Questions tagged [scale]
24 questions
6 answers
How to grow from single server setup
I'm looking for resources on how to grow our server setup.
We currently have one dedicated server with Rackspace in the UK of the following spec:
HP Single Dual Core Opteron 2214 (2.2Ghz)
2x 10,000 SCSI Drives in RAID…
Jon M
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1 answer
munin / rrdtool how to create graph with Y axis has different down and up scales?
It is possible to tell MUMIN plugin draw graph with different up and down Y axis scales? I looked for this on Internet but found nothing. I read mumin docs, but this points to RRDtool docs. In last one I found nothing.
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Nginx-rtmp-module How edge nodes pull streams from multi Master nodes
I have one master ingest server and multiple edge nodes that each pull from the ingest server.
But now i have 10000 cameras push streams to master ingest server , i m afraid it can't handle it. So i plan to add more master ingest server ( with…
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2 answers
SSH access for hundreds of thousands of users
I need to setup a solution similar to GitHub, where users can SSH to their git repository.
This should scale for hundreds of thousands of users, so my idea is to use a distributed filesystem for the data (so every node can access the entire data)…
Gilad Novik
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0 answers
Plotting 2 distinct y-axis using rrdtool
I would like to create a graph with 2 different data sources for y-axis.
For example,
I would like to measure averages of some population on the left Y-axis, and I have another data source which contains how many errors there are in the…
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0 answers
Integrate an IM chat server to existing Spring server
I'm trying to integrate an openFire XMPP server to my current company Spring server but have two major questions I cannot find the answer to -
I'll start with my current architecture first -
1. The xmpp server have a DB-server of it's own…
Jk Dough
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1 answer
How to determine which direction to scale a web application
I am currently developing a web application and am trying to figure out the best way to host it. I've looked around, used dozens of different phrasings, read hundreds of posts and comments. but none of them seem to answer this particular aspect of…
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2 answers
Best practice for scaling a single application source to multiple nodes
I have an application which needs to scale horizontally to cover web and service nodes (at the moment they're all on one) but interact with the same set of databases and source files (both application code and custom assets). Database is no problem,…
Andrew Waters
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2 answers
Computer specs for a large database
What sort of computer specs (CPU, RAM, disk speed) should I use for running queries on a database of 200+ million records? The queries are for a research project, so there is only one "user" and only one query will be running at a time.
I tried it…
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1 answer
Connection timeouts when scaling more than one pod instance in Kubernetes
Running Kubernetes with flannel on a local ESXI server with 3 VMs, a master and two nodes. On all of the nodes, I have Kubernetes 1.15.5, Ubuntu 18.04, and Docker 18.09.7. A green field install.
Nginx runs fine with a single pod on either node, but…
Dave Brunkow
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1 answer
32 or 64 bit OS use for Docker containers?
Being choose between 32 or 64 bit based OS to create Docker images I ask you to advice.
The primary goal is to run many small sized containers. That is, I don't need fancy features like > 4GB RAM support (something that 64-bits OSes are known for),…
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2 answers
how to scale HAProxy based on the maxconn
Is there a way to monitor/get the value of the current maxconn and based on that value add more instances ?
Currently I have a setup of 3 HAProxy with maxconn 1000 I have recached the limit at a point that the stats page is not even reachable.
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1 answer
How to scale Cassandra cluster vertically
I have a 3 node Cassandra cluster which I set up a year ago and it is getting quite slow now. It is much cheaper for me to scale vertically than it would be to scale horizontally ( I received free RAM and new gigabit nic cards which I want to put…
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1 answer
Need to install and patch 700 hard drives, hardware or software?
I have 700 laptops that need patching after being offline for an extended period, and need to be ready to go in a 3 day timespan start to finish. They are running windows 7.
We have SCCM 2012 as an option, though in previous large scale efforts it…
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1 answer
Horizontal Scaling Alternatives To GFSv2 (slowness)
I'm having an infrastructure design problem with an application. Right now we access a lot of small files (under 10MB) from a GFSv2 2-node cluster. 90% of file access is "random reads" to this GFSv2 partition the other 10% is random writes. I've…
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