Questions tagged [lsass]

22 questions
3 answers

Protect against password cracking in Windows

I know that exists tools for get the passwords in plain text from memory in Windows (read memory and decrypt password from LSASS process). This behavior still exists in The Windows Server 2019 ? Is there any way of avoiding that a local admin user…
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Server 2012 stuck in a reboot loop - lsass.exe failed

My Server 2012 server boots up fine and the login screen is visible (from a local console). Password entry works but attempting to submit the password - either by clicking the arrow or pressing the Enter key - is futile. Nothing happens. After about…
2 answers

Lsass.exe high CPU usage and causing request queuing on webserver

I have a webserver with Windows 2012 R2, running only one website, on ASP.NET 4.5.1, IIS 8.5. It does not have, and has never had, the AD role installed. Last Sunday, the process lsass.exe, suddenly started using 20-40% CPU. We did not change…
Oskar Melen
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0 answers

Lsass authenticates to ADFS on windows login

I am researching a domain user lockdown problem that involves an ADFS. What happens is that anytime a domain user logins into a windows 10 machine, lsass connects to ADFS to authenticate the user credentials, which in turn tires to authenticate with…
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1 answer

Guest account disabled but Guest listed at Task Manager

Because of high CPU usage by the lsass.exe process I googled then discovered the guest account is enabled. I disabled it yesterday & rebooted, as the result CPU usage became normal. Today I checked the things again and found Guest is disabled, at…
Nime Cloud
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2 answers

LSASS - Directory Services could not start - 0xc000006a

LSASS - Directory Services could not start - 0xc000006a This is the error message I am getting after restoring an old registry backup. I read somewhere that this has to do with the backup being more than 180 days old, but how would I go about…
Lucas Weir
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1 answer

LSASS.exe trying to communicate over port 80

We are running a standalone web server (Windows 2008 + IIS 7), and our antivirus is blocking LSASS.exe (C:\Windows\system32\lsass.exe) from making outbound connections over port 80. Why is LSASS doing this? (Should I be worried?)
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0 answers

Lsass.exe high CPU usage on Windows Server 2012 R2 for HTTPS request

Recently we faced CPY spikes on our production servers & our web applications runs on Windows Server 2016 as well 2012 server. It looks as follows: IIS with 10 applications running with SSL: MVC website (.Net Framework 4.7.2) & Webservices MS SQL…
0 answers

Lsass.exe high CPU usage on Windows Server 2016

My website runs on Windows Server 2016. It looks as follows: IIS with 3 applications running with SSL: MVC website (.Net Framework 4.7). Two .Net Core 3.1 Api's. MS SQL Express 2019. If the traffic increases, the CPU for lsass.exe (yellow)…
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0 answers

can SECEDIT.exe be used to only add 1 group to 1 security policy? example?

I am assuming based on my research for using SECEDIT.exe -- that a template would be added to the exisitng security .SDB file. That this template would be very tiny... only naming the security policy and and group name -- I can not find documention…
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0 answers

Determine the root cause of Windows update rendering PCs unbootable

Dozens of Windows 8.1 PCs across my environment show Fatal Error: C0000022 and cannot boot any further after installing either KB4541505 or KB4541509. Automatic Repair fails; they cannot be restored with System Restore; DISM cannot roll back the…
A J Wilson
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0 answers

Problems with the DSA-Signature attribute in windows server 2016

I have problems with the DSA-Signature attribute being updated in the schema naming context (NC schema) when backing up the system state of a domain controller. Windows clients running ADSI applications and scripts query these reference attributes…
1 answer

Lost in the upload bandwidth in Windows Server 2016

I have problems with the performance of my network connector, the upload speed exceeds the bandwidth. I look at the resource monitor and I realize that the Lsass.exe process with PID 844 is the cause of the exessive network activity. I tried to…
1 answer

lsass.exe has different version on different Windows 7 x64 machines

On most of machines lsass.exe has version 6.1.7601.23002 On several machines lsass.exe has version 6.1.7601.18798 I suspect that this is a cause of errors "Unknown SID type S-1-18-1" after our…
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High CPU Usage by LSASS.exe when installing Exchange Server 2013

We have a Windows 2008 R2 DC and we are installing Exchange Server 2013 (New installation) on a Windows 2012 R2 Server. During the installation I noticed it is getting stuck after completing 18% or 19% during the ADPreare step. Following are my…