Questions tagged [multiple-instances]

90 questions
1 answer

How to run multiple redis instances with systemd

I recently moved to Debian 8 "Jessie" which now use systemd and I can't find a way to run multiple redis instances. I found out there is a /lib/systemd/system/redis-server.service file to start redis-server on reboot. So I created a new file call…
Nicolas BADIA
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4 answers

Modifying default website breaks ColdFusion multi instance administrator on IIS7

To recreate: Setup Server 2008 standard Install ColdFusion 8 Enterprise Multi instance Confirm that CF admin works by going to http://servername/CFIDE/administrator/index.cfm from another PC. Open IIS Manager on test server Highlight the Default…
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Run different instances behind one load balancer?

When using Amazon AWS is it possible to run different types of instances behind an load balancer? Let's say as base instance you have an t2.small and when having some more load you want an t2.micro to help. AFAIK, Amazon is doing the load balancing…
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Confused about horizontal scalling

Please correct me if I am wrong but I guess handling more requests and load by adding more machines or balancing the load between multiple servers is horizontal scalling. So, if I add more servers, how do I distribute the database? Do I create one…
3 answers

single apache instance vs multiple apache instances

I work in a SaaS application built with Django (Python) and runs with Apache/mod_wsgi. The registration site creates an apache virtual host config, wsgi and settings files. And finally restarts the apache server. This means that every time a new…
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Is there a way to force an instance group to "work harder" at one task?

I set up an instance group on the Google Cloud Platform to run a single python script. After running the script for a few hours, it looks like only one instance (4 vCPUs, 16 GB memory) has been running consistently at around 25% CPU, while the other…
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Django application with multiple domains (blogs, apps) - is better one instance of server or more?

I am developing multiple simple applications in Django framework (you can imagine them as more complex blogs with various features). All the applications have a lot of similar features - mainly the customized CMS. I can create them as one project in…
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Multiple floating IPs

I am configuring Squid with High Availability. I want the setup with below conditions Two squid proxy servers (siblings) with one IP address each Both the servers in active passive HA cluster with floating IP More than one floating IP assigned to…
Arun Krishnan
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0 answers

NGINX: Failover to backup in ip_hashed upstream

I'm using NGINX as a load balancer to run multiple instances of my site. I'm working on conditional routing to send users to specific servers based on an incoming HTTP header. The end goal is to have a beta upstream with X servers load-balanced…
Paul Murray
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Run nscd in multiple network namespaces

How to run an instance of nscd daemon per network namespace? I did the following: ip netns exec /usr/sbin/nscd However, it threw output /usr/sbin/nscd: already running The intention for an instance of nscd per namepace is…
1 answer

I can not attach additional network interface to an existing amazon EC2 instance

I need three network interfaces in one instance for my work.By default there is one eth0 but I want to add eth1 and eth2 in an instance. I created network interfaces using the same security rule that I used to create the EC2 instance in zone…
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Isolating game server instances on a single linux machine

Beloved community of StackExchange, I'm in need of your help. I'm trying to come up with the most efficient way to isolate game server instances on a single box. For now the setup includes a debian linux distro and let's say minecraft bukkit servers…
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Is it possible to share single instance profile between multiple aws ec2 instances?

Is it possible to share single instance profile between multiple aws ec2 instances? When I launch instane I can pass instance profile arn/name to it. Can I use single instance profile for different instance launches? Or I need every time create new…
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OpenVPN: routing to two VPNs

Using Ubuntu 14.04 (up to date). I'd like to use two VPNs (openvpn) a the same time. LAN is: The 1st VPN, homemade, is only routing the network via the tunnel. Routes table before VPN1 is started Destination Gateway …
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Using multiple .htaccess files with multiple ErrorDocument 404 entries

Here's what I'm trying to accomplish. Right now, in /var/www I have an .htaccess file with multiple ErrorDocuments defined for various errors. I also have subsites (i.e. /var/www/tf2c, /var/www/obtf2). Right now, I've got any missing pages in those…