Questions tagged [cloud-hosting]

143 questions
2 answers

Dedicated server or Cloud Hosting?

This is a Canonical Question about Cloud Hosting When deploying my application to the Internet: Should I chose a dedicated server, cloud hosting or a VPS? What factors should I consider when choosing?
Mark Henderson
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7 answers

Cloud Providers that support FreeBSD?

NOTE: Even though I've accepted an answer for this, if you have a better one, please put it below. Thanks! I'm looking for recommendations from the wise and all-knowing Server Fault community on cloud hosting providers that support running FreeBSD.…
Jed Daniels
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3 answers

Cloud hosting for windows domain controller, possible?

We currently host our own domain controller (small company) locally on dedicated h/w. However to mitigate disaster we're considering the use of virtualisation and cloud hosting. One thought is Virtual primary domain controller hosted in the cloud +…
Preet Sangha
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4 answers

Is it possible to move an AWS EC2 AMI from one region to another region and if so how?

I have an AWS EC2 AMI in the EU region. I want to move it to the US region. The root device type is EBS and the OS is Linux. Is it possible to transfer the image to the US region and if so how?
Jan Deinhard
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2 answers

Migrating resources between different Azure subscriptions

I have a few questions for the Azure gurus out there. I work for a software development house and I have been asked with coming up with our Azure infrastructure. The idea I had is to set up three Pay-As-You-Go subcriptions for the following…
2 answers

what are the advantages/disadvantages of cloud server versus a VPS?

I was looking around for inexpensive linux/PHP hosting for a project that is still in development. I got some recommendations for slicehost. But then a freind mentioned rackspace cloud servers, and this looked even better. First it's cheaper…
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What is the cheapest non-colocation way to serve about 10 static files at a rate of 100 megabits per second to the web?

I've looked at Amazon S3 and it costs roughly $4746 per month for 100 megabits/s (which translates into 31,640 Gigabytes of data transferred. That's at a rate of $0.15 per gig.) I haven't found a cheaper "cloud" option. I'm curious if there's any…
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5 answers

amazon cloud vs rackspace cloud

I'm looking to take a dedicated server - in the process I read about Amazon Cloud computing & Rackspace Cloud Servers. Now I'm not sure which one to opt? Could somebody suggest - Performance & Price wise. Regards
1 answer

When should an org invest in a private infrastructure as opposed to a partially or fully hosted solution?

Not referring to militaries or governments, but for other organizations or shops that needs an IT infrastructure (who doesn't nowadays). Similar to this question, but purely in regard to hardware and/or services, such as servers, storage, email…
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4 answers

Distinction between Cloud Servers and VPS

What is the distinction between a Cloud based host and a VPS? I talked to a Rackspace Cloud sales person for around 45 minutes and never came to a real conclusion on this. So, to elaborate on my question a bit -- what benefits might a "cloud" server…
Frank V
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6 answers

"Mount" cloudfiles on a Linux server?

Is it possible to 'mount', for ignorance of a better term, a cloud service like as Cloud Files or S3 to a linux / ubuntu server? Ideally I'd like to be able to browse the remote location as if it were a local directory. How is this done, if…
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4 answers

Comparison of cloud hosting providers

Is there a place where we can compare* the many new arising cloud hosting providers? From reading into each of them, they seem very different and range from just hosting applications (google) to a semi-full enterprise web serving framework…
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Vmware / vmdk / virtual machine hosting providers?

I'm new to cloud/virtual hosting and having a difficult time finding much useful information on google about this question. Are there any reputable hosting providers out there, aside from, who allow you to upload and manage your own…
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0 answers

Three separate VMs for webserver, database, and data crunching. Good idea?

I'm writing some quantitative marketing research software, and have a bit of a "blind leading blind" situation at work. I'm not really used to writing web apps or configuring servers; most of the code I write is intended to be executed by me only,…
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2 answers

What is a VPU (versus CPU)?

I know that VPU stands for Virtual Processing Unit (versus CPU), but what does that mean exactly? Is it just the new terminology for referring to processor resources in a virtual server versus a dedicated (physical) server? My understanding is that…
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