Questions tagged [svn]

The acronym SVN stands for Subversion, a very common and popular Version Control System.

The acronym SVN stands for Subversion, a very common and popular Version Control System.

The subversion book is an excellent reference, source it in your SVN answers! Please link to the latest stable release of the book. Links to the nightly build will eventually break when sections in the book are reorganized.

1329 questions
3 answers

How to get the url of the current svn repo?

I have 2 svn checkouts that someone setup for me. Now I need to check these same files on another computer, but since I didn't check them out initially I don't know the urls to use when running the svn checkout command: svn co WHAT_GOES_HERE? Since…
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12 answers

Subversion error: (405 Method Not Allowed) in response to MKCOL

I am getting the following error while trying to commit a new directory addition. svn: Commit failed (details follow): svn: Server sent unexpected return value (405 Method Not Allowed) in response to MKCOL request for '.... I have never seen this…
Sergio del Amo
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3 answers

Add directory structure to SVN, without files

Is there a way to add a directory structure to an SVN repository without adding the files contained in the folders?
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4 answers

BASH Scripting, su to www-data for single command

I am working on automating the creation of subversion repositories and associated websites as described in this blog post I wrote. I am running into issues right around the part where I su to the www-data user to run the following command: svnadmin…
Brendon Dugan
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1 answer

Difference between the format and db/format files in a Subversion repository

What is the difference between the following two files on an SVN server (ie not in a checked out repository)? format db/format In our repositories the contents of the first is 5 while the contents of the second is 2
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6 answers

How can I set proxy for subversion with ssh tunnel?

I want to check out/update the code via proxy since my local connection is slow. I setup ssh tunnel : ssh -D 8090 to forward all the packets to my localhost:8090. How can I set up subversion to use this?
12 answers

Subversion error: Repository moved permanently to please relocate

I've set up subversion and apache on my server. If I browse to it through my webbrowser it works fine ( However, if I do a checkout on my machine I get the following error: Command: Checkout from…
Bart S.
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4 answers

How do you accept an SSL certificate through the SVN command line?

Is there an command line option to auto accept a SSL certificate permanently using the SVN commandline in a way that avoids the prompt?
James McMahon
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2 answers

subversion load fails with "no such revision"

I'm trying to learn how to migrate a Subversion repo, and am running into an issue that doesn't make sense to me. I've used svndumpfilter to split out a sub-project, and have removed some path prefixes. Several hundred commits now import correctly,…
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2 answers

Is there a global .bash_profile for all users on a system?

So I stumbled across svn color and thought it was something useful all our devs would appreciate. The read me for this says to put some code in your ~/.bash_profile, but I'm wondering how I might include this globally on the server, so it's a…
Steve Robbins
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5 answers

Upgrade Subversion 1.6 to 1.7 on CentOS? (can't find yum repository)

I want to upgrade my SVN Server from 1.6 to 1.7. Unfortunately I can't find anything on the internet how to do this with yum. I have checked rpmforge-extras but it has only svn 1.6 and not 1.7 I wanted to update with yum because this is the most…
3 answers

Use git for multiple server configuration files

We have migrated a lot of source code over to git and are very happy with our current solution. We would like to have our server configuration files versioned on the same system, but there are a few things that don't work the way we would like it to…
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4 answers

I get Killed by signal 15. when I'm using svn

I'm using svn+ssh and I see a number of: Killed by signal 15. during a svn up. Any ideas way?
Noah Campbell
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7 answers

What ways there are to backup repositories for Windows VisualSVN?

At this moment we are using Visual SVN and we are backing up the entire repositories directory for visual svn. This backs up the entire data for each repository inside our svn engine. I am curious if I will be able to restore those files in case…
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3 answers

What should I consider to secure SVN on Windows?

Currently I am using VisualSVN Server and it's only accessible on my home network. Eventually there will be others accessing it, but for now it's just me and I would like to be able to go down to the coffee shop (or wherever) and be able to work…
Brandon Moore
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