Questions tagged [redmine]

Redmine is a flexible project management web application. Written using Ruby on Rails framework, it is cross-platform and cross-database.

Redmine Features

Below are some of the main features of Redmine:

  • Multiple projects support
  • Flexible role based access control
  • Flexible issue tracking system
  • Gantt chart and calendar
  • News, documents & files management
  • Feeds & email notifications
  • Per project wiki
  • Per project forums
  • Time tracking
  • Custom fields for issues, time-entries, projects and users
  • SCM integration (SVN, CVS, Git, Mercurial, Bazaar and Darcs)
  • Issue creation via email
  • Multiple LDAP authentication support
  • User self-registration support
  • Multilanguage support
  • Multiple databases support
192 questions
5 answers

How can I set up Redmine => Active Directory authentication?

First, I'm not an AD admin on site, but my manager has asked me to try to get my personal Redmine installation to integrate with ActiveDirectory in order to test-drive it for a larger-scale rollout. Our AD server is at host:port…
Chris R
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1 answer

Troubleshooting Redmine (Bitnami Stack) performance

I've got a Redmine instance (Bitnami Stack) that's unusually slow. Because I'm just trying to get to the bottom of this, I have some theories which I'd like to discuss here. So, if anybody has any ideas about this, please feel free to help…
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1 answer

Apache mod_proxy: Multiple virtual hosts disable each other

I have an Ubuntu 12.04 server, which had Redmine already installed on a stand-alone apache (everything under /opt/redmine). I wanted to install an instance of Jenkins on the same system, without modifying the existing set-up too much. I want the two…
Max Hohenegger
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3 answers

Virtualhost setup for Ruby on Rails application (mod passenger)

I'm trying to install Redmine under apache. The apache server works on a local network. My apache setup consist on a single virtual host. I can get insto different directories using simply the path…
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4 answers

Setting up Redmine With the Bitnami stack installer on Windows Server 2003

I'm running into a problem with the Redmine Bitnami stack intaller on Windows Server 2003. Setting up my project, I'm trying to add a remote subversion repo to the project, but it's erroring out. A little googling led me to some discussions on the…
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3 answers

Redmine 2.x with gitolite integration

Has someone here correctly configured Redmine 2.x (I'm using Redmine 2.0.3) with gitolite? If yes, how?
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2 answers

how to enable redmine (ruby on rails) logging?

For some reason my RedMine install never gets any log files. Redmine is an open source project management system written with Ruby on Rails. I'm a total newbie to Ruby or Rails. Have searched the wiki, forums, tickets without any clue to this…
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4 answers

Redmine installation on Ubuntu ... now what?

I've been tinkering/testing with Ubuntu Server 10.04 Beta LAMP stack in a VM and now I've come to the Redmine install. I found a package for it, and issued: sudo tasksel install lamp-server sudo apt-get install redmine Which (I think almost)…
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1 answer

Apache Passenger Resolve Symlinks stopped working | Invalid command

I have a Ubuntu Server (16.04.3 LTS) with Apache 2.4.18 and redmine installed, following this installation guide. Therefor I edited the ssl.conf in my apache2/sites-available and added those lines:
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2 answers

Error authenticating git repository with Redmine

I've setup Redmine 2.1 on my Debian Squeeze server following this Tutorial HowTo configure Redmine for advanced git integration (I tried to use the grack path). Redmine server is running properly, but I have a problem granting users access to git…
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2 answers

Serving mercurial on ubuntu 10.10

I've read an enormous amount of articles but I seem to sidetrack more and more the more I try. I'm trying to serve mercurial repos through HTTP. I'm using it together with redmine. I've installed mercurial-server. I've set up a repo that I can't…
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5 answers

Running Ruby on Rails App on Apache + Passenger == to much memory

I'm running redmine (a RoR app) on my server using passenger / Apache 2.2. Passenger and ruby are using way too much memory. Is there a more memory effective way to run redmine/ruby? I only need to support a half dozen redmine users. I want to…
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1 answer

Delay after commit before Redmine comments ticket

I was used to having a post-commit hook trigger processing of the commit message by Trac (SVN repository). The comment (or action) was added immediately. Now I switched to Mercurial as a VCS and Redmine as a ticketing system. Redmine does recognize…
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2 answers

Serving multiple HTTPS sites with one IP on Apache

I have one machine with public IP currently serving a SVN repository through dav_svn on HTTPS; now I need to install Redmine and serve it on HTTPS too. I also need to be able to connect to both sites/application using an IP address because I can't…
Andrea de Palo
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2 answers

Is it safe to expose dev/team tools publicly without VPN?

We would like to have self-hosted slack alternative (mattermost,, but hiding it behind VPN is uncomfortable for some our users. I would feel more safe if it wasn't public, but how risky it really is? I believe this question can be…
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