Questions tagged [web-applications]

369 questions
1 answer

How to set IBM Websphere 8 to serve web applications on different ports?

I need to deploy two applications as WAR files on Websphere. Both of them will require only HTTPS access. Is it possible to run these two web applications on separate ports on same Websphere instance? For example, will it be possible to access two…
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No Web API Controller on Amazon EC2 instance

I have a web application running on IIS 7 on Windows Server 2008 R2 (Datacenter edition) and built using Visual Studio 2010. When I deploy the website project to my local IIS server or the production IIS server hosted on a hosting service's VPS, the…
Jon Lin
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RDWeb Application Causes desktop flicker

I am working on testing for future migration from a Terminal Server environment a full Published Desktop set up using RD Web Access in a Server 2012. I am currently experiencing an issue with a program that once it launches, it is causing a type of…
0 answers

Outlook Web Access not working after Office Web Apps Setup

I have a Windows Server 2012 running Exchange 2013. Everything works smoothly until I install the WebAppsServer to enable WebReady Document Viewing in Outlook Web App, so users can preview Excel and Word documents. I run the setup and afterwards,…
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MaxClients keeps getting surpassed on web application server

I am running a web application on a CentOs 6 machine with 4 gigs of memory and 3 processor cores (Intel Xeon 2.9 Ghz). Every morning between 8.30 and 9.30 AM (which coincides with the time period when most people come in to work and start using this…
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Safely create accounts from a non-root web applicaion

I have a web app that runs as a non-privileged user that needs to create linux accounts. I'd prefer not to run it as root, so the only scheme I think of is to create a simple C suid program that takes one argument and runs adduser to create the…
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Tips to backup ubuntu server

I have a Ubuntu server hosting a PHP5 / MySQL webapp. I also have another server (offsite) with a directory just for backups of my webapp server. Currently, I have a simple cron job which performs the following: Copies /var/www to local backup…
Andrew Ensley
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Can a working Tomcat 6 webapp be turned into a usable .war file?

Problem: I have a working webapp on a FreeBSD 8.1 Tomcat 6 test server that I need to move to a production system. The developer who last touched it (and had root on that server) has moved on and isn't helpful. The running app seems to have been…
Bill Cole
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How to Deploy an ASP.NET Web API- and Browser-based Application to a Production Environment

(Please forgive if this is posted in an incorrect forum. We didn’t know exactly where to post it.) We have an ASP.NET Web API single page application - a browser-based app running in IIS to serve up HTML5/CSS3/JavaScript, which talks to the ASP.NET…
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3 answers

Manually reload Webbapplication without Tomcat Manager possible?

I want to reload (or restart) one specific web application on an Apache Tomcat (6 or 7) server without Tomcat Manager or the automatic Reloadable attribute. Using the manager would give again another security risk, and reloadable attribute does not…
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2 answers

How do I configure ASP.NET to use SQL Server 2008?

I recently installed Windows 7 on my computer, and just set up Visual Studio 2010 and SQL Server 2008. On my old installation, I used VS 2008 and SQL Server Express 2005. I have a simple ASP.NET application that uses membership. It worked on my old…
3 answers

Designing a persistent asynchronous TCP protocol

I have got a collection of web sites that need to send time-sensitive messages to host machines all over my metro area, each on its own generally dynamic IP. Until now, I have been doing this the way of the script kiddie: Each host machine runs an…
1 answer

How to configure Glassfish + NGINX to serve static files with NGINX?

I have a EC2 ubuntu with Glassfish v3 + Nginx setup to host my java web application. This application is deployed as a WAR file to Glassfish . The NGINX is currenty passing all request to the glasshfish appserver including the ones for static…
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2 answers

Start tomcat webapp with root privileges

I built a webapp that uses libpcap (via jpcap). In order to be able to get the network interfaces list or to bind to a network interface, the application (in this case a webaap that runs from tomcat server) must be running with root…
Hagay Myr
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3 answers

Websphere portal multiple logins from the same browser

I have a problem with my websphere portal set-up. When I log into my portal more than ones from the same browser ( one user per tab in firefox ) they seem to share the same session so if user A logs in first and then user B, user A disappears and…
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