Questions tagged [openldap]

OpenLDAP Software is a free, open source implementation of the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) developed by the OpenLDAP Project. LDAP is a platform-independent protocol for querying and modifying data using directory services running over TCP/IP.

OpenLDAP Software is a free, open source implementation of the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) developed by the OpenLDAP Project. LDAP is a platform-independent protocol for querying and modifying data using directory services running over TCP/IP.

It is released under its own BSD-style license called the OpenLDAP Public License. The OpenLDAP Project was started in 1998 by Kurt Zeilenga which was initially based on a clone of the LDAP reference implementation from the University of Michigan.

1400 questions
4 answers

How do I authenticate with LDAP via the command line?

The LDAP server is hosted on Solaris. The client is CentOS. OpenLDAP/NSLCD/SSH authentication via LDAP work fine, but I am not able to use the ldapsearch commands to debug LDAP issues. [root@tst-01 ~]# ldapsearch SASL/EXTERNAL authentication…
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12 answers

You're an open source shop.. how do you do shared calendaring?

I run an open source collaboration suite, I'm happy with it, my userbase are happy with it too... all except for calendaring. It's a serious sore point, and I'm scrambling to find a solution. I've got Courier+Postfix+Maildrop for email, and…
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2 answers

How do I configure LDAP on Centos 6 for user authentication in the most secure and correct way?

During the last couple of days I have been using a lot of F-words, while browsing Internet for good documentation about how to setup an LDAP-server. So far I have found none, but plenty that are less than good, but better than bad. So I had to do it…
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How do I configure Reverse Group Membership Maintenance on an openldap server? (memberOf)

I am currently working on integrating LDAP authentication into a system and I would like to restrict access based on LDAP group. The only way to do this is via a search filter and therefore I believe my only option to be the use of the "memberOf"…
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2 answers

How to migrate LDAP (database,schema,configuration) to other machine

I'm using openldap 2.4.40, and i need to migrate my existing ldap database, configuration, and schema (basically everything ldap server related) to a new machine. the problem is, I use cn=config configuration not the old slapd.conf file anymore. The…
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1 answer

LDAP Structure: dc=example,dc=com vs o=Example

I am relatively new to LDAP, and have seen two types of examples of how to set up your structure. One method is to have the base being: dc=example,dc=com while other examples have the base being o=Example. Continuing along, you can have a group…
Peter Sankauskas
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6 answers

Web interface for LDAP management

We are going to implement LDAP for centralized authentication in our organization. Which is the best simple LDAP management tool available ?
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2 answers

LDAP: backup with slapcat vs ldapsearch

Used: openldap-servers-2.4.23-34.el6_5.1.x86_64 Task: create script for crontab to create scheduled database full backup. 1) slapcat - create file in in the default format, Berkeley DB. 2) slapcat can be done while slapd running (if bdb/hdb database…
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5 answers

Setting up RADIUS + LDAP for WPA2 on Ubuntu

I'm setting up a wireless network for ~150 users. In short, I'm looking for a guide to set RADIUS server to authenticate WPA2 against a LDAP. On Ubuntu. I got a working LDAP, but as it is not in production use, it can very easily be adapted to…
Morten Siebuhr
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2 answers

Configure OpenLDAP with TLS=required

Nowadays, OpenLDAP needs to be configured with ldapmodify cn=config, as describe here. But nowhere I can find how you configure it to only accept TLS traffic. I just confirmed that our server accepts unencrypted traffic (with ldapsearch and…
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6 answers

Active Directory vs OpenLDAP

This is for a small company (12 developers) who haven't implemented any centralized user database - they've grown organically and just created accounts on computers as they needed. From a management point of view, its a nightmare - 10 computers all…
Cory Plastek
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2 answers

Basic openldap setup using slapd.d configuration

I'm trying to set up a test openldap server, having not worked with openldap before. I'm using the standard openldap-servers package on a redhat based machine (using Oracle Linux). I've installed the packages, and started the server. I now have no…
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4 answers

Why does this ldapadd command quit with an "Invalid syntax" error?

I'm very new to openldap but extremely well versed in the linux/unix environment. I'm trying to setup my very first test openldap environment using the guide here. I've also read most of the admin guide here and I have to admit, it is a lot to…
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4 answers

Calculate Days Since 1/1/1970

How can you calculate the number of days since 1/1/1970? This is for updating the shadowLastChange attribute on OpenLDAP. Is there a way to do this using the linux date command?
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2 answers

"no global superior knowledge" while adding a country

I must add an organizationalunit like this into a freshly installed OpenLDAP (on Ubuntu 12.04) : dn: ou=MYREGION, ou=MYAPP, ou=GROUPS, o=myorganization, c=fr ou: MYREGION objectClass: top objectClass: organizationalunit So as it's a new LDAP, I…
Anthony O.
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