Tag: windows-registry

2 Prevent Windows XP running programs except for selected ones 2009-09-09T11:41:02.593

2 Replacing the default Windows XP screensaver image 2009-10-21T18:21:15.580

2 prevent specific file change by windows update? 2009-10-26T07:42:38.643

2 Windows 7 services default restore 2009-10-26T17:27:33.140

2 Unable to access a particular registry key 2009-11-21T14:41:32.043

2 How to restore the folder option in windows XP (which has been deleted by VIRUS !?) 2010-01-14T07:17:56.980

2 Unable to access a registry key 2010-02-21T22:41:52.367

2 Where can I add or change the options in the system menu? 2010-02-25T22:32:29.873

2 where does the Windows Calculator store its settings? 2010-03-10T17:04:20.963

2 What information is stored in NTUSER.dat on Windows XP? 2010-03-15T19:44:20.480

2 How do I disable Windows notifications from the registry? 2010-04-06T12:22:38.207

2 How do I disable a Windows dialog box notification from the registry? 2010-04-07T05:22:57.400

2 Startup Folder, HKCU/.../Run, HKLM/.../Run. Where Else to Look to Track Down a Mysterious Login Event? 2010-04-23T20:22:03.743

2 Win7: Will doing "Run as administrator" on a .BAT file allow regsvr32 enough privlieges to register a DLL or OCX? 2010-06-04T07:26:12.567

2 Forcing IE8 Standards Mode with FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION 2010-06-11T14:38:55.933

2 On XP SP3 the registry contains odd entries under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT 2010-07-03T01:53:42.690

2 Where are definitions or references for the IORegistry Values? 2010-07-06T16:53:28.520

2 On a Windows CE computer, in the Registry Editor, where would one find the equivalent of the Winlogon folder? 2010-07-13T09:17:36.920

2 Does the registry location of IE proxy settings vary between versions of IE and Windows? 2010-07-16T11:02:12.273

2 Unable to uninstall Visual Studio 2008, could not open Components key 2010-08-09T21:42:01.697

2 Stuck with Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2 errors 2010-12-21T07:15:09.883

2 How to set file associations and explorer options in one go? 2010-12-22T12:19:43.820

2 Where do the 30-day trials store info on my computer? 2011-02-11T06:12:01.440

2 Removing QWERTY Keyboard Layout Permanently 2011-02-11T17:32:24.183

2 How to remove the fade out delay in windows 7's aero peek? 2011-02-15T20:22:20.987

2 Editing a windows XP installation's registry without being able to log in 2011-02-16T04:22:50.413

2 Why doesn't the windows registry know how to interpret or expand %temp%? 2011-03-11T20:05:24.017

2 How to register installed programs after os install? 2011-03-27T10:18:08.477

2 Get "SIGN.MEDIA"-Id for compatibility-mode in Windows7 2011-04-08T14:31:37.817

2 how to test whether a Windows 2000 registry hive is corrupt 2011-04-15T12:06:40.560

2 Removing the blur on Windows 7's Aero theme 2011-04-20T14:00:32.107

2 Export registry from a nonbootable harddrive? 2011-04-24T06:57:43.570

2 Enabling prompt-free RDP Console session in Windows 7 2011-04-26T02:35:42.527

2 Capturing configuration changes to Windows as they occur 2011-05-06T09:21:56.937

2 Change tilde key to "j" key using Scancode Map 2011-05-11T12:29:19.553

2 Disable Office Dialog Boxes 2011-05-11T14:05:25.463

2 running PowerShell's Invoke-Item with a switch 2011-05-15T08:51:36.513

2 What is "Type" on a service? 2011-05-24T14:26:41.503

2 Check if 32 or 64-bit Windows OS via registry 2011-05-31T09:44:53.713

2 Run batch file when USB drive detected 2011-06-06T10:46:30.650

2 I messed with security tab of shared drive in windows 7 2011-06-19T14:32:50.237

2 Windows 7 limit the number of threads that a process creates? 2011-06-21T18:39:33.143

2 Where are product keys stored in the registry? 2011-06-24T06:23:40.500

2 My hosts file is broken (windows won't read it) 2011-07-06T18:34:47.200

2 How do I undo a deletion or modification made in RegEdit? 2011-07-25T15:57:49.733

2 Disable task manager for restricted user on Windows 7 Home Premium 2011-08-04T02:09:07.730

2 general technique in Windows to install software once and replicate the configuration? 2011-08-15T20:18:13.433

2 How to recover WEP network key in WinXP? 2011-09-11T11:11:51.587

2 Disabling startup programs BUT leave in registry? 2011-09-27T03:08:59.070

2 TeamCity Build Agent service immediately fails with 1053 'did not start in a timely fashion' 2011-10-06T17:44:17.073

2 Will deleting (Default) entries in registry cause system instability? 2011-10-14T12:01:52.147

2 Recent files opened in Excel 2007 not appearing in the 'recent documents' list 2011-11-18T14:59:09.500

2 What is the Windows XP equivalent of 'User Choice' in the registry? 2011-12-13T21:54:58.563

2 I keep having to System Restore 2012-01-09T03:57:13.183

2 Windows 7 Games folder very slow: it takes several seconds to open Games or to select a game 2012-01-14T16:18:39.583

2 Are these crazy values in Windows Registry? 2012-01-25T12:29:26.347

2 Command line syntax for launching a softphone 2012-02-02T22:04:22.443

2 Track all registry changes XP Pro 2012-02-04T16:01:34.357

2 java installers and uninstallers return error 1602 2012-02-05T18:27:34.040

2 What do all of Internet Explorer's search settings mean? 2012-02-09T23:43:39.340

2 What are the potential problems with importing registry settings from an admin account to a standard account in windows xp? 2012-02-16T21:22:07.190

2 Show computer name on Windows desktop computer icon 2012-02-27T02:33:10.747

2 when Windows 7 tries to "check disk for consistency" on startup, can I make it wait more than 10 seconds? 2012-03-07T01:06:12.367

2 Trying to get to the command prompt through recovery disk 2012-03-20T20:06:38.367

2 Prevent registry changes by users 2012-06-04T22:19:20.663

2 how to find default browser in registry windows 7 2012-07-06T08:03:41.050

2 Monitor "WHO" altered registry key 2012-08-20T14:56:37.313

2 Windows updates fails with error 80070bc9 2012-08-20T15:56:45.060

2 How to enable screen rotation Sony Vaio Laptop 2012-09-18T11:31:23.460

2 Reset a single user registry to defaults 2012-09-24T03:09:26.727

2 Remap Apple MacBook Eject key in Windows? 2012-09-25T14:41:03.817

2 Remove Libraries from Windows 8 Explorer sidebar 2012-10-09T08:29:24.740

2 Moving to a new Windows computer - can I port my registry settings? 2012-10-11T00:56:39.900

2 I have a failing drive, and the latest full registry backup. New install and restore registry would that work? 2012-10-16T18:51:32.740

2 reg delete gives me "access is denied" but regedit delete is ok 2012-10-18T22:34:23.880

2 Windows service fails to start with local user until password is entered again in logon tab 2012-10-22T22:31:21.503

2 Transfer Win8 user settings between profiles 2012-11-01T06:27:41.387

2 (Virtual) Path to My Computer 2012-11-04T21:18:29.627

2 Running a python script as a default browser without a hardcoded path to python.exe 2012-11-15T21:21:33.767

2 What is the time unit for ForegroundLockTimeout registry value in Windows 7? 2012-12-03T04:37:01.543

2 How can I restore the registry keys from another C drive on Windows 7 64-bit? 2012-12-08T16:54:04.953

2 How do I force windows 8 into 1280x720? 2012-12-14T11:43:12.463

2 Windows 7 Change Context Menu Hotkey 2012-12-26T18:10:57.287

2 How can I add a value to the registry via command line without a .REG file? 2013-01-22T03:38:33.210

2 Disable Administrator account on Windows 7 Starter Edition 2013-01-29T12:24:00.077

2 Where is the flag for write caching on any given drive located? Is it in the OS or on the disk itself? 2013-01-31T07:42:51.510

2 Why shell commands for PNG file in Windows 8 doesn't work? 2013-02-06T13:17:23.417

2 How to overwrite a group policy - homepage 2013-02-08T04:14:49.093

2 Persitently map local folder to drive only for a single user profile 2013-02-12T16:01:17.920

2 waterfox not listed as installed browser? 2013-02-15T01:05:47.997

2 Complete file system diff 2013-02-24T01:14:19.100

2 Edit Windows registry without starting Windows 2013-02-27T18:57:37.353

2 Win7 regedit falsely reports successful merge 2013-03-03T19:32:10.883

2 How to reload windows color settings after change of registry key? 2013-03-05T10:06:18.470

2 Services unable to start, fixed permissions on registry keys to fix, finding more, root cause? 2013-03-13T15:23:42.100

2 Add/Remove programs: what happens when an app installs incorrectly? 2013-03-14T14:58:28.163

2 Where does open office writer save its default template 2013-03-28T13:15:30.700

2 Windows 8 Right-click (context) menu hang 2013-03-31T13:58:35.930

2 Outlook 2013, New Mail Desktop Alert Goes Away After 5 Seconds 2013-04-15T12:33:41.783