• http://example.com: my site
  • http://example.net: the proxied backend

I'm trying to setup an nginx server block as both a static content server and a reverse proxy. Nginx should first check for static files and then redirect to the proxied application if no file exists. It is configured as such:

location @backend {
    proxy_pass http://example.net;

location / {
    try_files $uri $uri/ @backend;

However, with such a configuration accessing http://example.com returns a 403 Forbidden: it seems that nginx tries to serve a static folder, does not find an index.html and fails without proxying example.net. I then have to explicitly add a route for /:

location = / {
    proxy_pass http://example.net;

That way http://example.com/ is properly proxied to http://example.net. But such a configuration feels odd: is there a better way to proxy / ?

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1 Answers1


The $uri/ clause is causing the problem.

If you do not need a trailing / to be added to URIs that represent a static directory, you could use:

location / {
    try_files $uri @backend;

Alternatively, your existing solution also works with a try_files instead of a duplicate proxy_pass:

location = / {
    try_files $uri @backend;

See this document for more.

Richard Smith
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