Questions tagged [job-scheduler]

36 questions
6 answers

Outgrowing cron: what's the next scheduler?

We've been using cron for about as long as I can remember to handle all of our job scheduling needs. Everything from storage clones/snapshots to reports against databases to daily system reports to monitoring checks are scheduled across a few…
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3 answers

Scheduled Jobs during hours of autumn time change

I'm wondering how other people deal with this scenario. What if you have a job scheduled to run at 1:30 am. In the autumn, when time changes, the hour of 1:00:00 to 1:59:59 repeats itself and so that job would run twice. Could be Windows Task…
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1 answer

Why does requesting GPUs as a generic resource on a cluster running SLURM with the built-in plugin fail?

Disclaimer: This post is quite long as I tried to provide all relevant configuration information. Status and Problem: I adminster a gpu cluster and I want to use slurm for job management. Unfortunatelly, I cannot request GPUs using the respective…
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2 answers

How to modify a user association in Slurm?

I want to move a user in Slurm job scheduling system ,from its current group to other group. But there is errors when I try the obvious: sacctmgr modify user where name=example set account=groupb The only way I get is deleting it and creating again…
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Slurm: How to find out how much memory is not allocated at a given Node

i am new to SLURM. I am searching for a comfortable way, to see how many memory at an node/nodelist is available for my srun allocation. I already played around with sinfo and scontrol and sstat but none of them gives me the information i need in…
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3 answers

Is the following cron expression means every 45 minutes?

Possible Duplicate: How does cron handle remainders in “every so often” jobs Am willing to run a script every 45 minute (not the :45th minute of every hour) e.g. 10:00, 10:45, 11:30, 12:15, and so on. */45 * * * * Am not sure this is the correct…
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3 answers

Randomize Slurm Node Allocation

Has anyone had luck randomizing Slurm node allocations? We have a small cluster of 12 nodes that could be used by anywhere from 1-8 people at a time with jobs of various size/length. When testing our new Slurm setup, jobs always go to the first node…
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1 answer

slurm AllocMem always 0

When running jobs with --mem or --mem-per-cpu the AllocMem stays 0 when the job is running. # scontrol -V slurm 2.6.5 # sbatch --mem=2500 Submitted batch job 25 # squeue JOBID PARTITION NAME USER ST TIME NODES…
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5 answers

Scheduling tasks|jobs across servers from central location. (Windows Server)

Is there any way, how to schedule Windows tasks|jobs on all servers from central location (server)? Has Microsoft any solution for this? I prefer MS or Windows Server built-in functionalities before SW from third party... Thanks [edit]: Sorry for…
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2 answers

Deploy hundreds of thousands of short lived jobs per day

I have a system that needs to deploy hundreds of thousands of short-lived jobs per day. Each job runs anywhere from a few seconds, to a couple of hours. Each job makes HTTP requests to external web servers, writes data to disk (anywhere from a few…
2 answers

Interpolate values as integers in HLC files

I am writing the template for a parametrized HashiCorp Nomad job. One of its parameters is priority, which is supposed to be an integer between 0 and 100. Like other tools, Nomad supports variable interpolation, so that a variable can be defined at…
0 answers

AWS Cron Expression - all days @ 11pm but except last day of the month

I want to write a expression which I want to execute everyday @ 11pm but except last day of the months. Almost I tried all website I dont get answer to this - saying except last day of the month, it can be 1-30 or 1-29 or 1-28 I tried this…
0 answers

PBS Torque Limit Resource by Time of Day

I am using Torque to manage software that I have a limited number of licenses of (4 to be exact). During the day I need to keep 2 licenses free for use of setting up cases and at night and over the weekend I can use all 4 licenses to solve cases. Is…
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1 answer

Error when starting jobnet in Job Arranger for Zabbix

I am running the following environments: RHEL 6.5 with Jobarranger server 3.0.0 and zabbix 2.4.8 (using MySQL server 5.6) Windows Server 2012 R2 with Jobarranger agent 3.0.0 and zabbix agent 2.4.8 And using windows 7 to run Jobarranger manager…
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1 answer

Slurm: Have two separate queues for GPU and CPU-only jobs

At the moment, we have set up Slurm to manage a small cluster of six nodes with four GPUs each. That has been working great so far, but now we want to utilize the Intel Core i7-5820K CPUs for jobs which only require CPU processing power. Each CPU…
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