Questions tagged [elastic-beanstalk]

AWS Elastic Beanstalk is a PaaS (Platform as a Service) service that allows you to quickly deploy and manage applications in the AWS cloud. Elastic Beanstalk handles the deployment details of capacity provisioning, load balancing, auto-scaling, and application health monitoring.

488 questions
13 answers

AWS: Environment named *** is in an invalid state for this operation. Must be Ready

I get a message when I am trying to deploy my php app on EC2 using Elastic Beanstalk. Environment named *** is in an invalid state for this operation. Must be Ready. I am unable to deploy. The server status is running, no warnings. My experience…
Dr Casper Black
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3 answers

Static IP address for outgoing traffic from AWS autoscaling group

I'm going to have a number of EC2 instances in an Elastic Beanstalk autoscaling group in a default subnet in a VPC. The app on these EC2 instances needs to connect to a third party service who uses an IP address whitelist to allow access. So I need…
6 answers

How to associate an existing RDS instance to an Elastic Beanstalk environment?

I have created my RDS instance before creating my Elastic Beanstalk environment. The two are working together with no problem, but I'd like them to be linked together, and have the RDS parameters accessible via the RDS_* environment variables. The…
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1 answer

How to add directives to php.ini on AWS Elastic Beanstalk?

I'd like to add these PHP settings to my Elastic Beanstalk environment: upload_max_filesize = 64M post_max_size = 64M These options cannot be set with option_settings in .ebextensions: Namespace |…
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2 answers

How to increase the timeout of Elastic Beanstalk deployments?

As part of my application deployment, I have some commands in my .ebextensions config files. It might take 20 minutes or more for all the commands to complete, the first time the commands are run (cloning big repositories). Unfortunately, this…
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3 answers

Automatically Applying Security Updates for AWS Elastic Beanstalk

I've been a fan of Heroku since it's earliest days. But I like the fact that AWS Elastic Beanstalk gives you more control over the characteristics of the instances. One thing I love about Heroku is the fact that I can deploy an app and not worry…
Eric Anderson
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2 answers

What are the pros and cons of AWS Elastic Beanstalk compared with other deployment strategies?

I'm pretty new to the whole Netflix OSS stack and deployments in general. As a background for my current level of knowledge ops-wise, my main role is as a front-end application engineer. However, I enjoy the operations side of things, so I'm…
James van Dyke
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6 answers

How to upgrade to the latest AMI in AWS Elastic Beanstalk?

I'm running an application on AWS Elastic Beanstalk, and it looks like I need to create a new environment if I want to use the latest AMI. If I knew what the latest AMI id was, I could update it in the environment configuration. Is there a place…
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1 answer

Are Elastic Beanstalk's environment variables an appropriate place to store secret values?

I have deployed my Django application to Elastic Beanstalk with the intention of using its environment variable configuration interface to store my API keys instead of storing them in my source (as described here…
M. Keller
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3 answers

How to stop elastic beanstalk without terminating?

Is there any way to stop an elastic beanstalk environment as opposed to terminating it? There are times during testing that I would prefer to stop the environment so that I'm not being charged. However, I'm not seeing a way to do this via the GUI.…
nu everest
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4 answers

Launch instances via Elastic Beanstalk without Elastic IP configured

I'm creating a tool to deploy Docker images to EC2 via ElasticBeanstalk, so the dev team can quickly demo their work without having to merge. I don't want Elastic IP to be enabled for these apps as they are short lived. The reason I'm asking this is…
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4 answers

Elastic Beanstalk force https

I'm having issues forcing HTTPS with a site that I'm deploying through AWS Elastic Beanstalk. It's a frontend application using EmberJS. I've been going around in circles for many days trying to figure out how to redirect http traffic to https. I'm…
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1 answer

Elastic Beanstalk stuck for more than 12 hrs

I have an EB application that is stuck with this error: Failed Environment update activity. Reason: Internal Failure. I can not abort anything and I cannot change any configuration.. I dont know what to do, because every thing I do, it says: Could…
1 answer

Elastic Beanstalk S3 access via .ebextensions

I have a simple file in my .ebextensions folder: 00-myconfig.config Resources: AWSEBAutoScalingGroup: Metadata: AWS::CloudFormation::Authentication: S3Access: type: S3 …
1 answer

My AWS SSL Certificate is not appearing in Elastic Beanstalk's console

I've created a new SSL Certificate using AWS's service for a subdomain that points to an Elastic Beanstalk instance. It appears in the Certificate Manager correctly... but it doesn't appear in the EB instance's Load Balancer dropdown... According…
Django Reinhardt
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