Questions tagged [throttling]

In networking, throttling is the intentional slowing or speeding of an Internet service.

In networking, throttling is the intentional slowing or speeding of an Internet service.Throttling is helpful to prevent network congestion and server crashes.

43 questions
1 answer

NGINX - throttle requests to prevent abuse

The reason I want to do this is because users develop against our API with JavaScript, and some developers screw up and cause visitors to slam the server with AJAX requests. When this happens, I want to be able to throttle the API requests to…
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CentOS 6 router/firewall seems to be throttling throughput

TL;DR CentOS6 NAT router/firewall behind a 120Mbps cable modem connection seems to be capping throughput at 30Mbps after recent updates and security "hardening". Prior to updates and hardening I was getting 90Mbps. I've checked CPU and network usage…
Ex Umbris
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2 answers

Does Mac OS X throttle the RATE of socket creation?

This may seem programming related, but this is an OS question. I'm writing a small high performance daemon that takes thousands of connections per second. It's working fine on Linux (specifically Ubuntu 9.10 on EC2). On Mac OS X if I throw a few…
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1 answer

What outbound HTTP throttling solutions exist?

I am looking for a way to flexibly manage outbound HTTP/HTTPS traffic in a way that respect site policies, and could be deployed at the "edge" of our datacenter network. For example, we use several Web APIs that have throttling rates like "no more…
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2 answers

Throttle outgoing mail by domain in exim

I am using exim to deliver mail generated by a web app. The, and domains are asking me to throttle the amount of mail I send but I have trouble in getting that configured in exim. The scenario goes like this: my web app…
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Exchange 2013 Throttling Policy with Windows Server Backup

We have an Exchange 2013 Server having issues after the daily backup procedure from Windows Server Backup. Clients (mainly ActiveSync devices) try to access the Exchange Server during the backup process and after, they get locked out due Throttling…
1 answer

Cisco ASA: Prevent any single internal host from saturating bandwidth of outside Internet interface

We have an ASA 5510 at the edge of our network connected to a 10Mb Internet pipe. All internal IPs are private so we have external and internal interfaces. I'd like to prevent any single internal host from consuming more than 75% bandwidth on the…
Daniel Lucas
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1 answer

How can I reduce the response buffer size of the reverse proxy?

I have configured some reverse proxies in order to map some HTTP audio streams that are normally accessed via different port numbers (e.g. http://fooserver:18030), to URL addresses accessible on standard port 80 (e.g.…
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2 answers

Determine what machine/device is consuming bandwidth

I sometimes help a small office with a few issues. About two months ago, they were complaining of poor internet performance. Long story short, I found one person running Carbonite on a Mac that was pushing 2mb uploads all day. Shut down Carbonite…
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5 answers

How to throttle your own internet connection?

I am writing a website and want to test its speed on slower internet connections. I have the unfortunate first world problem of downloading at 100mbps, how can I throttle my own computer's internet connection to 56kbps or 5mbps to give myself an…
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1 answer

AWS - Throttling ELB HTTP Traffic

I'm running a pretty standard LAMP stack on AWS. ELB distributes traffic to a few EC2 Instances running the same application. I have an issue where periodically I receive a huge spike in HTTP traffic from some of my customers. Is there a way (via…
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I can't get the cgroup blkio to throttle the iops of processes in a sub-cgroup

I can't get the cgroup blkio to throttle the iops of processes in a sub-cgroup. I am using CentOS 7, 3.10.0-229. I create the cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/blkio/user.slice/test1 and do echo 8:32 10 >…
Jeff Kubina
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1 answer

Postfix seems too aggressive while sending newsletters

I'm having a problem sending newsletters to certain domains/servers, like yahoo or minor network providers. It's like I'm spamming their servers with connections and they tell me to stop after a short while. I do get a bunch of emails through, but…
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2 answers

Easy Apache module to throttle requests based on machine load?

I have an Apache server that is serving a django application with mod_wsgi. I'm wondering if there is a simple way to throttle requests at the apache level based on the machine's load. Ideally I want an apache module that if the load is below a…
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1 answer

Exim Throttling - how to setup exim to control email deliveries/hour to each ISP?

I couldn't find any resource about how to setup exim throttling. I needed to control email delivery flow respecting each ISP rate limits and guidelines. Can anyone point me some references on how to setup this? Thanks.
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