Questions tagged [task-scheduler]

311 questions
3 answers

Automate restart of Microsoft SQL services and rebooting of Windows server

Is there a way I can automate the restart of the Microsoft SQL services? How do I automate the restart of a Windows server?
2 answers

Windows Server 2008 Task Scheduler taskeng.exe lingering

We run several simple python scripts periodically on our servers using Windows Task Scheduler. The scripts are extremely simple, and grab statistics like the Disk Space and the CPU Percentage and log them. Occasionally we notice we cannot edit,…
2 answers

Windows 2003 Task Scheduler Not running in foreground

I have an old (Windows 2003) server running. I then have a Powershell script which I need to execute using a scheduled task (running it on it's own works fine). On all my other (windows 2008) servers, when the Scheduled Task runs, the powershell…
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How to automatically restart after Windows Update requires it?

On a windows machine running Windows Update via the built-in service (not GPO), I would like to have it automatically restart every morning at 5:30AM, only when required by WU. The event log entry for a restart required by WU is as follows: I can…
3 answers

Can't create new task with schtasks... Why?

I have a new Windows Server 2008 R2 host with a strange (?) behavior. I try to schedule a new task into Task Scheduler. I'm using a user that's part of administrators group. If I do it from the Task Scheduler GUI - the task is scheduled…
1 answer

How do I use Windows Task Scheduler to run an executable on a remote server?

I am looking at consolidating all of our scheduled tasks that run on various servers (Win 2008 R2) within our domain on to one "Task Scheduling Server". I am a developer so I'm not even sure if this is a good idea or just a maintenance headache. …
1 answer

Can't set up task to run from non admin user

I have Windows server 2008 R2. One non administrator account named for e.x. abc. abc is member of backup operators, power users and schedulers. I have allowed all permissions to C:\Windows\Tasks for schedulers. I checked, that groups backup…
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Why PSFTP script is failing when ran as system?

I have a Windows cmd batch file that should retrieve listing of files that are on an FTP server via sFTP using PuTTY PSFTP exe and use that for further processing. The cmd is: echo ls | psftp -l myusername -pw mycomplexpwd FTPServerHostname >…
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1 answer

When is user logged on

I have a question about users and when Windows treat them as logged on. If I, on Remote desktop log in on Windows server, and then closes the window, am I still being treated as logged on? The reason for the question is regarding the task scheduler.…
1 answer

windows Task Scheduler

We have two Windows servers. One is Windows Server 2008 and another is Windows Server 2003. We have TFS installed on Windows Server 2003 and taking daily backup on same server. I am looking to schedule a task that will move backup files from Windows…
1 answer

Windows Server 2008 R2 Task Scheduler Not Executing

I'm facing strange issue in Windows Server 2008 R2 Task Scheduler. I have create one task with .bat file. Its working when I run it manually, but when I schedule this through Task Scheduler. Did not getting any output. I have enabled the task…
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