Questions tagged [task]

32 questions
7 answers

How do I rename a task in Task Scheduled on Windows Server 2008 R2

I have some tasks in the Task Scheduler on Windows 2008 R2. I created them as the admin and I'm logged in as the admin. I have no easy way to rename the tasks. The only way I can is to export the task config to a XML file and re-import to a new…
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Ansible: How to run one Task Host by Host?

On the play-level, we have serial: 1 to allow us to run the whole play one host at a time. But I haven't found a simple way to do this on a single task. This is especially relevant, if the task in question doesn't perform proper locking (for…
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SCCM - Where to put the create user step

I've implemented SCCM on our server and am now running task sequences to migrate from Windows XP to Win7. But we also need to be able to add a new local admin, because disable the default Administrator (with the built-in step). To add the new admin,…
1 answer

To create a scheduled task which can execute without user logged on --using vbscript

I need to execute a file on a remote machine without logging into the machine. I created scheduled task for the same. PFB the code snippet scheduled_task = "schtasks /Create /S <> /SC nologon /TN install /TR c:\Temp\msgbox1.vbs /ST " & Hour(now) &…
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4 answers

how to schedule a task on all weekdays and then disable only on holidays

We would like to scheduled a task on Windows Server on all weekdays. At the same time, the task should be disabled on the holidays. Please advise.
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Powershell: PSScheduledJob for non-admin

Is there a way for non-admins to use the PSScheduledJob module? For example, I tried Register-ScheduledJob without admin privilege, but it returns "Access is Denied" error. We know that we can allow non-admin to use PSRemoting (such as…
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Schedule a bug export from TFS

Is there any way that I can schedule a bug export from TFS. I have my query all set up and can manually export to excel - ideally I want to be able to run this export every night to a csv file sat on a networked disk. Is there any way of doing…
Matt B
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5 answers

Server 2008 Task Scheduler and a CMD file

Task Scheduler - I have a .cmd file I'm trying to execute on a regular basis through Task Scheduler. I've set the task so that it points to the cmd file. I want the task to execute even when no one is logged in. I've set the credentials…
Mark Smith
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4 answers

Why would Windows Task Scheduler spawn multiple instances of the same task that run into each other?

Overview: I use Windows Task Scheduler to run automated tasks. Occasionally I will see that randomly a task has failed to perform its duties. When I check Task Scheduler to see what has occurred in the history log, I see that for some reason, when…
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2 answers

can server 2008's task scheduler run a php file?

I have a server 2008 64 bit machine with php5 via fastcgi installed. I want to run a .php script every day at 3 AM. I set up a task and "Last Run Result" says "%1 is not a valid Win32 application" The event properties describe more failure: "Task…
1 answer

Rename Files in Folders

I am using windows server 2016 and I am facing a problem. We have been making some changes and I am now in need of having a folder that whenever a file(in this case a specific type (.msg)) is placed inside the folder the file has to be renamed with…
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Task Schduler Log issues

I have been using task scheduler for scheduling batch jobs and I have enabled tasks history. However, I could not find any log file in C:\Windows\Tasks. So where could I find the log files for that?
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Win Srv 2012 task scheduler - trigger based on domain workstation logon/logoff/sleep/wake

I've got a domain controller (only one) with Win Srv 2012 and a number of workstations with Win 7. I need to run a task on a DC straight after domain user logon/off/sleep/wake to a workstation. The script is a powershell script that inserts data…
Przemyslaw Wojda
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1 answer

Should XenApp users have access to task manager?

I have a XenApp 6.5 farm of around 30 servers running on Server 2008 delivering a published desktop. A fair percentage of our help desk calls are around hung sessions. It's not an excessive amount for life with Citrix I don't think. I recently…
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3 answers

Capture a list of processes ran

Is there a way to capture a list of all of the processes executed on a machine and their command line arguments if any? I know that process explorer will allow you to do this for a currently running process, but is there a way to do track what has…
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