Questions tagged [godaddy]

Domain registrar and web hosting company based in Scottsdale, Arizona

441 questions
11 answers

Why should I use Amazon Route 53 over my registrar's DNS servers?

I am building a site that I anticipate will have high usage. Currently, my registrar (GoDaddy) is handling DNS. However, Amazon's Route 53 looks interesting. They promise high speed and offer globally distributed DNS servers and a programmable…
Abtin Forouzandeh
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2 answers

Configuring "@" CNAME record in GoDaddy control panel

I have that is hosted on an Azure VM instance called I need to configure DNS so that both and get mapped to the same host. I'm using GoDaddy as registrar. Currently GoDaddy offers me…
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9 answers

how to forward godaddy domain to ec2 load balancer

I have a domain with godaddy: I have an ec2 load balancer pointing to an ec2 instance. I would like to to point to my load balanced instance. I first added a www cname record for my elb DNS. Then I forwarded to…
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4 answers

How do I set an MX record in Route53 for a GoDaddy domain?

Can't seem to find an answer to this question on AWS' forum, not in the Route53 manual, nor on Stackoverflow/Serverfault in a way that makes sense...and GoDaddy's support sure as heck ain't got an answer: How do I set an MX record in Route53 for a…
3 answers

Setting up a git repo on my GoDaddy hosting plan

I have a project which is version-controlled using git. What I want to be able to do is set up a repo on my (ssh-enabled) GoDaddy shared hosting package so that I can deploy with a push rather than dragging and dropping in FTP. Any tips would be…
Tom Wright
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3 answers

DNS down in Anonymous attack

As I'm writing this our company website and the web-service we developed are down in the big GoDaddy outage resulting from an Anonymous attack (or so says Twitter). We used GoDaddy as our registrar and we use it for DNS for some domains. Tomorrow…
2 answers

Godaddy vs. Route53 for DNS

I have my website set up as an EC2 instance and my DNS is currently Godaddy. I'm considering switching to Amazon AWS Route53 for DNS. The one thing I noticed however is that Route53 charges monthly fees but I never get any bills from Godaddy.…
5 answers

GoDaddy SSL Certificate Issues With Safari

We just got a new SSL certificate from GoDaddy. And, while all browsers are fine with the certificate, Safari gives the following error: This certificate was signed by an unknown authority. We are using a chain file in the following config in…
Zed Said
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4 answers

How to setup PTR (Reverse DNS) at Godaddy DNS manager

My hosting provider already did PTR setup. Now i have to setup it at my DNS holder i guess. What am i supposed to do at my Godaddy account. thank you. my ip : and you can check my ptr record from…
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2 answers

IPTables: allow SSH access only, nothing else in or out

How do you configure IPTables so that it will only allow SSH in, and allow no other traffic in or out? Any safety precautions anyone can recommend? I have a server that I believe has been migrated away from GoDaddy successfully and I believe is no…
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1 answer

Starfield Wildcard SSL Certificate Not Trusted in All Browsers

I am at a loss as to what else I might try in order to debug this issue with a Starfield Wildcard SSL Certificate. The problem is that in certain browsers (Safari or the most-updated chrome you can get for OS X 10.5.8 for example) the certificate…
Austen Cameron
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2 answers

Dissecting a website attack through a compromised FTP account

My site has been hacked and at this point, I know some details, but I'm at a loss at exactly how it happened or how to prevent it in the future. I need your help in trying to dissect the attack so that I can prevent it from happening again. This is…
Dear Abby
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Discerning GoDaddy SSL Certificate Types

I'm following these instructions for installing a GoDaddy Certificate in Apache Tomcat: However, in the steps a root…
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7 answers

Website hacked again

Final Update: Things have been peaceful for the past few weeks and taught me much more about website security and risks. Here's my version of story - I was using an older version of wordpress and probably this person caught me from google. I think…
Arpit Tambi
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1 answer

Openssl error 19: “Self signed certificate in certificate chain” when keyed by GoDaddy

Can someone help me understand how to verify that my SSL cert is installed properly (or troubleshoot why it isn't)? I installed GoDaddy SSL certificate on my Apache server. Some users are still reporting issues (Some versions of IE say "This page…
Ben Allfree
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