Questions tagged [ssms]

SQL Server Management Studio is an integrated environment for accessing, configuring, managing, administering, and developing all components of SQL Server.

SQL Server Management Studio is an integrated environment for accessing, configuring, managing, administering, and developing all components of SQL Server.

191 questions
4 answers

SSMS: Where does SQL Server store its server names?

I have a number of "old" servers or server names with a typo in them that keep showing up in my dropdown list of server in the "Connect to Database" dialog of SQL Server Management Studio: Where are those names stored?? Is there any way to clean up…
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4 answers

Timeout saving table in SQL Server

I'm trying to add a column to a table with much data in SQL Server 2005, using SSMS. So I browse to the table, select Modify, and add the new column. Then, when I press Save, I get the following warning: Saving Definition Changes to tables with…
Tor Haugen
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3 answers

Can't see second azure sql database in SSMS object explorer

I have created a second database on my existing Azure SQL server. The first database works fine and I can see it using SSMS. I cannot see the second database in the object explorer. Autocomplete detects that it exists however. Any suggestions?
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8 answers

Activity monitor is unable to execute queries against server

Is there any fix to get SSMS activity monitor working? Problem: SQL Server Activity Monitor fails with an error dialog: TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio The Activity Monitor is unable to execute queries against server [SERVER].…
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10 answers

Can't remotely connect through SQL Server Management Studio

I have setup a SQL Server 2008 Express instance on a dedicated Windows 2008 Server hosted by I cannot connect remotely to the server through management studio. I have taken the following steps below and am beyond any further ideas. I have…
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5 answers

How do I restore a batch of transaction logs rather than one by one

I have a SQL Server database that backs up the transaction logs every 10 minutes, with an overnight full backup. Using SQL 2008 Management studio we seem to have to select each transaction log one by one. Is there any way to point it at a…
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6 answers

How can I have SQL Server Management Studio 2008 connect to my instances automatically?

I'm running a server with 3 database instances. Right now, when I open Management Studio, it opens the "Connect" prompt that lets me choose which instance I want (or connect to anything else). Would it be possible to have it so that, when I open it,…
Daniel Magliola
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4 answers

Sql Server Management Studio 2008 has suddenly become unresponsive

I'm getting a very strange error when I try to launch SSMS from my taskbar. It seems to open in normal speed, but responds to any input with just a beep. CPU usage is 0% in Task Manager, and there is no [not responding] message. It doesn't respond…
John Hoge
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3 answers

SQL Server Management Studio - "Restore from Device" dialog is slow

Whenever I try to restore a database in SQL Server the dialogs take an excessively long time to open. The worst offender seems to be the "Select backup devices" modal sub-dialog from the Restore Database dialog. It usually takes 20-30 seconds to…
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3 answers

Can't run SSMS as another user - requires elevated permissions

On Windows 10 and SSMS 2016, I can no longer start SSMS as another user. I need to be able to do this in order to use trusted authentication to connect to some of my databases. This used to work fine, but using Windows 7 and an older version of…
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1 answer

SQL Server Debugging: "Unable to Step. Invalid operation"

I'm debugging a call to a Stored Procedure in SSMS (2012). Frequently, and various random points in the code, a dialog pops up: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio: Unable to Step. Invalid Operation. Once I dismiss the dialog, it appears that…
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2 answers

Why is SQL Server 2005 hanging up when I try to delete a database?

I've got a Windows 2003 server with SQL Server 2005 and when I log into the Management Studio, right-click on a Database and choose "Delete" I get the Delete Object dialogue. I then click OK at the bottom and it grays out the dialogue and shows a…
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5 answers

How do you configure a MS SQL Server to prevent exposing all database names and logins to any authenticated user?

I'm new to MS SQL and asking this question as a web developer with limited sysadmin experience who desires his service providers to use best practices. We have one database on a remote MS SQL server provided by our hosting company. Other clients of…
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2 answers

SQL Server Management Studio Connect to Server List Editing

I'm using SQLServer Management Studio (2005) and I have a fairly lengthy list of servers in there, and I'd like to get rid of some of them that are no longer in use, without having to set them all up again. I know that the…
Paul Farry
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2 answers

Using SQL Server 2008 Management studio to connect to SQL Server 2005 databases

I have a shared hosted SQL Server 2005 at an ISP, that I can connect to from SQL Server 2005 Management Studio. However, I cannot connect from SQL Server 2008 Management Studio. I log on with SQL Server authentication (username+password). When I…
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