Add an item to the 'send to' menu for ALL users (win7)



I know there is the question Add an item to the 'send to' menu for ALL users (winxp), but this does not work for Windows 7.

I already know how to add an item to the 'send to' menu of one user by dropping a shortcut file to %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo (or more correctly, to the folder pointed by the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders\SendTo).

But it seems that there does not exist the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders\SendTo or similar key.

So is there any way to do this in windows 7?

Carlos Campderrós

Posted 2013-09-19T10:31:26.007

Reputation: 643

Why did the solution from that topic not work? Did you get any errors? – Rik – 2013-09-19T11:18:59.653

@Rik the folder structure changed from windows XP to Vista – Carlos Campderrós – 2013-09-19T11:19:39.540

1Yes you should use copy "c:\Notepad.lnk" "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo" /Y. – Rik – 2013-09-19T11:20:30.940

Ooops sorry, I did saw so many answers that I thought that the one I linked was another. I did not like the proposed solution because it adds the script to the startup menu and it is visible by the user there. If a user happens to be administrator, it can remove it easily. – Carlos Campderrós – 2013-09-19T12:03:41.690

anyway, after more searching and not founding something as elegant as just dropping the shortcut into something like C:\Users\All Users\SendTo, I'll guess I'll have to go with the bat script. Thank you Rik and Peter King. – Carlos Campderrós – 2013-09-19T12:06:45.637



Answer #1: the solution you linked to in the other question does work, you need to adjust the script.

You put it into

C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

and it needs to copy the file to the location you mentioned above:

copy "c:\Notepad.lnk" %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo /y

Answer #2: You can drop it in to any new users' folders automatically by putting it into


The Default profile is copied for each new user at creation.

Peter King

Posted 2013-09-19T10:31:26.007

Reputation: 111

1Note: If answer #1 is used answer #2 does not need to be used. For new users the script will be executed too. – Rik – 2013-09-19T11:22:16.477


If you are managing your computers / users with Group Policies, you can create a shortcut in the Send To folder.

Here are a couple write up on how to do that:

The only difference from the above write ups is to select "Send To" in the location option.


Posted 2013-09-19T10:31:26.007

Reputation: 271