Questions tagged [task-scheduler]

311 questions
7 answers

How do I rename a task in Task Scheduled on Windows Server 2008 R2

I have some tasks in the Task Scheduler on Windows 2008 R2. I created them as the admin and I'm logged in as the admin. I have no easy way to rename the tasks. The only way I can is to export the task config to a XML file and re-import to a new…
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11 answers

Windows Task Scheduler does not start task at next run time

I have a Windows Server 2008 SP 2 Task Scheduler task that should run every 10 minutes. The trigger says "At 6:50 PM every day - After triggered, repeat every 10 minutes indefinitively." Looking at the Next Run Time, it says 6/18/2012 8:00 PM.…
Dan C
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5 answers

Scheduled job not running to completion; event logged with return code 3762504530

I'm just a lowly developer, but a scheduled (2:00 am) VB.Net console app job I inherited is intermittently not running to completion. About half the time, it just doesn't run to completion, logging and event: Task Scheduler successfully completed…
Amorphous Blob
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3 answers

Windows Server 2016 scheduled task schedule must be in future

We have a 2012 server that has about 20 scheduled tasks that are used for monitoring. We have built a 2016 server to replace it and as I move tasks to the new server I have run into an issue. Most of our tasks run every few minutes. In Server…
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Task scheduler scheduled task at startup not working

I have scheduled a task to be run at system startup. But its not working. When I run the task manually, it is working. Below are the screenshots of the settings. What have I done wrong here? This task executes a bat file that launches a process.…
3 answers

This task requires that the user account specified has Log on as batch job rights

I have created a basic task under our windows server 2008 r2 Task Scheduler.but when I try saving the task I got the following error:- This task requires that the user account specified has Log on as batch job rights. now I am not sure if this…
1 answer

Task Scheduler 2.0: Difference between "Stop task if..."

Using the Task Scheduler in Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows 2012, etc... What is the difference between this setting: and this setting on the same task: Does one take precedence over the other? Do they conflict?
Ryan Ries
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Scheduled Jobs during hours of autumn time change

I'm wondering how other people deal with this scenario. What if you have a job scheduled to run at 1:30 am. In the autumn, when time changes, the hour of 1:00:00 to 1:59:59 repeats itself and so that job would run twice. Could be Windows Task…
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1 answer

Disable history for only one task in the Task Scheduler Library?

I have selected the Enable All Tasks History option in the Task Scheduler Library of Windows Server 2008 R2. For most tasks, I’d like to have the history kept but I’m wondering if it’s possible to disable the history for some tasks (non-critical and…
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4 answers

Clone Windows Scheduled Tasks

I would like to copy all scheduled tasks on a computer with Windows Server 2003 to another Server 2003 computer. I can guarantee that all executables will be available on the new computer. Can I do this and, if so, how?
Nick Vaccaro
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4 answers

How to make the task scheduler display the cmd shell when invoking a batch file?

I am using Windows 2008 R2 and I am trying to schedule my application in the Task Scheduler. I have created a batch with the right settings. The problem I have is: I need to display the Cmd shell window (with the bat running), but the task…
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2 answers

How to trigger a task at any change on a folder with Windows Server Task Scheduler?

Is it possible to start a script every time a folder tree is modified. E.g.: root dir1 file1 dir2 file1 file2 root would be listened and if, for example, file2 is modified or a new file is added wherever in the directory tree, a…
2 answers

How to print out information about Task Scheduler in powershell script?

I am trying to print out information from the Task Scheduler from the local computer in a PowerShell script so other users can print out this information as well and not have to access the Task Scheduler. I need the script to print out…
1 answer

How to tell the Task Scheduler MMC to remember the column widths of the History?

Using the Task Scheduler MMC on a Windows Server 2008 R2, I'm facing something that is very annoying to me: The History window of a task does not remember the column widths, thus making it rather difficult/impossible to read. Example: This is how it…
2 answers

Task Scheduler Crashing MMC

I've been getting errors whenever I try to run the task scheduler for Windows 2008 R2. Each time that I've tried running it, the task scheduler will crash and report the following: Problem signature: Problem Event Name: CLR20r3 Problem…
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