Questions tagged [task-scheduler]

311 questions
4 answers

How to schedule a task to run every x-minutes on Windows Server 2003 R2

How to add a scheduled task that should run every x-minutes on Windows Server 2003 R2. I have followed many suggestion from the web, but I always end up with some interruption after 1 or 2 runs. Here is what I did: New Scheduled Task Schedule >…
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Task Scheduler only killing cmd.exe but not its child processes

Our customer has some Windows 2003 servers running batch jobs activated by Task Scheduler. The actual programs performing the work are custom .exe processes, and they are aggregated into .cmd scripts so that they get launched together by Task…
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How to copy many Scheduled Tasks between Windows Server 2008 machines?

I have several standalone Win2008 (R1+R2) servers (no domain) and each of them has dozens of scheduled tasks. Each time we set up a new server, all these tasks have to be created on it. The tasks are not living in the 'root' of the 'Task Scheduler…
Peter Hahndorf
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What is the Task Scheduler syntax for returning the "ComponentStatus" contents in a Windows Server Backup Event

I have created a Task Scheduler event that emails me on EventID 14 in the Microsoft-Windows-Backup event log (note this is a new , style (Vista and up) log. I exported this and after some grubbing around on Serverfault and Technet, including this…
4 answers

How do I create a task scheduler to restart a software service in Windows Server 2008 R2

I have a pesky software service that fails every few weeks. It has two components. Service A and Service B. Service B gets in a weird state and stops accepting connections from Service A. The only way out is to restart both services manually, or…
1 answer

Scheduling a Task for every minute in Windows 2012

I need to schedule a Task inside of my Windows 2012 to run every minute, how would one accomplish that? This is my Task: C:\>C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\wget\bin\wget.exe --spider --quiet http://XXX/XXX.aspx SYSTEM_WGETRC =…
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How can I create a scheduled task from the command line that only runs on demand?

I"m trying to duplicate the steps in this article for creating a shortcut that launches a program without a UAC prompt. I'd like to create the task from the command line, however. Here's the schtasks.exe command I'm using: schtasks /create /tn…
3 answers

Scheduled Task unable to create/update any files

I have several tasks in Task Scheduler in Windows Server 2008 SP2 (32-bit) and they all successfully "do their work", except for creating or updating any files on Windows. All the tasks point to simple .cmd files that have the real work but beyond…
East of Nowhere
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1 answer

Task Scheduler - Task Idle Conditions

Again me with the Task Scheduler. Microsoft - Task Idle Conditions Under Windows 7, tasks behave according to the rules stated in the link ... tested and it works. Under Windows 10 (Pro v1809 with all the updates) ... well not exactly. First of all…
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Permissions or ACL for Scheduled Tasks

I am on a Windows Server 2012 R2 and the logged in account is a member of Administrators. This is a screen shot of Task Scheduler: I have tasks in folders another administrator created: RPA and Test. Running schtasks /query, it lists only the \ and…
Old Geezer
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1 answer

How to display more Task Scheduler logs?

Under a Windows Server 2012 R2, I see less than 2 days of Task Scheduler logs ! To be honest that's already 17'295 entries, maybe is it the maximum capacity ? Therefore my question : is the problem due to display options, or is the server keeping so…
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Cancel / block a task triggered with delay by windows "task scheduler"

This is related to a specific issue, but I think it is an "interesting" question for general use: In Windows (specifically 2k8 server, for me) you have a task that is triggered by an event (specifically, the UPS goes on battery because power failed)…
James Newton
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Windows Task Scheduler - result code 0xC000005

I created Task in Windows Task Scheduler which runs every day at 9:00 AM. I configured it to run using SYSTEM account and run whether user is logged or not. I'm 100% sure, that action is pointing to proper file and all parameters are correct (I…
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Need help using SCHTASKS on Windows Server 2008/2012

I'm executing the following command : schtasks /create /tn "test" /ru system /SC onevent /TR "test" /F /RL HIGHEST /MO "*[System[Provider[@Name='SupportAssistService'] and EventID=900]]" /EC APPLICATION [Using the command references for SCHTASKS…
1 answer

Secret scheduled tasks in windows server 2003

I'm taking care of the company's website for a while. The guy who was doing so before me was fired because reasons. So for the past 3 months I've been keeping it up to date and adding/deleting stuff. Not a big deal, I know a bit of PHP so it is not…
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