Tag: microsoft-excel

286 How do I get the distinct/unique values in a column in Excel? 2009-10-01T15:34:54.797

203 Easiest way to open CSV with commas in Excel 2012-03-31T20:39:58.817

153 How can I "group by" and sum a column in excel? 2012-03-28T00:52:13.667

148 How to easily reorder rows in excel with drag and drop or move-up or move-down? 2011-02-24T11:24:43.033

132 Convert a column into a comma separated list 2011-02-02T16:01:08.283

130 Is it possible to paste CSV formatted data into Excel 2007? 2010-08-04T09:38:41.860

129 How can I stop Excel from eating my delicious CSV files and excreting useless data? 2011-01-19T01:08:37.963

123 How do I join two worksheets in Excel as I would in SQL? 2012-05-04T16:20:11.547

121 Why does Excel treat long numeric strings as scientific notation even after changing cell format to text 2012-04-16T20:39:25.353

107 Open Excel files in new window 2009-08-12T04:40:22.690

106 How do I expand all columns in Excel spreadsheet? 2010-07-08T16:06:22.623

106 Excel: how to undo in current file only? 2011-06-05T02:33:23.157

105 How to write multi lines in one Excel cell? 2009-11-22T13:16:42.897

100 Find Items in one column that are not in another column 2009-12-10T18:44:01.210

99 How to get Excel to interpret the comma as a default delimiter in CSV files? 2013-06-11T11:04:23.967

98 How to open semicolon delimited CSV-files in US-version of Excel 2010-08-26T13:02:14.410

98 Cells not updating automatically 2011-07-08T09:03:43.207

96 Why does =-x^2+x for x=3 in Excel result in 12 instead of -6? 2018-12-18T13:52:31.647

93 How do you force excel to quote all columns of a CSV file? 2010-04-13T19:17:39.483

91 How to make Excel's "Auto Fit Row Height" feature actually auto fit the row height? 2012-02-14T21:16:14.537

89 In Excel, how do I check if a cell is in a list of values (a range of cells) 2013-05-29T20:43:50.250

87 Turn off scientific notation in Excel 2012-07-24T08:50:56.673

86 How to set character encoding when opening Excel 2011-05-08T02:42:23.303

83 How do you view the bottom of really tall cells in Excel? 2009-09-28T12:31:22.620

80 Excel - Prevent cell text from overflowing into next (empty) cell 2012-11-19T15:11:43.397

77 Format a number with optional decimal places in Excel 2008-08-22T04:31:59.497

77 How do you auto resize cells in Excel? 2011-02-17T14:28:20.967

77 How to search for ? (question mark) in Excel 2012-08-07T12:23:02.993

72 How to remove the print preview lines in Excel 2010? 2011-09-06T10:09:16.483

71 How to copy multi-line text from Excel without quotes? 2011-08-17T10:27:39.630

69 How can I set Excel to always import all columns of CSV files as Text? 2011-07-05T00:01:28.283

69 What is the maximum allowed rows in a Microsoft Excel .xls or .xlsx 2011-12-09T21:06:00.607

67 How to "unpivot" or "reverse pivot" in Excel? 2009-12-03T19:26:49.990

64 Formatting a comma-delimited CSV to force Excel to interpret value as a string 2011-08-03T08:39:00.187

63 Go to specific row number in excel 2012-06-23T00:55:23.770

61 Excel Auto-Fill a Series Without Mouse (Keyboard Only) 2011-04-12T19:44:03.880

61 Comparing two strings in Excel? 2011-05-16T02:01:22.643

61 What is the Excel hotkey to re-calculate all formula in sheet? 2012-07-13T07:27:12.693

61 Excel - can I set a cell to equal a certain value, no matter what is typed in it? 2015-09-29T15:03:40.760

59 Is it possible to sum an entire column without setting explicit cell boundaries in Excel? 2010-05-17T22:25:12.057

59 Why does the same data take more space in a text file than in an Excel file? 2017-06-01T06:54:09.623

58 Formula for updated currency exchange rates in Excel or other spreadsheets? 2011-05-20T12:07:44.203

58 How to split a string based on ":" in MS-Excel? 2012-10-03T16:16:00.823

57 Excel Conditional Formatting Escaping a Question Mark 2010-05-24T21:04:28.853

57 How to make cells perfect squares in Excel? 2010-07-20T14:28:34.730

56 How to delete rows not in filter 2012-02-08T14:14:54.187

54 Shortcut in Word or Excel for Special Paste? 2012-03-31T23:38:49.380

52 Excel number type changes 1.25 to 43125 2018-05-30T07:14:28.353

50 How to keep selected text highlighted when focus changes in Microsoft Word/Excel 2013-08-27T12:30:31.190

50 What exactly is Excel's Auto Fill algorithm? 2018-06-25T11:33:01.397

49 Can I use an excel formula to extract the link location of a hyperlink in a cell? 2013-05-08T23:44:33.550

46 Unable to get Excel to recognise date in column 2014-09-26T10:46:13.467

45 How to compare two columns and find differences in Excel? 2011-05-27T07:10:09.147

45 How to unhide 'Very Hidden' Worksheet 2017-09-28T10:54:24.667

45 Is there a concise Excel formula to calculate (A1*A6)+(B1*B6)+(C1*C6)...? 2018-08-19T14:24:52.350

44 How do you customize Excel 2010 keyboard shortcuts? 2010-11-19T03:15:57.760

44 Copy Excel worksheet and maintain relative cell reference in formulas 2012-03-06T08:47:35.830

44 What does "A1:A4^{1,2,3}" mean in an Excel formula? 2015-03-04T19:08:16.600

44 How can I create a sophisticated table like the one attached? 2016-11-22T18:40:10.770

42 Swap cell contents in Excel? 2011-03-14T16:18:46.697

42 How to stop Excel following hyperlinks when I click on them? 2013-05-14T12:33:58.613

42 A bug in Excel? Conditional formatting for marking duplicates also highlights unique value 2019-03-05T15:27:58.747

40 Stop excel from converting copy-pasted number/text values to date 2012-11-19T17:11:30.310

40 How to bypass the VBA project password from Excel 2014-09-05T21:48:49.383

38 How do you change default delimiter in the Text Import in Excel? 2011-06-01T10:05:41.030

38 Create a pie chart from distinct values in one column by grouping data in Excel 2011-08-29T14:22:19.153

38 How can I stop Excel from opening a second blank window when opening a file from Explorer? 2015-02-17T16:59:40.113

38 Why use CONCATENATE vs & in Excel? 2017-07-05T21:49:17.287

37 Reverse order of rows in Excel 2009-08-24T14:42:26.767

37 Prevent Excel from clearing copied data for pasting, after certain operations, without Office clipboard 2013-06-25T14:46:13.463

36 Freeze row and columns in Excel (at the same time) 2010-01-06T21:24:18.453

36 When does Excel decide to overflow text into adjacent cells, or cut them at the boundary? 2012-03-14T05:33:04.927

36 Excel copy-paste: always match destination formatting 2013-12-03T03:55:16.027

35 Excel displays ### for long text - what's wrong? 2009-11-04T12:40:11.270

35 How to force Excel to open CSV files with data arranged in columns 2011-01-28T14:26:36.507

35 How to simulate a full outer join in Excel? 2016-01-07T16:52:52.173

34 Excel hyperlink not redirecting properly (bug?) 2012-07-04T05:14:33.457

34 How do I insert a new row in Excel via the keyboard? 2015-01-27T05:01:18.170

34 How do I get cells in Excel that contain IP addresses to sort properly? 2017-12-24T00:00:48.307

33 How do I get the day name into a cell in Excel? 2009-09-15T23:04:12.367

33 How to copy conditional formating to another Excel Worksheet 2010-09-21T09:46:20.160

33 How can I change the focus in Excel to the formula bar via the keyboard? 2008-09-16T11:20:15.907

33 How do I copy Word tables into Excel without splitting cells into multiple rows? 2014-04-28T17:39:33.953

32 What the heck have I done to my Excel sheet (and how to undo it)? 2010-04-27T21:21:10.497

32 How to count number of distinct values in a range? 2010-09-17T14:13:03.627

32 How do Microsoft Word and Excel run without any installation? 2011-03-04T07:16:16.123

32 How do I save an excel spreadsheet as a semi-colon separated values file? 2012-09-17T20:47:24.503

32 Get rid of all ##### errors at once in excel 2015-06-16T11:48:27.743

31 Need two Excel windows side by side, on different monitors, in the same instance 2011-04-21T14:19:37.410

31 How to get the current column name in Excel? 2011-07-28T14:32:58.437

31 In Excel how can I sum all the numbers above the current cell? 2013-10-18T15:04:37.573

31 Why do Excel line breaks not transfer into Notepad? 2018-12-18T21:38:26.023

30 Map one column to x axis second to y axis in excel chart 2009-12-10T15:41:43.103

30 Excel: filter a column by more than two values 2013-07-23T23:00:19.273

30 Copy comma delimited values into two excel cells 2012-03-30T09:01:18.433

30 AND function gives TRUE result for empty, BLANK cell - why? 2016-08-31T11:35:42.373

29 Excel: How do I reference an entire row except for a couple of cells? 2011-05-17T21:35:32.767

29 How to quickly check if two columns in Excel are equivalent in value? 2011-06-24T15:35:21.783

29 Limit an Excel cell to one of two possible values 2010-04-13T12:39:12.260