T14:30:56.130

2 Windows 7 product key, which is the valid one - in registry or on a sticker? 2013-10-01T09:04:24.480

2 Installing only registry settings of program or game? 2013-10-01T18:33:07.110

2 How to change meta data of a registry key? 2013-10-06T11:35:50.873

2 Where in registry is Windows user expiration date or days left? 2013-10-17T14:19:34.067

2 How to find out what is adding bogus keys to the registry? 2013-10-30T10:58:52.070

2 Disable "Remember my credentials" on Windows 7 Home Premium 2013-11-07T13:17:44.667

2 Find Windows Registry Key Modify Date 2013-11-14T21:11:12.960

2 Applications in the Windows Registry 2013-11-15T01:38:53.660

2 environment variable for hkey_users/software 2013-11-28T04:05:15.667

2 Where are the folder icons generated with the folder properties kept in the Registry? 2013-12-02T21:35:49.663

2 Changing Windows' perceived native resolution 2013-12-18T17:35:05.690

2 Windows Explorer doesn't show correctly the custom icon 2013-12-18T17:59:36.610

2 Is there a registry key or group policy to disable the "If you change a file name extension, the file might become unusable" warning in Windows? 2014-01-09T20:48:03.980

2 Read x64 registry branch from 7-zip SFX Installer via PowerShell 2014-01-20T10:12:47.390

2 How do I import registry settings to loaded hive via commandline? 2014-01-27T16:15:36.570

2 Why does reg.exe runs three processes when my Windows 8 starts up? 2014-01-27T17:13:17.320

2 Checklist to configure programs to (not) run at startup in windows 8 2014-02-19T10:39:41.890

2 Cannot create value: Error writing to the registry 2014-02-19T15:33:19.000

2 Exporting and Importing Printer Settings 2014-02-20T19:53:33.870

2 How to block programs from running (Windows 7) 2014-02-25T08:38:34.880

2 How I can set via Registry the color of this screen in Windows 8.1? 2014-03-11T12:54:31.320

2 Grant Admin rights to an entire registry Hive? 2014-04-12T02:36:40.007

2 Use PowerShell to interpret registry values 2014-04-28T10:47:09.673

2 Change registry permission of 3 keys does not work with regini 2014-05-13T15:36:23.773

2 How to delete printers in the Registry in Windows 7? 2014-06-06T15:23:52.647

2 export reg_sz key registry in hex format 2014-07-03T15:48:58.697

2 Modifying the System Path variable from cmd 2014-07-10T14:08:09.253

2 Registry Key Controlling Start Button in Windows 8.1? 2014-07-13T07:47:25.480

2 Disable Windows 8 Welcome Screen 2014-07-15T11:54:19.923

2 What is the purpose of the Start Page Redirect Cache registry value? 2014-07-29T02:15:24.913

2 Using function keys without [FN] key with Apple Wireless Keyboard on Windows 7 Machine (no bootcamp) 2014-09-04T15:21:04.887

2 Windows 7 hide *.lnk target 2014-09-10T20:19:55.867

2 Access denied error from regedit 2014-09-29T14:34:04.427

2 Change puTTy presets via registry 2014-10-01T03:36:44.057

2 Create a URI Scheme Handler Association 2014-10-02T00:43:20.137

2 What is the default file association for a file with no extension? 2014-10-16T05:45:18.207

2 Reg.exe Offline registry edit 2014-11-02T05:36:19.377

2 Group Policy script to add/update HKCU registry key during shutdown 2014-11-08T00:15:03.407

2 Cannot delete corrupted registery key 2014-11-13T19:38:30.683

2 Hang when launching digitally signed executable 2014-12-08T04:15:59.080

2 Changing Visual Effects settings through command line 2014-12-10T10:50:20.753

2 Local Profile To Domain Roaming Profile Desktop background black 2014-12-27T18:19:32.697

2 Possible malware modification of Windows registry entry 2014-12-31T19:42:22.447

2 Forcing Windows Store apps to install on a non-system disk in Win 8.1 2015-01-10T17:27:49.100

2 Windows 8.1 EditionIDs? 2015-01-28T19:44:36.570

2 How to change Windows 7 zip icon 2015-02-14T10:47:05.750

2 Disable Parental Control (Family Safety) Override? 2015-02-19T19:47:53.207

2 Microsoft Family Safety *Weekly* Time Limits? 2015-02-21T13:58:58.227

2 Most programs not visible in Programs and Features in windows 7 2015-03-01T20:04:37.063

2 What does it mean to "Enable Windows to prioritise external manifests"? 2015-04-23T09:50:47.630

2 How I do to increase System PTE's on Windows 7 and have them extend over page file? 2015-05-07T14:04:57.137

2 Broken Directory Icon Overlay Image 2015-05-30T15:50:26.333

2 User Profile Service (Error 1501) Cannot create temporary directory 2015-05-30T22:36:19.607

2 Use an environment variable to point to an "Open With" program 2015-06-25T03:02:49.180

2 Does the Windows registry hold details of the processor's capabilities? 2015-07-21T21:48:10.793

2 Windows 7 Pro 64Bit... now thinks it's a 16Bit OS? I can't "repair" Windows or MS Office suite? 2015-07-25T02:02:29.833

2 Minwidth for windows 10 2015-08-05T17:59:04.910

2 Windows 10 Default Browser as Chrome Does Not Work After Chrome Class Registry Fix 2015-08-16T01:45:20.597

2 Could you use Process Monitor to move a program to a different computer? 2015-08-19T18:59:47.767

2 How to backup Windows Explorer folders settings and set them via registry 2015-08-22T15:00:36.430

2 What is the difference between regedit and gpedit.msc? 2015-08-23T06:50:55.817

2 Restrict device installation using Registry Editor against BadUSB 2015-09-03T13:59:23.633

2 View a .reg file without modifying registry 2015-09-18T03:07:31.300

2 Windows 10 applying registry mouse settings 2015-10-03T03:47:25.537

2 Windows 10 registry setting for volume control 2015-10-09T16:43:56.337

2 Win creates TEMP profile after I delete local roaming profile data (Win7) 2015-10-21T08:42:20.017

2 start cmd.exe minimized/hidden via contextmenu 2015-11-30T05:57:18.387

2 How to remove Registry Keys with wildcards 2015-12-02T18:16:24.383

2 How to uninstall an app in Windows when its uninstaller is missing? 2016-01-18T00:11:00.487

2 Is R portable when you do not to add registry keys during installation? 2016-01-19T10:10:18.407

2 How can I disable keyboard shortcut Control+Shift+S in Skype for Business (formerly called Lync) 2016-01-20T23:52:54.767

2 How to make Windows use always the latest CLR for .Net assemblies? 2016-01-25T14:33:20.847

2 Fix screen flicker in Windows 8.1 2016-02-05T07:54:14.783

2 Is it really possible to completely deactivate the desktop via the registry? 2016-02-09T10:24:42.613

2 Add Process explorer to taskbar right click context menu Windows 8.1 2016-03-07T16:43:40.867

2 Installing Visual Studio across multiple Operating Systems 2016-03-19T15:05:58.180

2 How to store users under E:\Documents and Settings instead of C:\ in XP 2016-03-23T09:51:08.657

2 Disable INSERT key in all applications 2016-03-24T23:16:25.320

2 Where is old good "Updates" option in Windows 10 Control Panel? 2016-03-25T14:39:59.113

2 How to update Registry with REG ADD command 2016-04-19T09:03:40.960

2 get the list of remembered Network Profiles of a Windows computer over ssh 2016-04-22T16:03:00.263

2 Registry keys for automatic time and time zones 2016-04-27T07:11:38.100

2 Fix invalid link targets after changing drive letter of 'Program Files' folder 2016-05-03T20:11:11.010

2 Ask registry value status & use computer name as registry value 2016-05-25T07:17:03.353

2 Powershell script to run a .reg file on remote computers 2016-05-31T12:58:36.500