Questions tagged [gwt]

5 questions
1 answer

Problem with GWT behind a reverse proxy - either nginx or apache

I originally asked this question on SO, but perhaps SF is a better place for traction on this question. I'm having this problem with GWT when it's behind a reverse proxy. The backend app is deployed within a context - let's call it /context. The…
Don Branson
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2 answers

Deploying applications in Jetty (as a former Tomcat user)

I'm trying to deploy a GWT app with Jetty. I have a folder with both static content and servlets (including web.xml and java class files). In Tomcat I was able to simply move this folder into the webapps directory, and…
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1 answer

Jetty only serving static files

For some weird reason I can not get jetty to properly deploy my gwt project. I have put the war folder in the webapps folder and renamed it to root after that i can start jetty and it recognizes the project and its web.xml. 2013-12-03…
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proxying ip from nginx to jetty/gwt

Good morning! I have nginx setup in front of jetty 6, which is running a GWT application. I am trying to forward the ip address, and all the answers I find on the internet tell me to do this: proxy_pass http://localhost:8080; proxy_set_header…
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1 answer

Php and GWT/Java (Apache & Tomcat) on the same server - good idea?

I have a Flex RIA solution served by a Php backend up and running. Because of the growing needs for system admin, I would like to implement a GWT/Java solution for this. It seems to be possible to have Apache and Tomcat serving the java parts using…
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