Questions tagged [multiple-instances]

90 questions
1 answer

How to ping a server on a different network by the hostname only?

have two networks that I am connected to via my computer, two different routers and all. This computer is connected to a windows domain "Domain A", I can resolve the IP from any Computer Name from CMD/Ping on the same Domain A network. But on a…
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how to have multiple nginx apps without using docker

I am using Windows Server 2008 as my server and I have installed cygwin on it. I have installed nginx on cygwin and it is working fine. I am running 2 projects on this server and each one has its own set of services (or in nowaday's terms…
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Multiple instances mysql on Centos 5.5

There was an old system on Centos 5.5 which pattern as below: OS:CentOS release 5.5 (Final) Web Server:Apache 2.2.3 AP Server:Tomcat JDK:1.6.0_37-b06 DB:MySQL 5.5.27-1 As customer requires, I have to install duplication of…
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how to delete group instance in GCP

When I am going to delete the group instance it always failed. The notification is that, but the problem is that I can not find the 'projects/windowtrafic/global/backendServices/backend' in google console. The notification message: The…
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Does the maximum amount of open descriptors in a server include it's children?

I know that Linux limits the maximum amount of open descriptors, usually to 1024. Now say I need to create a server which will handle more than 1024 users, 2000 for example, without tampering with the kernel. This means I couldn't handle all of them…
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How to find out request count to each instance behind an ALB in aws?

I have 50-60 aws instances running behind an ALB in AWS. I can get the total request count in the cloudwatch monitoring section, but is there anyway I can get to know how many requests are actually being directed to each instances from the ALB in…
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ProxyPass ip address variable

I'm setting up a proxy to let a totally isolated vlan (called VLAN1) to access to another vlan (VLAN2) via proxy. One server has two NICs : on for VLAN1 ( and one for VLAN2 ( On my VLAN1, I've several server running the SAME…
0 answers

One app, several virtual host and multiple apache instances

We are having a problem in witch from time to time our apache2 server stops working. When I try to restart it I need to first kill several existing running instances of apache. Like this: sudo service apache2 restart pidof apache2 sudo kill -9…
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Request forwarded to new instances without completion of Startup script (AutoScalling)

I am using google cloud load balancer to Auto scale instances in GCP. I have setup a Instance group of max 6 instances. When a instance is created, it runs a startup script (To install nginx, php, mongo, psql, composer, clone project). Google Cloud…
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Amazon web service visibility restriction to instances under same account

I'm looking for a possible idea to restrict the visibility ec2 instances to certain IAM users under the same root account. custom policies doesn't seem to work because describeInstances doesn't support resource-level permissions. Is there any way to…
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Nginx map directive only matching default

I'm using Nginx's map directive to route users to either stable or beta servers depending on the value of a custom http header. However, Nginx will only match to the default value, even when I've confirmed that the header is 'TEST'. worker_processes…
Paul Murray
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Postfix multiple instance only default work

Let me explain what I'm doing and what I want to reach from this postfix multiple instances I have domain for example "" and "" for mail server and has proper DNS MX records and everything is fine, Now I have another…
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OpenLDAP configuration problems

I'm working on a proof of concept that requires me to test authentication against three different Active Directory domains. Each domain controller in each domain will have a different set of users. A web application will be what needs to…
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Instance group with nvme attached on google cloud platform

I understand that the local SDD (nvme) can only be added when the instance is launched. The problem is that we need to have a fast system of cache and it would be useful to be able to scale instances with nvme attached. Meaning that, we want to…
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How to use Nginx load balancing to update one web server while the other one is responding?

I am looking for options and solution for my company project where we can host our websites on multiple servers and we can use load balancing. The major issue is that when I update websites, I need to restart server. Our web projects are written in…