I'm trying to deploy a GWT app with Jetty. I have a folder with both static content and servlets (including web.xml and java class files). In Tomcat I was able to simply move this folder into the webapps directory, and http://host:port/AppName/static.html would point to the static page in that folder. Jetty gives me a 404 when I try this. I assume there's something I need to add to the jetty.xml file, but I'm having trouble figuring out exactly what I need to do from the documentation provided. Can someone point me in the right direction here?

I'm running Jetty 5.1.14 installed from the Ubuntu 8.04 universe repository.

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2 Answers2


Have you tried building a war out of the directory? And then copying the package into '/usr/share/jetty/webapps' - directory.


jar cvf MyApp.war -C MyApp/ .
sudo cp MyApp.war /usr/share/jetty/webapps/

Hope this helps!

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  • It works! I feel so stupid for not trying that earlier. I was able to just copy the directory in Tomcat though, so I thought Jetty would allow me to do the same. – DLH Aug 24 '09 at 13:33

Have a look at the Jetty Documentation, specially the examples in the newbie guide and the WebAppDeployer explanation, you should be able to configure your webapp as expected.
