Questions tagged [multiple-instances]

90 questions
1 answer

OSX Snow Leopard - Multiple httpd/apache instances for PHP 5.2 & 5.3 together

I need to run Apache with both php 5.2 and 5.3, without other webservers such as nginx, lighttpd, etc. Just Apache HTTPD. The easiest way to have both PHP 5.2 and PHP 5.3 on Apache, on the same machine, is to have them run in different webservers…
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2 answers

How do I move an Amazon micro instance to a small instance?

I want to move my instance to a micro instance to a small instance but when I try to launch a new AMI based on my Micro instance AMI it only gives me the option for 64 bit instances. My initial ami is based off an ubuntu 10.04 image. Is it not…
5 answers

new instances of java are created

I ssh into a server in my office, its running Lucid Lynx 10.04. I dont know why its running so many instances of java. Thanks This is the the console barf of $ top Tasks: 134 total, 2 running, 132 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie Cpu(s):…
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3 answers

How to keep sessions when moving from one application server to another

Assuming I follow the steps in this answer to deploy a new version of an application without downtimes. When I route the users to the new application server instance, the application will not remember their session so they will be logged out without…
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Redmine & Subversion Edge on the same Win Box

We will be installing both Subversion Edge and Redmine, but have the requirement that they run on the same box. The easiest way to install Redmine would appear to be using a BitNami Stack. Our Inf Struct team only has IIS experience so I'll be…
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How to run multiple instances of dhcpd or add/remote listen interfaces at runtime?

The same network interfaces interfaces in my laptop (eth1, wifi0, br0) are often connected to different networks (home/work/university network, virtual network with Virtualbox, ad-hoc network with my laptop as router), so dhcpd can listen to various…
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Cloud instances multiple vs single with longer time cost analysis

I am trying to compare the cost of running the same machine, same load on GCP( I don't know if the answer would be valid for other providers). so does running the same instance for x amount of time (10 hours for example) cost the same as running 10…
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How to monitor the bandwidth with detailed files transfer information?

How can I know which file is transferring from instance to public internet? Is there any monitoring tools? When I am using bandwidth monitoring tool I have got whole output and input usage info but I needed detailed tracking of in/out files. How do…
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SQL instance IP address pointing to the SQL server hostname

Our SQL instances IP addresses are pointing to the same DNS entry (which is the SQL server name) although the TCP/IP is enabled. My question is, how do you set up the SQL instances IP address and instance name properly so we can access it faster in…
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Single Instance vs Multiple Instances on google cloud for wordpress websites on google cloud

I'm trying to host many wordpress websites on google cloud and from what I could learn, everytime I go to the marketplace and get the wordpress VM I have to create a new instance. I know that I can use a single instance for multiple websites, but I…
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Run 1 website on 2 webserver apache?

I am wondering if it is possible to run 1 website on 2 webservers. My plan is to have 1 main server, that is always online, but when I'm taking this one offline to have another server, that takes over the role of the first one for a…
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6 tomcat installation on same server [micro services project]

As part of a micro services project we are planning to install six tomcats on a single server. This is the first time installing these many tomcats or implementing micro services, so looking for guidance on best practices. I'm debating on either to…
Raj K
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Replicate changes to all instances in instance group

I want to create autoscalable instance group with load balancer in Google cloud platform. Since workload is prestashop site hence need to update content regularly. Is it possible to replicate updates in one instance to all others in same group…
2 answers

How to use multiple EC2 servers to split Apache traffic?

I have an Amazon EC2 server running Apache (with WP on top). Currently, I'm running a t1.micro instance - great for now, but I've heard that it's not good if you have a bunch of traffic - Amazon limits the CPU to short little bursts, making the site…
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Use one application for multiple user in windows server

i have a system with windows server, can i install an application (like ArcGis) and multiple user can use this application as single instance? for more detail, i need use one system for sharing multiple instance of an application on windows. is it…
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