The idea of groups exists across all major operating systems. Groups are objects that contain other objects, usually users. This allows for simplification of access control assignments when many people need access to the same resources.
Questions tagged [groups]
460 questions
8 answers
Show all users and their groups/vice versa
I know I have existing groups and users but I'm not sure about their association. Is there an shell command I can use to list all users or all groups and a command to list all groups/users for a specified user/group?
So something like showusers…

Steve Robbins
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4 answers
How do I add a group in Mac OS X 10.6?
Surprisingly, it's been tough for me to find the command(s) to do this. Does anyone know how to add a group? Thanks!
Or do something like this:
# create the MySQL group
dscl . create /Groups/mysql
# give it some group id
dscl . create…

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5 answers
Is a reboot required to refresh permissions after adding a user to a new group?
On ubuntu server, I've noticed more than once now that after adding a user to a group that user doesn't have group permissions until I reboot the system. For example:
User 'hudson' needs permission to read directory 'root:shadow /etc/shadow'
So I…

Michael Prescott
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5 answers
How do you force an update to a user's group membership in Windows 7?
I am writing a web application that uses .NET Windows Authentication and relies on a user's group membership to Authorize them to various areas of the website. Right now I'm on a dev machine that IS NOT part of a domain and is not using AD, instead…

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4 answers
How to authenticate users in nested groups in Apache LDAP?
I've working LDAP authentication with the following setup
AuthName "whatever"
AuthType Basic
AuthBasicProvider ldap
AuthLDAPUrl …

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4 answers
Domain Admins vs. Administrators in Windows AD DC
Having read in the Microsoft Docs article Default groups the description of these two groups:
Domain Admins
Members of this group have full control of the domain. By default, this
group is a member of the Administrators group on all domain…

Gennady Vanin Геннадий Ванин
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3 answers
Is there a way to refresh computer group membership without rebooting?
I am using Windows Server 2008 R2 and have a windows service running under "network service" account in computer ComputerA. This windows service want to access a share folde (on another computer ComputerB) which grant read permission to a group…

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6 answers
Default groups assigned to the first user in Ubuntu Server 8.04?
I just made a silly mistake on my Ubuntu Server box: I added myself to a group using usermod -G, after which I discovered the -a option...
The result is that I am now out of the admin group, and lost my sudo rights. I can sort that out, but I want…

Wayne Koorts
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3 answers
What User Should NGinx and PHP be running as?
Permissions are something that have confused for me a while with Linux. So at the minute both my NGinx and PHP-FPM instances are running with the user and group :
Is this standard? I run into trouble when I come across file…

The Pixel Developer
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2 answers
What is the canonical use for the "sys" and "adm" groups?
Since the beginning of time (or as long as I remember anyway) linux systems have had a "sys" and an "adm" group. What is the canonical use for them? Would it be appropriate to use either for a "super user" group? (Group permissions on directories,…

Ask Bjørn Hansen
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4 answers
Where should I place group shared files on a Linux system?
I'm migrating a lot of small custom scripts and data from a Linux system to another.
On the old system we had a shared user that owned most of the files and they where located in that users /home, but on the new one we would rather login with our…

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4 answers
Managing access to multiple linux system
A searched for answers but have found nothing on here...
Long story short: a non-profit organization is in dire need of modernizing its infrastructure. First thing is to find an alternatives to managing user accounts on a number of Linux hosts.

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4 answers
Can't access windows share when in security group assigned to share
I'm a bit stumpped on this one.
I created a security group in AD called "special data users" and add myself to it.
I then created a share on a server and give that AD security group full access to the share.
If i try to access the share I cannot and…

Alan Barber
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2 answers
How to let non-admins manage selected domain groups' membership?
I'm on Windows Server 2012, Active Directory is on and working. All the project we manage have 2 dedicated groups, one for managers with access to all related files (including invoices, timetables and whatever they need to manage the project, or at…

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5 answers
List All Groups and Their Members with PowerShell on Win2008r2
I am new to powershell, but I've been reading manuals and practiced a little bit.
My objective is to List all users in all Security Groups under specified path.
I have found the way to do it:
get-adgroup -Filter * -SearchBase…

Alec T
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