Questions tagged [mono]

Mono is an open source implementation of .NET that runs on many platforms, including Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows. This allows running .NET applications on platforms other than Windows with little to no modification.

Mono is a software platform designed to allow developers to easily create cross platform applications.

Sponsored by Xamarin, Mono is an open source implementation of Microsoft's .NET Framework based on the ECMA standards for C# and the Common Language Runtime. A growing family of solutions and an active and enthusiastic contributing community is helping position Mono to become the leading choice for development of Linux applications.

128 questions
5 answers

Linux: Case-INSENSITIVE Filesystem

What methods are there to make the Linux filesystem case-INSENSITIVE ? I have applications developed on Windows, but there are always issues with capitalization/spelling on mono when putting it on Linux. One way is to mount a localhost SMB…
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5 answers

Where are you going for Mono hosting?

I'm ready to deploy and I want to get my web service off of my home development server and out onto the internet. Who would you recommend for good, reliable Mono hosting? Doesn't have to be rock-bottom cheap, just classy and stable.
Chris McCall
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1 answer

Mono's XSP4 on OSX gives Access Forbidden (error 500) for any .aspx or .asp file

I'm on a Mac trying to locally host a copy of an old ASP-based site for testing purposes. Not (yet) using mod_mono for Apache, just the basic standalone XSP server. It was enough of an ordeal just getting to the point where I can at least display a…
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5 answers

What's the lowest cost, legal, Microsoft server stack you can assemble?

Assuming that you have an app infrastructure that generally only requires: ASP.NET MVC / C# / .NET Database or NoSQL data store (must be accessible from C#) Here's the challenge to you server gods: What is the least expensive configuration that…
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9 answers

Howto install recent mono on a Linux distro other than Suse (e.g. Debian/Ubuntu)?

How does one go about installing a recent version of mono on a linux distro other than Novell's Suse? promises a "Linux" download, but they 'only' offer downloads for Suse and links to outdated versions of mono…
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3 answers

Setting up Mono/ASP.NET 4.0 on Apache2/Ubuntu: Virtual hosts?

I'm attempting to setup Mono/ASP.NET 4.0 on my Apache server (which is running on Ubuntu). Thus far, I've been following a few tutorials/scripts supplied here, and here. As of now: Apache 2.2 is installed (accessible via 'localhost') Mono 2.10.5 is…
David Elner
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7 answers

Performance of IIS+ASP.NET vs (NGINX + FastCGI + Mono or XSP)?

How much requests each can handle? How many RAM needed? As I remember FastCGI are opened initialized processes, each can handle one request. What about multithreading?
Igor Golodnitsky
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2 answers

Is Mono stable and fast enough for web production?

I am currently investigating for a new web application stack for my web server. C# looks great because it is a compiled language which seems to run quite well without too much CPU and does not consume too much memory. And StackOverflow and…
Vincent Robert
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1 answer

How do I install mozroots?

I downloaded the mozroots.1.gz file, but I don't know what to do with it. I'm trying to install some software that is asking me to set it up by: $ mozroots --import --sync
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1 answer

Mono 2.11 on nginx using fastcgi-mono-server4 will not work

I have mono 2.11 set up with my nginx 1.0.15 webserver running on centos 6.2. I built it from source and xps2, xps4 and fastcgi-mono-server2 work as expected. The problem is when I try and run fastcgi-mono-server4. When I run: fastcgi-mono-server4…
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1 answer

Installing mod_mono on Ubuntu: handler doesn't seem to get registered

I'm trying to install mod_mono on Apache 2 (Prefork MPM). I'm using Ubuntu Karmic, and just want an auto-hosting setup (so that any .aspx files are executed, similar to how PHP is normally setup). I did the following to install Mono: $ apt-get…
Trevor Johns
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4 answers

Mono on Linux: Apache or Nginx

I'm developing an ASP.NET application that will be run under Linux/Mono for various reasons (mostly to stay away from IIS, quite frankly). Of course the first web server I had in mind was Apache. But Apache, for all its advantages, adds a lot of…
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2 answers

What's the best server to use with ASP.Net on Mono?

I am reconfiguring my website from scratch and basically I want it to run Mono(well, ASP.Net inside Mono) According to the Mono Project there appears to be two options, Apache or Nginx. Which one would be best for me? I'm running on Arch Linux…
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2 answers

Apache2 and /icons path behaving differently

My site is written in using mono and apache under ubuntu LTS. After debugging most of the problems out I still had problems with my icon folder icons. It was giving me the wrong or no icon. Then I notice /blah gets me my custom 404 page…
5 answers

ASP.NET Future on linux?

I was wondering. What do you guys think about ASP.NET future on linux? I dont know much about IIS and i know some things about linux. I dont want to program anything in php and while searching for host i have a difficult time finding a host i like…
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